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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-06-16

Development of an Innovative Ground Penetrating Radar System for Fast and Efficient Monitoring of Rail Track Substructure Conditions (SAFERAIL)


The continuous assessment of Rail track substructure conditions in fast and accurate way is today a primary need in order to increase risk management and accident prevention capabilities while optimising construction, reconstruction and maintenance works on the European Rail Network with the minimum possible degradation of rail network capacity.
Though radar technology is used today for underground analyses at railroads in conjunction with other well-established methods for surface inspection, a consistent technology gap is still present, impeding the full exploitation of the Radar potentialities on high-speed automatic rail diagnostic and monitoring systems, as well as during railroads construction works. The SAFE-RAIL project will tackle this technological gap addressing the major issues that limit state-of-the-art systems and providing the following breakthrough advancements:

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Via San Nazaro 19

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Participantes (7)