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I-MOVE+ Integrated Monitoring of Vaccines Effects in Europe: a platform to measure and compare effectiveness and impact of influenza and pneumococcal vaccines and vaccination strategies in the elderly

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Risultati finali

Second Study sites protocols and clearance from Ethical Committee to measure influenza vaccine effectiveness.

This will include additional information obtained through deliverables D4.1. The study sites will adapt the generic influenza protocol by describing the study design(s), the outcomes, the settings (GP, hospital based), the types of vaccines, the plan of analysis, the variables that will be included in the analysis and how these are obtained, how previous vaccinations are accounted for etc. The plan of analysis will describe how to measure vaccine effectiveness (direct effect) in the elderly population, including adjustment for confounders by covariates or (if possible) imputations.

First season Study sites protocols and clearance from Ethical Committee to measure influenza vaccine effectiveness.

Each season, the study sites will adapt the generic protocol by describing the setting in each of the seasons (e.g. vaccines used, start of vaccination campaign, change in the number of GPs participating in the surveillance network, etc).

Third Study sites protocols and clearance from Ethical Committee to measure influenza vaccine effectiveness.

This will include additional information obtained through deliverables D4.1. The study sites will adapt the generic influenza protocol by describing the study design(s), the outcomes, the settings (GP, hospital based), the types of vaccines, the plan of analysis, the variables that will be included in the analysis and how these are obtained, how previous vaccinations are accounted for etc. The plan of analysis will describe how to measure vaccine effectiveness (direct effect) in the elderly population, including adjustment for confounders by covariates or (if possible) imputations.

Second Scientific communication: one article submitted or results from I-MOVE+ influenza vaccines presented in an International Scientific Conference.

At least one scientific article presenting the results of the influenza VE and impact I-MOVE+ studies will be submitted at the end of the season to an open source journal. An abstract will be submitted to the ESCAIDE conference or to any other relevant conference. (Month 18, Month 30, Month 40)

One manuscript submitted for publication and/or abstracts for at least one conference.

Studies results will be prepared for publication/presentations. At least one manuscript and at least one abstract will be prepared and submitted to relevant journals and conferences.

Generic protocol to measure impact of the seasonal influenza vaccine

The generic protocol will include the different settings and the populations to be compared to assess the different impact effects.

Second End of season, pooled influenza vaccine effectiveness estimates report.

The final pooled VE report will include the results of the multicentre case control studies (primary care and hospital studies) and a summary of the studies conducted within WP4 using electronic databases. The report will include the results of the research questions addressed (effect of previous vaccinations, duration of protection).

Submission of article summarising the I-MOVE+ experience in evaluating the influenza vaccines, results and perspective for the future.

At the end of the three year project, a summary article will be written summarising all the lessons learnt, the results of the research questions addressed (effect of previous vaccinations, duration of protection).

First Report I-Move+ ST/Scientific Meetings

Report I-MOVE+ ST/Scientific Meetings

Third Scientific communication: one article submitted or results from I-MOVE+ influenza vaccines presented in an International Scientific Conference.

At least one scientific article presenting the results of the influenza VE and impact I-MOVE+ studies will be submitted at the end of the season to an open source journal. An abstract will be submitted to the ESCAIDE conference or to any other relevant conference.

Generic protocols to measure influenza vaccine effectiveness at primary care and hospital level, using a test-negative design and screening method.

The generic protocols will include a description of the study design, the setting(s), the plan of analysis for study site estimates and for pooled estimates, the minimum set of variables to be collected, the sample size. They will specify the parts that each study site will have to document when writing the study site protocol. The generic protocols will detail the methods used and the plan of analysis to answer to specific research questions such as the effect of previous vaccinations and the duration of protection).

First Scientific communication: one article submitted or results from I-MOVE+ influenza vaccines presented in an International Scientific Conference.

At least one scientific article presenting the results of the influenza VE and impact I-MOVE+ studies will be submitted at the end of the season to an open source journal. An abstract will be submitted to the ESCAIDE conference or to any other relevant conference.

Report on influenza vaccine effectiveness and role of influenza on IPD and/or CAP incidence

A report presenting the joint analyses on influenza vaccine effectiveness and role of influenza on IPD and/or CAP incidence will be provided.

Third Study sites protocols to measure influenza vaccine impact in season.

