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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-28

Aeroacoustic and aerodynamic wind tunnel tests at low speed for a turbofan model equipped with TPS

Final Report Summary - PLAAT (Aeroacoustic and aerodynamic wind tunnel tests at low speed for a turbofan model equipped with TPS)

Executive Summary:
In the framework of the CleanSky project designated with the acronym PLAAT (Proposal reference number: 326011 - Call identifier: SP1-JTI-CS-2012-02 - Topic addressed: JTI-CS-2012-02-SFWA-02-031) low-speed aerodynamic tests were carried out on a typical business jet aircraft model, designated as the LOSPA model. The tests were performed in the closed 8 m x 6 m test section and the open jet test section of the DNW-LLF low-speed wind tunnel. The LOSPA model can be equipped with a conventional cross-tail or a U-shaped tail. Furthermore the model can be equipped with powered (compressed air) engine simulators, provided by DNW and ONERA. The tests were conducted in December of 2014 and March/April of 2015.

Project Context and Objectives:
In the framework of the CleanSky project designated with the acronym PLAAT (Proposal reference number: 326011 - Call identifier: SP1-JTI-CS-2012-02 - Topic addressed: JTI-CS-2012-02-SFWA-02-031) low-speed aerodynamic tests were carried out on a typical business jet aircraft model, designated as the LOSPA model. The tests were performed in the closed 8 m x 6 m test section and the open jet test section of the DNW-LLF low-speed wind tunnel. The LOSPA model can be equipped with a conventional cross-tail or a U-shaped tail. Furthermore the model can be equipped with powered (compressed air) engine simulators, provided by DNW and ONERA. The tests were conducted in December of 2014 and March/April of 2015.

The main objectives for the tests were as follows:

Aerodynamic test
- Check the aerodynamic interaction of various tail configurations with the engine jet exhaust tested with the full model in the 8mx6m closed test section, with and without ground effect.

Aero-acoustic test
- acoustic reference measurements on an isolated powered engine simulator
- airframe noise measurements on the unpowered LOSPA aircraft model
- acoustic efficiency measurements with a single powered engine simulator installed on the LOSPA aircraft model (D3.1/WP3.4)

Project Results:
Obtained data about the aerodynamic and aero-acoustic characteristics of a newly developed U-tail, acoustic measurements and propulsion simulations are successfully combined.
Combined aerodynamic and aero-acoustic measurements in a large low speed environment performed on a business jet model.
Potential Impact:
The tests formed a critical step in the development of future business jet aircraft and the design rules of engine over horizontal tail configurations.
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