Final Report Summary - EAGLE (Exploring quantum Aspects of GravitationaL wavE detectors)
The core of Advanced LIGO is a Michelson laser interferometer with 4km arm length, which measures tiny displacements of mirror-endowed test masses induced by GWs. The peak amplitude of the event GW150914 that we detected, in terms of strain, is of the order of 10^-21, with the corresponding displacement of the test masses being 10^-19 meter. Such a high sensitivity is achieved by using the state-of-the-art techniques to reduce various noises---disturbances that mimic GW signals.
The fact that advanced GW detectors are quantum-limited has two implications: (i) we have to manipulate quantum coherence to further improve the detector sensitivity, and (ii) advanced GW detectors will achieve sensitivity sufficient for probing the quantum dynamics of macroscopic test masses. These are the topics studied by Prof. Andreas Freise and Dr. Haixing Miao during this project. In particular, they have explored different approaches for reducing the quantum noise with both numerical modelling and analytical study, e.g. using the interaction between light and mechanical oscillator (or atomic gain medium) to create active optical filters that can enhance the detector response to GW signals. They also applied quantum measurement theory to investigate the general principle behind and studied the fundamental quantum limitation to GW detection, which leads to new ideas for designing the next-generation GW detectors that can probe further into the distant universe and unveil new astrophysical objects.