The study site protocols will be based on the generic impact protocol and include the specificity of each study site conducting impact studies.

Third Report I-MOVE+ ST/Scientific Meetings

Report I-MOVE+ ST/Scientific Meetings

First season Study sites protocols to measure influenza vaccine impact in season.

The study site protocols will be based on the generic impact protocol and include the specificity of each study site conducting impact studies.

Third. Study sites protocols and clearance from Ethical Committee to measure influenza vaccine effectiveness.

Each season, the study sites will adapt the generic protocol by describing the setting in each of the seasons (e.g. vaccines used, start of vaccination campaign, change in the number of GPs participating in the surveillance network, etc).

Scientific Manuscript WP5

Depending on the results in task 5.1 and 5.2 the findings will be presented in one or two peer-reviewed publications.

First End of season, pooled influenza vaccine effectiveness estimates report.

The final pooled VE report will include the results of the multicentre case control studies (primary care and hospital studies) and a summary of the studies conducted within WP4 using electronic databases. The report will include the results of the research questions addressed (effect of previous vaccinations, duration of protection).

Written report including a generic cost-effectiveness model

Written report including a generic cost-effectiveness model which can be used among the participating countries; Depending on the results in task 5.1 and 5.2 the findings will be presented in one or two peer-reviewed publications, Month 24. As the deliverables of this work package are heavily dependent on the availability of data we want to state that we will try to include as many countries participating in WP2,3 and 4 as possible. Scotland, the Netherlands, Germany and Finland will contribute.

Third End of season, pooled influenza vaccine effectiveness estimates report.

The final pooled VE report will include the results of the multicentre case control studies (primary care and hospital studies) and a summary of the studies conducted within WP4 using electronic databases. The report will include the results of the research questions addressed (effect of previous vaccinations, duration of protection).

Second Report I-MOVE+ ST/Scientific Meetings

Report I-MOVE+ ST/Scientific Meetings

Generic protocols for effectiveness and impact studies of pneumococcal vaccines

The generic protocols will include a description of study designs, the setting(s), the plan of analysis for study site estimates and for pooled estimates, the minimum set of variables to be collected, sample size. They will specify the parts that each study site will have to document when writing the study site protocol. Generic protocols will detail the methods used and the plan of analysis to answer to specific research questions such as the duration of protection, magnitude of replacement etc.

First Study sites protocols and clearance from Ethical Committee to measure influenza vaccine effectiveness.

This will include additional information obtained through deliverables D4.1. The study sites will adapt the generic influenza protocol by describing the study design(s), the outcomes, the settings (GP, hospital based), the types of vaccines, the plan of analysis, the variables that will be included in the analysis and how these are obtained, how previous vaccinations are accounted for etc. The plan of analysis will describe how to measure vaccine effectiveness (direct effect) in the elderly population, including adjustment for confounders by covariates or (if possible) imputations.

Scientific manuscript WP4

Scientific manuscript that presents 1) the results from the comparison of influenza VE estimates using different methods on the same database 2) Effect of previous influenza vaccinations on current influenza VE.

Training material available.

A set of training material will be available on the website addressing methodological issues of studies measuring the effects of the influenza vaccine and data analysis. The training material will include presentations, case studies and programmes for data analysis.

Report with description of influenza and pneumococcal outcomes in each database.

The report includes A) Descriptions of influenza outcomes in each database, including detailed information on methods used for detection and subtyping in each county. Description of information on vaccines (product name, repeated vaccination eg) and level of information on risk factors and confounders. B) The comparability of the databases is explored in order to identify a common level of detail of information in the databases, which allows register-based studies across countries.

Second Study sites protocols to measure influenza vaccine impact in season.

The study site protocols will be based on the generic impact protocol and include the specificity of each study site conducting impact studies.

Scientific communication

Summarise lessons learned as regards the use of electronic databases.

Second. Study sites protocols and clearance from Ethical Committee to measure influenza vaccine effectiveness.

