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Optimizing and Enhancing the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System


Data Management Plan (DMP)

The DMP will be drafted in compliance with the guidelines given on data management in the Horizon 2020 Online Manual.

Current EOV Report

Surface current synthesis and impact of AtlantOS observations.

Zooplankton abundance Report

Rapid zooplankton abundance data for UK coastal and offshore waters.

South Atlantic data management Plan

Plan establishing uniform data management processes for contributing sea level organisations. Enabling the necessary agreements to provide all quality controlled Atlantic sea level data via a single portal.

HAB Bulletins

Weekly HAB bulletins produced for the aquaculture industry throughout a test operational period within AtlantOS.

SOOP Data System Upgrades

Report on data and connectivity upgrading, it will document system improvements to integrate observing systems, improve network infrastructure, near-real-time delivery of data and best practice for integrated observations to provide data useful for Marine Services and other users.

Best Practices in Stakeholder Engagement, Data Dissemination and Exploitation

Report with best practices and recommended actions/tools to make available, disseminate and visualize ocean observations/data serving as guidance to AtlantOS.

Capacities and gap analysis

Analysis of the capacities and gaps of the present Atlantic Ocean Observing System.

Integration in GEOSS

Integration and usage of the GEOSS Common service registry in AtlantOS.

IAOOS shared infrastructure Report

Best practice document and review / inventory of current methods for sharing IAOOS components, such as ships, fixed and mobile observing systems, calibration facilities and support the use of the infrastructure for innovation testing, validation, or demonstration.

Report on the performance of AtlantOS observing system

A report providing an overall assessment adequacy of the current observing and information system will be determined and properly documented. Recommendations will be formulated to evolve IAOOS with an emphasis on its European component.

Model guidance for IAOOS evolution

Guidance from the OSSEs and statistical methods used to look at the optimal observing strategies to capture specific phenomena and to reduce error in key EOVs.

QC report

Recommendation for physical near real-time QC procedure with one chapter per EOV.

Engagement Strategy

Publication of a comprehensive dissemination, communication and exploitation strategy for AtlantOS, containing measures to be implemented both, during and after the project.

Cost and feasibility study

Results of a cost and feasibility study of present and planned IAOOS, including assessing the readiness and feasibility of implementation of different observing technologies.

Report on AtlantOS fitness for ship routing

Assessment of the observing system fitness for purpose for the ship routing mapping.

Drifter network improvement Report

An improvement in drifting buoy coverage is proposed in the South Atlantic, achieved by deployments using ships of opportunity. A study report on benefits of the improved network will be included in this deliverable. Deployments will be coordinated with NOAA (Third party to Ifremer, ref. Section 4) and MET O.

Initial IAOOS Requirements Report

Initial description from ongoing work of the societal imperatives for sustained Atlantic Ocean observations, the phenomena to observe, EOVs, and contributing observing networks; as guidance for other WPs.

Aquaculture site selection Report

Report on potential, selected sites for offshore aquaculture along the Spanish, Norwegian and Irish Atlantic coasts.

Gap analysis of links between coastal and open ocean networks

Report setting out recommendations to re-plan and optimise current observational strategies for continental shelf observing networks; and improve their connection with wider ocean observing networks.

Storm surge probability climatology Report

Develop a world map of storm surge distributions and further develop a global storm surge climatology through the JCOMM ETWCH storm surge climatology project (

Report on the observational potential of the TMAs

Assessment of the impact of upper-ocean measurements and of coherent integration of O2 measurements (as example for non-physical EOVs) for transports and fluxes in the Atlantic TMAs and synergies with the wider Atlantic Observing System. One workshop will be held to prepare the report and foster the cooperation on cross-TMA analyses.

Exploitation Plan (EP)

Plan identifying types of potential pathways of market- oriented exploitation, converting or transforming knowledge will be identified, together with key factors for a successful innovation management.

Synthesis of OSSE results

Report describing the robust results obtained from across the models.

Report on AtlantOS fitness for HAB Bulletins

Assessment of the observing system fitness for HAB warning bulletin in the Atlantic.

Indices associated with primary productivity and carbon export

Analysis of nutrient cycling, primary productivity and particulate carbon export flux in the subpolar North Atlantic and the subtropical South Atlantic.

Science-Policy Briefing Paper and Event 1

The first briefing paper summarizing work being carried-out in AtlantOS. The outcome will be presented to the stakeholders in a briefing event.

Report on AtlantOS fitness to oil spill products

Assessment of the observing system fitness for purpose for the hazard mapping.

OceanSITES Innovation Report

Innovation and improvement report on the extension of capabilities to measure emerging EOVs including metagenomics across different observational platforms with links to MicroB3 best practice.

Report on assessment of the performance of AtlantOS observing system

A report providing an overall assessment of the performance of the AtlantOS observing system and recommendations to optimize AtlantOS and its European component.

Economic Potential Main Issues Paper and Scoping Workshop

The main issues paper will be prepared for allowing the discussion during the workshop.

3rd AtlantOS progress report plus summary of external board meetings

Prior to the 4th annual AtlantOS meeting in month 48 a project progress report for the external project boards (EB and ISTAB) will be prepared to enable them to be as good as possible prepared for the meeting and to ensure consequently that AtlantOS receives as constructive as possible recommendations from the boards. This report together with the two external summary board meeting reports, which will be requested from the EB and ISTAB, will represent D11.7.

ETN Valued species Report

Provide operations and maintenance support to scientific teams initiating studies of valued species, such as bluefin tuna, European eel, sea bass, sea trout. To achieve this deliverable we will hold a workshop focusing on launching and networking activities (experimental design, funding, etc.).

Strategy for the Intellectual Property exploitation

Strategy for defining measures for exploitation “after the project” phase, providing evidence of best practices in capturing and assessing IP.

Report on AtlantOS fitness for storm surge

Critically assess whether extreme water level can be reliably derived from hydrodynamic model hindcasts and the AtlantOS impact on the assessment quality.

Surface Carbon EOV Report

Surface carbon syntheses and impact of AtlantOS observations.

PIRATA network improvement Report

Report on new (physical, meteorological and biogeochemical) sensor implementation and derived time series.

1st AtlantOS progress report plus summary of external board meetings

Prior to the 2nd annual AtlantOS meeting in month 14 a project progress report for the external project boards - the Engagement Board (EB) and the International Scientific and Technical Advisory Board (ISTAB) - will be prepared to enable them to be as good as possible prepared for the meeting and to ensure consequently that AtlantOS receives as constructive as possible recommendations from the boards. This report together with the two external summary board meeting reports, that will be requested from the EB and ISTAB, will represent D11.5.

Strategic foresight paper on AtlantOS in the European context

This paper will bring together different policy discussions aimed at the development of a European Ocean Observing System.

Study of the potential for existing bathythermic string drifters

Evaluation report on the use of subsurface temperature buoy data and on their ability to provide suitable measurements in the ocean boundary layer.

Optimal design of regional sampling based on OSSE

Report on the investigations on the optimal design of regional ocean observing related to climate and ecosystems in the subpolar North Atlantic and the subtropical South Atlantic. Different resolution sampling and multiparameter sampling will both be explored.

Science-Policy Briefing Paper and Event 3

The third briefing paper summarizing work being carried-out in AtlantOS will be held in either Washington or Ottawa. The outcome will be presented to the stakeholders in a briefing event.

Sea level observing site catalogue

Systematic documentation of South Atlantic tide gauge site data and benchmarks.

Science-Policy Briefing Paper and Event 4

The fourth briefing paper will be a summary for policy-makers of the AtlantOS Strategy for Observatories produced in WP1. The outcome will be presented to the stakeholders in a briefing event.

Eastern boundaries survey

Report on glider surveys in eastern boundary regions, key regions for the Atlantic fishery and connected with the WP4. Survey, sampling and data delivery in these regions is investigated and reported in here.

Roadmap for emerging networks

This will include a business case and an implementation plan detailing the governance, internationalization, coordination, metrology practices and technologies to be developed over a three and ten year timescale. This will address gaps (e.g. biogeochemistry, (meta)genomics) and opportunities.

Science-Policy Briefing Paper and Event 2

The second briefing paper summarizing work being carried-out in AtlantOS. The outcome will be presented to the stakeholders in a briefing event.

CPR EOV Report

Ecological EOV syntheses and impact of AtlantOS observations.

Report on AtlantOS fitness for aquaculture economy

Assessment of the observing system fitness for purpose for aquaculture.

Impact study design

Precise design of impact studies to be carried out in interaction with WP2 and WP3 networks.

Guidance on acoustic monitoring

Recommendations for long-term monitoring strategies for noise and marine mammals in coastal seas.

2nd AtlantOS progress report plus summary of external board meetings

Prior to the 3rd annual AtlantOS meeting in month 32 a project progress report for the external project boards (EB and ISTAB) will be prepared to enable them to be as good as possible prepared for the meeting and to ensure consequently that AtlantOS receives as constructive as possible recommendations from the boards. This report together with the two external summary board meeting reports, which will be requested from the EB and ISTAB, will represent D11.6.

POGO-AtlantOS collaboration on ocean products

Assessment of POGO AtlantOS fellowship uptake and application.

Atlantic Ocean Data Integration

Integration of EU and North American data for the Atlantic Ocean.

Report on AtlantOS fitness for Atlantic Albacore

Assessment of the observing system fitness for tuna catch estimates.

Workshop Report

This report will be the wrapping up of the discussions of D10.3 and provide inputs to the OECD study on the future of Ocean Economy.

OceanSITES Networking Report

Report and liked workshop on the European and Transatlantic plan for sustaining ocean observation by biogeochemical Eulerian Observatories.

Reanalysis for MSFD

North West Shelf Copernicus model forced by Atlantic reanalysis and extraction of environmental indices.

PIRATA Data System Upgrade Report

Technical report mostly related to biogeochemical sensors (O2 and CO2 sensors) data, their real-time transmission and O2 and CO2 data control quality and their integration to existing systems, in relation with the WP7.

Report on sustainability issues

A report on sustainability issues and long-term implementation plan for IAOOS. National and European plans for long-term implementation (organization, funding, role of the different nations, EU, role and international partners) of the Atlantic observing system will be prepared.

Assessment of AtlantOS Impact

Assessment of the impact of AtlantOS in-situ observing system for Copernicus and for seasonal prediction.

Metrology best practice manuals

The outputs of workshops: genomic observatories (Ribocon and AWI), nutrients and oxygen sensor observations (Ifremer), carbonate chemistry sensors measurements (IO PAN) and trace elements measurements (UOP) will be turned into best practice manuals for free on-line dissemination.

AtlantOS Data Services Report

Report on AtlantOS data services for AtlantOS observations.

Albacore tuna forecasts Report

Validation report on the first year of weekly Atlantic albacore tuna abundance at 1/4° resolution.

T,S,O2 EOV Report

T, S and oxygen syntheses and impact of AtlantOS observations.

Full life cycle Report

Report on AtlantOS Networks full life cycle data flow including Data Policy and Intellectual property rights.

SOOP Network co-ordination Report

Report on network co-ordination, documenting steps taken to co-ordinate network and make it robust against data gaps, delivering regular seamless data, integrated with Pan Atlantic partners.

ETN Technical standards

Development of technical standards for specific European lines and tagging projects in the form of a report.

Status report on regional climate and ecosystems Report

Report on the current observing status in the North Atlantic subpolar gyre and the South Atlantic subtropical gyre, containing the results of the investigation on regional observing activities, systems, and connectivity in relation to climate and ecosystems.

