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Content archived on 2024-06-16

Support for SMEs collaborative aeronautical technical research (SCRATCH PHASE IV)


Aerospace industries have provoked important developments in Europe's infrastructure. They have contributed massively to the economies of Europe and the wealth of a number of its regions; they employ a huge workforce (more than 1 million jobs depend direct ly or indirectly) and, through exports, contributes strongly to Europe's ability to develop the quality of life of its citizens. Aerospace SMEs having a significant involvement in the supply chain in Europe represent some 7000 companies. In the fifth EU Fr amework Programs their involvement in EC funded research, (e.g. Growth KA4 New perspectives in Aerospace and FP6 Aeronautical Thematic Priority), has been supported by Accompanying Measures funded Projects like AeroSME (AECMA) and SCRATCH (previous phases) . Achieved results, even if modest are becoming significant and represent a clear and new commitment of SMEs in European Aerospace collaborative technology acquisition mechanisms. Aerospace SMEs have been working for long in the shadow of large industriali sts. Some are now leading European RTD (Research and Technical Development) projects fitting with SMEs needs, capabilities and expected time to product. In the Framework Programme (FP6) the Commission aims to allocate 15% of the total financial resources a ssigned to Integrating Research thematic programs to SMEs. Aerospace SMEs are interested in having more access to the European funded research but face important difficulties due to a lack of training mechanisms. Accompanying Measures in the past Growth KA 4 (FP5) and the present FP6 Aeronautical Thematic Priority have created a change, not yet a break through, but a significant step forward. SMEs awareness has considerably increased, expressed needs from SMEs are actual, nevertheless a large amount of work remains to be accomplished in order to help SMEs in creation of effective consortia and in preparation of successful serviced SME STREP/SSA (Specific Targeted Research Project/Specific Support Action) #'

Call for proposal

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EU contribution
No data
Total cost
No data

Participants (18)