Each season the study sites will adapt the generic protocol by describing the setting in each of the seasons eg vaccines used start of vaccination campaign change in the number of GPs participating in the surveillance network etc

I-MOVE+ website with different access level and tools for internal collaboration, communication

An I-MOVE+ website will be available with three levels of access: restricted to study sites conducting studies and ECDC, restricted to I-MOVE+ partners, and open to public. Study sites will exchange results using the restricted website area. In this restricted area, sites will update on a regular basis the number of individuals recruited in the studies. Preliminary results will be shared among relevant study sites during periodic videoconferences. The website will include a library of documents (protocols, articles, training material, videoconference minutes etc).


Estimation of seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness using data collected in primary care in France: comparison of the test-negative design and the screening method

Autori: A.M. Vilcu, C. Souty, V. Enouf, L. Capai, C. Turbelin, S. Masse, S. Behillil, M. Valette, C. Guerrisi, L. Rossignol, T. Blanchon, B. Lina, T. Hanslik, A. Falchi
Pubblicato in: Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 2017, ISSN 1198-743X
Editore: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cmi.2017.09.003

2015/16 seasonal vaccine effectiveness against hospitalisation with influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 and B among elderly people in Europe: results from the I-MOVE+ project

Autori: Marc Rondy, Amparo Larrauri, Itziar Casado, Valeria Alfonsi, Daniela Pitigoi, Odile Launay, Ritva K Syrjänen, Giedre Gefenaite, Ausenda Machado, Vesna Višekruna Vučina, Judith Krisztina Horváth, Iwona Paradowska-Stankiewicz, Sierk D Marbus, Alin Gherasim, Jorge Alberto Díaz-González, Caterina Rizzo, Alina E Ivanciuc, Florence Galtier, Niina Ikonen, Aukse Mickiene, Veronica Gomez, Sanja Kure
Pubblicato in: Eurosurveillance, Numero 22/30, 2017, ISSN 1025-496X
Editore: Centre Europeen pour la Surveillance Epidemiologique du SIDA
DOI: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2017.22.30.30580

Cost-effectiveness analysis of quadrivalent seasonal influenza vaccines in England

Autori: Dominic Thorrington, Edwin van Leeuwen, Mary Ramsay, Richard Pebody, Marc Baguelin
Pubblicato in: BMC Medicine, Numero 15/1, 2017, ISSN 1741-7015
Editore: BioMed Central
DOI: 10.1186/s12916-017-0932-3

Effect of previous and current vaccination against influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, A(H3N2), and B during the post-pandemic period 2010-2016 in Spain

Autori: Alin Gherasim, Iván Martínez-Baz, Jesús Castilla, Francisco Pozo, Amparo Larrauri
Pubblicato in: PLOS ONE, Numero 12/6, 2017, Pagina/e e0179160, ISSN 1932-6203
Editore: Public Library of Science
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0179160

Early estimates of 2016/17 seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness in primary care in France

Autori: Cécile Souty, Ana-Maria Vilcu, Lisandru Capai, Sylvie van der Werf, Martine Valette, Thierry Blanchon, Bruno Lina, Sylvie Behillil, Thomas Hanslik, Alessandra Falchi
Pubblicato in: Journal of Clinical Virology, Numero 95, 2017, Pagina/e 1-4, ISSN 1386-6532
Editore: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcv.2017.08.002

Repeated seasonal influenza vaccination among elderly in Europe: Effects on laboratory confirmed hospitalised influenza

Autori: Marc Rondy, Odile Launay, Jesus Castilla, Simona Costanzo, Joan Puig-Barberà, Giedre Gefenaite, Amparo Larrauri, Caterina Rizzo, Daniela Pitigoi, Ritva K. Syrjänen, Ausenda Machado, Sanja Kurečić Filipović, Judit Krisztina Horváth, Iwona Paradowska-Stankiewicz, Sierk Marbus, Alain Moren
Pubblicato in: Vaccine, Numero 35/34, 2017, Pagina/e 4298-4306, ISSN 0264-410X
Editore: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2017.06.088

2015/16 I-MOVE/I-MOVE+ multicentre case control study in Europe: moderate vaccine effectiveness estimates against influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 and low estimates against lineage mismatched influenza B among children

