Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PoC-ID (Platform for ultra-sensitive Point-of-Care diagnostics for Infectious Diseases)
Berichtszeitraum: 2016-11-01 bis 2018-11-30
Applications of PoC-ID are disease diagnosis, monitoring of therapeutic responses, clinical research of path-ogen-host interaction and personalised medicine. PoC-ID aimed to combine the detection of both patho-gens and host responses leading to more accurate diagnosis as compared to the current standard, which is focused on detection of pathogens only. This novel approach will support prevention and control of patho-gen spread and enable faster and more personalised patient treatment. Furthermore, the platform technol-ogy can easily be adapted to a variety of diagnostic or bio-sensing purposes, such as in health/environmental monitoring or food quality testing.
Improved performance in terms of robustness, sensitivity and selectivity has been reached by a combination of innovative nano-membrane technology, molecular-engineered capture molecules and two novel sensing concepts (BioMEMS and BioGrFET), increasing device-flexibility and reducing risk. Both concepts work label-free (no expensive biological active buffers or enzymes required for detection) and allow rapid and multi-plexed detection due to parallel electric readout. Further advances have been realised in terms of usability and speed of data analysis arising from the integration of sensors, read-out electronics and microfluidics into one user-friendly point-of-care (PoC) platform. Costs of the new disposable sensors will be ultra-low if pro-duced at high volumes, thanks to designing into microelectronics production flows.
Overall, an integrated PoC-ID benchtop device has been designed and developed which integrates the fluidics system, the driving electronics and sensor module. The device is able to acquire measurements from both the BioGrFET and BioMEMS sensors and provides accurate analysis results in only approx. 6 minutes. Hence, it was demonstrated, that PoC-ID results are a large step towards low cost and fast detection of specific biomarkers in the clinically relevant range.