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Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-28

Intelligent Bridge Assessment Maintenance and Management System

Final Report Summary - BRIDGE SMS (Intelligent Bridge Assessment Maintenance and Management System)

BRIDGE SMS EU/FP7 project couples state-of-the art scientific and industrial expertise in: structural and geotechnical engineering, hydraulics and hydrology, materials and infrastructure management. BRIDGE SMS main objectives are: Development of standardised methods for bridge scour inspection; Development of standards for bridge assessment and management; Calculation of the risks and management procedure for potential effects of flood events; Development of a database framework which is designed for intuitive use and encourages participation by personnel at all levels within management authorities; Development of a system that: collects, integrates and processes real-time data at regular intervals from weather and hydrologic sources, meters and gauges, and other sensing devices, will rapidly notify, relevant personnel of possible maintenance and failure issues using in-built intelligence and decision-making processes, will advise on current Scour Risk Status at bridge structures and prompt an appropriate Plan of Action (POA) which may involve various levels of maintenance and repair, will prioritize and optimize the operational and maintenance budget spend for infrastructure companies; Maximum use of new Information and Communications Technology (ICT) hardware and software such as tablets and cloud-based systems for on-site rapid communications, data collection and analysis.
The work is obtained through following the Work Packages: WP 1 Management, WP 2 Technical Research, WP 3 Development of Bridge Scour Management System, WP 4 Knowledge Transfer and Training, WP 5 Dissemination and Commercialisation.

The project started in January 2015 and ended in December 2018 (total duration 48 months). The total EU contribution is €1.4M.
The following deliverables from WP 1, WP 2, WP 3, WP 4 and WP 5 are completed and delivered: D.1.1 Website Design & Maintenance, D.1.2 Consortium Agreement, D.1.3 Quality Assurance Manual, D.1.4 Interim Report, D.1.5 Final Project Report, D.2.1 Identification of input bridge and scour data sets, D.2.2 Development of Methodologies and tools for Bridge Scour Management System, D.2.3 Development of specifications for Intelligent DSS, D.3.1 DSS component development Report, D.3.2 DSS Module development Report, D.3.3 BRIDGE-SMS DSS system developed, D.3.4 Workshop to inform consortium of DSS, D.4.1 Best Practice Documentation & Manuals, D.4.2 Knowledge Database, D.4.3 Operational Pilot with up to 25 bridges, D.5.1 Dissemination Plan, D.5.2 Publication of technical papers, D.5.3 Exploitation Plan. In addition to mandatory reporting, the key project deliverables include modelling, maintenance and management software development and scientific and technical publications. The Project Website is live and is updated by the project partners. See

The Inventory module, Scour Inspection module, Structural Inspection module, Maintenance and Repair Module are implemented as within the BRIDGE SMS online platform. The users - bridge managers, bridge inspectors and administrators all have different reading and editing permissions and can login into the system with their username and password from any computer. In addition, a mobile/tablet Application for Inspection Module “AIM” is developed to provide bridge inspectors with two-way synchronization with the online platform. The mobile App standardizes the inspection procedure and reduces reporting time virtually to zero. The project Partners Cork County Council and Infraestruturas de Portugal have now trained staff that can use the BRIDGE SMS online platform and Mobile App. availing of office and/or field training which was organised on four occasions by BRIDGE SMS experts.

The Monitoring and Prediction module is successfully completed and tested. The Bandon-Ilen Flood Early Warning System that was developed in collaboration with Deltares is operational. The system includes a DSS that sends Alerts and Alarms via emails to a selected group of site engineers up to 48 hours prior the rainfall events. The DSS is developed and tested on the pilot bridges in Cork County.
The consortium developed two monitoring systems: Weather Information Logging Device (WILD) and Bridge Information Recording Device (BIRD). This was demonstrated on the workshop held in Cork, Ireland and seminar held in Zagreb, Croatia in February and March 2018 respectively.

Main results achieved
• BRIDGE SMS online platform with following modules is completed and handed over to Cork Co. Co. and INFPO.
• BRIDGE SMS Mobile App “AIM” is delivered to Cork Co. Co. and INFPO engineers.
• Three tablets with installed “AIM” application were delivered to Cork Co. Co. and INFPO engineers.
• Guidelines for general and detailed structural and scour inspection of bridges were developed and handed to Cork Co.Co.
• Weather Information Logging Device (WILD) developed and installed at two catchment locations
• Bridge Information Recording Device (BIRD) developed and installed at two bridge locations
• Rain Gauge installed in Skibbereen
• Office and field training for Guidelines for Structural and Scour Inspection of Bridges have been established and with four sessions held with Cork Co.Co. and INFPO staff to date.
• The selected Pilot study includes a total of 9 pilot bridges in Co. Cork, Ireland at Bandon and Ilen Catchments, covering the total catchment area of 877km2.
• Bandon-Ilen Flood Early Warning System is developed in collaboration with Deltares and it is in use by Cork Co.Co. site engineers.
• The DSS automatically issues warnings and alarms up to 48 hours in advance to a selected group of site engineers
• A total 18 researchers were financed during the project with 149.8 total secondment and research months completed during the project.
• More than dozen technical meetings and workshops organised and more than 15 training events and workshops attended
• Membership of 13 professional bodies
• Over 20 publications achieved, of which:
o 2 Peer reviewed publications
o 2 Sections in an edited book(s)
o 16 Papers in Proceedings of a Conference/Workshops
• Four workshops/seminars/Trainings were held in Cork, Ireland and Zagreb, Croatia to a wider, targeted audience to present development of Flood Forecasting and Decision Support System
• Established collaboration with Regional bodies (Dublin City Council, South Dublin City Council), National bodies (Icelandic Transport Authority, DOT Ireland, EPA Ireland, OPW Ireland, MetEireann), Higher Education bodies (Deltares Netherlands; University of Glasgow, UK, University College Dublin, Ireland; University of Minho, Portugal), Membership of 4 COST Actions
Expected final results, their potential impact and use
• The consortium members involved in bridge asset management will benefit from the use of the system, free of royalties relating specifically to the BRIDGE-SMS project.
• IPR needs is considered in relation to software development. It is the intention to fully explore the possibility of an Open Source Software approach or its commercialisation.
• Opportunities will arise to develop National /International Standards for Bridge/Bridge scour inspections.