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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Content archived on 2024-06-18



Executive Summary:
The DeepLITE project was born with the intent of bringing full visibility, appreciation and a well-carved market debut to a revolutionary concept for the indoor reproduction of natural illumination, which had previously gained the support of EC by means of two-years funding in the context of a FP7 Capacities project which had lead to the conclusion of the R&D phase.

The goal of DeepLITE is to give strength - through carefully planned events directed to lighting operators and the general public - to a technology which is in the delicate phase between having ready the first product prototypes with high commercial potential and the development of a solid business.

The possibility to introduce natural, outdoor lighting in the indoor may be seen as a sort of philosopher's stone in the field of contemporary lighting design. The effect of sunlight -which is warm, directional, and defines volumetrically the geometry of objects- combined to the effect of skylight -diffused, cold, soothing, capable of endowing shades with a soft blue tinge- has a unique role in the relationship that human beings develop with architectural spaces. As a philosopher's stone would do, the use of natural light in an indoor environment where only standard artificial light sources are allowed modifies its own essence: that is, the way it is seen by visitors, both in terms of emotional memory as well as of perception of dimensions.

Up to now, no solutions available on the market are capable of reproducing the full features of natural daylight by means of artificial sources. The current answer to this issue is an architectural design that develops around the concept of providing apertures and structures that let daylight shine in with a number of effects. Of course, in absence of commercial luminaires capable of reproducing natural light, the problem is unavoidable as far as architectural spaces with no visual access to the outdoor -such as hypogeal- are concerned.

The CoeLux project (2010-2012), funded by EC in the FP7 Capacities programme, has vitally contributed in constructing a viable solution to this problem. The lighting technology developed in the course of the project is based on a fundamental consideration: no daylight is truly simulated without the combined reproduction of sunlight and skylight. As strikingly simple as it seems, this fundamental concept is neglected by luminaire producers aiming at mimicking natural lighting, who focus their efforts on either sun spectra reconstruction, or providing observers with the view of a fake sky in the form of panels that diffuse blue light. The effects obtained by separating the two elements are way far from the physical truth of daylight.

CoeLux® technology on the contrary allows for realizing luminaires that are virtually windows facing a blue, sunny sky. We state that CoeLux® can definitely bring indoor the elements of natural light and convince viewers at first sight, at a very instinctive level, that they are in front of the real thing. This is revolutionary in interior lighting design, and leads to unprecedented possibilities for illuminating spaces -as one may easily imagine- but also to a definite leap forward in this discipline.

The main milestone of the DeepLite project consisted in assessing the applicability of this revolutionary technology, thus bridging the gap between research and development and the market. This was successfully achieved with the realization of eight installations, presenting the CoeLux® technology in different architectural environments and applications sectors - healthcare, retail, office, museum and transportation. The worldwide uproar generated by these installations, supported by numerous events and dissemination activities, have demonstrated that CoeLux® has the full capability of promoting a change in the global lighting market leading to an impressive economic impact.

Project Context and Objectives:
As outlined in the Dow, the DeepLite project goals can be summarized as follows:
i. Complete the scale-up of the CoeLux® technology;
ii. Assess technology performance versus market & technology standards;
iii. Verify the users' perception in real applications;
iv. Raise interest from investors, market stakeholders and the large public by means of high-impact demonstrators/installations;
v. Develop an effective market strategy and devise a realistic - but aggressive - Business Plan.

To this reach this goal, four levels of actions were planned in the project:
1. Technology: fine-tune the CoeLux® technology (i.e. nano-structured diffusers, high-tech projectors and micro-optics layouts) and verify technical reliability and performance in real environments;
2. Applicability and standards: assessment of the applicability in real spaces, implementation of processes complexity, compliance to standards, installation and maintenance procedures and costs evaluation;
3. Users comfort and wellbeing: verify users perception (traditional lighting vs. CoeLux®);
4. New architecture concepts: verify the hypothesis that CoeLux® technology has the potential to open new breakthrough in architecture and design.

