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Content archived on 2024-06-18



Executive Summary:
The main objective of the project consists in the design, production and validation of a demonstrator of an aircraft steerable parachute system for recue of small and medium size airplanes and other flying devices, such as Light Sport Aircrafts (LSA) and Near Space Capsules (NSC), weighting up to 600 kg.
The motivation of the project comes from the need to provide an answer to the AOPA’s (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association) report “General Aviation Accident’s 10-years trend”, which describes the typology and the evolution of the trend regarding the cause of accidents in the General Aviation. As a societal objective, the project aims to improve the safety of air transport.
To reach the objectives the work focuses on the development of a safety system which combines a steerable parachute and a control and guidance unit. The safety system will be embedded in the LSA and will be activated by the pilot only in case of emergency. In the case of the NSC, the descent and landing system will be activated either automatically or manually through telemetry, from the ground control station. Once activated, the system will be fully automatic; the parachute will be deployed and, thanks to a GPS-based system, the Automatic Guidance Unit (AGU) will define the track to an automatically identified safe landing area. The rescue parachute will slow down the aircraft to a reasonable descent speed leading to a safe and survivable touchdown and landing. The AGU and control units will identify and steer the parachute to the landing area. An Experimental Test System demonstrator (ETS) was developed and qualified for validating the design works and the technologies used in this project.
Project Context and Objectives:
The aim of the PARAPLANE project is to design, produce and validate a demonstrator of a Steerable Aircraft Parachute System (SAPS) for rescue of small and medium size airplanes or other flying air vehicles. The SARS will be the next-generation safety system for aviation aircrafts ranging from ULM (Ultra-Light Models) to larger aircrafts. Examples of such air vehicles are Light Sport Aircrafts (LSA) weighting up to 600 kg and Near Space capsules. The navigation is based on a Global Navigation Satellite System.

The objective of the project is to develop a safety system for air-vehicles combining a steerable parachute with a guidance and control unit. The safety system will be embedded in the air vehicle. When installed in an aircraft, it will be activated in case of emergency only. When the system is installed in a space capsule the system is automatically activated at a specified altitude. Once activated, the system will automatically extract the parachute for deployment. Thereafter the guidance and control unit will guide the air vehicle to an automatically identified safe landing area based on a GPS navigation system.

The PARAPLANE project is an EU funded co-operation within the Seventh Framework Program between Small and Medium Enterprises (SME): CIMSA Ingeniería de Sistemas (Spain), SSBV (The Netherlands), QUANTECH (Spain), ZERO2INFINITY (Spain), FLIGHT DESIGN (Germany), AIRLIGHT (Switzerland); and the Research and Technological Development Institutes (RTD): NLR (The Netherlands), DLR (Germany), and CIMNE (Spain).

The main objectives of the PARAPLANE safety system deal with the following developments:

- Numerical simulation software for improving the parachutes design tools
- Parachute flight simulator for improvement of the design and test capacities
- Guidance, navigation and control software (GNC) including a landing area identification system
- Autonomous guiding unit (AGU) integrated with the GNC capable to steer the parachute control lines
- Steerable parachute system with high glide ratio in full flight conditions and low glide ratio at landing phase
- Miniature flight data acquisition system (mFDAS) to be installed in the Experimental Test System (ETS) for on board data recording and post-processing
Project Results:
The PARAPLANE project requirements were stated since the beginning of the PARAPLANE project, both for the final product and for the experimental test system demonstrator (ETS). Potential end users participants ZERO2INFINITY and FLIGHT DESIGN defined mainly the descent and landing requirements of their respective air vehicles (NSC – Near Space Capsule and LSA – Light Sport Aircraft).
Similarities and differences between LSA and NSC were identified. The descent and landing system combines a steerable ram-air parachute and an Autonomous Guidance Unit (AGU) devoted to identify and steer the air vehicle to a selected landing area, by means of the parachute control lines commanded by the AGU motors, and the guidance, navigation and control software (GNC).

Two scenarios for the parachute system were identified:
- An emergency scenario for LSA
- A nominal landing scenario for NSC

On the one hand, LSA requires a cheap, simple onboard system that is easy to operate and maintain. LSA can operate anywhere around the world, but typically within a known, limited area (due to its limited range). On the other hand, the NSC usage is different, always operating from well-known area, where suitable landing zones should be well-known.
For both scenarios the most suitable solution is a system where the landing zones are pre-selected on ground, and subsequently uploaded to the airborne parachute system. During flight, however, the dynamic situation needs to be taken into account; depending on the actual conditions (wind speed and direction, height), some landing points may not be feasible anymore and need to be discarded.