Design of OSSE experiments Report

Description of the OSSE experiments including the scenarios to be tested, the role of each individual partner, and how results will be synthesized into guidance for observing networks.

SOOP Network Enhancement Report

Report on network enhancement project. This will document (a) extension of network coverage to South Atlantic; (b) evaluation of improved EOV carbonate system; and (c) re-assessment of instrumentation.

Interior Carbon EOV Report

Interior carbon syntheses and impact of AtlantOS observations.

Optimal design of ecosystem module

An ecosystem module of several functional groups representing the intermediate levels of the oceanic food web (zooplankton and micronekton) will be applied and optimized with acoustic data in the subpolar North Atlantic and the subtropical South Atlantic. Optimal design of acoustic sampling will be investigated and the module will be prepared for integration into the operational system in support of Task 8.7.

Synoptic multi-variable multi-glider study

Analysis and report of the continuous multi-glider deployment, providing detailed methodology of the deployment strategy, piloting, and calibration process. The analysis will deliver methods for the synoptic interpretation of all ocean variables over multiple timescales.

Best practice summary Report

Report summarizing the relevant best practices available in the GEOSS (AtlantOS) best practices registry.

Data Management Handbook

AtlantOS data management Handbook.

Indices associated with climate variability

Evaluation of the most critical observations and analysis of AMOC related changes in heat-, freshwater- and carbon budgets and subsurface temperature in the subpolar North Atlantic and the subtropical South Atlantic.

Report on AtlantOS fitness to MSFD needs

Assessment of impact of AtlantOS on North West Shelf state reanalyses.

Report on Tracers, Carbon and ADCPs

Report on transient tracer, carbonate system variables and ADCP data from hydrographic sections and a system to sustain these observations past AtlantOS on key hydrographic sections.

Organization & sustainability of PIRATA network Report

A detailed report on the renewed PIRATA network, and its potential sustainability over long-term . This deliverable will be established with the contribution of the PIRATA International Scientific Steering Group and PIRATA partners.

BIO EOV Report

Biogeochemical EOV assessment and impact of AtlantOS observations.

Sustained transatlantic coastal observations Report

Strategy for transatlantic sustained measurements in the coastal ocean, based on the strengthened forum for interaction between US IOOS, GOOS regional alliances and EuroGOOS.

Sustainability of the new Argo missions Report

Report on the organisation of the post-AtlantOS Bio-Argo and Deep-Argo sustainability in the context of the Euro-Argo ERIC.

Consolidation of Atlantic EGO Network Activities Report

Report on the network consolidation activities including the reports on the different meetings and personal exchanges. It will also include a section on the web and app developments and testing.

Sensors and instrumentation roadmap

Report that includes a ten year roadmap for strategic development of sensor and instrument technology for IAOOS and therefore global ocean observation. This will include a three year plan of developments, innovations, and validations that will be undertaken through IAOOS. This will link to the Exploitation Plan (D11.3)

Refined IAOOS requirements Report

Update of initial requirements with the legacy lessons learned from the project, including refinements of understanding of readiness to observe, guidance from models, and input from other work packages on requirements, observation networks, data management, and the generation of useful information.

Data Harmonization Report

Report containing recommendation on data harmonization.

Visual and interactive legacy outputs

Development and dissemination of up to 6 visual / interactive outputs aimed at stakeholder groups.

Project website

New AtlantOS project website.

Aquaculture operation Bulletin

Weather window nowcast/forecast Bulletin tool for offshore aquaculture operators.

Fish Survey Database and Interface

Web interface compatible with standard data processing software and set up databases to serve data product generation from pelagic fish surveys.

One stop shop web site for TMAs

Establishment of web site for TMAs where the TMA network as a whole is introduced; high-level TMA products can be obtained; documentation of the products is provided; links to data behind the high-level products (OceanSITES); joint cross-TMA network analyses are provided. To achieve this deliverable we will hold one workshop (early in the project, in PM8).

Glider App for public dissemination and outreach

Primarily developed for outreach purposes the application will also include some functionality for glider pilots. The App will interface in real-time with glider communication stations on land. Functionality will be based and tested on planned glider missions by SAMS partner and will then be rolled out to other partners.

Ship routing hazard maps

Release of the hazard mapping web tool for dissemination.

EATN Database

Development of a European Tracking Network component of researchers and database, sharing common standards and protocols, data formats and platforms, and interlinked to other existing or developing Atlantic Ocean networks in Canada, the USA, Africa and South America (starting in Brazil) to provide a global Atlantic tracking network.

Oil spill Hazard maps

Release of the Atlantic Oil spill Hazard map Portal for dissemination.

OceanSITES Data

Harmonization and supervision of existing and new data streams across the OceanSITES biogeochemistry network.

GO-SHIP Software and Manuals

Software packages and best practice manuals and knowledge transfer for sustained quality control of hydrographic sections in the Atlantic.

Bathymetric Integration

Integration of High Seas bathymetry holdings of partner organisations into EuroMapApp which involves making an inventory of the data, determining freedom of access (quality controlling the data and integration into a Multi-Resolution Topography.

Technical enhancement of a TMA site for data safety & cost efficiency

Current developments of Deep sea data telemetry system (capsules, inductive, acoustics) will be reviewed and further developments performed. Technical enhancement will be demonstrated at selected sites and with different platforms (e.g. Myrtle-X lander).

Web-based monitoring tool of the Atlantic ocean observing system (international)

A web-based service tool that will monitor data flow and key performance indicators of the Atlantic observing system. To focus will be on all AtlantOS networks (as defined by subtasks WP2 & WP3).

Web-based monitoring tool of the Atlantic ocean observing system (Europe)

Same as 9.1 but focusing on the monitoring of European contributions to IAOOS. The monitoring tool will also include EuroGOOS Atlantic ROOSes (IBIROOS, NOOS).

Argo Dataset production

Real-time data-management and delayed-mode qualified dataset for O2, Chlorophyll a, backscattering and NO3.

Oil spill Hazard Bulletin

Hazard maps will be used to produce an Oil spill Bulletin for a Targeted Operational Period.

Metrology reference and standard materials

Reference material for trace elements linked to the International GEOTRACES programme (GEOMAR and UOP), create genomic standards and organize their community analysis (Ribocon), and standardize DNA extraction and sequencing (Ribocon and AWI).

Enhancement of the Argo core mission

Deployment of Bio-Argo and O2-deep floats and improvement of the network capabilities.

Bathymetry Visualization

Integration of data from at least two additional European repositories into the EuroMapApp system as pilot project to make Europe´s bathymetric data visible and usable by all.

CPR Add-on Variables

Near real-time delivery of biochemical and ecologically relevant variables using new technology for ecoregions and targeted areas of interest (e.g. sub-polar gyre) of the Atlantic North Atlantic and one potential European route for CO2. Quantitative data on HAB species and marine pathogens from UK and targeted ecoregions will be collected.

Design a buoy fitted with a low cost salinity sensor

A number of prototypes equipped with different sensors (if more than one exists) will be tested at sea with different methods to avoid bio-fouling. CNRS will conduct evaluation of the test performed by NKE.

Validation of sensor and instrumentation innovations

Validated prototypes of new and enhanced biogeochemical and biological sensors and instruments. Validation will be undertaken in the laboratory, in test scenarios, and by deployment in operational conditions and calibrated / quality controlled using metrology standards developed in T6.2.

Stakeholder Engagement ‘Support Facility’ Test Exercise

Building on [D10.5] a test process will be implemented to explore the practice of structuring the dialogue and information exchange with stakeholder and users.

Service specifications

Discovery/viewing/download specifications.


The Global Ocean Data Analysis Project version 2 (GLODAPv2) – an internally consistent data product for the world ocean

Auteurs: Are Olsen, Robert M. Key, Steven van Heuven, Siv K. Lauvset, Anton Velo, Xiaohua Lin, Carsten Schirnick, Alex Kozyr, Toste Tanhua, Mario Hoppema, Sara Jutterström, Reiner Steinfeldt, Emil Jeansson, Masao Ishii, Fiz F. Pérez, Toru Suzuki
Publié dans: Earth System Science Data, Numéro 8/2, 2016, Page(s) 297-323, ISSN 1866-3516
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/essd-8-297-2016

A neural network-based method for merging ocean color and Argo data to extend surface bio-optical properties to depth: Retrieval of the particulate backscattering coefficient

Auteurs: R. Sauzède, H. Claustre, J. Uitz, C. Jamet, G. Dall'Olmo, F. D'Ortenzio, B. Gentili, A. Poteau, C. Schmechtig
Publié dans: Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, Numéro 121/4, 2016, Page(s) 2552-2571, ISSN 2169-9275
Éditeur: Wiley Online Library
DOI: 10.1002/2015JC011408

CO 2 fluxes in the South African coastal region

Auteurs: Verónica Arnone, Melchor González-Dávila, J. Magdalena Santana-Casiano
Publié dans: Marine Chemistry, Numéro 195, 2017, Page(s) 41-49, ISSN 0304-4203
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.marchem.2017.07.008

Technical note: Update on response times, in-air measurements, and in situ drift for oxygen optodes on profiling platforms

Auteurs: Henry C. Bittig, Arne Körtzinger
Publié dans: Ocean Science, Numéro 13/1, 2017, Page(s) 1-11, ISSN 1812-0792
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/os-13-1-2017

Substantial energy input to the mesopelagic ecosystem from the seasonal mixed-layer pump

Auteurs: Giorgio Dall'Olmo, James Dingle, Luca Polimene, Robert J. W. Brewin, Hervé Claustre
Publié dans: Nature Geoscience, Numéro 9/11, 2016, Page(s) 820-823, ISSN 1752-0894
Éditeur: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/ngeo2818

Changes in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the Mauritanian–Cap Vert upwelling region between 2005 and 2012

Auteurs: Melchor González-Dávila, J. Magdalena Santana Casiano, Francisco Machín
Publié dans: Biogeosciences, Numéro 14/17, 2017, Page(s) 3859-3871, ISSN 1726-4189
DOI: 10.5194/bg-14-3859-2017

Dissolved Organic Carbon in the North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation

Auteurs: Marcos Fontela, Maribel I. García-Ibáñez, Dennis A. Hansell, Herlé Mercier, Fiz F. Pérez
Publié dans: Scientific Reports, Numéro 6/1, 2016, ISSN 2045-2322
Éditeur: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/srep26931

Collapse of the tropical and subtropical North Atlantic CO2 sink in boreal spring of 2010

Auteurs: J. Severino P. Ibánhez, Manuel Flores, Nathalie Lefèvre
Publié dans: Scientific Reports, Numéro 7, 2017, Page(s) 41694, ISSN 2045-2322
Éditeur: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/srep41694

Surface ocean carbon dioxide during the Atlantic Meridional Transect (1995–2013); evidence of ocean acidification

Auteurs: Vassilis Kitidis, Ian Brown, Nicholas Hardman-Mountford, Nathalie Lefèvre
Publié dans: Progress in Oceanography, Numéro 158, 2017, Page(s) 65-75, ISSN 0079-6611
Éditeur: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2016.08.005

Integrating technologies for oil spill response in the SW Iberian coast

Auteurs: J. Janeiro, A. Neves, F. Martins, P. Relvas
Publié dans: Journal of Marine Systems, Numéro 173, 2017, Page(s) 31-42, ISSN 0924-7963
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2017.04.005

Intense oceanic uptake of oxygen during 2014-2015 winter convection in the Labrador Sea

Auteurs: Jannes Koelling, Douglas W. R. Wallace, Uwe Send, Johannes Karstensen
Publié dans: Geophysical Research Letters, Numéro 44/15, 2017, Page(s) 7855-7864, ISSN 0094-8276
Éditeur: American Geophysical Union
DOI: 10.1002/2017GL073933

