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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Electrification of public transport in cities


The overall aim of ELIPTIC is to develop new use concepts and business cases to optimise existing electric infrastructure and rolling stock, saving both money and energy. ELIPTIC will advocate electric public transport sector at the political level and help develop political support for the electrification of public transport across Europe. ELIPTIC looks at three thematic pillars:

• Safe integration of ebuses into existing electric PT infrastructure through (re)charging ebuses “en route”, upgrading trolleybus networks with battery buses or trolleyhybrids and automatic wiring/de-wiring technology

• upgrading and/or regenerating electric public transport systems (flywheel, reversible substations)

• Multi-purpose use of electric public transport infrastructure: safe (re)charging of non-public transport vehicles (pedelecs, electric cars/ taxis, utility trucks)

With a strong focus on end users, ELIPTIC will analyse 23 use cases within the three thematic pillars. The project will support uptake and exploitation of results by developing guidelines and tools for implementation schemes for upgrading and/or regenerating electric public transport systems. Option generator and decision-making support tools, strategies and policy recommendations will be created to foster Europe-wide take up and rollout of various development schemes. Partners and other cities will benefit from ELIPTIC's stakeholder and user forum approach.

ELIPTIC addresses the challenge of “transforming the use of conventionally fuelled vehicles in urban areas” by focusing on increasing the capacity of electric public transport, reducing the need for individual travel in urban areas and by expanding electric intermodal options (e.g. linking e-cars charging to tram infrastructure) for long-distance commuters. The project will strengthen the role of electric public transport, leading to both a significant reduction in fossil fuel consumption and to an improvement in air quality through reduced local emissions.

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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 522 406,25
28195 Bremen

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Bremen Bremen Bremen, Kreisfreie Stadt
Tipo de actividad
Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 522 406,25

Participantes (32)