The main results of the project consist in an Experimental Test System (ETS) which was designed, manufactured and qualified by the PARAPLANE consortium partners, representing the Demonstrator of the project. The main components of the Demonstrator system developed in the PARAPLANE project are here described in a summarized manner.

Two different parachutes complying respectively with structural and functional requirements of both the LSA and the NSC, were selected: (1) The existing qualified parachute from CIMSA (participant 1) with glide ratio higher than 3 (R2 parachute system); and (2) A new parachute from CIMSA capable to decrease the glide ratio from 3, at full flight, down to 1, at landing (S2 parachute system).


The S2 parachute is a slotted 13 cells canopy made with Nylon ripstop fabric material with Dracron suspension lines. Two control lines interface with the ACRIDS Autonomous Guiding Unit (AGU) for steering purpose. The S2 deployment bag holds the S2 parachute inside until its controlled deployment. The S2 parachute container interfaces the S2 parachute system with the ACRIDS AGU unit and protects all parts from damage before deployment. The set of S2 risers made of Nylon tape material transmit the S2 parachute lifting forces to the ACRIDS AGU. Two double layer arms in each side (in total four arms) connect with the S2 parachute suspension lines (four confluence points). The S2 payload harness made of Nylon tape material maintains connected the ACRIDS AGU with the PAYLOAD. The S2 pilot chute extracts the S2 parachute in the initial deployment phase. The S2 pilot chute bridle connects the S2 pilot chute with S2 deployment bag. The S2 static line connects the S2 pilot chute deployment bag with the airplane anchor point. The S2 inhibitor pin pulls the ACRIDS AGU wake pin when parachute is extracted.

The selected device for extracting the parachute is a BRS901 rocket from BRS Aerospace, Inc. (USA).


The rocket motor uses a composite propellant, which is a heterogeneous mixture of ammonium perchlorate (oxidizer) and aluminum powder (fuel) held together in a synthetic rubber binder. The rocket motor components consist of a motor case, propellant, nozzle, and an aft bulkhead. The motor case/bulkhead contains the propellant and serves as a pressure chamber when the propellant is burning. The composite propellant is cast into grains, or solid shaped masses that fit snugly inside the motor case. To provide consistent dimensional tolerances, the grains are cast inside a casting tube. The rocket is electrically activated by means of a standard ignitor device from Autoliv, Inc. (USA).

For the rocket activation, CIMNE has developed an electrical ignition circuit to be operated either by the pilot in the cockpit for LSA application or through remote control for the NSC application.


The device circuit board has three main parts: the CPU, the cutter circuit and the actuator circuit. The CPU is the most important part of the board since it handles the whole device functions. A 32 bit low power microcontroller was used for this purpose. In order to save battery, the microcontroller can detect if the actuator, the button, is pressed long enough to trigger the system or just to perform a test and then act as selected. The CPU circuit has also a set of leds and indicators to inform the pilot if the device is working properly. The selected CPU model is ATSAM3X/A from ATMEL. In order to enable a re-programming of the board, a secondary circuit was designed. A safety Pin was implemented in order to avoid dangerous operations. The main circuit also provides self-test capabilities. The Test circuit sends a signal through the trigger when the security Pin is on the circuit. When the Pin is removed the system will be available to be triggered, always in case of no error detected during the test. When the circuit is armed the test circuit will be disabled until the security Pin is activated back.

The Demonstrator includes a powerful Ground Navigation and Control (GNC) software system developed by NLR.


The GNC software is produced to fulfil the requirements and is installed on the on-board computer. Its integration with the avionics of the aircraft, as well as with the AGU and the landing area identification software, was carried out in this project.
Two types of inputs are distinguished for the GNC: (1) Pre-flight inputs, and (2) In-flight (real-time) inputs.
During pre-flight preparations, a set of constant data is made available to the GNC software (by the AGU software, which obtains data from a setup file):
. Number of user-specified targets (currently with a maximum of 10) each consisting of target latitude, target longitude, and target GPS altitude.
. User-specified magnetic declination at mean target location (instead of a user-specified value, the GNC can also calculate the value using the World Magnetic Model).
. Number of user-specified waypoints (0 to a current maximum of 10) each consisting of waypoint latitude, waypoint longitude, and waypoint GPS altitude.
. Parafoil type code (CIMSA R2, or S2, for example)
. Landing method (upwind using the estimated wind direction, or fixed heading with user specified

No other information on operational conditions is required, such as wind speed and direction, or vehicle weight. These data will be estimated during flight. The input data is processed in such a way that allows the GNC software to perform computations in the preferred coordinate system, using as reference location the geometric center of the set of target locations.
During flight the GNC software receives all required inputs from the AGU, which also performs the conditioning.