A source of CO 2 to the atmosphere throughout the year in the Maranhense continental shelf (2°30'S, Brazil)

Auteurs: Nathalie Lefèvre, Francisco Jose da Silva Dias, Audálio Rebelo de Torres, Carlos Noriega, Moacyr Araujo, Antonio Carlos Leal de Castro, Carlos Rocha, Shan Jiang, J. Severino P. Ibánhez
Publié dans: Continental Shelf Research, Numéro 141, 2017, Page(s) 38-50, ISSN 0278-4343
Éditeur: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.csr.2017.05.004

Unexpected winter phytoplankton blooms in the North Atlantic subpolar gyre

Auteurs: L. Lacour, M. Ardyna, K. F. Stec, H. Claustre, L. Prieur, A. Poteau, M. Ribera D’Alcala, D. Iudicone
Publié dans: Nature Geoscience, Numéro 10/11, 2017, Page(s) 836-839, ISSN 1752-0894
Éditeur: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/NGEO3035

A Novel Near-Real-Time Quality-Control Procedure for Radiometric Profiles Measured by Bio-Argo Floats: Protocols and Performances

Auteurs: Emanuele Organelli, Hervé Claustre, Annick Bricaud, Catherine Schmechtig, Antoine Poteau, Xiaogang Xing, Louis Prieur, Fabrizio D’Ortenzio, Giorgio Dall’Olmo, Vincenzo Vellucci
Publié dans: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Numéro 33/5, 2016, Page(s) 937-951, ISSN 0739-0572
Éditeur: American Meteorological Society
DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-15-0193.1

Two databases derived from BGC-Argo float measurements for biogeochemical and bio-optical applications at the global scale

Auteurs: Emanuele Organelli, Marie Barbieux, Hervé Claustre, Catherine Schmechtig, Antoine Poteau, Annick Bricaud, Emmanuel Boss, Nathan Briggs, Giorgio Dall'Olmo, Fabrizio D'Ortenzio, Edouard Leymarie, Antoine Mangin, Grigor Obolensky, Christophe Penkerc'h, Louis Prieur, Collin Roesler, Romain Serra, Julia Uitz, Xiaogang Xing
Publié dans: Earth System Science Data Discussions, 2017, Page(s) 1-24, ISSN 1866-3591
DOI: 10.5194/essd-2017-58

Bio-optical anomalies in the world's oceans: An investigation on the diffuse attenuation coefficients for downward irradiance derived from Biogeochemical Argo float measurements

Auteurs: Emanuele Organelli, Hervé Claustre, Annick Bricaud, Marie Barbieux, Julia Uitz, Fabrizio D'Ortenzio, Giorgio Dall'Olmo
Publié dans: Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, Numéro 122/5, 2017, Page(s) 3543-3564, ISSN 2169-9275
DOI: 10.1002/2016JC012629

Estimates of Water-Column Nutrient Concentrations and Carbonate System Parameters in the Global Ocean: A Novel Approach Based on Neural Networks

Auteurs: Raphaëlle Sauzède, Henry C. Bittig, Hervé Claustre, Orens Pasqueron de Fommervault, Jean-Pierre Gattuso, Louis Legendre, Kenneth S. Johnson
Publié dans: Frontiers in Marine Science, Numéro 4, 2017, ISSN 2296-7745
Éditeur: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00128

Correction of profiles of in-situ chlorophyll fluorometry for the contribution of fluorescence originating from non-algal matter

Auteurs: Xiaogang Xing, Hervé Claustre, Emmanuel Boss, Collin Roesler, Emanuele Organelli, Antoine Poteau, Marie Barbieux, Fabrizio D'Ortenzio
Publié dans: Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, Numéro 15/1, 2017, Page(s) 80-93, ISSN 1541-5856
Éditeur: American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
DOI: 10.1002/lom3.10144

Observations, Diplomacy, and the Future of Ocean Governance

Auteurs: Fritz, Jan-Stefan
Publié dans: Science & Diplomacy, Numéro Vol. 5, No. 4, 2016, ISSN 2167-8626
Éditeur: Center for Science Diplomacy of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Ocean science research is key for a sustainable future

Auteurs: Martin Visbeck
Publié dans: Nature Communications, Numéro 9/1, 2018, ISSN 2041-1723
Éditeur: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-03158-3

Meridional overturning circulation conveys fast acidification to the deep Atlantic Ocean

Auteurs: Fiz F. Perez, Marcos Fontela, Maribel I. García-Ibáñez, Herlé Mercier, Anton Velo, Pascale Lherminier, Patricia Zunino, Mercedes de la Paz, Fernando Alonso-Pérez, Elisa F. Guallart, Xose A. Padin
Publié dans: Nature, Numéro 554/7693, 2018, Page(s) 515-518, ISSN 0028-0836
Éditeur: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/nature25493


Auteurs: Anne-Cathrin Wölfl Jennifer Jencks Gordon Johnston Jesse Varner Colin Devey
Publié dans: Journal of Ocean Technology, Numéro Vol. 12, No. 4, 2017, Page(s) 29-42, ISSN 1718-3200
Éditeur: Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland

Tide and skew surge independence: New insights for flood risk

Auteurs: Joanne Williams, Kevin J. Horsburgh, Jane A. Williams, Robert N. F. Proctor
Publié dans: Geophysical Research Letters, Numéro 43/12, 2016, Page(s) 6410-6417, ISSN 0094-8276
Éditeur: American Geophysical Union
DOI: 10.1002/2016GL069522

A multi-decade record of high-quality <i>f</i>CO<sub>2</sub> data in version 3 of the Surface Ocean CO<sub>2</sub> Atlas (SOCAT)

Auteurs: Dorothee C. E. Bakker, Benjamin Pfeil, Camilla S. Landa, Nicolas Metzl, Kevin M. O&amp;apos;Brien, Are Olsen, Karl Smith, Cathy Cosca, Sumiko Harasawa, Stephen D. Jones, Shin-ichiro Nakaoka, Yukihiro Nojiri, Ute Schuster, Tobias Steinhoff, Colm Sweeney, Taro Takahashi, Bronte Tilbrook, Chisato Wada, Rik Wanninkhof, Simone R. Alin, Carlos F. Balestrini, Leticia Barbero, Nicholas R. Bates, Alejandro
Publié dans: Earth System Science Data, Numéro 8/2, 2016, Page(s) 383-413, ISSN 1866-3516
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/essd-8-383-2016

Multi-nest high-resolution model of submesoscale circulation features in the Gulf of Taranto

Auteurs: Francesco Trotta, Nadia Pinardi, Elisa Fenu, Alessandro Grandi, Vladyslav Lyubartsev
Publié dans: Ocean Dynamics, Numéro 67/12, 2017, Page(s) 1609-1625, ISSN 1616-7341
Éditeur: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s10236-017-1110-z

Moored observations of mesoscale features in the Cape Basin: characteristics and local impacts on water mass distributions

Auteurs: Marion Kersalé, Tarron Lamont, Sabrina Speich, Thierry Terre, Remi Laxenaire, Mike J. Roberts, Marcel A. van den Berg, Isabelle J. Ansorge
Publié dans: Ocean Science, Numéro 14/5, 2018, Page(s) 923-945, ISSN 1812-0792
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/os-14-923-2018

Radiational tides: their double-counting in storm surge forecasts and contribution to the Highest Astronomical Tide

Auteurs: Joanne Williams, Maialen Irazoqui Apecechea, Andrew Saulter, Kevin J. Horsburgh
Publié dans: Ocean Science, Numéro 14/5, 2018, Page(s) 1057-1068, ISSN 1812-0792
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/os-14-1057-2018

The ECMWF operational ensemble reanalysis–analysis system for ocean and sea ice: a description of the system and assessment

Auteurs: Hao Zuo, Magdalena Alonso Balmaseda, Steffen Tietsche, Kristian Mogensen, Michael Mayer
Publié dans: Ocean Science, Numéro 15/3, 2019, Page(s) 779-808, ISSN 1812-0792
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/os-15-779-2019

Arctic Ocean CO 2 uptake: an improved multiyear estimate of the air–sea CO 2 flux incorporating chlorophyll  a concentrations

Auteurs: Sayaka Yasunaka, Eko Siswanto, Are Olsen, Mario Hoppema, Eiji Watanabe, Agneta Fransson, Melissa Chierici, Akihiko Murata, Siv K. Lauvset, Rik Wanninkhof, Taro Takahashi, Naohiro Kosugi, Abdirahman M. Omar, Steven van Heuven, Jeremy T. Mathis
Publié dans: Biogeosciences, Numéro 15/6, 2018, Page(s) 1643-1661, ISSN 1726-4189
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/bg-15-1643-2018

Assessing the Variability in the Relationship Between the Particulate Backscattering Coefficient and the Chlorophyll a Concentration From a Global Biogeochemical-Argo Database

Auteurs: Marie Barbieux, Julia Uitz, Annick Bricaud, Emanuele Organelli, Antoine Poteau, Catherine Schmechtig, Bernard Gentili, Grigor Obolensky, Edouard Leymarie, Christophe Penkerc'h, Fabrizio D'Ortenzio, Hervé Claustre
Publié dans: Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, Numéro 123/2, 2018, Page(s) 1229-1250, ISSN 2169-9275
Éditeur: American Geophysical Union
DOI: 10.1002/2017jc013030

Characterization of a novel autonomous analyzer for seawater total alkalinity: Results from laboratory and field tests

Auteurs: Katharina Seelmann, Steffen Aßmann, Arne Körtzinger
Publié dans: Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, Numéro 17/10, 2019, Page(s) 515-532, ISSN 1541-5856
Éditeur: American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
DOI: 10.1002/lom3.10329

Successful Blue Economy Examples With an Emphasis on International Perspectives

Auteurs: Lu Wenhai, Caroline Cusack, Maria Baker, Wang Tao, Chen Mingbao, Kelli Paige, Zhang Xiaofan, Lisa Levin, Elva Escobar, Diva Amon, Yin Yue, Anja Reitz, Antonio Augusto Sepp Neves, Eleanor O’Rourke, Gianandrea Mannarini, Jay Pearlman, Jonathan Tinker, Kevin J. Horsburgh, Patrick Lehodey, Sylvie Pouliquen, Trine Dale, Zhao Peng, Yang Yufeng
Publié dans: Frontiers in Marine Science, Numéro 6, 2019, ISSN 2296-7745
Éditeur: Frontiers in Marine Science
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00261

An Alternative to Static Climatologies: Robust Estimation of Open Ocean CO2 Variables and Nutrient Concentrations From T, S, and O2 Data Using Bayesian Neural Networks

Auteurs: Henry C. Bittig, Tobias Steinhoff, Hervé Claustre, Björn Fiedler, Nancy L. Williams, Raphaëlle Sauzède, Arne Körtzinger, Jean-Pierre Gattuso
Publié dans: Frontiers in Marine Science, Numéro 5, 2018, ISSN 2296-7745
Éditeur: Frontiers in Marine Science
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00328

An Integrated All-Atlantic Ocean Observing System in 2030

Auteurs: Brad deYoung, Martin Visbeck, Moacyr Cunha de Araujo Filho, Molly O’Neil Baringer, CarolAnne Black, Erik Buch, Gabrielle Canonico, Paulo Coelho, Janice T. Duha, Martin Edwards, Albert Fischer, Jan-Stefan Fritz, Sandra Ketelhake, Jose-Henrique Muelbert, Pedro Monteiro, Glenn Nolan, Eleanor O’Rourke, Michael Ott, Pierre Y. Le Traon, Sylvie Pouliquen, Isabel Sousa-Pinto, Toste Tanhua, Filomena V.
Publié dans: Frontiers in Marine Science, Numéro 6, 2019, ISSN 2296-7745
Éditeur: Frontiers in Marine Science
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00428