The above mentioned actions are easily translated in the main project objective: the realization of a number of installations, also called “demonstrators”, in real environments (i.e. non in the lab or in exhibitions) essential to show the CoeLux® technology in action.

In order to better detail how DeepLite intended to tackle the above-mentioned levels of actions, the project context and main objectives are here briefly summarised according to each project work package.

WP2 - this WP tackled the architectural design, up to the executive design level, of a total of eight installations of the CoeLux® lighting system. The steps to reach the final executive designs of the installation included (i) the verification of the architectural constraints of the real environment where the CoeLux® system had to be installed, (ii) the definition of preliminary concepts, (iii) the assessment of the architectural project vs. the real buildings environments, and (iv) the realization of detailed project designs. The WP also dealt with the assessment of technology standards compliance and product certification, necessary for installing CoeLux® in any public or private location.

WP3 - three main actions were at the core of this WP: (i) the lighting design of the installations described in WP2, (iii) the realization of a first CoeLux® domotic system demonstrator, i.e. a system which included dynamic lighting features and could be remotely controlled, and (iii) at designing and performing a study to assess CoeLux® impact on comfort and wellbeing.

WP4 - the objective of this WP was the realization of the first installation of the CoeLux® technology, based on the results of WP2 and WP3;

WP5 - the objective of this WP was the realization of the second installation of the CoeLux® technology;

WP6 - the objective of this WP was the realization of the third installation of the CoeLux® technology. This demonstrator was also designed to be used as test room for the study on comfort and wellbeing.

WP7 - in parallel to the installations described above another objective of the DeepLite project was the dissemination and communication of CoeLux® to the general public as well as to potential customers, investors, architects, lighting designer, etc. and in doing so to safeguard the technology IPR. The participation to a number or specialized fairs in the sector of lighting as well has other events for the broad public were described in the DoW supported by the realization of high quality promotional material to continue the dissemination during the overall project.

WP8 - the objective of this WP was to produce a market analysis in order to asses the potential size of the market for the CoeLux® technology and to define a “go to market” strategy for the CoeLux® lighting system.

WP9 - this aim of this WP was to ensure that the installations of WP4 WP5 and WP6 were implemented in the most effective way and to monitor potential risks or criticalities.

WP1 - this WP dealt with the overall financial and administrative tasks of the project.

Project Results:
The main result of all the DeepLite project is summarized in the eight fully functioning demonstrators, which validate that CoeLux® technology can be successfully applied in real spaces. As a consequence of this activity, a number of other results have been obtained, and confirm that the technology has been fine-tuned and its technical reliability and performance verified. The applicability in real spaces has been assessed and its compliance with standards has been gained and implementation/installation procedures have been defined, as well as the system’s maintenance. A first study on users’ comfort when comparing traditional lighting vs. CoeLux® has been conducted: the preliminary results are interesting and have paved the way to new and more in-depth studies. Finally, new architectural concepts have been implemented demonstrating that CoeLux® has the potential to create breakthroughs in the fields of architecture and design.

Results are here described according to the related Work Package.

WP2 – This WP has led to three major results: (i) the executive drawings for the realization of the installations which will be described in successive WPs, (ii) instruction and installation procedures to support the installers during the CoeLux® lighting system installation phase and (iii) the CoeLux® product compliance with all safety and Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) standards (CE, UL and FCC).

WP3 – This WP has led to the following results: (i) lighting projects of the installations which will be described in successive WPs, (ii) realization of a demonstrator inclusive of the lighting control system that can be remotely controlled via smartphone to create variable lighting effects, (iii) a preliminary study assessing CoeLux® impact on comfort and wellbeing of inpatients in the Hosptial of Hall in Tyrol, Austria. The pilot study compared the impact of the artificial skylight technology CoeLux® with a standard ambient room lighting system on several mood parameters.

