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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Engine Breakthrough Components and Subsystems

Final Report Summary - E-BREAK (Engine Breakthrough Components and Subsystems)

Executive Summary:
Future aero engines will need to be more efficient and contribute to the reduction on environmental impact of air transportation. They must reach some standards of performance by reducing emissions and creating some savings on operation costs.
EIMG consortium has launched since several years some initiatives to develop future engines in the frame of the European Committee research programmes.
Within different project such as DREAM, VITAL, NEWAC or LEMCOTEC, EIMG is ensuring the development of innovative technologies in order to further reduce the fuel burn, emissions and noise.
In order to ensure the technological breakthrough, future aero-engines will have higher overall pressure ratios (OPR) to increase thermal efficiency and will have higher bypass ratios (BPR) to increase propulsive efficiency. These lead to smaller and hotter high pressure cores.
As core engine technologies have been addressed in the previous project, E-BREAK project will ensure the mandatory evolution of sub-systems.
It is indeed required for enabling integration of engine with new core technologies to develop adequate technologies for sub-systems. E-BREAK will aim to adapt sub-systems to new constraints of temperature and pressure.
The overall picture of these initiatives bring all technology bricks to a TRL level ensuring the possibility to integrate them in a new aero engines generation before 2020.
In its 2020 vision, ACARE aims to reduce by 50% per passenger kilometre CO2 emissions with an engine contribution targeting a decrease by 15 to 20% of the SFC. NOX emissions would have to be reduced by 80 % and efforts need to be made on other emissions.
E-BREAK will be an enabler of the future UHOPR integrated engine development, completing efforts done in previous or in on-going Level 2 programs.
Project Context and Objectives:
The main objective of E-BREAK is to develop and validate adapted generic technologies and robust sub-systems by minimising the losses that naturally occur as engine cores get smaller so that the fundamental gains from higher TET/OPR and BPR are realised in an engine environment.
Specific technologies will be developed within E-BREAK to address and enable solutions on:
• Advanced sealing technologies and oil systems
• Engine variability and thermomechanical behaviour
• Health monitoring
• High temperature materials and abradables
• Lighter material
Improvements regarding mass, material resistance, leakages, tip clearance, stability of the engine in off-design operations are expected.
It will complete the map of technologies required for UHOPR engine and high BPR engines competitiveness in term of reliability and maintainability of the engine.
Development of these new technologies will enable to an additional reduction of CO2 emission compared to the 2000 engines generation.
Together with the results of previous and current projects (LEMCOTEC, NEWAC, VITAL, DREAM...) EIMG target is to have technologies developed up to TRL4-5 enabling CO2 reduction up to 32% for the most favourable engine architecture considered in those projects. It is largely contributing to the ACARE 2020 targets.
E-BREAK will bring new technologies up to TRL4 to 5 regarding compressors, turbines as well as transmission and distributed systems. These technology bricks will afford a valuable step to ensure technical compatibility of new generation of sub-systems with increased temperature, pressure and mass constraints of future engine.
Project Results:
The main E-BREAK expectation was to develop and validate adapted generic technologies (up to TRL4-5) and robust sub-systems by minimizing the losses that naturally occur as engine cores get smaller so that the fundamental gains from higher turbine entry temperature, overall pressure ratio and bypass ratio are realized in an engine environment.
E-BREAK has completed the map of technologies required for UHOPR engine and high BPR engines competitiveness in term of reliability and maintainability of the engine. Development of these new technologies enables to an additional reduction of CO2 emission compared to the 2000 engines generation.
In that respect, E-BREAK contributes from 1.6% to 1.9% reduction of CO2 (depending on engine architecture), which, together with the results of previous and current European projects could enable up to a 32% reduction in CO2 emission over Year 2000 status.
Overall engine specification and assessment (SP1)
E-BREAK SP1 has contributed to have a consolidated picture of the E-BREAK technologies benefits integrated in a relevant operating environment. Such an exercise has also enabled identifying areas of interest for variable cycle concepts in lower maturity architectures, opening the way for further consolidation studies.
Advanced Sealing Systems (SP2)
It is intended that SP2 has provided the means to improve air system sealing through technologies such as piston seals and bearing chamber seals for new engine architectures with higher OPRs. These air system technologies enable a 0.5% reduction of specific fuel consumption for a typical large civil aero engine. It is further intended that the improvements in breather technologies, two-phase oil modelling in bearing chambers and improved methodologies to characterise oil offset higher OPR and BPRs and make tenable the development of more efficient (and reliable) gas turbine engine oil systems with an associated loss in overall engine weight.