Improving Optical Measurements: Non-Linearity Compensation of Compact Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) Spectrometers

Auteurs: Münevver Nehir, Carsten Frank, Steffen Aßmann, Eric P. Achterberg
Publié dans: Sensors, Numéro 19/12, 2019, Page(s) 2833, ISSN 1424-8220
Éditeur: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/s19122833

GLODAPv2.2019 – an update of GLODAPv2

Auteurs: Are Olsen, Nico Lange, Robert M. Key, Toste Tanhua, Marta Álvarez, Susan Becker, Henry C. Bittig, Brendan R. Carter, Leticia Cotrim da Cunha, Richard A. Feely, Steven van Heuven, Mario Hoppema, Masao Ishii, Emil Jeansson, Steve D. Jones, Sara Jutterström, Maren K. Karlsen, Alex Kozyr, Siv K. Lauvset, Claire Lo Monaco, Akihiko Murata, Fiz F. Pérez, Benjamin Pfeil, Carsten Schirnick, Reiner Stein
Publié dans: Earth System Science Data, Numéro 11/3, 2019, Page(s) 1437-1461, ISSN 1866-3516
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/essd-11-1437-2019

On the Future of Argo: A Global, Full-Depth, Multi-Disciplinary Array

Auteurs: Dean Roemmich, Matthew H. Alford, Hervé Claustre, Kenneth Johnson, Brian King, James Moum, Peter Oke, W. Brechner Owens, Sylvie Pouliquen, Sarah Purkey, Megan Scanderbeg, Toshio Suga, Susan Wijffels, Nathalie Zilberman, Dorothee Bakker, Molly Baringer, Mathieu Belbeoch, Henry C. Bittig, Emmanuel Boss, Paulo Calil, Fiona Carse, Thierry Carval, Fei Chai, Diarmuid Ó. Conchubhair, Fabrizio d’Orten
Publié dans: Frontiers in Marine Science, Numéro 6, 2019, ISSN 2296-7745
Éditeur: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00439

Cold vs. warm water route – sources for the upper limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation revisited in a high-resolution ocean model

Auteurs: Siren Rühs, Franziska U. Schwarzkopf, Sabrina Speich, Arne Biastoch
Publié dans: Ocean Science, Numéro 15/3, 2019, Page(s) 489-512, ISSN 1812-0792
Éditeur: European Geosciences Union
DOI: 10.5194/os-15-489-2019

The GEOVIDE cruise in May–June 2014 reveals an intense Meridional Overturning Circulation over a cold and fresh subpolar North Atlantic

Auteurs: Patricia Zunino, Pascale Lherminier, Herlé Mercier, Nathalie Daniault, Maribel I. García-Ibáñez, Fiz F. Pérez
Publié dans: Biogeosciences, Numéro 14/23, 2017, Page(s) 5323-5342, ISSN 1726-4189
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/bg-14-5323-2017

Upwelling and isolation in oxygen-depleted anticyclonic modewater eddies and implications for nitrate cycling

Auteurs: Johannes Karstensen, Florian Schütte, Alice Pietri, Gerd Krahmann, Björn Fiedler, Damian Grundle, Helena Hauss, Arne Körtzinger, Carolin R. Löscher, Pierre Testor, Nuno Vieira, Martin Visbeck
Publié dans: Biogeosciences Discussions, 2016, Page(s) 1-25, ISSN 1810-6285
Éditeur: Copernicus Pulications
DOI: 10.5194/bg-2016-34

A new global interior ocean mapped climatology: the 1° × 1° GLODAP version 2

Auteurs: Siv K. Lauvset, Robert M. Key, Are Olsen, Steven van Heuven, Anton Velo, Xiaohua Lin, Carsten Schirnick, Alex Kozyr, Toste Tanhua, Mario Hoppema, Sara Jutterström, Reiner Steinfeldt, Emil Jeansson, Masao Ishii, Fiz F. Perez, Toru Suzuki, Sylvain Watelet
Publié dans: Earth System Science Data Discussions, 2016, Page(s) 1-30, ISSN 1866-3591
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/essd-2015-43

PIRATA: A Sustained Observing System for Tropical Atlantic Climate Research and Forecasting

Auteurs: Bernard Bourlès, Moacyr Araujo, Michael J. McPhaden, Peter Brandt, Gregory R. Foltz, Rick Lumpkin, Hervé Giordani, Fabrice Hernandez, Nathalie Lefèvre, Paulo Nobre, Edmo Campos, Ramalingam Saravanan, Janice Trotte‐Duhà, Marcus Dengler, Johannes Hahn, Rebecca Hummels, Joke F. Lübbecke, Mathieu Rouault, Leticia Cotrim, Adrienne Sutton, Markus Jochum, Renellys C. Perez
Publié dans: Earth and Space Science, Numéro 6/4, 2019, Page(s) 577-616, ISSN 2333-5084
Éditeur: AGU Publications
DOI: 10.1029/2018ea000428

Atlantic Water Transformation Along Its Poleward Pathway Across the Nordic Seas

Auteurs: Anthony Bosse, Ilker Fer, Henrik Søiland, Thomas Rossby
Publié dans: Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, Numéro 123/9, 2018, Page(s) 6428-6448, ISSN 2169-9275
Éditeur: AGU Publications
DOI: 10.1029/2018jc014147

A review of acoustic telemetry in Europe and the need for a regional aquatic telemetry network

Auteurs: David Abecasis, Andre Steckenreuter, Jan Reubens, Kim Aarestrup, Josep Alós, Fabio Badalamenti, Lenore Bajona, Patrick Boylan, Klaas Deneudt, Larry Greenberg, Niels Brevé, Francisco Hernández, Nick Humphries, Carl Meyer, David Sims, Eva B. Thorstad, Alan M. Walker, Fred Whoriskey, Pedro Afonso
Publié dans: Animal Biotelemetry, Numéro 6/1, 2018, ISSN 2050-3385
Éditeur: Springer Nature
DOI: 10.1186/s40317-018-0156-0

Scaling Up From Regional Case Studies to a Global Harmful Algal Bloom Observing System

Auteurs: Clarissa R. Anderson, Elisa Berdalet, Raphael M. Kudela, Caroline K. Cusack, Joe Silke, Eleanor O’Rourke, Darcy Dugan, Molly McCammon, Jan A. Newton, Stephanie K. Moore, Kelli Paige, Steve Ruberg, John R. Morrison, Barbara Kirkpatrick, Katherine Hubbard, Julio Morell
Publié dans: Frontiers in Marine Science, Numéro 6, 2019, ISSN 2296-7745
Éditeur: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00250

Towards quantifying uncertainty in ocean heat content changes using synthetic profiles

Auteurs: L C Allison, C D Roberts, M D Palmer, L Hermanson, R E Killick, N A Rayner, D M Smith, M B Andrews
Publié dans: Environmental Research Letters, Numéro 14/8, 2019, Page(s) 084037, ISSN 1748-9326
Éditeur: Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab2b0b

LSCE-FFNN-v1: a two-step neural network model for the reconstruction of surface ocean p CO 2 over the global ocean

Auteurs: Anna Denvil-Sommer, Marion Gehlen, Mathieu Vrac, Carlos Mejia
Publié dans: Geoscientific Model Development, Numéro 12/5, 2019, Page(s) 2091-2105, ISSN 1991-9603
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/gmd-12-2091-2019

Multidisciplinary Observing in the World Ocean’s Oxygen Minimum Zone Regions: From Climate to Fish — The VOICE Initiative

Auteurs: Véronique Garçon, Johannes Karstensen, Artur Palacz, Maciej Telszewski, Tony Aparco Lara, Denise Breitburg, Francisco Chavez, Paulo Coelho, Marcela Cornejo-D’Ottone, Carmen Santos, Björn Fiedler, Natalya D. Gallo, Marilaure Grégoire, Dimitri Gutierrez, Martin Hernandez-Ayon, Kirsten Isensee, Tony Koslow, Lisa Levin, Francis Marsac, Helmut Maske, Baye C. Mbaye, Ivonne Montes, Wajih Naqvi, Jay
Publié dans: Frontiers in Marine Science, Numéro 6, 2019, ISSN 2296-7745
Éditeur: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00722

Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: Observed Transport and Variability

Auteurs: Eleanor Frajka-Williams, Isabelle J. Ansorge, Johanna Baehr, Harry L. Bryden, Maria Paz Chidichimo, Stuart A. Cunningham, Gokhan Danabasoglu, Shenfu Dong, Kathleen A. Donohue, Shane Elipot, Patrick Heimbach, N. Penny Holliday, Rebecca Hummels, Laura C. Jackson, Johannes Karstensen, Matthias Lankhorst, Isabela A. Le Bras, M. Susan Lozier, Elaine L. McDonagh, Christopher S. Meinen, Herlé Mercier, B
Publié dans: Frontiers in Marine Science, Numéro 6, 2019, ISSN 2296-7745
Éditeur: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00260

Observing System Evaluation Based on Ocean Data Assimilation and Prediction Systems: On-Going Challenges and a Future Vision for Designing and Supporting Ocean Observational Networks

Auteurs: Yosuke Fujii, Elisabeth Rémy, Hao Zuo, Peter Oke, George Halliwell, Florent Gasparin, Mounir Benkiran, Nora Loose, James Cummings, Jiping Xie, Yan Xue, Shuhei Masuda, Gregory C. Smith, Magdalena Balmaseda, Cyril Germineaud, Daniel J. Lea, Gilles Larnicol, Laurent Bertino, Antonio Bonaduce, Pierre Brasseur, Craig Donlon, Patrick Heimbach, YoungHo Kim, Villy Kourafalou, Pierre-Yves Le Traon, Matthe
Publié dans: Frontiers in Marine Science, Numéro 6, 2019, ISSN 2296-7745
Éditeur: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00417

Requirements for an Integrated in situ Atlantic Ocean Observing System From Coordinated Observing System Simulation Experiments

Auteurs: Florent Gasparin, Stephanie Guinehut, Chongyuan Mao, Isabelle Mirouze, Elisabeth Rémy, Robert R. King, Mathieu Hamon, Rebecca Reid, Andrea Storto, Pierre-Yves Le Traon, Matthew J. Martin, Simona Masina
Publié dans: Frontiers in Marine Science, Numéro 6, 2019, ISSN 2296-7745
Éditeur: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00083

An Ensemble-Based Probabilistic Score Approach to Compare Observation Scenarios: An Application to Biogeochemical-Argo Deployments

Auteurs: Cyril Germineaud, Jean-Michel Brankart, Pierre Brasseur
Publié dans: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Numéro 36/12, 2019, Page(s) 2307-2326, ISSN 0739-0572
Éditeur: American Meteorological Society
DOI: 10.1175/jtech-d-19-0002.1

Impact of intraseasonal wind bursts on sea surface temperature variability in the far eastern tropical Atlantic Ocean during boreal spring 2005 and 2006: focus on the mid-May 2005 event

Auteurs: Gaëlle Herbert, Bernard Bourlès
Publié dans: Ocean Science, Numéro 14/4, 2018, Page(s) 849-869, ISSN 1812-0792
Éditeur: Copernicus Publication
DOI: 10.5194/os-14-849-2018

A window on the deep ocean: The special value of ocean bottom pressure for monitoring the large-scale, deep-ocean circulation