The main inputs are:
. Time-base (for filtering and other time-dependent operations)
. Platform 3-D GPS position (latitude, longitude, altitude)
. Platform 3-D GPS velocity (North, East, Down)
. Platform heading (magnetic)
. Current steering line actuator positions
. Set of 3-D target landing positions (latitude, longitude, altitude)

The GNC software performs a complete planning process during each activation cycle. Apart of the set of target locations, on one of which the ETS has to land finally, a number of (major) waypoints may be specified as three-dimensional (3-D) locations (latitude, longitude, altitude), which the ETS has to pass nearby. After the ETS descents below a waypoint altitude, the GNC software selects the next lower waypoint, or one of the targets. The planning of how to pass a waypoint and how to reach a target are largely similar.

To select the preferred landing location from the set of landing locations, a minor waypoint is defined at the beginning of the straight final segments, for each of the targets. An estimate of the ETS energy state is made pertaining to flights on each of the targets. The required distance to the defined waypoint, and the available distance are calculated. From the results a figure of merit is determined, based on the notion that some energy depletion should take place to have a useful margin in attaining the most appropriate target. When the figures of merit have been obtained for all targets, the “best” target is selected. During flight the selection process is repeated at regular time intervals. From an altitude of a few hundred meters the selection is not changed anymore.

The GNC software and the AGU software are separate downloadable executable modules that are loaded into the on-board computer. The AGU software forms the interface between the GNC software and the AGU hardware. This integration has been performed, allowing Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) testing with the integrated GNC software.

The AGU hardware is based on the ACRIDS product from SSBV. The AGU system needs to ensure an accurate actuation (performance) of the parachute control lines, to provide the best guidance performances.


The ACRIDS AGU comprises of a computer system with sensors and an actuator system to control the parafoil steering lines. Sensors provide real-time information to the computer. The processed sensor data and the selected target point are used to control the actuator system. The real-time application software acquires navigation information with the installed sensors and calculates the actual 3D position and the flight path to the target point (using the GNC software module integrated with the AGU software). Based on this information, the steering lines of the parafoil are controlled (length of the lines is changed, resulting in changed brake setting) to maneuver the parafoil to the desired landing site.

The AGU is used for open-loop and closed-loop tests. During open-loop tests the parafoil is not yet autonomously controlled but the control system sends either pre-programmed control deflections to the actuator system or it relays the remote control commands as received from the telemetry link to the actuator system. During these tests the information from a number of sensors, i.e. actual GPS position and velocity, barometric altitude, magnetic heading, attitude, body rates and accelerations are input. This data and the actual position data of the actuators are logged on a memory device. The same data (or a part of the data) is also formatted into a serial data stream that is send via a telemetry link to a ground station for real-time display. In closed-loop tests the GNC software must be loaded to be able to control the system autonomously.

For data collection during real time flight tests, the miniature Flight Data Acquisition System (mFDAS) was developed by DLR.


The system is designed and used to record sensor data from parachute experiments. The overall design was carried out to cover the requirements for performance evaluation and for system identification of a parachute load system.

The mFDAS mainly consists of:
. Housing
. Standalone power supply (LiFe Battery)
. Sensor Block (with IMU, Magnetometer, GPS, Barometric pressure sensor)
. Telemetry Block (with Xbee modem and flat antenna)
. Datalogger electronic board
. Camera (with WiFi remote control)
. User interface (LAN Interface, LEDs, Power Switch, charging connectors)

All electronic devices were mounted on a shock and vibration damped platform
In addition, a new sensor device called ‘Wireless Air Data Sensor’ (WADM) was developed from internal DLR resources and was considered as background. The WADM device is mounted in the main risers. Its purpose is to collect air data (angle of attack, air speed) and transmit it to the mFDAS. A first WADM prototype version was manufactured. The mFDAS is able to retrieve sensor data from an additional air data probe (WADM).