Engine variability and thermo-mechanical behaviour (SP3)
The aim of SP3 was to enhance the key parameter of the complex variable mechanical systems (e.g. variable bleed system and variable stator vanes system) and to improve the thermo mechanical behaviour (rotor- casing matching and active cooling of hot structures) in order to fulfil the requirements set by the new high OPR-engine concepts.
Within WP3.1 new bush materials were investigated for future applications in realistic, engine-like running conditions at state-of-the-art bush rig. This ensures extended service intervals and less wear driven fuel burn increase also at raised temperature and load levels. A FEA tool has been used to increase the prediction accuracy, which is reflected in less engine mass, higher system accuracy and less maintenance costs. The new software has also been used to gain a better understanding of the complex loading and to optimize the system in terms of weight, stiffness and strength. Furthermore a composite hybrid unison ring has been developed and successfully tested in order to compensate the different thermal behaviour between hot compressor casing and cooler metal unison ring using a bi-metal-like effect. Thus, less vane malscheduling has been achieved especially for small core engines, leading to an increased efficiency, what is essential for future high OPR ratio applications. Additionally, new vanes design rules have been developed to fulfil the changed certification requirements for new engine architectures, which require a more robust booster in terms of bird debris impact. A new variable bleed valve system (VBS) was experimentally validated achieving the requirement of the next generation aero engines in fields of system performance, overall weight, robustness and maintenance costs.
WP3.2: Enhanced compressor and turbine tip clearance probes were developed and tested aiming at an improved engine test data and health monitoring system, which is essential to achieve increased service intervals especially for the higher temperature and load levels on future engines. A whole engine optimization tool for the preliminary design phase has been developed aiming at reduced in-service tip clearances, which are driving the efficiency and surge margin of the aero engine. Furthermore, the effect of the modulation of the HPC bore flow on tip clearance has been investigated to gain further increased engine efficiency. The effect of different casing and OPR blade designs on the sensitivity against tip clearance variations around the circumference has been experimentally analysed. Based on these results design rules for less sensitive compressor blades has been established.
Within WP3.3 a novel cooling mechanism for rear static turbine components like outlet guide vanes was developed and tested to withstand the higher thermal and mechanical loading caused by the increased engine efficiency of future engines. Thus, more cost-efficient materials can be applied in order to prevent high manufacturing and in-service inspection efforts of high-cost high-temperature materials.
Higher temperature material for breakthrough components (SP4)
SP4 dealt with two mains objectives: provide a better understanding of the phenomena occurring during a contact between rotor and stator and provide solutions to improve the temperature of use for Ni based materials. Together, these two objectives will lower the fuel consumption by a reduction of the clearance between rotor and stator and will give solutions to sustain the temperature increase needed for engine OPR. To fulfil these two objectives the 6 work packages were focusing on different coatings solutions. WP4.1 WP4.2 WP4.3 and WP4.4 addressed abradables issues respectively for LPC, HPC, LPT and HPT. As the abradable materials are very different in function of the temperature of use these 4 WP test materials from RTV to ceramics. An important point addressed in these work packages was to determine the wear behaviour and the heat flux induced by the contact for the two main configurations of rotor: blade and knife edge. Along with these thermal measurements an important work of modelisation has been conducted. These modelisations are sensitive to abradable microstructure and contact condition. To validate the modelisation tools developed in the project full scale rub in tests have been planned. These tools are able to predict the rub in and can be used to select abradable material for specific conditions.
On the other hand WP4.5 and WP4.6 worked on the optimization of the use of thermal barrier coating. The WP4.5 has provided a better understanding of behaviour of some base nickel alloy at their maximal temperature of use. These results gave piece of information for design office to decide whether or not a TBC system is needed. In WP4.6 new process of deposition of the thermal barrier coating has been evaluated. This process, PS-PVD, permits to coat complex shapes and give room for new application of thermal barrier.
Lightweight TiAl for breakthrough components (SP5)
The high levels of pressure and temperature require the use of new types of lightweight heat resistant materials. The use of TiAl in the engine is a major breakthrough in engine weight reduction. Technical gaps hindering the use of TiAl and the affordability and accuracy of the manufacturing process has been assessed and evaluated in the SP5 for both casting and EBM processes.
The use of TiAl in engine has some economics impact too, first of all due to the technical benefits that it provides on mass, efficiency and degradation diminution.
At present an extraordinary increase in operating costs can be observed. As highly demanded by Airlines, fuel burn reduction and health monitoring represent a strong advantage for competitiveness of future engines of European engine manufacturers.
In SP5 innovative wear, oxidation and corrosion resistant coatings, intermediate layers and shoot peening parameters have be selected according to criteria defined by merging service experiences as well as challenging increase future function and costs requirements.
