The eSCOPE project is a Specific Support Action that will support the eSafety initiative directly by establishing an "eSafety Observatory". eSCOPE will monitor and stimulate eSafety Forum progress and activities, and will become an easily accessible and up-to-date resource for information on the priority eSafety topics.
eSCOPE will comprise three main activities aimed at mobilising the commitment of the eSafety community:
1. monitoring progress on implementation of the 28 eSafety priority recommendations and of the eSafety "Road Maps" to be agreed;
2. overview & reporting of European emerging results on eSafety priority topics;
3. promotion and dissemination.
Activity 1 will devise and maintain a system for tracking progress on each of the 28 priority recommendations; eSCOPE will establish contact with each Working Group, project or other contributing activity and organise regular progress updates. eSCOPE will work with a panel of high-level Advisers and expert Observers from across Europe to identify and follow progress beyond the direct activities of the eSafety Forum.
Activity 2 will provide a synthetic overview and executive "state-of-the-art" in key thematic areas covered by the eSafety initiative, and will catalyse a better coherence between Forum activities and those outside;
Activity 3 will use a range of tools to disseminate in an easy-to-read style the emerging results of eSafety Forum working groups and other eSafety activities; the tools will include a web-site, electronic and printed newsletters, press releases, articles in the general and professional press etc.
Aufforderung zur Vorschlagseinreichung
Data not availableFinanzierungsplan
SSA - Specific Support ActionKoordinator