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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-05-29

A new process for the realisation of Electrical connections between the layers of printed circuit boards and a method to implant micro components using the proposed embedded micro connector injection process

Final Report Summary - EMCI (A new process for the realisation of electrical connections between the layers of printed circuit boards and a method to implant micro components ...)

The Kick off meeting was used for the introduction of all partners and set the tasks for the starting investigations.

The midterm meeting was used for the presentation of the research results of each partner. In this time one of the major concern of the most partners was the capability to produce safe and durable connecting point by using the injection process. This concern was based on the experiences from the test results.

Two breakpoint meetings were held in Budapest and Germany, during which the knowledge regarding the production of new connection points, the further development of the project as well as its financial situation were discussed.

In January 2007 the final meeting was held in Munich. All the results of the project were presented by the partners. The demonstrator could be presented in a fine working manner. Also the final version of the injector as well as a working magazine solution was there to be seen. Finally, the work out of the reports was discussed.

Since the project produced many valuable results especially for the SME partners the dissemination and use of the results were discussed as well. To provide basic information for the public, an internet website for the project was created. It provides a short project summary, the contact addresses, an intranet-communication platform and a link to the homepage of each individual consortium member.