Finally, in the SP5 a key issue has be investigated: raw material recycling for both casting and EBM processes. This item is particularly important in order to decrease the waste material and the relevant cost.
Health Monitoring (SP6)
SP6 Engine Health Monitoring yielded 5 new technologies. a failure diagnosis system assisting engine operators in trouble shooting damaged engines on-wing, a deterioration diagnosis and prognosis system for planning of on-/off-wing maintenance to recover engine performance (e.g. through core wash practices), a system for predicting the impact of maintenance work scopes on performance for cost or fuel burn reduction, a structures health monitoring system, saving weight and allowing for detection of safety critical events like bird strikes on composite fan outlet guide vanes and a variable stator vane actuator monitoring system enabling VSV introduction to single helicopter engines.
Potential Impact:
The dissemination of knowledge is of crucial importance for the European Commission. Consequently, it is also of great importance for the E-BREAK consortium, which will do as much as possible to spread the foreground generated.
Participants in projects funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) are required to use and disseminate the results generated by the project (“foreground”). Dissemination is meant to promote the results as swiftly and effectively as possible to benefit the whole community and avoid duplication of R&D efforts.
Dissemination can be seen as the means (e.g. press releases, conferences, scientific publications, exhibitions, workshops, newsletters, websites, etc.) through which research results are presented to the public. It is important to note that official publications in the course of a protection right application (e.g. the compulsory publication of a patent application after its filing) are not considered dissemination.
E-BREAK dissemination activities will help to promote the project, to increase the reach and impact of it, to disseminate experiences and good practices and to locate potential partners and attractive investors.

Means and ways to disseminate the foreground within E-BREAK
The E-BREAK public web site has been established as a dissemination tool in order to describe the project, to present the results of the project to the general public and to promote the main benefits from E-BREAK in terms of
• Impact for the citizen regarding fuel burn and emission reduction and
• Technical and industrial achievements.
The E-BREAK web site is accessible at the following address: and will be regularly updated throughout the project.
The content of the website has been validated by all beneficiaries.
It has been designed, implemented and will be maintained by ALCIMED to allow appropriate public access to all E-BREAK dissemination documents that have been validated internally. It has been regularly updated throughout the project life.
Throughout the project, press releases regarding E-BREAK’s activities (objectives, achievements, results, workshops, etc.) were sent to journalists at general public orientated publications, newspapers, magazines, such as:
• National press release of E-BREAK article following the KOM: AIR & COSMOS N° 2333 – 2nd of November 2012: “E-BREAK prépare les moteurs du futur”
• RRD published an internal communication “Unique test bed in Europe for aircraft engine parts” (August 2013)
• Publication of an article on the 14th of September in the Flug Revue
• Press release on the EC website, “New aircraft engine parts will reduce fuel consumption” (May 2016)
• The Coordination Office released a light version of the press released in the specialized and general media. He also proposed a pitch to invite journalists to the final meeting.
• National press release of E-BREAK article following the Final Meeting: AIR & COSMOS N° 2547 – 12th of May 2017: “E-BREAK, un programme qui tient ses promesses”
Scientific publications
All appropriate scientific findings produced by members of E-BREAK relating to the project will be published in the highest impact-factor (IF) peer reviewed journals available.
E-BREAK partners will publish in journals who offer free access wherever it is possible to do so without reducing the Impact Factor. It is essential for communicating precise information regarding the research to the scientific community as a whole. It is the foundation from which all other research is based.
Each research group in E-BREAK will aim to participate at several meetings (symposiums, workshops, conference, etc.) per year during the project. They will at every possible opportunity present E-BREAK work orally, as a poster presentation or an abstract. Meetings also provide a networking opportunity, allowing for more diverse interactions regarding E-BREAK.
Associated to the E-BREAK First Technology Transfer Workshop, a brochure presenting E-BREAK’s objectives and findings was created and distributed to participants. This brochure will encourage the discussion and the raise of the awareness of the scientific community about E-BREAK’s themes of research.
The brochure was also disseminated during the London Aerodays 2015.
An ultimate brochure has been created based on the Final Technology Assessment of the project exposing all the technology developed within E-BREAK and their potential applications. This document has been spread during the final workshop in Bordes.
Due to the great success of the document a second edition has been done.
During the life of the project, 3 Workshops have been organized.
Two internal workshops (M26/M54) or Technology Transfer Workshop have been organised to disseminate the E-BREAK technology inside the European engine manufacturers engineering departments and corresponding supply chain.
These workshops actions mainly aimed at:
• Informing the engineering departments about E-BREAK’s core-engine technology component specifications and future needs from the aero-engine manufacturers and
• Receiving feedback on potential fabrication and manufacturing possibilities and constraints associated to the E-BREAK technologies.
