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Support for development and utilisation of Galileo applications in Poland and other accession countries (GALILEOAPP)

Final Report Summary - GALILEOAPP (Support for development and utilisation of Galileo applications in Poland and other accession countries)

The Specific Support Action GALILEOAPP aimed at the promotion of the development and utilisation of Galileo applications in Poland and subsequently in other accession countries.

The project activities were focussed on:
- supporting research and commercial sectors in the development of Galileo-based applications;
- providing background and support for the development of a national policy related to utilisation of Galileo services.

In order to concentrate information, advisory and support activities related to Galileo in a single centre and thereby increase their efficiency and synergy, Galileo information point was established within the Polish Space Office. It is a part of Space Research Centre of Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw.

During two years of its existence, Galileo Information Point has:
- facilitated exchange of information and establishment of contacts among representatives of different GNSS-related sectors from Poland and abroad;
- identified the existing Polish potential in the field of satellite navigation and endeavoured to present it to the European GNSS community;
- analysed European radionavigation plan and possible effects of its introduction in Poland;
- broadened awareness among public authorities of Galileo programme and its potential benefits;
- provided public authorities with an independent information on the current state of the GNSS-related sectors in Poland;
- acted as an advisory and expert body to the government in issues concerning the development of Galileo system;
- increased the knowledge of general public about the benefits of satellite navigation and Galileo system in particular.

In order to achieve the objectives of the project Galileo point organised or coorganised several large international conferences (more than 100 participants each). The first one, 'National Information Day on European Satellite Navigation System Galileo' on 29 June 2004 in Warsaw, was addressed to the Polish sectors that are most interested in the development of satellite navigation - scientific centres, companies and public authorities. The next event, an international EGNOS workshop held in Cracow on 24 September 2004, was the first seminar in Poland completely devoted to satellite-based augmentation system EGNOS. The aim of the third conference, 'European Satellite Navigation Cooperation Day' on November 30 in Warsaw, was to foster cooperation between Polish and Western European industries (mostly Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)) in the field of satellite navigation applications and to develop networking opportunities.European Galileo Information Days in Riga' (12 - 13 May 2005, Riga, Latvia) aimed at bringing together the European GNSS community and foster international cooperation in the development of Galileo applications. 'Workshop on EGNOS Performance and Applications', held in Gdynia on 27 - 28 October 2005, was an occasion to review the present situation and status of the system after its entry into the initial operations phase three months before. The last event (organised together with Eurisy), 'Galileo Services: Chances for Business' on 24 - 25 April 2006 in Prague, was devoted to the regulatory framework and economical foundations necessary to allow private down-stream projects leading to the development of a market based on Galileo applications.

All events were successful, not only providing the participants with new information about Galileo and EGNOS system development and possible applications, but giving them an excellent opportunity to exchange information and establish valuable contacts as well. Moreover, they served to raise interest of public media in satellite navigation, thus increasing the general awareness of GNSS issues.

Since one of the main tasks of the project is the dissemination of information, Galileo point established its own website with the information on Galileo system development and news about satellite navigation. A database of Polish and foreign institutions interested in the establishment of contacts and participation in GNSS projects was created. In order to provide the widest possible audience with comprehensive and complete information about Galileo system development and its possible applications, Galileo point arranged for a book on Galileo to be translated and published. 'A positioning system Galileo: strategic, scientific and technical stakes' presenting a broad scope of issues related to GNSS applications as well as technical, economic, political and military aspects of Galileo system development was published in the spring 2006.

Another aspect of Galileo point's mission was the assistance for public authorities in matters concerning satellite navigation. To this end the Working group (WG) was established. It consists of GNSS experts and representatives of institutions already dealing with or interested in Galileo issues. Several meetings of the WG were organised. It has become an expert group aiding in work of the Interministerial Consultation and Coordination Board for Space Affairs, an advisory body to the Prime Minister.