WP4 – The eight demonstrators of the CoeLux® technology are DeepLite’s main result. The demonstrators have been chosen in order to best exploit the CoeLux® technology and to get an insight into strategic market Key Verticals. This specific WP has dealt with the actual installation on site, including all the necessary infrastructure works, for the realization of six of the eight installations:

1. The Ideaworks demonstrator, London, UK - this was the first ever installation of a Coelux® lighting system in a real space. The chosen space was a small underground room that gained new functionalities after the installation of CoeLux. This demonstrator was the first step for CoeLux® to enter the residential and hospitality markets. The demonstrator was inaugurated in September 2014.

2. Humanitas Hospital demonstrator, Milan, Italy - this demonstrator falls in the healthcare applications. A CoeLux® 45 HC lighting system was successfully installed in one of the Gamma Knife radiotherapy rooms, completely blind to the outdoors, where patients spend over 2 hours while their therapy is being administered. The demonstrator was completed in January 2015, staff and patients coming back from the Christmas holidays where astonished by the installation. An event for the presentation of the system to the press and media took place in March 2015.

3. Spazio Spin, Ars et Inventio demonstrator Milan, Italy - a temporary office space rented by companies or privates for focused activities like training, meetings etc. The room in which CoeLux® is installed is located in an old building in the centre of Milan, with two large windows looking on the street. This demonstrator is a successful example of how an office space can benefit from this technology and of how the technology can co-exist with natural daylight. The demonstrator was inaugurated on April 14th, 2015, over 200 people attended the event including Light designers, architects, stakeholders and the press.

4. Boffi Showroom demonstrator, Milan, Italy - is located in the Milan showrooms of the world famous furniture brand Boffi. Here CoeLux® is installed in a setting common to a high end residential building/house. The inauguration took place on April 7th, 2015. The event organized by Boffi saw the participation of over 1500 architects, lighting designer, press agents, and others.

5. Bang & Olufsen, Vilnius, Lithuania – this is the first demonstrator of CoeLux® in a Nordic country. Due to the lack of daylight during the winter season, the Nordic countries represent a very important market for the CoeLux® product. The opening event took place in July 2015.

6. Vilnius International Airport, Vilnius Lithuania – this demonstrator is the first example of a CoeLux® lighting system installed in a large infrastructure space. CoeLux® is positioned in the airport baggage claim area, just before the exit from the terminal. This means that CoeLux is today seen by all passengers arriving at Vilnius Airport. The installation was completed right at the end of the project. An inauguration event with the press and local authorities took place in October 2015.

All the above demonstrators have been built within the project timeline and have not yet been dismantled. The choice to build more than one demonstrator as a substitute of the originally programmed underground station comes from the fact that it was not possible for the Consortium to find a location which could provide a similar impact and where more than two CoeLux® units could be installed. However, the cumulative impact generated and the opportunities provided by the six new demonstrators led to a larger than expected impact and to the exploration of more interesting markets, such as the healthcare and office segments.
The assessment of the lighting performances of each demonstrator has also been a key result of this WP.

WP5 – The output of this WP is the Installation of a CoeLux® lighting system at the 14th International Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia, 2014, Venice, Italy. Thanks to DeepLite it was possible to design the illumination system for the project “Z! Zingonia, Mon Amour”, part of the Monditalia pavilion. This was the first demonstrator to be realized and was inaugurated on the 7th of June 2014. The Biennale di Venezia attracted in 2014 over 200.000 visitors during its 6 months opening. This project was the perfect occasion for introducing CoeLux® to the worldwide architecture community.

WP6 – The eighth and last demonstrator was realized in this WP: the demonstrator at Hall in Tyrol Psychiatric Clinic, Hall in Tyrol, Austria. This is the second demonstrator which falls in the healthcare applications and was used as a testing laboratory to perform the study on comfort and wellbeing, presented in WP3.

WP7 – Dissemination and communication activities have been of key importance for raising the awareness of the CoeLux technology. During the project time frame, CoeLux was presented at six fairs/exhibition as detailed in the next session. At two of these events the consortium was invited to participate directly by the EU commission. Most of the events had a worldwide resonance has can be seen by the wide media coverage and by the echo that this technology has raised worldwide and amongst the big players in the lighting market. Thanks to the availability of ad hoc realized high quality photographical material showing the CoeLux® technology in action, communication and dissemination activities have continued during the overall project life. End users and third parties, not directly beneficiaries of the DeepLite project, have also supported the consortium with the realization of semi professional videos, which are still now visible on the web. With each demonstrator completed a press release has been prepared and sent to the local and international media. Links to some of the most important articles published on specialized and popular press is reported in the next session.

