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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-05-29

EcoDesign Interactive Systems (ECODIS)


Because of their large companies and/or customers' pressure to comply with the new regulatory framework, around 10,000 European SMEs operating in the field of electric, electronic and/or automotive industries have to face increasing information work on their supplies environmental characteristics, which they are totally unprepared and not instrumented for.

To avoid European SMEs to suffer from a zero value added reporting work as well from customers topdown environmental and/or industrial choices, ECODIS will offer them to take advantage of this new policy context.

In fact through ECODIS, SMEs will have a genuine opportunity to develop their own product environmental strategy and to ecodesign their products in a life cycle/supply chain approach. Through ECODIS, SMEs will be provided an innovative ecodesign tool:
1. Adequate supporting tools such as decision aid systems,
2. Appropriate methodology: POEMS, Product Oriented Environmental Management Systems.

ECODIS leading lAGs, FP A (EDIT* program) and FIEEC (EIME* tool) have collaborated with major leading companies producing automotive equipment 5FP A) and electric/electronic appliances (FIEEC) to develop ecodesign tools since 1999.

Within ECODIS in collaboration with the others lAGs, FP A and FIEEC have decided:
1. to exploit the synergies of existing systems: total past investment around 4,000,000 e,
2. to adapt these existing ecodesign systems to current SMEs' needs and capabilities,
3. to complement these systems in elaborating "missing" elements,
4. to share results between lAGs operating on similar and complementary sectors,
5. to train SMEs' management and technical staff,
6. to disseminate ECODIS results to the largest European SMEs community and to other industries.
7. To this end, ECODIS has built a consortium around major European lAGs and a strong SMEs core group. This consortium is still open and could be enlarged in the second step of the proposal to involve other member states' lAGs and SMEs, as well as other industries' products.

EDIT: Eco Design Interactive Tools *EIME: Environmental Impacts and Management Explorer.

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