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Content archived on 2024-05-29

Innovative processes and materials to synthesise knowledge-based ultra-performance nanostructured PVD thin films on gamma titanium aluminides

Final Report Summary - INNOVATIAL (Innovative processes and materials to synthesise knowledge-based ultra-performance nanostructured PVD thin films on gamma titanium aluminides)

The ultimate aim of the INNOVATIAL project was the development of protective coatings for a new generation of lightweight titanium gamma aluminide (gamma TiAl) materials that are in high demand for applications in automotive materials, energy and aerospace.

The main objectives of the project were to correspond to the strong demand from industry for thin films ensuring the long-term protection of components made of gamma TiAl and additional substrates. All necessary tools and personnel were gathered to develop a robust structural design of unsurpassed thin films. Furthermore, the project aimed to synthesise ultra-performance nanoscale-structured Physical vapour deposition (PVD) thin films which could provide environmental protection at high temperatures. The latter would greatly boost the application of gamma TiAl to high service temperatures and long dwell times and would improve the lifetime of additional coated substrates. To reach this objective, the project would address in a coordinated matter the fundamental problems in the three main regions of the thin film/substrate system, namely the interface, the bulk and the surface of the coating.

In order to meet the challenges of the demanding applications several innovating strategies were implemented in the coating development process, as well as a novel coating deposition process, called High power impulse magnetron sputtering (HIPIMS), was utilised. The latter enabled fabrication of coatings with enhanced properties. Four different coating strategies were followed to develop coatings to protect gamma TiAl against environmental attack involving nanoscale multilayers, nanocomposites, intermetallic coatings and Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs).