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Distributed, integrated and harmonised forest information for bioeconomy outlooks

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - DIABOLO (Distributed, integrated and harmonised forest information for bioeconomy outlooks)

Período documentado: 2018-03-01 hasta 2019-02-28

Building upon scientific advances in COST E4, 39, 43, USEWOOD, FORSYS, ORCHESTRA; the networks ENFIN, EFFIS, SOSIN; the FP7 EUFODOS, S2BIOM, INTEGRAL, SIMWOOD, FIRE PARADOX, the project DIABOLO (Distributed, integrated and harmonised forest information for bioeconomy outlooks) involved over 100 experts from 25 European countries that provided new methodologies for more accurate, harmonized and timely forest information used for the EU policy processes, international reporting obligations, forest administration and forest planning as well as for global monitoring systems such as REDD+, FLEGT and UNFF.

In particular DIABOLO did:
i) clearly identify the demands for and gaps in the provision of forest data and information for different political levels (WP1).
ii) develop new methods and models to produce European wide harmonised data and information on growing stock, biomass and carbon, based on NFI field data and high-resolution remote sensing data, and to produce an innovative multisource system for providing up-to-date estimates on the state and changes in European forest ecosystems (WP2).
iii) provide a holistic analysis of the NFIs as multipurpose data sources and to improve current methods and input information for delivering harmonised indicators (WP3).
iv) improve forest disturbance monitoring systems at regional, national and European scale by using new European satellite data (e.g. Sentinel-1 and 2), thus providing near real time information on forest disturbances (WP4).
v) improved national capacities for biomass supply modelling and analysing trade-offs between biomass supply and other ecosystem products and services, as well as showed potential of 23 European NFIs to provide distributed, integrated and harmonised forest information ) (WP5)
vi) increase the impact of the project outcomes among the target audiences and stakeholders by disseminating results through WP-specific end-user panels, regional workshops and a high-level international advisory group (WP 6).
vii) implement and maintain an efficient management structure, including financial management, to coordinate the work and timing of the deliverables and contributions of the partners, to insure interaction among the WPs (WP7).
WP1 has investigated forest information supply and demand resulting in four reports and a policy brief: (i) list of policies relevant for sustainable multipurpose forestry at EU level, (ii) demand of forest information by policies, policy makers and key forest managers (iii) a synthesis report on data demand and data provision, (iv) strategies for improving information exchange, and a policy brief.

WP2 implemented harmonisation measures for comparable stem volume estimation by 21 European NFIs, and provided pan-European volume and biomass equations for the main European tree species, conifers and broadleaves using data from eight NFIs. A consolidated processing chain of terrestrial lidar has been implemented and tested on the Computree platform. In addition, a multi-phase estimation approach was developed for multisource inventory and small area estimation.

WP3 worked on the assessment of forest biodiversity and conservation status, forest risk, as well as the estimation of non-wood forest products and services in selected case studies. In addition, the influence of map resolution on connectivity quantification in different regions was investigated.

WP4 completed method development for pre-processing and processing of optical data for monitoring forest disturbance (European Forest Disturbance Monitoring System). Algorithms for disturbance mapping were developed and successfully tested on the test sites in Greece, Germany, France, Serbia, Ukraine and Portugal-Spain. Demonstrator for the Sentinel-2 based disturbance indication tool was set up and the functional and technical specifications of a Near Real Time Disturbance Monitoring System were completed. The overall system was set up in cooperation with RUS–Copernicus.

WP5 developed guidelines and a template for reporting the assumptions used for wood-based biomass supply scenarios, provided GLOBIOM scenarios on future land-use pressure and shifts for countries under different sustainability constraints, developed harmonized methodology for modelling biomass supply dynamics over time and across countries with varying forest-based value chains and land-use constraints, and provided harmonised outputs in a collaborative platform from wood-based biomass supply analysis over 23 countries.

WP6 has communicated the activities of the project to stakeholders in different media including Twitter, supported in the maintenance and implementation of the Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Plan (DECP) and guided participants on Open Access.

WP7 activities consisted of administrative and financial management, progress monitoring and quality control and organisation of internal communication and meetings.
The results from WP1 demonstrate that forest information and NFIs are considered important by ‘traditional forest sector’ policy makers and stakeholder. However, there could be more information exchange across sectors and information needs vary between political levels. The identification of gaps between data provision and use and outlined strategies will facilitate discussion on their cause and how they can be overcome.

Methods and models from WP2 will significantly improve the consistency of volume and biomass statistics at European level, and thus enhance the information basis for bioeconomy, carbon accounting and climate change mitigation. Innovative 3D tree reconstruction techniques will contribute to improve pan-European volume and biomass functions. New imputation and up-dating techniques using auxiliary information enhanced small-area estimation and multi-purpose forest management of forest goods and services.

WP3 is expected to contribute towards NFI compatible estimates on biodiversity and conservation status indicators, production of non-wood forest products, forest hazards indicators (storms and forest fires) and social indicators.

WP4 is expected to improve forest disturbance monitoring systems at regional, national and European scale by using new European satellite data (e.g. Sentinel-1 and 2), thus providing near real time information on forest disturbance.

The guidelines from WP5 facilitate harmonised studies that could be further summed up to the European level as well as comparability of different European studies. The GLOBIOM results support countries to set up their national modelling exercises in the global context of increasing competition for land. The enhanced methodology for biomass supply modelling improves capacities in outlook studies across Europe. The pilot for biomass supply webservice illustrates the potential of European NFIs to produce distributed, integrated and harmonized forest information.

WP 6 will impact society through raising awareness of the project output among stakeholder communities at different geographic and political levels.
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