Autori: Esther Kissling, Marta Valenciano, Francisco Pozo, Ana-Maria Vilcu, Annicka Reuss, Caterina Rizzo, Amparo Larrauri, Judit Krisztina Horváth, Mia Brytting, Lisa Domegan, Monika Korczyńska, Adam Meijer, Ausenda Machado, Alina Ivanciuc, Vesna Višekruna Vučina, Sylvie van der Werf, Brunhilde Schweiger, Antonino Bella, Alin Gherasim, Annamária Ferenczi, Katherina Zakikhany, Joan O′Donnell, Iwona
Pubblicato in: Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses, 2017, ISSN 1750-2640
Editore: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/irv.12520

Interim 2017/18 influenza seasonal vaccine effectiveness: combined results from five European studies

Autori: Marc Rondy, Esther Kissling, Hanne-Dorthe Emborg, Alin Gherasim, Richard Pebody, Ramona Trebbien, Francisco Pozo, Amparo Larrauri, Jim McMenamin, Marta Valenciano
Pubblicato in: Eurosurveillance, Numero 23/9, 2018, ISSN 1560-7917
Editore: Eurosurveillance
DOI: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2018.23.9.18-00086

Low 2016/17 season vaccine effectiveness against hospitalised influenza A(H3N2) among elderly: awareness warranted for 2017/18 season

Autori: Marc Rondy, Alin Gherasim, Itziar Casado, Odile Launay, Caterina Rizzo, Daniela Pitigoi, Aukse Mickiene, Sierk D Marbus, Ausenda Machado, Ritva K Syrjänen, Iva Pem-Novose, Judith Krisztina Horváth, Amparo Larrauri, Jesús Castilla, Philippe Vanhems, Valeria Alfonsi, Alina E Ivanciuc, Monika Kuliese, Rianne van Gageldonk-Lafeber, Veronica Gomez, Niina Ikonen, Zvjezdana Lovric, Annamária Ferenczi
Pubblicato in: Eurosurveillance, Numero 22/41, 2017, ISSN 1560-7917
Editore: Eurosurveillance
DOI: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2017.22.41.17-00645

Exploring the effect of previous inactivated influenza vaccination on seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness against medically attended influenza: Results of the European I-MOVE multicentre test-negative case-control study, 2011/2012-2016/2017

Autori: Marta Valenciano, Esther Kissling, Amparo Larrauri, Baltazar Nunes, Daniela Pitigoi, Joan O'Donnell, Annicka Reuss, Judit Krisztina Horváth, Iwona Paradowska-Stankiewicz, Caterina Rizzo, Alessandra Falchi, Isabelle Daviaud, Mia Brytting, Adam Meijer, Bernard Kaic, Alin Gherasim, Ausenda Machado, Alina Ivanciuc, Lisa Domegan, Brunhilde Schweiger, Annamária Ferenczi, Monika Korczyńska, Antonino B
Pubblicato in: Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses, Numero 12/5, 2018, Pagina/e 567-581, ISSN 1750-2640
Editore: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/irv.12562

Impact and cost-effectiveness of different vaccination strategies to reduce the burden of pneumococcal disease among elderly in the Netherlands

Autori: Dominic Thorrington, Leo van Rossum, Mirjam Knol, Hester de Melker, Hans Rümke, Eelko Hak, Albert Jan van Hoek
Pubblicato in: PLOS ONE, Numero 13/2, 2018, Pagina/e e0192640, ISSN 1932-6203
Editore: Public Library of Science
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0192640

Population-level impact of infant 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccination on adult pneumonia hospitalisations in Finland

Autori: Omar Okasha, Hanna Rinta-Kokko, Arto A Palmu, Esa Ruokokoski, Jukka Jokinen, J Pekka Nuorti
Pubblicato in: Thorax, Numero 73/3, 2018, Pagina/e 262-269, ISSN 0040-6376
Editore: BMJ Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2017-210440

Effect of childhood pneumococcal conjugate vaccination on invasive disease in older adults of 10 European countries: implications for adult vaccination

Autori: Germaine Hanquet, Pavla Krizova, Palle Valentiner-Branth, Shamez N Ladhani, J Pekka Nuorti, Agnes Lepoutre, Jolita Mereckiene, Mirjam Knol, Brita A Winje, Pilar Ciruela, Maria Ordobas, Marcela Guevara, Eisin McDonald, Eva Morfeldt, Jana Kozakova, Hans-Christian Slotved, Norman K Fry, Hanna Rinta-Kokko, Emmanuelle Varon, Mary Corcoran, Arie van der Ende, Didrik F Vestrheim, Carmen Munoz-Almagro, Pe
Pubblicato in: Thorax, 2018, Pagina/e thoraxjnl-2018-211767, ISSN 0040-6376
Editore: BMJ Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2018-211767