The suitable attributes of the mFDAS software oblige to the design specifications which contains information gathering, synchronization and secure-real-time data logging. The mFDAS module is the coordinator and therefore the main contributor. To fulfill the requirements an ARM processor based on the Texas Instruments OMAP3 architecture was used and installed on a complete computer system named Gumstix Overo. A real-time operating system, called QNX was used for the OMAP3530 processor. QNX 6.4.1 was chosen because of its easy handling due to preconfigured BSP (Board support package) for the OMAP processor and its compatibility to our real-time software framework QNX is a POSIX based microkernel operating system with message based inter-process communication. This means that the OS has a tiny kernel (procnto) which provides only minimal services for optional cooperating processes (thread services, signal services, message-passing services, synchronization services, scheduling services, timer services, process management services), which in turn provides the high level OS functionality. File systems, devices drivers and other processes are optional and not part of the kernel. Each process runs in its own virtual memory space and usually can be stopped, restarted or crash without rebooting the system.

Finally, two simulations software tools were developed and validated by means of experimental ground and flight tests, during the PARAPLANE project by CIMNE and QUANTECH participants:


The parachute simulation code, which has evolved from previous developments at CIMNE, is based on an unsteady low-order panel technique for solving the aerodynamics and a dynamic explicit Finite Element Method (FEM) for the structure. As large areas of separated flow are not expected under nominal flight conditions of ram-air parachutes, the panel method provides and cost-effective solution of the aerodynamic problem. Besides, the structural approach yields a robust solution even when highly non-linear effects due to large displacements and material asymmetric behavior are present.
Although the computational code developed has demonstrated satisfactory performance in general parachute analyses, additional improvements of the simulation software have been also carried out in Task 3.6. These improvements are primarily focused on extending the modelling capabilities and improved computational performance (CPU-time and memory requirements), but also on increasing the modularity of the code (to facilitate future developments) and the easiness of utilization. In addition to the developments mentioned above, which are essential to undertake large parachute-payload simulations and complete trajectory analyses as planned in PARAPLANE project, the graphical user interface of the computational code has been updated and improved in order to make easier the use of the simulation software.


The development and improvement of a set of tools aimed at studying in an integrated manner the flight performance of a parachute-payload system, its trajectory, dynamics and guidance control systems effects has been conducted at CIMNE in the framework of the PARAPLANE project (WP3). Among these developments, a 6-DoF trajectory simulator software named ParaSim6 has been developed with the objective of assisting the analysis and evaluation of guided parafoil systems. In the simulator, the dynamic model of the parachute and its payload is characterized by aerodynamic, mass and inertial properties that can be obtained from experimental and numerical sources. Provided these characteristics, the model allows predicting the behaviour of the parachute-payload system subject to different flight and environmental conditions with a very low computational cost. The 6-DoF dynamic model adopted follows the general lines proposed by Slegers N. and Costello M. in the paper - Use of variable incidence angle for glide slope control of autonomous parafoils - published in the Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 2008 (p. 585-596), and has been described in detail in PARAPLANE deliverable D3.3. In addition, a simple autonomous guidance, navigation and control system (GNC) has been implemented by means of a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) algorithm. This technique is intended to demonstrate the simulator’s flexibility and potential for its use in the design and evaluation of control algorithms.
The simulator is coded in FORTRAN language and the executable code is available for use and testing purposes of the PARAPLANE partners on request (outside the scope of the PARAPLANE project the availability should be discussed according to the terms specified in the Consortium Agreement).
Input files needed to configure and execute typical simulations using ParaSim6 are described in detail in deliverable D3.6 as well as the output results files generated by the simulation software. An application example is also provided in this deliverable in order to demonstrate some of the basic capabilities of the simulation software.