WP8 – the market in which the CoeLux product will position itself has been defined, assessed and tested. The main market key verticals – healthcare, office, retail and hospitality – on which the commercial network will concentrate, have been defined together with a commercial strategy. A first business plan has been prepared and thanks to the uproar generated around the CoeLux® technology which has led to a wide demand from all over the world, the product has already entered the market.

WP9 – This WP did not lead to any specific results however it has been fundamental for guaranteeing that all project objectives could be achieved in time. The result is that all, and more than the originally planned demonstrators, have been realized within the project time and budget and major risks have always been supervised and dealt with.

Potential Impact:

CoeLux® is an optical system based on nanotechnology and designed to artificially reproduce the natural light and visual appearance of the sun and the sky.
No matter how small or dark the room is, the space perceived with CoeLux® lighting is infinite - as infinite as the perceived distance between us and the artificial sky and sun. This peculiarity makes CoeLux® a unique solution for all architectural spaces where light deprivation significantly limits or even prevents livability and generates psychological constraints: such as in underground architecture, in narrow spaces where people may suffer from claustrophobia (ie. elevators), or in architectures located in countries where sunlight is missing for many months of the year.

CoeLux® technology overcomes all of these disadvantages and presents a revolution in lighting and the lighting design industry. In this scenario, CoeLux® has the full capability of promoting a change in the global lighting market – a market which is historically very conservative with a slow innovation pace often led by cost reduction and energy efficiency optimization rather that breakthrough ideas - which could generate an impressive economic impact. Said statement is greatly supported by the uproar generated by the technology’s recent entry into the market and by the international acknowledgments and awards it has received.

Today the manufacturing and utilization of the CoeLux® product engages a number of key downstream industries. Small and medium sized chemical industries involved in the production of CoeLux® materials, global LED producers, small and large mechanical engineering companies, and producers of custom electronics and optical components are all part of a network of suppliers, located throughout Europe, that contribute to the building of CoeLux® lighting system, which has been made possible by the support of EU funding.

Distributors and representatives covering the key EU geographical countries are being activated in order to support the go-to market strategy of the CoeLux® product.

Finally, the full use of CoeLux® will develop from the ambitions of architects, light designers and constructors, and their creativeness in defining and realizing new architectural spaces. In such a context CoeLux® paves the way for the development of new architectures that design underground living spaces instead of using the more and more limited above ground spaces. This is especially true in regions such as Canada, Singapore or even London, where in order to face either extreme climate conditions or over population issues, new living spaces are being created mostly by digging underground.

All this translates into new business opportunities not only at the economic EU level but also in the growth of specific and highly qualified know-how.

The original idea of the Coordinator, of combining know-how from different key sectors such as architecture, engineering, applied science, psychology and human sciences, has been successfully achieved. Physicist, architects, light designers, engineers, material scientist, rendering specialists, and many more have all worked in tight collaboration on the project. This cooperation has led to the creation of a new architectural approach where the object – CoeLux® – is not just part of an environment, but designs and defines the environment generating a new relationship between architectural space and people.
This represents a real example showing how the merging of different expertise, abilities, know how and background can lead to new ideas enhancing the research and innovation capacities of EU SMEs by making them driving actors in the whole innovation process from the idea to market, and thus raising their competiveness on the global scale.

