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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-29

Standard and interoperable satellite solution to deploy Healthcare services over wide areas


Developing satellite and IP-based networks and services dedicated to healthcare is a real opportunity for professionals and patients to increase quality/comfort in Europ. medical practices. However, current technical, technological or practical barriers prevent the extension/progression of the benefit generated by such services and their market development. In this respect, HEALTHWARE consortium aims to bridge the medical digital divide in Europe by designing, integrating and validating interoperable telecom and services platforms to provide existing and future health care services driven by fast-track options and based on the use of enhanced DVB/RCS standard technology for 2010 e-Health in Europe. HEALTHWARE satellite based platforms will interact with mobile and terrestrial technol to supply effective and reliable end-to-end healthcare services and boost the deployment of large-scale satcom telemedicine services. Within HEALTHWARE, 4 typical interactive end-user applications will be validated by high skilled European Health professionals who are organised into medical Networks and involved as full partners of the project to reinforce the sustainability and efficiency of the HEALTHWARE approach. The projects initial phase is to deploy pilot networks to define validate the services with medical partners. The set-up and use of these preliminary services will give user feedback that will help refine users needs, system specifications and services architecture. The interoperable telecom platforms will thus integrate suitable modules to meet users needs. Full integration will be reached mid-term, deploying pre-validated services through medical networks at Eur. scale. Fast track options are defined to drive the above services into operation by removing some of existing barriers will be refined during the pilot phase, according to users feedback, to promote large scale deploym. of satellite operational telemedicine services.

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26 avenue Jean-François Champollion

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