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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-16

European virtual institute for functional genomics of bacterial pathogens


Bacterial infections remain a major cause of disease and mortality in humans and animals throughout the world, he study of infectious disease, which is established in Europe in form of various national research centres and by a considerable number of lab oratories, needs a multidisciplinary approach that brings together the different disciplines of molecular biology, immunology, cell biology and structural biology. Although scientific collaborations within Europe have been established to a some extent, t here is a pressing need for more permanent links and structures between the different disciplines. This task will be accomplished by the network of excellence (NoE). Accordingly, it is the aim of the NoE EPG to form an alliance of the existing capacities in Europe. The three main objectives of EPG are: 1) stimulation of multidisciplinary collaborative research activities; 2) creation of an European training facility for teaching of scientists and physicians; 3) foster biotechnological applications and t echnology transfer to European companies. The expected deliverables are innovations in the areas of diagnostics, drug and vaccine development The NoE brings together some of the best European groups involved in genomics of bacterial pathogens to establis h an internationally competitive platform of knowledge, expertise and technology. The NoE will promote discoveries leading to the development of innovative diagnostic tools, to the discovery of novel anti-infectious agents and their targets, the identifi cation of new antigens and the deciphering of host defence mechanisms. The NoE will integrate epidemiological, basic and clinical researchers carefully considering ethical and gender issues. It will also establish a higher standard in the teaching infect ious diseases. Thus a permanent and durable structure will be created that will maximise the contributions of European scientists to this area.

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NoE - Network of Excellence


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Partecipanti (37)