Auteurs: Chris W. Hughes, Joanne Williams, Adam Blaker, Andrew Coward, Vladimir Stepanov
Publié dans: Progress in Oceanography, Numéro 161, 2018, Page(s) 19-46, ISSN 0079-6611
Éditeur: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2018.01.011

Upwelling and isolation in oxygen-depleted anticyclonic modewater eddies and implications for nitrate cycling

Auteurs: Johannes Karstensen, Florian Schütte, Alice Pietri, Gerd Krahmann, Björn Fiedler, Damian Grundle, Helena Hauss, Arne Körtzinger, Carolin R. Löscher, Pierre Testor, Nuno Vieira, Martin Visbeck
Publié dans: Biogeosciences, Numéro 14/8, 2017, Page(s) 2167-2181, ISSN 1726-4189
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/bg-14-2167-2017

Graph-Search and Differential Equations for Time-Optimal Vessel Route Planning in Dynamic Ocean Waves

Auteurs: Gianandrea Mannarini, Deepak N. Subramani, Pierre F. J. Lermusiaux, Nadia Pinardi
Publié dans: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2019, Page(s) 1-13, ISSN 1524-9050
Éditeur: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/tits.2019.2935614

Preliminary Inter-comparison of AIS Data and Optimal Ship Tracks

Auteurs: Gianandrea Mannarini, Lorenzo Carelli, Dimitrios Zissis, Giannis Spiliopoulos, Konstantinos Chatzikokolakis
Publié dans: TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Numéro 13/1, 2019, Page(s) 53-61, ISSN 2083-6473
Éditeur: TransNav, Faculty of Navigation
DOI: 10.12716/1001.13.01.04

VISIR-1.b: ocean surface gravity waves and currents for energy-efficient navigation

Auteurs: Gianandrea Mannarini, Lorenzo Carelli
Publié dans: Geoscientific Model Development, Numéro 12/8, 2019, Page(s) 3449-3480, ISSN 1991-9603
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/gmd-12-3449-2019

Floats with bio-optical sensors reveal what processes trigger the North Atlantic bloom

Auteurs: A. Mignot, R. Ferrari, H. Claustre
Publié dans: Nature Communications, Numéro 9/1, 2018, ISSN 2041-1723
Éditeur: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-02143-6

Evolving and Sustaining Ocean Best Practices and Standards for the Next Decade

Auteurs: Jay Pearlman, Mark Bushnell, Laurent Coppola, Johannes Karstensen, Pier Luigi Buttigieg, Francoise Pearlman, Pauline Simpson, Michele Barbier, Frank E. Muller-Karger, Cristian Munoz-Mas, Peter Pissierssens, Cyndy Chandler, Juliet Hermes, Emma Heslop, Reyna Jenkyns, Eric P. Achterberg, Manuel Bensi, Henry C. Bittig, Jerome Blandin, Julie Bosch, Bernard Bourles, Roberto Bozzano, Justin J. H. Buck, E
Publié dans: Frontiers in Marine Science, Numéro 6, 2019, ISSN 2296-7745
Éditeur: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00277

Adequacy of the Ocean Observation System for Quantifying Regional Heat and Freshwater Storage and Change

Auteurs: Matthew D. Palmer, Paul J. Durack, Maria Paz Chidichimo, John A. Church, Sophie Cravatte, Katy Hill, Johnny A. Johannessen, Johannes Karstensen, Tong Lee, David Legler, Matt Mazloff, Eitarou Oka, Sarah Purkey, Ben Rabe, Jean-Baptiste Sallée, Bernadette M. Sloyan, Sabrina Speich, Karina von Schuckmann, Josh Willis, Susan Wijffels
Publié dans: Frontiers in Marine Science, Numéro 6, 2019, ISSN 2296-7745
Éditeur: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00416

Small Phytoplankton Shapes Colored Dissolved Organic Matter Dynamics in the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre

Auteurs: Emanuele Organelli, Hervé Claustre
Publié dans: Geophysical Research Letters, Numéro 46/21, 2019, Page(s) 12183-12191, ISSN 0094-8276
Éditeur: American Geophysical Union
DOI: 10.1029/2019gl084699

The Joint IOC (of UNESCO) and WMO Collaborative Effort for Met-Ocean Services

Auteurs: Nadia Pinardi, Johan Stander, David M. Legler, Kevin O'Brien, Tim Boyer, Tom Cuff, Pierre Bahurel, Mathieu Belbeoch, Sergey Belov, Shelby Brunner, Eugene Burger, Thierry Carval, Denis Chang-Seng, Etienne Charpentier, S. Ciliberti, Giovanni Coppini, Albert Fischer, Eric Freeman, Champika Gallage, Hernan Garcia, Lydia Gates, Zhiqiang Gong, Juliet Hermes, Emma Heslop, Sarah Grimes, Katherine Hill, Ke
Publié dans: Frontiers in Marine Science, Numéro 6, 2019, ISSN 2296-7745
Éditeur: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00410

“Freshwater” in the Ocean is Not a Useful Parameter in Climate Research

Auteurs: Ursula Schauer, Martin Losch
Publié dans: Journal of Physical Oceanography, Numéro 49/9, 2019, Page(s) 2309-2321, ISSN 0022-3670
Éditeur: American Meteorological Society
DOI: 10.1175/jpo-d-19-0102.1

Evolving the Physical Global Ocean Observing System for Research and Application Services Through International Coordination

Auteurs: Bernadette M. Sloyan, John Wilkin, Katherine Louise Hill, Maria Paz Chidichimo, Meghan F. Cronin, Johnny A. Johannessen, Johannes Karstensen, Marjolaine Krug, Tong Lee, Eitarou Oka, Matthew D. Palmer, Benjamin Rabe, Sabrina Speich, Karina von Schuckmann, Robert A. Weller, Weidong Yu
Publié dans: Frontiers in Marine Science, Numéro 6, 2019, ISSN 2296-7745
Éditeur: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00449

The Global Ocean Ship-Based Hydrographic Investigations Program (GO-SHIP): A Platform for Integrated Multidisciplinary Ocean Science

Auteurs: Bernadette M. Sloyan, Rik Wanninkhof, Martin Kramp, Gregory C. Johnson, Lynne D. Talley, Toste Tanhua, Elaine McDonagh, Caroline Cusack, Eleanor O’Rourke, Evin McGovern, Katsuro Katsumata, Steve Diggs, Julia Hummon, Masao Ishii, Kumiko Azetsu-Scott, Emmanuel Boss, Isabelle Ansorge, Fiz F. Perez, Herlé Mercier, Michael J. M. Williams, Leif Anderson, Jae Hak Lee, Akihiko Murata, Shinya Kouketsu,
Publié dans: Frontiers in Marine Science, Numéro 6, 2019, ISSN 2296-7745
Éditeur: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00445

Future Ocean Observations to Connect Climate, Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems

Auteurs: Jörn O. Schmidt, Steven J. Bograd, Haritz Arrizabalaga, José L. Azevedo, Steven J. Barbeaux, John A. Barth, Tim Boyer, Stephanie Brodie, Juan José Cárdenas, Scott Cross, Jean-Noël Druon, Agneta Fransson, Jason Hartog, Elliott L. Hazen, Alistair Hobday, Michael Jacox, Johannes Karstensen, Sven Kupschus, Jon Lopez, Lauro A. S.-P. Madureira, José E. Martinelli Filho, Patricia Miloslavich, Catar
Publié dans: Frontiers in Marine Science, Numéro 6, 2019, ISSN 2296-7745
Éditeur: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00550

Quantitative modelling of the spatial dynamics of South Pacific and Atlantic albacore tuna populations

Auteurs: Inna N. Senina, Patrick Lehodey, John Hampton, John Sibert
Publié dans: Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2019, Page(s) 104667, ISSN 0967-0645
Éditeur: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2019.104667

OceanGliders: A Component of the Integrated GOOS

Auteurs: Pierre Testor, Brad de Young, Daniel L. Rudnick, Scott Glenn, Daniel Hayes, Craig M. Lee, Charitha Pattiaratchi, Katherine Hill, Emma Heslop, Victor Turpin, Pekka Alenius, Carlos Barrera, John A. Barth, Nicholas Beaird, Guislain Bécu, Anthony Bosse, François Bourrin, J. Alexander Brearley, Yi Chao, Sue Chen, Jacopo Chiggiato, Laurent Coppola, Richard Crout, James Cummings, Beth Curry, Ruth Curry
Publié dans: Frontiers in Marine Science, Numéro 6, 2019, ISSN 2296-7745
Éditeur: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00422

What are the prospects for seasonal prediction of the marine environment of the North-west European Shelf?

Auteurs: Jonathan Tinker, Justin Krijnen, Richard Wood, Rosa Barciela, Stephen R. Dye
Publié dans: Ocean Science, Numéro 14/4, 2018, Page(s) 887-909, ISSN 1812-0792
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/os-14-887-2018

Downwelling surface solar irradiance in the tropical Atlantic Ocean: a comparison of re-analyses and satellite-derived data sets to PIRATA measurements

Auteurs: Mélodie Trolliet, Jakub P. Walawender, Bernard Bourlès, Alexandre Boilley, Jörg Trentmann, Philippe Blanc, Mireille Lefèvre, Lucien Wald
Publié dans: Ocean Science, Numéro 14/5, 2018, Page(s) 1021-1056, ISSN 1812-0792
Éditeur: Copernicus Publication
DOI: 10.5194/os-14-1021-2018

Monthly solar radiation in the tropical Atlantic Ocean: Can its spatial variations be captured by the current configuration of the PIRATA moorings?

Auteurs: Mélodie Trolliet, Lucien Wald
Publié dans: Advances in Science and Research, Numéro 15, 2018, Page(s) 127-136, ISSN 1992-0636
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/asr-15-127-2018

Advancing Observation of Ocean Biogeochemistry, Biology, and Ecosystems With Cost-Effective in situ Sensing Technologies

Auteurs: Zhaohui Aleck Wang, Hassan Moustahfid, Amy V. Mueller, Anna P. M. Michel, Matthew Mowlem, Brian T. Glazer, T. Aran Mooney, William Michaels, Jonathan S. McQuillan, Julie C. Robidart, James Churchill, Marc Sourisseau, Anne Daniel, Allison Schaap, Sam Monk, Kim Friedman, Patrice Brehmer
Publié dans: Frontiers in Marine Science, Numéro 6, 2019, ISSN 2296-7745
Éditeur: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00519

Estimating Uncertainties in Oceanographic Trace Element Measurements

Auteurs: Paul J. Worsfold, Eric P. Achterberg, Antony J. Birchill, Robert Clough, Ivo Leito, Maeve C. Lohan, Angela Milne, Simon J. Ussher
Publié dans: Frontiers in Marine Science, Numéro 5, 2019, ISSN 2296-7745
Éditeur: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00515

Ethical recommendations for ocean observation

Auteurs: Michèle Barbier, Anja Reitz, Katsiaryna Pabortsava, Anne-Cathrin Wölfl, Tobias Hahn, Fred Whoriskey
Publié dans: Advances in Geosciences, Numéro 45, 2018, Page(s) 343-361, ISSN 1680-7359
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/adgeo-45-343-2018