The ETS Demonstrator was tested and qualified in ground and flight tests leading to the main following results:

- Two parachutes were qualified for the recovery of LSA and NSC weighting up to 600 kg
- The R2 parachute steered with the ACRIDS AGU was tested in remote and autonomous flight, and demonstrated the capability to dynamically identify different target drop zones before reaching the selected one, by means of the extended GNC system
- The S2 parachute steered with the ACRIDS AGU was tested in remote and autonomous flight, and demonstrated the capability to decrease the gliding ratio from 3 in full flight mode down to 1 in landing mode
- The parachute performances were identified and validated from flight tests by means of the post processing of real data obtained from the mFADS instrumentation installed in the parachute and payload
- The parachute simulation software including aerodynamic and aero-elastic parachute integrated computation was improved and validated with the real data extracted from flight tests
- The trajectory simulation software ParaSim6 including the flight performance of the parachute-payload system, its trajectory, dynamics and guidance control was validated with the real data extracted from flight tests

The following videos are attached to this report (R2 flight test and S2 flight test) summarizing the airdrop qualification tests performed with the PARAPLANE ETS Demonstrator:

- PARAPLANE-R2-Airdrop Test-May2015: payload dropped for an altitude of 10.000 ft suspended to R2 parachute steered by ACRIDS AGU

- PARAPLANE-S2-Airdrop Test-May2015: payload dropped for an altitude of 10.000 ft suspended to S2 parachute steered by ACRIDS AGU

Potential Impact:
The PARAPLANE project consists in the development of a steerable parachute system for precision recovery of air vehicles.

The technologies used in the PARAPLANE project have a wide range of applications in the aeronautic and space fields including the Light Space Aircraft (LSA), Near Space Capsule (NSC), Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and Precision Airdrop Systems (PADS), among others.

A powerful Demonstrator of the Steerable Parachute System for the guided descent and recovery of air vehicles was designed, manufactured and qualified in ground and flight tests during the PARAPLANE project. The main purpose of the PARAPLANE system consists in slowing down the air vehicle to a reasonable descent speed, leading to a safe and survivable touchdown and landing. The safety system combines a steerable parachute and an automatic guidance unit (AGU). The recovery system can be activated by the pilot (LSA) or by remote control (NSC, UAS and PADS).
The Autonomous Guiding Unit (AGU) from SSBV so called ACRIDS (Aerial Cargo RIder System) was used with the Guidance, Navigation and Control software developed by NLR. The AGU includes mainly the computer system with sensors and actuator system to control the parafoil steering lines of the S2 parachute manufactured by CIMSA. The PARAPLANE system was instrumented with the miniature Flight Data Acquisition System (mFDAS) from DLR providing logging of different sensor data during the tests, which were post processed for system parameters identification, modelling and verification of the parachute performances. Parachute behaviour and trajectory simulation software tools were developed by QUANTECH and CIMNE in order to optimize the system design. Experimental flight data was used for validating the software simulation tools leading to improve theoretical predictions and increase the confidence in the algorithms utilized.

It is expected to organize a workshop day open to public (universities and industries) for presenting the results and the potential applications in the aerospace field.

Different publications were issued in national and international journals by partner CIMNE.

PARAPLANE partners presented the project at different events and conferences such as:

- IWSHM 2013; San Francisco, Houston, USA
- EUROGEN 2013, Las Palmas, Spain
- AWEC 2013 Berlin, Germany
- DWT 2014 Berlin, Germany
- ILA-2014 at Berlin ExpoCenter Airport, Germany in the week of 20-25 May 2014
- NIDV-2014 at Ahoy, Rotterdam in The Netherlands on 20 November 2014
- WCCM 2014, Barcelona, Spain
- AIAA ADS 2015 Daytona Beach, USA
- Paris Le Bourget Airshow, France in week 15-18 June 2015

PARAPLANE results were presented to Industries such as EADS and Airbus Group.

The PARAPLANE Web will contain the main results and is currently the most effective mean to inform universities and industries on the results obtained in this project. A couple of video clips with flight tests results will be also accessible through the Web for illustrating the goals reached.

From the point of view of the exploitation of the foreground, the SME’s involved in PARAPLANE have high expectations regarding the benefits that they will receive by their participation in the project. Those benefits cannot be only accounted in terms of economic figures, such as increased sales or higher revenues, but also in terms of intangible assets, not always economically or physically measureable (such as patents, knowledge, collaborations or structural activities). All of them can have an impact in productivity, effectiveness and satisfaction of the client, contributing thus to the improvement of their position and competitiveness in the market. Some of these benefits are foreseen by the companies after the certification of the system has been granted.