Repeated influenza vaccination for preventing severe and fatal influenza infection in older adults: a multicentre case–control study

Autori: Itziar Casado, Ángela Domínguez, Diana Toledo, Judith Chamorro, Jenaro Astray, Mikel Egurrola, María Amelia Fernández-Sierra, Vicente Martín, María Morales-Suárez-Varela, Pere Godoy, Jesús Castilla
Pubblicato in: Canadian Medical Association Journal, Numero 190/1, 2018, Pagina/e E3-E12, ISSN 0820-3946
Editore: Canadian Medical Association/Association Medical Canadienne
DOI: 10.1503/cmaj.170910

Interim effectiveness of trivalent influenza vaccine in a season dominated by lineage mismatched influenza B, northern Spain, 2017/18

Autori: Jesús Castilla, Ana Navascués, Itziar Casado, Alejandra Pérez-García, Aitziber Aguinaga, Guillermo Ezpeleta, Francisco Pozo, Carmen Ezpeleta, Iván Martínez-Baz
Pubblicato in: Eurosurveillance, Numero 23/7, 2018, ISSN 1560-7917
Editore: Eurosurveillance
DOI: 10.2807/

Uptake and impact of vaccinating primary school-age children against influenza: experiences of a live attenuated influenza vaccine programme, England, 2015/16

Autori: Richard G Pebody, Mary A Sinnathamby, Fiona Warburton, Nick Andrews, Nicola L Boddington, Hongxin Zhao, Ivelina Yonova, Joanna Ellis, Elise Tessier, Matthew Donati, Alex J Elliot, Helen E Hughes, Sameera Pathirannehelage, Rachel Byford, Gillian E Smith, Simon de Lusignan, Maria Zambon
Pubblicato in: Eurosurveillance, Numero 23/25, 2018, ISSN 1560-7917
Editore: Eurosurveillance
DOI: 10.2807/

Detection of Respiratory Viruses in Deceased Persons, Spain, 2017

Autori: Ana Navascués, Itziar Casado, Alejandra Pérez-García, Aitziber Aguinaga, Iván Martínez-Baz, Yugo Floristán, Carmen Ezpeleta, Jesús Castilla
Pubblicato in: Emerging Infectious Diseases, Numero 24/7, 2018, Pagina/e 1331-1334, ISSN 1080-6040
Editore: US National Center for Infectious Diseases
DOI: 10.3201/eid2407.180162

Case of seasonal reassortant A(H1N2) influenza virus infection, the Netherlands, March 2018

Autori: Adam Meijer, Corien M Swaan, Martin Voerknecht, Edin Jusic, Sharon van den Brink, Lisa A Wijsman, Bettie CG Voordouw, Gé A Donker, Jacqueline Sleven, Wendelien W Dorigo-Zetsma, Sanela Svraka, Michiel van Boven, Manon R Haverkate, Aura Timen, Jaap T van Dissel, Marion PG Koopmans, Theo M Bestebroer, Ron AM Fouchier
Pubblicato in: Eurosurveillance, Numero 23/15, 2018, ISSN 1560-7917
Editore: Eurosurveillance
DOI: 10.2807/

Indirect effect of 7-valent and 13-valent pneumococcal conjugated vaccines on pneumococcal pneumonia hospitalizations in elderly

Autori: Irina Kislaya, Ana Paula Rodrigues, Mafalda Sousa-Uva, Verónica Gómez, Paulo Gonçalves, Filipe Froes, Baltazar Nunes
Pubblicato in: PLOS ONE, Numero 14/1, 2019, Pagina/e e0209428, ISSN 1932-6203
Editore: Public Library of Science
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0209428

Early 2016/17 vaccine effectiveness estimates against influenza A(H3N2): I-MOVE multicentre case control studies at primary care and hospital levels in Europe

Autori: Esther Kissling, Marc Rondy
Pubblicato in: Eurosurveillance, Numero 22/7, 2017, ISSN 1025-496X
Editore: Centre Europeen pour la Surveillance Epidemiologique du SIDA
DOI: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2017.22.7.30464