A Response to Scientific and Societal Needs for Marine Biological Observations

Auteurs: Nicholas J. Bax, Patricia Miloslavich, Frank Edgar Muller-Karger, Valerie Allain, Ward Appeltans, Sonia Dawn Batten, Lisandro Benedetti-Cecchi, Pier Luigi Buttigieg, Sanae Chiba, Daniel Paul Costa, J. Emmett Duffy, Daniel C. Dunn, Craig Richard Johnson, Raphael M. Kudela, David Obura, Lisa-Maria Rebelo, Yunne-Jai Shin, Samantha Elisabeth Simmons, Peter Lloyd Tyack
Publié dans: Frontiers in Marine Science, Numéro 6, 2019, ISSN 2296-7745
Éditeur: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00395

From Observation to Information and Users: The Copernicus Marine Service Perspective

Auteurs: Pierre Yves Le Traon, Antonio Reppucci, Enrique Alvarez Fanjul, Lotfi Aouf, Arno Behrens, Maria Belmonte, Abderrahim Bentamy, Laurent Bertino, Vittorio Ernesto Brando, Matilde Brandt Kreiner, Mounir Benkiran, Thierry Carval, Stefania A. Ciliberti, Hervé Claustre, Emanuela Clementi, Giovanni Coppini, Gianpiero Cossarini, Marta De Alfonso Alonso-Muñoyerro, Anne Delamarche, Gerald Dibarboure, Frode
Publié dans: Frontiers in Marine Science, Numéro 6, 2019, ISSN 2296-7745
Éditeur: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00234

Ocean Data Product Integration Through Innovation-The Next Level of Data Interoperability

Auteurs: Justin J. H. Buck, Scott J. Bainbridge, Eugene F. Burger, Alexandra C. Kraberg, Matthew Casari, Kenneth S. Casey, Louise Darroch, Joaquin Del Rio, Katja Metfies, Eric Delory, Philipp F. Fischer, Thomas Gardner, Ryan Heffernan, Simon Jirka, Alexandra Kokkinaki, Martina Loebl, Pier Luigi Buttigieg, Jay S. Pearlman, Ingo Schewe
Publié dans: Frontiers in Marine Science, Numéro 6, 2019, ISSN 2296-7745
Éditeur: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00032

How deep Argo will improve the deep ocean in an ocean reanalysis

Auteurs: Florent Gasparin, Mathieu Hamon, Elisabeth Rémy, Pierre-Yves Le Traon
Publié dans: Journal of Climate, 2019, ISSN 0894-8755
Éditeur: American Meteorological Society
DOI: 10.1175/jcli-d-19-0208.1

Ocean FAIR Data Services

Auteurs: Toste Tanhua, Sylvie Pouliquen, Jessica Hausman, Kevin O’Brien, Pip Bricher, Taco de Bruin, Justin J. H. Buck, Eugene F. Burger, Thierry Carval, Kenneth S. Casey, Steve Diggs, Alessandra Giorgetti, Helen Glaves, Valerie Harscoat, Danie Kinkade, Jose H. Muelbert, Antonio Novellino, Benjamin Pfeil, Peter L. Pulsifer, Anton Van de Putte, Erin Robinson, Dick Schaap, Alexander Smirnov, Neville Smith,
Publié dans: Frontiers in Marine Science, Numéro 6, 2019, ISSN 2296-7745
Éditeur: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00440

A rare intercomparison of nutrient analysis at sea: lessons learned and recommendations to enhance comparability of open-ocean nutrient data

Auteurs: Triona McGrath, Margot Cronin, Elizabeth Kerrigan, Douglas Wallace, Clynton Gregory, Claire Normandeau, Evin McGovern
Publié dans: Earth System Science Data, Numéro 11/1, 2019, Page(s) 355-374, ISSN 1866-3516
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/essd-11-355-2019

VISIR-I: small vessels – least-time nautical routes using wave forecasts

Auteurs: Gianandrea Mannarini, Nadia Pinardi, Giovanni Coppini, Paolo Oddo, Alessandro Iafrati
Publié dans: Geoscientific Model Development, Numéro 9/4, 2016, Page(s) 1597-1625, ISSN 1991-9603
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/gmd-9-1597-2016

Global Carbon Budget 2015

Auteurs: C. Le Quéré, R. Moriarty, R. M. Andrew, J. G. Canadell, S. Sitch, J. I. Korsbakken, P. Friedlingstein, G. P. Peters, R. J. Andres, T. A. Boden, R. A. Houghton, J. I. House, R. F. Keeling, P. Tans, A. Arneth, D. C. E. Bakker, L. Barbero, L. Bopp, J. Chang, F. Chevallier, L. P. Chini, P. Ciais, M. Fader, R. A. Feely, T. Gkritzalis, I. Harris, J. Hauck, T. Ilyina, A. K. Jain, E. Kato, V. Kitidis, K
Publié dans: Earth System Science Data, Numéro 7/2, 2015, Page(s) 349-396, ISSN 1866-3516
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/essd-7-349-2015

Changes in Ocean Heat, Carbon Content, and Ventilation: A Review of the First Decade of GO-SHIP Global Repeat Hydrography*

Auteurs: L.D. Talley, R.A. Feely, B.M. Sloyan, R. Wanninkhof, M.O. Baringer, J.L. Bullister, C.A. Carlson, S.C. Doney, R.A. Fine, E. Firing, N. Gruber, D.A. Hansell, M. Ishii, G.C. Johnson, K. Katsumata, R.M. Key, M. Kramp, C. Langdon, A.M. Macdonald, J.T. Mathis, E.L. McDonagh, S. Mecking, F.J. Millero, C.W. Mordy, T. Nakano, C.L. Sabine, W.M. Smethie, J.H. Swift, T. Tanhua, A.M. Thurnherr, M.J. Warner, J
Publié dans: Annual Review of Marine Science, Numéro 8/1, 2016, Page(s) 185-215, ISSN 1941-1405
Éditeur: Annual Reviews Inc.
DOI: 10.1146/annurev-marine-052915-100829

Phytoplankton biomass cycles in the North Atlantic subpolar gyre: A similar mechanism for two different blooms in the Labrador Sea

Auteurs: Léo Lacour, Hervé Claustre, Louis Prieur, Fabrizio D'Ortenzio
Publié dans: Geophysical Research Letters, Numéro 42/13, 2015, Page(s) 5403-5410, ISSN 0094-8276
Éditeur: American Geophysical Union
DOI: 10.1002/2015GL064540

Dissolved inorganic carbon budgets in the eastern subpolar North Atlantic in the 2000s from in situ data

Auteurs: Patricia Zunino, Pascale Lherminier, Herlé Mercier, Xose A. Padín, Aida F. Ríos, Fiz F. Pérez
Publié dans: Geophysical Research Letters, Numéro 42/22, 2015, Page(s) 9853-9861, ISSN 0094-8276
Éditeur: American Geophysical Union
DOI: 10.1002/2015GL066243

Sea Currents and Waves for Optimal Route Planning with VISIR

Auteurs: Mannarini, G. Coppini, G. Lecci, R. Turrisi G.
Publié dans: 16th International Conference on Computer and IT Applications in the Maritime Industries, 2017, Page(s) 170-179, ISBN 978-3-89220-701-6
Éditeur: Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg Schriftenreihe Schiffbau

Low Carbon Intensity Routes via Ocean Currents and Waves

Auteurs: Mannarini, G., Pinardi, N., and Coppini, G.
Publié dans: Proceedings of NAV 2018: 19th International Conference on Ship and Maritime Research, Technology and Science for the Ships of the Future, 2018, Page(s) 340 - 347
Éditeur: IOS Press
DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-870-9-340

Enhancements to surface drifters enabled by AtlantOS

Auteurs: Poli, Paul; Reverdin, Gilles; Bourlès, Bernard; Carval, Thierry; David, Arnaud
Publié dans: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Numéro Vol. 19, 2017, Page(s) EGU2017-13914
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications

The PIRATA Observing System in the Tropical Atlantic: Enhancements and perspectives

Auteurs: Hernandez, Fabrice; Araujo, Moacyr; Bourlès, Bernard; Brandt, Peter; Campos, Edmo; Giordani, Hervé; Lumpkin, Rick; McPhaden, Michael J.; Nobre, Paulo; Saravanan, Ramalingam
Publié dans: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Numéro Vol. 19, 2017, Page(s) EGU2017-16788
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications

AtlantOS - Optimizing and Enhancing the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System

Auteurs: Reitz, Anja; Visbeck, Martin; AtlantOS Consortium
Publié dans: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Numéro Vol. 18, 2016, Page(s) EGU2016-3078
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications

Optimizing and Enhancing the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System to enhance the societal, scientific and economic benefit

Auteurs: Reitz, Anja; Karstensen, Johannes; Visbeck, Martin; the AtlantOS consortium
Publié dans: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Numéro Vol. 19, 2017, Page(s) EGU2017-8690
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications

Rainfall as a trigger for stratification and winter phytoplankton growth in temperate shelf seas

Auteurs: Jardine, Jenny; Palmer, Matthew; Mahaffey, Claire; Holt, Jason; Mellor, Adam; Wakelin, Sarah
Publié dans: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Numéro Vol. 19, 2017, Page(s) EGU2017-6828
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications

Turbulent controls on the onset and development of shelf sea seasonal stratification

Auteurs: Palmer, Matthew R.; Jardine, Jenny; Williams, Charlotte; Wihsgott, Juliane U.
Publié dans: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Numéro Vol. 19, 2017, Page(s) EGU2017-3549
Éditeur: Copernicus Pubications

A long term glider study of shelf sea oxygen dynamics

Auteurs: Williams, Charlotte; Palmer, Matthew, Mahaffey, Claire; Davis, Clare
Publié dans: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Numéro Vol. 19, 2017, Page(s) EGU2017-7698
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications

How well do we understand oil spill hazard mapping?

Auteurs: Sepp Neves, Antonio Augusto; Pinardi, Nadia
Publié dans: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Numéro Vol. 19, 2017, Page(s) EGU2017-19338
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications

OceanBestPractices System: a global resource to facilitate harmonizing practices in ocean observation, data and information

Auteurs: Pissierssens, Peter; Munot, Cristian; Karstensen, Johannes; Pearlman, Jay; Simpson, Pauline; Bushnell, Mark; Buttigieg, Pier L.; Hermes, Juliet; Heslop, Emma; Muller-Karger, Frank; Pearlman, Francoise
Publié dans: [Talk] In: IMDIS 2018 - International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems, 05.-07.11.2018, Barcelona, Spain ; pp. 265-267 ., Numéro 59/1, 2018
Éditeur: Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale

Technologies for a FAIRer use of Ocean Best Practices

Auteurs: Buttigieg, Pier L.; Simpson, Pauline; Pearlman, Jay; Piessierssens, Peter; Caltagirone, Scott; Bushnell, Mark; Hermes, Juliet; Heslop, Emma; Karstensen, Johannes; Muller-Karger, Frank; Munoz, Cristian; Pearlman, Francoise
Publié dans: [Talk] In: IMDIS 2018 - International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems, 05.-07.11.2018, Barcelona, Spain ; pp. 138-139 ., Numéro 53/1, 2018, Page(s) 138 - 139
Éditeur: Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale

Turbulent Control Of The Ocean Surface Boundary Layer During The Onset Of Seasonal Stratification

Auteurs: Palmer, M.; Hopkins, J.; Wihsgott, J. U.
Publié dans: American Geophysical Union, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016, 2016, Page(s) "abstract #A54A-2692"
Éditeur: AGU Publications

3. Wochenbericht M133

Auteurs: Visbeck, Martin
Publié dans: UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp., Numéro 1, 2017
Éditeur: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

1. Wochenbericht M133

Auteurs: Visbeck, Martin
Publié dans: UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp., Numéro 1, 2017
Éditeur: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