The First Technology Transfer Workshop took place on the 5 and 6th of March 2015, hosted by the Bureau Aquitaine Europe, in Brussels, Belgium.
It gathered a total of 84 participants from 12 different countries (France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Poland, Romania, Spain, Ukraine, Sweden and Switzerland) with 47 companies represented.
Our objectives were to present an overview of FP7 linked projects through a presentation of 4 projects: E-BREAK, LEMCOTEC, ENOVAL and ESPOSA, to present the technologies developed in the E-BREAK project and to tackle challenges to overcome on 2 main subjects (Engine manufacturers R&T challenges and European Aerospace industry ecosystem) through 2 round tables/plenary session with guest speakers.
In March 2017 E-BREAK have organised a targeted technical workshop to present the main project results to the aeronautics industry and academia. This workshop was the opportunity to have open discussions and further collaborations to address the next steps, mostly how to drive core-engine technology to a higher Technology Readiness Level and to further improve the results from the lessons learnt in the project. Reports on the workshops have been produced after each workshop.
E-BREAK have established links with the EIMG partners’ supply chain, through national organisations representing the aeronautics sector:
• SBAC Society of British Aerospace Companies,
• GIFAS Groupment des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales,
• BDLI Bundesverband der Deutschen Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie,
• TEDEA Asociación Española de Tecnologías de Defensa, Aeronáutica y Espacio,
• AIAD Federazione Aziende Italiane per l'Aerospazio, la Difesa e la Sicurezza,
• ASD AeroSpace& Defence Industries Association of Europe and through
In addition, E-BREAK collaborated with any EC initiative that could be set up to support the involvement of SME in the field (such as AerosSme, SCRATCH, AeroPortal in the past).
E-BREAK have published a certain number of position papers in order to promote the overall project achievements amongst which the following ones:
• “E-BREAK: EnginE-BREAKthrough Components and Subsystems Advanced Aero-Engines Technology Enablers”, Aerodays 2015, 20-23 Oct. 2015, London, UK
• “Advanced aero-engines technology enablers (an overview of the European project E-BREAK)”, ASME 2016 Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition, 13-17 June 2016, Seoul, South Korea
• “The European Project E-BREAK: Technology enabler for Advanced Aero-Engines”, GREENER AVIATION 2016, 11-13 Oct. 2016, Brussels, Belgium
A key factor for efficient dissemination is to be easily recognisable and remembered. One method to accomplish this is to produce a standardised format for all the documents produced. This re-enforce the link and create coherence between all the dissemination methods and make any document (or presentation) produced instantly recognisable as belonging to the E-BREAK consortium, increasing its reputation.
1. Logo and templates for working documents
2. Word document template
3. PowerPoint template
4. Posters
On the basis of this graphical image of the project communication tools have been elaborated in order to enable partners to communicate and disseminate information about E-BREAK.
Two generic project posters and a Roll up for the use at public workshops, featuring the overall objectives, the sub-projects and the study engines of E-BREAK, were prepared by the coordination office supported by the EMB members.
During the Technology Transfer Workshop, 30 posters were disseminated. A short movie was also realized during the Workshop.
In October 2015, E-BREAK took part to the Aerodays 2015 with a global presentation of the work progress in a parallel session and a common boot shared with ENOVAL and LEMCOTEC. Two new posters were created to disseminate around the project.
For the final meeting workshop new posters have been realised, gathering all information and main achievements of the Project.
With 41 partners from 10 countries E-BREAK was a complex large-scale European project which achieved very important technical results gathered in periodic reports, knowledge portfolio and technology booklet.
As reported in this deliverable, a great deal of effort has been put in place in order to disseminate the results of the project.
E-BREAK demonstrated excellence in Science through 60 publications, 48 posters and 14 patents.
E-BREAK promoted the industrial uptake through 2 public workshops for technology transfer; Talks, panels, presentations at partner events (Aerodays 2015, Greener Aviation 2016, AIRTEC, ASME Turbo Expo, ISABE, SAMPE...).
Strong collaboration has been put in place with level 2 sister projects: ENOVAL, LEMCOTEC, ESPOSA; as well as the coordination action FORUM AE.
E-BREAK had a strong echo in media, notably through press releases and articles.
A special effort was made at the end of the project on the publication of the “Project Summary Handbook” which gathered the record of all technologies developed within E-BREAK (description, TRL assessment...).
E-BREAK is a clear testimony of the benefits that European project can bring to the aerospace industry.
List of Websites:

Dr Manuel Silva
Project Coordinator and Chief Engineer
Avenue du Président Szydlowski
64511 Bordes, France
Tel: + 33 (0)5 59 12 17 63
Fax: +33 (0)5 59 12 51 45