Mid-season real-time estimates of seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness in persons 65 years and older in register-based surveillance, Stockholm County, Sweden, and Finland, January 2017

Autori: Maria-Pia Hergens, Ulrike Baum, Mia Brytting, Niina Ikonen, Anu Haveri, Åsa Wiman, Hanna Nohynek, Åke Örtqvist
Pubblicato in: Eurosurveillance, Numero 22/8, 2017, ISSN 1025-496X
Editore: Centre Europeen pour la Surveillance Epidemiologique du SIDA
DOI: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2017.22.8.30469

Combined effectiveness of prior and current season influenza vaccination in northern Spain: 2016/17 mid-season analysis

Autori: Jesús Castilla, Ana Navascués, Itziar Casado, Jorge Díaz-González, Alejandra Pérez-García, Leticia Fernandino, Iván Martínez-Baz, Aitziber Aguinaga, Francisco Pozo, Carmen Ezpeleta
Pubblicato in: Eurosurveillance, Numero 22/7, 2017, ISSN 1025-496X
Editore: Centre Europeen pour la Surveillance Epidemiologique du SIDA
DOI: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2017.22.7.30465

Effect of Repeated Vaccination With the Same Vaccine Component Against 2009 Pandemic Influenza A(H1N1) Virus

Autori: Iván Martínez-Baz, Itziar Casado, Ana Navascués, Jorge Díaz-González, Aitziber Aguinaga, Laura Barrado, Josu Delfrade, Carmen Ezpeleta, Jesús Castilla
Pubblicato in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2017, ISSN 0022-1899
Editore: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jix055

Influenza vaccine effectiveness in adults 65 years and older, Denmark, 2015/16 – a rapid epidemiological and virological assessment

Autori: Hanne Dorthe Emborg, Tyra Grove Krause, Lene Nielsen, Marianne Kragh Thomsen, Claus Bohn Christiansen, Marianne Nielsine Skov, Xiaohui Chen Nielsen, Lenette Sandborg Weinreich, Thea Kølsen Fischer, Jesper Rønn, Ramona Trebbien
Pubblicato in: Eurosurveillance, Numero 21/14, 2016, ISSN 1025-496X
Editore: Centre Europeen pour la Surveillance Epidemiologique du SIDA
DOI: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2016.21.14.30189

Effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccine in preventing laboratory-confirmed influenza in primary care in the United Kingdom: 2015/16 mid-season results

Autori: Richard Pebody, Fiona Warburton, Joanna Ellis, Nick Andrews, Alison Potts, Simon Cottrell, Jillian Johnston, Arlene Reynolds, Rory Gunson, Catherine Thompson, Monica Galiano, Chris Robertson, David Mullett, Naomh Gallagher, Mary Sinnathamby, Ivelina Yonova, Catherine Moore, Jim McMenamin, Simon de Lusignan, Maria Zambon
Pubblicato in: Eurosurveillance, Numero 21/13, 2016, ISSN 1025-496X
Editore: Centre Europeen pour la Surveillance Epidemiologique du SIDA
DOI: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2016.21.13.30179

Success of vaccination programmes is based on citizen´s trus in safety of vaccines

Autori: Jim Mc Menamin
Pubblicato in: The Parliament Magazine, 2017
Editore: DODS

Influenza vaccine effectiveness in Portugal: season 2015/2016 report

Autori: Gómez, Verónica; Guiomar, Raquel; Rodrigues, Ana Paula; Pechirra, Pedro; Conde, Patrícia; Cristóvão, Paula; Costa, Inês; Nunes, Baltazar; Machado, Ausenda
Pubblicato in: Numero 2, 2016
Editore: National Health Institute Doutor Ricardo Jorge

Vaccine performance needs careful and independent evaluation

Autori: Jim McMenamin
Pubblicato in: The Parliament Magazine, Numero Numero 432/18 April 2016, 2016
Editore: DODS

Virological data integration on influenza vaccine effectiveness, Portugal 2015/16

Autori: Rodrigues, Ana Paula; Pechirra, Pedro; Guiomar, Raquel; Conde, Patrícia; Gomez, Verónica; Nunes, Baltazar; Machado, Ausenda
Pubblicato in: Numero 1, 2016
Editore: Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge, IP

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