CoeLux® also addresses the need for a more comfortable lighting overcoming the detrimental impact that the over-exposition to commercial artificial lighting has on human well-being. As discusses in previously FP7 funded project, the discomfort generated by artificial lighting can be traced back to the discovery that many parameters and activities of the human body oscillate in time, by the so call "circadian rhythm". Human beings experience two kinds of day at the same time: the outer day, determined by the astronomical route of the Sun, and the inner day, i.e. the ensemble of circadian activities regulated by the inner biological clock. Light is the most important link between the two. For thousands of years natural light had been the main tuning agent. The advent of artificial light has drastically disrupted this natural rhythm, as can be documented by the negative effects experienced by shift workers or flight attendants subject to jet-lag, as well as by the development of light therapies for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and Alzheimer disease.
Up to today the lighting industry has mainly concentrated its efforts on the functional features of artificial lighting systems, while comfort and well-being effects have been neglected, thus leaving the above described problem unsolved. In todays’ society, where one is often led to spend long hours in spaces, such as offices or other working contexts, blind to the natural light, the question of how lighting affects the quality of life is central. Insuch context CoeLux fill this open gap in the lighting market: providing a unique, unexpected view of a sunlit sky, comfortable on a psychological, emotional and biological level, in narrow spaces that allow for the sole presence of standard lighting fixtures.


Numerous dissemination activities have been performed during the project life. This non exhaustive list presents the main ones and provides links to the most interesting articles published in the popular press as well as videos and other interviews that can be found on the web.


- 2014 Innovation Convention, Brussels 10-11 March 2014
Partner CoeLux Srl has been invited by the EU to participate in this event as one of the most innovative technologies resulting from EU-founded project during the 7FP. Thanks to the effort of CoeLux Srl and the EU press agencies, the technology obtained a wide coverage by EU and Italian media. See:

- Launch of the CoeLux® technology, Union Halle, Frankfurt, 1 April 2014
Official launch of the CoeLux® technology to the lighting-designer communities during the world-leading Light+Building fair. Over 600 designers and architects attended the event, and demonstrated a very sound interest and reviewed the technology very positively. It is worth mentioning, that after this event, Lux Review, the international journal of energy efficient lighting and design, nominated CoeLux® among the “10 hottest new products at Light+Building 2014” (see

- Festival della Luce, Como, 10 Maggio – 28 June 2014
In this frame of this event, CoeLux also received the attention of local journalists and was interviewed by the national TV channel RAI (regional news, see minute 12.28):

- ESOF 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-26 June 2014
CoeLux Srl has been invited again by the EU to participate in this event as one of the most innovative technologies resulting from EU-founded projects.

- LuxLive, London, 19-20 November 2014

- Building Health Care Dubai, Dubai, UAE, 2015, 8 - 10 June 2015, CoeLux® installation and presentation by Professor Paolo Di Trapani on 10 June 2015 at 13.45 and fair stand presenting the CoeLux® lighting system realized in cooperation with Dubai’s located distributor Acoulite


- Rethinking Sustainability Symposium 2014, Vancouver, Canada, 24-25 April 2014, Paolo Di Trapani invited speaker
- 14th International Symposium on the Science and Technology of Light, Como, Italy, 22-27 June 2014, Paolo Di Trapani Key Note lecturer
- Oslo LUX 2015, Oslo, Norway, 25 September 2015, Presentation by Professor Paolo Di Trapani,
- Innovation & Growth - A process entangling public and private sectors, 17-18 September 2015, Como, Italy, presentation by Marta Pigazzini,
- Ofis2015 - Officina didattica e divulgazione della fisica, Como Italy, 21 September 2015, presentation by Davide Magatti,


- the Lux Awards of the Lighting Industry Association as the “Light Source Innovation of the year”, 20 November 2014;
- the nomination by Edison Report, a leading site for news and information for the lighting industry in North America, as one of the top 10 products of 2014;
- the nomination by MIT Technology Review Italia as one of the ten Italian “Smart & Disruptive Companies” of 2015;
- the award of the World Economic Forum as “Technology Pioneer 2015”, i.e. a selection of the world’s most innovative companies. A committee of 68 academics, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and corporate executives selected 49 companies as Technology Pioneers among hundreds of candidates. The committee based its decisions on criteria including innovation, potential impact, working prototype, viability and leadership. CoeLux® Srl is the second Italian company to have received this award since it establishment in 2000
- the 2015 FX Interior Design Award in the category "Lighting product".