In particular, for SMEs participating in PARAPLANE, expected benefits of the project are:

- Being one of the most important parachutes and flight systems manufacturers in Europe, CIMSA expects to improve its competitiveness in the market by increasing its current portfolio with the new safety system. After the demonstrator has been tested and its capabilities have been demonstrated and qualified, a business and market plan will be elaborated to introduce the system into commercialized aircrafts. In rough numbers, CIMSA expects to increase its sales up to a 12%, thanks to a larger demand of parachutes to be installed as part of the PARAPLANE system. It will help to ensure the continuous production in the factory, leading to higher stability to employees, and increase the number of permanent contracts. Before reaching that point, CIMSA will be able to start to take advantage of the outcomes of this project through the use of the new numerical tools developed, and the flight test procedures and equipment , that will improve the design of their parachutes.

- SSBV is a company focused on space applications. SSBV participates in several space-related projects and it has a strong component of technology development. SSBV is looking for the development and application of in-house technology to guidance of parachutes. Previous experience in similar projects demonstrated its capabilities, and the technology readiness, then competitiveness requires additional developments, and/or specific applications. Its expertise in on-board electronics, GPS-based systems and guidance units, together with its close cooperation with NLR makes that its contribution of great interest for the consortium.

- The lightweight structures and materials manufacturer AIRLIGHT’s participation in PARAPLANE Period 1 will mean to the company the opening of a completely new range of applications for the membranes they produce. The participation of a parachute manufacturer in the PARAPLANE consortium eases the route to market of their membranes, as either CIMSA or ZERO2INFINITY will become potential clients of AIRLIGHT.

- ZERO2INFINITY is a clear End-User of the system. It is very interested to get a safety device for the descent of the high-altitude capsule it is engineering. The safety device is a primary target, but the associated guidance and control unit are also of interest for ZERO2INFINITY, as they are looking for an autonomous descent system from their cruise altitude enhancing the landing control of the capsule. ZERO2INFINITY is providing a second opportunity for the exploitation of the PARAPLANE system adding the space sector to the aeronautic sector, which is a double benefit for the company and for the project.

- As a software vendor, and a professional services provider, QUANTECH is very interested in the development of new powerful simulation tools PFLOW that will take place in the frame of PARAPLANE. Besides, they expect to be able to apply the new simulation tool to many other fields where the developed algorithms can also be useful (i.e. design of bridges and tall buildings, and civil engineering in general). QUANTECH expects to increase in 10% the sales of PFLOW worldwide via the advantages gained using the PARAPLANE system. Additional benefits for QUANTECH will derive from providing engineering consultancy services to companies in the aviation sector as well as for linking the PARAPLANE system to other in-house computer codes and also to commercial codes for the design of enhanced parachutes and safety systems.

- FLIGHT DESIGN was not an SME at the beginning of the project but became an SME at Period 2 start. As a manufacturing industry of Light Sport Aircraft, it considers the PARAPLANE project as an opportunity to improve safety standards in the aircrafts they produce, which in turn will result in a better position of the company in the market, and therefore increasing their competitiveness. Safety is a sure asset in the LSA market, and the incorporation of the new PARAPLANE system will mean differentiating their aircrafts from competitors' products. FLIGHT DESIGN expects to increase the sales of their CTLS, MC and C4 models, which will include the safety device as the first implementation within FLIGHT DESIGN’s portfolio. The expected increase on sales will reach up to 8%. The incorporation of the safety device will help to increase the activity regarding the customer care department. New training programs will be planned for dealers and maintenance staff, as well as the customers flying their aircraft.

Regarding RTD performers CIMNE, DLR and NLR, their benefit from the outcomes of the PARAPLANE project have mainly to do with the increase of knowledge and extension to future RTD activities, assuring continuity of the research work and also funding for the incorporation and maintenance of the research staff. At the same time, participation in this kind of projects is the opportunity, for this type of RTDs centres, to demonstrate their commitment with the society and the transfer of the expertise they treasure towards the industry and common benefits. For any of the outcomes that RTDs are committed to participate in the framework of PARAPLANE (either numerical design, control systems or guiding systems), the fields of application different from the one proposed in this projects are wide and very diverse. PARAPLANE, thus, is for them a platform to implement their knowledge and scientific expertise in many other fields.

List of Websites:
The public website address is:

The web was developed and is updated by CIMNE. Contact details are:

CIMNE Castelldefels
Campus del Baix Llobregat
Edifici C3, despatx 203
C/ Esteve Terradas, 5
08860, Castelldefels

Attn. Mr. Jordi Pons i Prats
Mechanical Engineer, PhD
Telf: +34 93 4134189
Fax: +34 93 4137242