Climatologies of seawater CO2 chemistry variables: A neural network approach

Auteurs: Broullón, Daniel; Pérez, Fiz F.; Velo, A.; Suzuki, Toru
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: International Carbon Dioxide Conference

Seafloor mapping - completing a big puzzle

Auteurs: Wölfl, Anne-Cathrin; Devey, Colin
Publié dans: AtlantOS Newsletter, 1 (4). p. 8., Numéro 1/4, 2018, Page(s) 8
Éditeur: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Science Kiel

Seamount Observatory and SAMOC Overturning, Cruise No. MSM60, January 04 - February 01, 2017, Cape Town (South Africa) - Montevideo (Uruguay)

Auteurs: Karstensen, Johannes; Speich, Sabrina; Asdar, Sarah; Berbel, Glaucia B. B.; Branlard, Louise; Carvalho, Andrea; Chidichimo, Maria P.; Cotrim da Cunha, Leticia; da Silva Calixto, A.; Edsgren, Caroline; Guerrero, Raul; Hummels, Rebecca; Jones, Steve; Kersale, Marion; Lebehot, A.; Marshall, Tanya; Mohale, Ngwako; Rogge, Andreas; Sato, Olga T.; Schrandt, Julia; Stöven, Tim; Sutti Otera, Bruno
Publié dans: Maria S. Merian-Berichte, MSM60 . UNSPECIFIED, 46 pp., Numéro 1, 2019
Éditeur: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

A perspective of Early Career Scientists to the “All-Atlantic Ocean Observing System”

Auteurs: Wölfl, Anne-Cathrin; Hahn, Tobias; Neves, Antonio
Publié dans: AtlantOS Newsletter, 1 (5). p. 13., Numéro 1/5, 2019, Page(s) 13
Éditeur: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

Oceanic & atmospheric variability in the South Atlantic Cruise No. M124 29. February – 18. March 2016 Cape Town (Republic South Africa) – Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

Auteurs: Karstensen, Johannes; Speich, S.; Morard, R.; Bumke, Karl; Clarke, J.; Giorgetta, M.; Fu, Yao; Köhn, Eike; Pinck, Andreas; Manzini, E.; Lübben, B.; Baumeister, A.; Reuter, R.; Scherhag, A.; de Groot, T.; Louropoulou, Evangelia; Geißler, Felix; Raetke, A.
Publié dans: Meteor-Berichte, 124 . DFG-Senatskommission für Ozeanographie, Bremen, Germany, 59 pp., 2016
Éditeur: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
DOI: 10.3289/CR_M124

Water mass transport and transformation in the western SPNA, Cruise No. MSM74, May 25 - June 26, 2018, St. John's (Canada) - Reykjavik (Iceland), Western SPNA transport

Auteurs: Karstensen, Johannes; Atamanchuk, Dariia; Barboni, Alexanfre; Bendinger, Arne; Fonseca, Debany; Fried, Nora; Holliday, Penny; Hundsdörfer, Marie; Kerrigan, Elizabeth; Leimann, Ilmar; Normandeau, Claire; Oltmanns, Marilena; von Oppeln-Bronikowski, Nicolai; Ribbe, Joachim; Schmidtko, Sunke; Suits, Thea; Willis, Clara
Publié dans: Maria S. Merian-Berichte, MSM74 . UNSPECIFIED, 54 pp., 2018
Éditeur: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
DOI: 10.2312/cr_msm74

The contribution of Early Career Scientists (ECS) to the sustainability of AtlantOS

Auteurs: Hahn, Tobias; Fritz, Jan-Stefan
Publié dans: AtlantOS Newsletter, 1 (4). pp. 5-6., Numéro 1/4, 2018, Page(s) 5-6
Éditeur: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

Geoethics, how to apply ethical core-values to the ocean observation community

Auteurs: Barbier, M.; Hahn, Tobias; Reitz, Anja; Pabortsava, K.; Whoriskey, F.
Publié dans: AtlantOS Newsletter, 1 (4). pp. 4-5., Numéro 1/4, 2018, Page(s) 4-5
Éditeur: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

5. Wochenbericht M133

Auteurs: Visbeck, Martin
Publié dans: UNSPECIFIED, 4 pp., Numéro 1, 2017
Éditeur: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

4. Wochenbericht M133

Auteurs: Visbeck, Martin
Publié dans: UNSPECIFIED, 4 pp., 2017
Éditeur: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

SOOP Data System Upgrades

Auteurs: Olsen, Are; Wehde, Henning
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D2.8 . AtlantOS, 10 pp., Numéro 1, 2019
Éditeur: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d2.8

Consolidation of Atlantic EGO Network Activities Report

Auteurs: Turpin, Victor; Testor, Pierre; Barrera, Carlos; Dumont, Estelle; Fer, Ilker; Morales, Tania; Karstensen, Johannes
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D3.11 . AtlantOS, 23 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d3.11

Reanalysis for MSFD

Auteurs: Wood, Richard; Tinker, Jonathan; Krijnen, Justin; Barciela, Rosa; Dye, Stephen
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D8.5 . AtlantOS, 8 pp., Numéro 1, 2017
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D8.5

Technical enhancement of TMA sites for data safety & cost efficiency

Auteurs: Karstensen, Johannes; Motz, M.; Hansen, B.; Larsen, K. M. H.; Rayner, D.
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D3.7 . AtlantOS, 20 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d3.7

Report on AtlantOS fitness for ship routing

Auteurs: Mannarini, Gianandrea; Carelli, Lorenzo; Pinardi, Nadia; Cusack, Caroline
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D8.14 . AtlantOS, 20 pp., Numéro 1, 2019
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d8.14

Atlantic Ocean Observing Networks: Cost and feasibility study

Auteurs: Reilly, Kieran; Cusack, Caroline; Fernandez, Vicente; Buch, Erik; Ott, Michael; Araujo, Moacyr; Bourles, Bernard; Cancouet, Romain; Connell, Kenneth; Cristini, Luisa; Dolk, Shaun; Edwards, Martin; Emzivat, Gilbert; Fischer, Albert; Fitzhenry, Deirdre; Gourcuff, Claire; Karstensen, Johannes; King, Andrew; Kuska, Gerhard; Lampitt, Richard; Lumpkin, Rick; McDonough, Niall; McPhaden, Mike; Nobre, Paul
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D1.4 . AtlantOS, 79 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D1.4

Synthesis of OSSE results

Auteurs: Ford, David; Gasprin, Florent; Palmer, Matthew; Remy, Elisabeth; Traon, Pierre Yves le
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D1.5 . AtlantOS, 50 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d1.5

AtlantOS fitness for storm surge forecasting and warning

Auteurs: Horsburgh, Kevin; Williams, Jo; Byrne, David
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D8.12 . AtlantOS, 16 pp., Numéro 1, 2019
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d8.12

AtlantOS Project Website

Auteurs: Keeble, Simon; Reitz, Anja
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D10.2 . AtlantOS, 5 pp., Numéro 1, 2015
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D10.2

Status of regional climate and ecosystems observing Report

Auteurs: Speich, Sabrina; Karstensen, Johannes; McDonagh, Elaine
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D5.1 . AtlantOS, 39 pp., Numéro 1, 2019
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d5.1

An overview of main issues facing ocean observatories and the evaluation of their valueadded to society

Auteurs: Fritz, Jan-Stefan; Kettelhake, Sandra
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D10.3 . AtlantOS, 260 pp., Numéro 1, 2016
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D10.3

Stakeholder Engagement ‘Support Facility’ Test Exercise (Demonstrator)

Auteurs: Miguez, Belen M.; Calewaert, Jan-Bart
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D10.8 . AtlantOS, 28 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d10.8

Report on AtlantOS fitness to MSFD needs

Auteurs: Barciela, Rosa; Tinker, Jonathan
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D8.16 . AtlantOS, 22 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d8.16

Optimal design of ecosystem module

Auteurs: Lehodey, Patrick; Titaud, Olivier; Delpech, Audrey; Conchon, Anna
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D5.5 . AtlantOS, 29 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d5.5

GO-Ship software and manuals

Auteurs: Perez, Fiz F.; Velo, Anton; Cacabelos, Jesus; Tanhua, Toste; Lange, Nico
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D2.6 . AtlantOS, 19 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d2.6

Metrology reference and standard materials

Auteurs: Achterberg, Eric P.; Buttigieg, Pier L.; Janssen, Felix; Peplies, Jörg; Worsfold, Paul; Lohan, Maeve; Ussher, Simon
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D6.5 . AtlantOS, 6 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d6.5

Report on the performance of AtlantOS observing system

Auteurs: Ketelhake, Sandra; Visbeck, Martin; Belbeoch, Mathieu; Cusack, Caroline; Ebeler, Laura; Fernandez, Vicente; Fischer, Albert; Fritz, Jan-Stefan; Janssen, Felix; Gonzalez-Quiros, Rafael; Karstensen, Johannes; Le Traon, Pierre-Yves; Novellino, Antonio; Ott, Michael; Pouliquen, Sylvie; Reilly, Kieran; Tanhua, Toste; Waldmann, Christoph
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D9.4 . AtlantOS, 66 pp., Numéro 1, 2019
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d9.4

OceanSITES Innovation Report

Auteurs: Körtzinger, Arne; Buttigieg, Pier L.; Janssen, Felix; Metfies, Katja; Salter, Ian; Wenzhöfer, Frank; Steinhoff, Tobias; Fiedler, Björn; Hahn, Tobias; Seelmann, Katharina; Canning, Anna; Lampitt, Richard; Lopez, Patricia; Villagarcia, Marimar; Peplies, Jörg
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D3.17 . AtlantOS, 24 pp., Numéro 1, 2019
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d3.17

"Policy Brief and Event ""The slowing Gulf Stream? What we know and potential impacts"""

Auteurs: Olsen, Steffen; Fritz, Jan-Stefan; Arthun, Marius; Eldevik, Tor; Larsen, Karin; Miller, Raeanne; Oltmanns, Marilena
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D10.10 . AtlantOS, 16 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d10.10

SOOP Network Enhancement Report

Auteurs: Watson, Andrew; Lefevre, N.; Smythe, T.; Hartmann, S.; Reverdin, G.; Gonzalez-Davila, M.; Fietzek, Peer
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D2.4 . AtlantOS, 13 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D2.4

ETN Database

Auteurs: Reubens, Jan; Afonso, Pedro
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D3.21 . AtlantOS, 8 pp., Numéro 1, 2019
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d3.21

Engagement Strategy

Auteurs: Fritz, Jan Stefan
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D10.1 . AtlantOS, 21 pp., Numéro 1, 2016
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D10.1

Aquaculture site selection Report

Auteurs: Dale, Trine; Cusack, Caroline; Ruiz, Manuel
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D8.2 . AtlantOS, 39 pp., Numéro 1, 2017
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D8.2

Study of the potential for existing bathythermic string drifters

Auteurs: Rousselot, Pierre; Reverdin, Gilles; Blouch, Pierre; Poli, Paul; Janssen, Felix
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D3.5 . AtlantOS, 49 pp., Numéro 1, 2017
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D3.5

Storm surge climatology report

Auteurs: Horsburgh, Kevin; Williams, Joanne; Cussack, Caroline
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D8.1 . AtlantOS, 12 pp., Numéro 1, 2017
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D8.1

1st AtlantOS progress report plus summary of external board meetings

Auteurs: Reitz, Anja
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D11.5 . AtlantOS, 48+5 pp., Numéro 1, 2016
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D11.5

Drifter network improvement report

Auteurs: Poli, Paul; Bourles, Bernard; Bond, Steve; Hafner, Sabine; Klink, Stefan; Petermann, Eric
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D3.20 . AtlantOS, 29 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d3.20

