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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-18

BEST Urban Freight Solutions II


BESTUFS II CA is a follow-up initiative of the thematic network BESTUFS and aims to maintain and expand an open European network between urban freight transport experts, user groups/associations, ongoing projects, the relevant European Commission Directorates and representatives of national, regional and local transport administrations and transport operators in order to identify, describe and disseminate best practices, success criteria and bottlenecks with respect to City Logistics.

Overall, BESTUFS II will further identify the problems and the requirements of the cities as well as of all private actors involved in urban freight and will maintain the environment for establishing policy as well as research recommendations. The most relevant and helpful findings promoted in BESTUFS II in form of guides for actors in medium sized cities together with national seminars organised in 22 countries will undoubtedly be suitable for many actors and many cities within Europe.

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CA - Coordination action


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Partecipanti (7)