- 7 June – 23 November 2014 -- Opening to the public of the installation “Z! Zingonia, Mon Amour” at the 2014 Biennale di Venezia
- September 4 2014 -- Inauguration of the Ideaworks demonstator
- March 2 2015 -- presentation to the press/media/authorities of the Humanitas Hospital demonstrator
- April 14 2015 -- Opening event of of Spazio Spin, Ars et Inventio demonstrator
- April 7 2015 – Opening event of the Boffi Showrooom demonstrator
- July 3 2015 -- Inauguration of Bang & Olufsen demonstrator
- October 21 2015 -- Inauguration of Vilnius International Airport demonstrator

E) PRESS (selection of articles, complete press review available on request)


- interview on the regional Italian news TGR Lombardia on the national Italian TV channel Rai3 regarding the Demonstrator at Humanitas Hosptial:

- interview on the national Italian radio Rai Radio 1 broadcasted on Sunday, May 17 2015 at 5 a.m. and repeated on radio Gr Parlamento Rai on Friday, May 22 2015 at 20 p.m. The interview was part of the long lasting program The interview can be downloaded at the following link:

- interview on the national radio Radio 24 broadcasted on Tuesday, February 7 2015 at 8.55 a.m. The interview was part of the program Smart City The interview can be downloaded at the following link:



see min. 0.37


CoeLux® will greatly impact and benefit the business of all involved partners.

Ekspobalta will act as distributor for Lithuania and as installer of CoeLux® lighting systems and will promote the product in the Nordic market – a market with a large impact due to its long winters and short light hours. Thanks to DeepLite, Ekspobalta has also gained the necessary expertise to apply the CoeLux® product in its core business, i.e. realization of expos and fairs. This offers Ekspobalta the possibility of proposing highly innovative projects thus increasing its competitiveness on the market. The impact CoeLux® will have on Ekspobalts’ business is expected to be seen already in 2016.

Bartenbach GmbH, as a lighting design and engineering company, will have the advantage of having already experimented working with CoeLux®. In detail the DeepLite results, which are especially the practical experience in applying high end CoeLux® technology, advanced domotics and the results on the comfort and wellbeing investigation (e.g. study methodology, study results) will:
• guarantee that BB has the competitive edge in lighting design projects with CoeLux® technology
• enhance BBs research capability for the next 2 years
• be used and / or deepened in follow up studies (follow up studies in cooperation with the psychiatric clinic in the city of "Hall in Tirol" is already agreed, duration: at least for 2016)
With the DeepLite results BB is addressing two markets: the overall lighting design market in Europe in the role of an innovation leader due to the fact to have a significant competitive advantage through participation in DeepLite. And the European "market" of light impact research. This will also lead to new revenues already in 2016.

As for CoeLux Srl, first revenues coming from sales of the CoeLux® product have already been registered in 2015. The forecast for 2016, based on data available today and on the commercial network that is being set up, is very promising. Over 250 CoeLux® units are expected to be sold in 2016 and increasing for the successive years. This number is based on the opportunities which are already today in pipeline, on the forecasts provided by current dealers in USA and Europe, and on new business development opportunities (ne dealers/distributors and representatives, co-marketing activities, architects and direct sales from website inquires, etc.) which are daily received and analyzed. This will lead, according to the current pricing of the CoeLux® product, to an estimated turnover of over 4 mio Euro (2016 forecast). In turn, in order to deal with the market requests and to fulfill all commercial opportunities, the company employees will increase of around 50% from the current number.
CoeLux® Srl receives every day requests from all over the world from architects, end users, distributors and many more: a testimony of the strong contribution to the market for this new and innovative technology.

Finally, Insubria University, of which CoeLux is an academic spin off, has received thanks to the launch of CoeLux technology a very important image return. This is a key feature for Universities which are today evaluated also with respect to their ability of performing high-technology transfer and seeding the start-up of commercial activities. Moreover the participation in DeepLite has led to new research ideas and partnerships which can lead to new funding requests.

List of Websites:
Paolo Di Trapani
CoeLux Srl
Via Cavour 2
22074 Lomazzo (Co)
+39 0236714394