Best Practices in Stakeholder Engagement, Data Dissemination and Exploitation

Auteurs: Miguez, Belen Martin; Calewaert, Jan-Bart; McMeel, Oonagh
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D10.5 . AtlantOS, 76 pp., Numéro 1, 2016
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D10.5

2nd AtlantOS progress report plus International Scientific and Technical Advisory Board minutes and AtlantOS Legacy document

Auteurs: Reitz, Anja; DeYoung, Brad; Buch, Erik
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D11.6 . AtlantOS, 89 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D11.6

Visual and interactive legacy outputs

Auteurs: Keeble, Kathryn; Keeble, Simon; Fritz, Jan-Stefan; Verbeek, Laura; Reitz, Anja; Ketelhake, Sandra
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D10.12 . AtlantOS, 12 pp., Numéro 1, 2019
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d10.12

OceanSITES Networking Report

Auteurs: Lampitt, Richard S.; Karstensen, Johannes; Buttigieg, Pier L.; Janssen, Felix
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D3.8 . AtlantOS, 27 pp., Numéro 1, 2019
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d3.8

SOOP Network Coordination Report

Auteurs: Watson, Andrew; Thorn, Jessica
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D2.5 . AtlantOS, 6 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d2.5

Roadmap for emerging networks

Auteurs: Connelly, Doug; Afonso, Pedro; Whoriskey, Frederick; Morris, Andrew; Mowlem, Matthew; Sousa Pinto, Isabel; Davies, Neil; Wölfl, Anne-Cathrin; Handegard, Nils Olav; Devey, Colin W.; Janssen, Felix; Buttigieg, Pier Luigi; Peplies, Jörg
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D6.2 . AtlantOS, 9 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D6.2

Web-based monitoring tool of the Atlantic Ocean observing system (Europe)

Auteurs: Novellino, A.; Fernandez, V.; Buch, E.
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D9.2 . AtlantOS, 73 pp., Numéro 1, 2017
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D9.2

Argo Dataset production: Real‐time data‐management and delayed‐mode qualified dataset for O2, Chlorophyll‐a, backscattering and NO3

Auteurs: Obolensky, Grigor; Cancouet, Romain; Mangin, Antoine; Poteau, Antoine; Schmechtig, Catherine; Thierry, Virginie
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D3.15 . AtlantOS, 34 pp., Numéro 1, 2019
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d3.15

Web based monitoring tool of the Atlantic ocean observing system (international)

Auteurs: Belbeoch, M.; Lize, A.
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D9.1 . AtlantOS, 12 pp., Numéro 1, 2017
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D9.1

Data Harmonization Report: Report containing recommendation on data harmonization

Auteurs: Koop-jakobsen,; Waldmann,; Huber,; Harscoat, Valerie; Pouliquen, Sylvie
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D7.1 . AtlantOS, 12 pp., Numéro 1, 2016
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.13155/47090

PIRATA data system upgrade Report

Auteurs: Bourles, Bernard; Brandt, Peter; Lefevre, Nathalie; Hahn, Johannes
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D3.9 . AtlantOS, 7 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D3.9

BIO EOV Report

Auteurs: Dall'Olmo, Giorgio; Claustre, Herve
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D7.9 . AtlantOS, 11 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D7.9

Enhancement of the Argo core mission: Deployment of Bio‐Argo and O2‐deep floats and improvement of the network capabilities

Auteurs: Obolensky, Grigor; Claustre, Herve; Thierry, Virginie; Körtzinger, Arne
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D3.14 . AtlantOS, 28 pp., Numéro 1, 2019
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d3.14

Gap analysis of links between coastal and open ocean networks

Auteurs: Anil, Akpinar; Guillaume, Charria; Cusack, Caroline; Vicente, Fernandez; O'Conchubhair, Diarmuid
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D4.5 . AtlantOS, 24 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.13155/57443

Oil spill hazard bulletin

Auteurs: Neves, Antonio A. S.; Martins, F.; Janeiro, J.; Cesarini, C.
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D8.7 . AtlantOS, 25 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D8.7

AtlantOS plankton report: Based on observations from the Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey

Auteurs: Edwards, M.; Broughton, D.; Camp, R.; Graham, G.; Helaouet, P.; Stern, R.
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D2.1 . AtlantOS, 17 pp., Numéro 1, 2017
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D2.1

Sustainability of the new Argo mission

Auteurs: Pouliquen, S.; Thierry, Virginie; Claustre, H.
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D3.16 . AtlantOS, 16 pp., Numéro 1, 2019
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d3.16

Report on assessment of the performance of AtlantOS observing system

Auteurs: Ott, Michael; Belbeoch, Mathieu; Fernandez, Vicente; Buch, Erik; Novellino, Antonio
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D9.3 . AtlantOS, 29 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d9.3

AtlantOS fitness for HAB Bulletins

Auteurs: Cusack, Caroline; Ruiz-Villarreal, Manuel; Eikrem, Wenche; Dale, Trine; Maguire, Julie; Dabrowski, Tomasz; Ledang, Anna B.; McElligott, Dee; Moejes, Fiona; Silke, Joe
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D8.11 . AtlantOS, 20 pp., Numéro 1, 2019
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d8.11

Bathymetric Vizualization

Auteurs: Devey, Colin W.; Wölfl, Anne-Cathrin
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D2.10 . AtlantOS, 4 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d2.10

Assessment of AtlantOS impact

Auteurs: Remy, Elisabeth; King, Robert; Mao, Chongyuan; Guinehut, Stephanie; Zuo, Hao; Mayer, Michael; Beena, Balan Sarojini; Gasparin, Florent; Hamon, Mathieu
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D7.16 . AtlantOS, 42 pp., Numéro 1, 2019
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.13155/59330

Metrology best practice manuals

Auteurs: Achterberg, Eric P.; Buttigieg, Pier L.; Janssen, Felix; Peplies, Jörg; Compere, Chantal
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D6.4 . AtlantOS, 62 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d6.4

Optimal design of regional sampling based on OSSEs

Auteurs: Verrier, Simon; Brasseur, Pierre; Brankart, Jean-Michel; Germineaud, Cyril
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D5.4 . AtlantOS, 20 pp., Numéro 1, 2019
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d5.4

QC Report. AtlantOS project

Auteurs: Reverdin, Gilles; Thierry, Virginie; Utiz, Julia; D'Ortenzio, Fabrizio; Bradshaw, Elizabeth; Pfeil, Benjamin
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D7.2 . AtlantOS, 23 pp., Numéro 1, 2017
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.13155/48244

AtlantOS Workshop Report

Auteurs: Liebender, Anna-Sophie; Jolly, Claire; Fritz, Jan-Stefan
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D10.4 . AtlantOS, 34 pp., Numéro 1, 2016
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D10.4

South Atlantic tide gauge data management plan

Auteurs: Bradshaw, Elizabeth; Rickards, Lesley
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D4.2 . AtlantOS, 16 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D4.2

Indices associated with climate variability

Auteurs: Mercier, Helen; Speich, Sabrina; McDonagh, Elaine; Karstensen, Johannes; Olsen, Steffen M.
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D5.2 . AtlantOS, 9 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d5.2

Science-Policy Briefing Paper and Event 2

Auteurs: Fritz, Jan-Stefan; Ketelhake, Sandra; Pinardi, Nadia; Horsburgh, Kevin; Mannarini, Gianandrea; Lehodey, Patrick
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D10.7 . AtlantOS, 4 pp., Numéro 1, 2017
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D10.7

European Strategy for Atlantic Ocean Observing

Auteurs: Buch, Eric; Ketelhake, Sandra; Larkin, Kate; Ott, Michael; Visbeck, Martin; DeYoung, Brad; Le Traon, Pierre-Yves; Sousa Pinto, Isabel; Gonzalez-Yuiros, Rafael; Turpin, Victor; Palacz, Artur; Tanhua, Toste; Pouliquen, Sylvie; Barbier, Michele; Brandt, Angelika; Hernandez Brito, Jose Joaquin; Wölfl, Anne-Cathrin; Brandt, Peter; Eparkhina, Dina; Fernandez, Vicente; Nolan, Glenn; Pinardi, Nadia
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D9.5 . AtlantOS, 47 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d9.5

Bathymetric Integration

Auteurs: Devey, Colin W.; Wölfl, Anne-Cathrin
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D2.3 . AtlantOS, 4 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D2.3

Organization & sustainability of PIRATA network Report

Auteurs: Bourles, Bernard; Araujo, Moacyr; Brandt, Peter; Mc Phaden, Mike; Lefevre, Nathalie; Foltz, Gregory; Cotrim da Cunha, Leticia
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D3.19 . AtlantOS, 7 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/atlantos_d3.19

Data Management Handbook Atlantos

Auteurs: Pouliquen, Sylvie; Harscoat, Valerie
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D7.4 . AtlantOS, 49 pp., Numéro 1, 2016
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.13155/48139

Science-Policy Briefing Paper and Event 1

Auteurs: Fritz, Jan-Stefan; Ketelhake, Sandra; Visbeck, Martin; Fischer, A.; Ott, M.; Mowlem, M.; de Young, B.
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D10.6 . AtlantOS, 4 pp., Numéro 1, 2017
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D10.6

AtlantOS Exploitation Plan

Auteurs: Reitz, Anja; Visbeck, Martin; Fritz, Jan-Stefan
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D11.3 . AtlantOS, 16 pp., Numéro 1, 2016
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D11.3

Integration in GEOSS

Auteurs: Koop-Jakobsen, Ketil; Waldmann, Christoph
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D7.8 . AtlantOS, 16 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D7.8

Oil spill Hazard maps

Auteurs: Sepp-Neves, Augusto; Pinardi, Nadia; Martins, F.; Janeiro, J.; Cesarini, C.
Publié dans: AtlantOS Deliverable, D8.4 . AtlantOS, 12 pp., Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: AtlantOS
DOI: 10.3289/AtlantOS_D8.4

Role of the circulation on the anthropogenic CO 2 inventory in the North-East Atlantic: A climatological analysis

Auteurs: L.I. Carracedo, F.F. Pérez, M. Gilcoto, A. Velo, A. Padín, G. Rosón
Publié dans: Progress in Oceanography, Numéro 161, 2018, Page(s) 78-86, ISSN 0079-6611
Éditeur: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2018.01.009

More Integrated and More Sustainable Atlantic Ocean Observing (AtlantOS)

Auteurs: Lampitt, Richard; Karstensen, Johannes; Saraceno, Martin; Mowlem, Matthew C.; Pinardi, Nadia; Visbeck, Martin; Larkin, Kate; Speich, Sabrina; Araujo, Moacyr; Buch, Erik; Horsburgh, Kevin J.; Le Traon, Pierre-Yves; de Young, Brad; Dabrowski, Tomasz; Waldmann, Christoph; Monteiro, Pedro; Pearlman, Jay; Lherminier, Pascale; Fischer, Albert; Drinkwater, Ken; Delory, Eric; Claustre, Herve; Wallace, Dou
Publié dans: CLIVAR Exchanges, 67 (2). pp. 18-20., Numéro 19/2, 2015, Page(s) 18-20, ISSN 1026-0471
Éditeur: International CLIVAR Project Office

What’s the Best Way to Responsibly Collect Ocean Data?

Auteurs: Juliet Hermes, Jay Pearlman, Pier Buttigieg
Publié dans: Eos, Numéro 99, 2018, ISSN 2324-9250
Éditeur: AGU Publications
DOI: 10.1029/2018eo096533

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