The goal of the POLINNOVA project is to enhance the research capacity of the Institute of Polymers, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IP-BAS) and to unlock its innovation potential for developing vanguard polymers for high added value materials and devices. Our ambition is to earn regional leadership and to benchmark with the best research and innovation polymer centres in Europe.
The specific objectives of the project to be achieved by implementation of the Action Plan, consist of measures, initiatives and activities coherent with the development strategy of IP-BAS: (i) to increase the human potential; (ii) to exchange experience, knowledge, know-how with the twinning organizations; (iii) to upgrade and enhance the S&T equipment to improve research capacities; (iv) to elaborate a strategic intellectual property development plan for strengthening the innovation potential; (v) to stimulate a comprehensive dialogue with industries and policy makers to identify specific societal demands; (vi) to increase the research excellence and visibility of IP-BAS and disseminate the accumulated knowledge.
The Action Plan will be realized by mobilizing the entire IP-BAS human and material resources in close cooperation with the twinning organizations, national policy makers and selected industrial partners. The research capacity will be reinforced by the recruitment of six experienced researchers and two technicians.
The expected impact of upgrading the RTD capacity will be that IP-BAS excels in the quality of research it carries out. The enhanced innovation potential will lead to more effective use of research results relating to innovative advanced polymer materials and contribute to the sustainability of the regional economic and social development. These impacts will lead to more successful participation in the national, regional and European funding programmes as well as to the further integration of IP-BAS into the ERA.
Appel à propositions
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Régime de financement
CSA-SA - Support actionsCoordinateur
1113 SOFIA