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Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-18

Hierarchical Functionalization of Graphene for Multiple device fabrication

Final Report Summary - HIGRAPHEN (Hierarchical Functionalization of Graphene for Multiple device fabrication)

HIGRAPHEN project is based on the application of layer-by-layer (LbL) technology for the development of a versatile and generic procedure for the fabrication of hybrid devices involving graphene oxide and materials of a different nature such as polymeric, organic, and inorganic entities. The aim of the project was to achieve the organization and integration of graphene sheets with heterogeneous components of different sizes and compositions into higher level structures/assemblies and devices. Components include polyelectrolytes, conductive polymers, magnetic nanoparticles, nanorods and quantum dots.
HIGRAPHEN aimed to integrate, graphene, with inorganic particles and polymeric and organic species to develop building blocks for assembly and to understand the principles underlying their interaction that are fundamental to control graphene assembly and integration in devices. In an initial phase of the project several materials were synthesized as building blocks like ZnSe quantum dots, magnetic nanoparticle, and electroactive polymers like polyaminobenzylamines (PABA), polyaniline poly(styrene sulfonate) (PANI/PSS) complexes, surface modified graphene oxide, etc.
HIGRAPHEN has advanced on the understanding the principles guiding the assembly of graphene oxide with heterogeneous components such as conducting polymers, polymer complexes and nanoparticles. Optimized conditions were found for the fabrication of graphene oxide polymer LbL assemblies with excellent graphene oxide coverage. The physico chemical properties of the assemblies were thoughtfully studied, in particular the electrochemical properties. Conditions were found to achieve a good electrical connectivity among graphene oxide and conducting polymers. The layer-by-layer assembly of polyaniline-PSS (PANI:PSS) complexes, iron oxide nanoparticles and graphene oxide resulted in an electrode material with excellent electrochemical capacitive performance in simple neutral aqueous electrolyte. The simple assembly procedure allows the assembly of the materials on almost any surface and the control of the film nanoarchitectonics. The LbL assembled graphene oxide/nanoparticle/PANI:PSS systems constitutes a promising candidate for the construction of environmentally friendly supercapacitors.
HIGRAPHEN has integrated graphene oxide assemblies into macroscopic anticorrosive coatings and devices for opto electronic applications and energy conversion. A main achievement in HIGRAPHEN has been the development of supercapacitor electrodes on the basis of graphene oxide assembly. The project aimed to generate a versatile platform for the nanoscale functional devices on the basis of GO that will contribute towards industrialisation of new energy and material efficient products and innovative processes.
To achieve these goals a strong international partnership was built among European and Latinoamerican research groups with complementary expertises in Chemistry, Physics and Material Science. From the European side the group at CIC biomaGUNE, Spain, provided expertise in self assembly and material characterization while the group at CNRS has expertise on the synthesis of nanomaterials. The non European partners brought to HIGRAPHEN expertise in graphene chemistry, the group from CIQA in Mexico; in physics of magnetic materials and devices, the group from FUB in Brasil; and in electrochemistry, the groups at INIFTA in Argentina.
The scientific activities of HIGRAPHEN will be based on the exchange of Early Stage Researchers and Experience Researchers between the European Institutions on one side and the non European Institutions on the other side. In parallel to the scientific work extensive training activities are planned for the exchanged scientists.