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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-16

High efficiency engine r&d on combustion with ultra low emissions for ships (Hercules)


The HERCULES I.P. will develop new technologies to drastically reduce gaseous and particulate emissions from marine engines and concurrently increase engine efficiency and reliability, hence reduce specific fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and engine lifecy cle costs. Successive objectives for improvements to be available onboard ships are set for the years 2010 and 2020. These objectives will be attained through interrelated developments in thermodynamics and mechanics of "extreme" parameter engines, advance d combustion concepts, multistage intelligent turbocharging, "hot" engines with energy recovery and compounding, internal emission reduction methods and advanced aftertreatment techniques, new sensors for emissions and performance monitoring, adaptive cont rol for intelligent engines. Advanced process models and engineering software tools will be developed, to assist in component design. Prototype components will be manufactured and rig-tested. Engine experimental designs will be assessed on testbeds to vali date the new technologies and confirm the achieved objectives. Full-scale shipboard testing of chosen systems will demonstrate the potential benefits of next-generation marine engines. The work is structured in 9 Workpackages, with 18 Tasks and 54 Subproje cts. The Consortium includes engine makers, component suppliers and equipment manufacturers, compounded by renowned universities and research institutions, as well as, world-class shipping companies. The partners hold 80% of the world market in marine engi nes and hence are the keepers of today's best-available-technology.'

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IP - Integrated Project


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Stadtbachstrasse, 1

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Partecipanti (43)