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Development of a new cost-efficient and not-fuel fossil dependent insulating foam material which meet the strict EU requirements regarding thermal and noise efficiency in building and ship constructio

Final Report Summary - AT-INSULATE (Development of a new cost-efficient and not-fuel fossil dependent insulating foam material which meet the strict EU requirements regarding thermal and noise efficiency in building and ship constructio)

Executive Summary:
AT-INSULATE has been a project proposed by several European SMEs to contribute with a novel material in order to fulfill the thermal and acoustic requirements by the increasingly demanding national and international regulations on buildings, insuring a better energy efficiency and an indoor-quality environment.

In the execution of the project has been proved the technological approach, which has consisted in obtaining an enhanced foam formulation based on an inorganic material as a non-fuel fossil dependent alternative that reduces the associated cost and the negative impact on the environment, with out-standing insulating properties. It has been assured also a better handling for installation due to its foamy nature, making easier its market introduction and applications, not only in new buildings construction but also for old buildings rehabilitation, which is a main driver for growth of the insulating materials market. In addition, AT-INSULATE is applicable as insulating material to the shipbuilding sector as secondary market, by offering enhanced and competitive properties: light and non-asbestos containing material, non-flammable and acoustic insulating properties at low-frequencies, which allow saving costs and health risks associated with ships’ maintenance, repairing and labor actions.

In this project, to ensure that each specific part of the execution has been developed correctly and mistakes have been detected properly, it has been defined some work packages, which are the followings:

WPs 1-2 have been dedicated to the scientific work. In this work package the RTDs have focused on the study of the gypsum foam formation; the study of the physical and chemical nature of different calcium sulphate starting materials and their influence on the final foam properties; the identification of potential surfactants and inorganic fillers as formulation components; and the study of water-soluble surfactant effect on the foam homogeneity.

WPs 3-4 have been responsible for the technological work mainly done by the RTDs and have consisted in developing an integrated material formulation and tailoring for wall-applications and validating the developed materials according to the current standardization normative.

WP 5 has consisted on the dissemination and exploitation activities and have been carried out by RTDS and SMEs.

WP 6 has consisted on the Consortium management that ensures the achievement of the project objectives.

In each of this work package, a member of the Consortium has been designed as the leader depending on their skills and NUTEC has made a report providing information about the subjects to be covered in each part of the execution, in order to inform the rest of the members of the project and the European Commission, as well as to have into account the degree of advantage and the involved results.

Project Context and Objectives:

1.1. Political and Economic components

Global energy demand is increasing steadily, with Europe’s energy demand expected to grow by 50% by 2030. This growth is expected to lead to an increased dependence on foreign energy supplies, so that by 2030, 70% of all Europe’s energy will be imported. Such a high level of dependence on foreign energy supposes a high risk for the EU’s economy from any potential instability in the major energy-producing regions. In the energy consume distribution in Europe buildings represent the largest single energy-using sector with the 40%. Energy saving actions should be developed in order to decrease the energy consume. Therefore, buildings have an enormous energy-saving potential. For example, a properly insulated home uses only 27% of the energy that is needed to heat a standard house.

Insulation is, then, by far the most reliable and important measure to reduce the energy used in buildings, as it accounts for 78% of the total energy reduction potential. Ensuring that existing buildings across Europe are being renovated and their thermal and acoustic performance upgraded, would save Europe €38 billion a year by 2010, rising to €66 billion a year by 2015. Actually, it is estimated that there is a stock of 160 million buildings in the EU. In terms of jobs, the Building Construction sector accounts for 30% of industrial employment in the EU, contributing about 10.4% of the GDP, with 3 millions of enterprises, 95% being SMEs. Overall 48.9 millions of workers in the EU depend, directly or indirectly, on the construction sector. It is estimated that such a retrofit program would create the equivalent of up to 530.000 full-time jobs, especially in the European construction sector so hardly affected by the world financial crisis.

1.2. Environmental components

In the context of the Kyoto Protocol, the EU is committed to collectively cut CO2 emissions by 8% during the period 2008-2025. As almost 40% of all CO2 emissions in the EU emerge from energy used in private and public buildings, the insulation is a highly potential tool to help the EU to cut down the CO2 emissions. Improving the insulation performance on buildings it is estimated that the total potential for CO2 emission savings through insulation in Europe is approximately 460 million tones of CO2 annually. This is the equivalent in terms of CO2 savings of taking 40% of all European cars from the streets for a year.

1.3. Legislative concerns about energy efficiency in the European building industry

Due to the mentioned economic and environmental reasons, it has been recognised the urgent need to establish a mandatory legislation for energy efficiency standards in buildings.

• Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPB): compulsory from January 2009 a BER certificate for all buildings being sold or offered for rent in Europe9. This certificate reports the energy performance of the building and how it might be improved.

• Efficient Building European Initiative (E2B EI): does not only deal with thermal insulation performance but also with respect to indoor environmental quality related to acoustic insulation of buildings. It forces building constructors, insulation material manufacturers and suppliers to produce and use materials reducing the energy consumption, noise pollution and costs of the building structure. These insulation materials should have outstanding features such as cost-effective, nontoxic, noncombustible, fire safe, good overall acoustic and energy performance (relationship of production energy and energy saving effect during use).

• REACH (EC 1907/2006), the European regulation on chemicals and their safe use, is expected to have an impact on the insulation materials market. This regulation will increase the focus on manufacturers to minimise the use of compounds that are dangerous to the environment. For example, in the Polystyrene market, the Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), a brominated flame retardant used is forcing manufacturers to find alternatives to this compound, forcing manufacturers to adapt their products to meet these requirements.

1.4. Social component of building insulation in Europe

Improvements in building insulation could potentially prevent ill health. People in EU spend more than 90% of their time indoors, most of it in their own homes. Houses that are not-properly thermally insulated are colder in winter and warmer in summer. Colder houses place more physiological stress on older people, babies, and sick people, who have less robust thermoregulatory systems and also can lead to the growth of moulds, which can cause respiratory symptoms. These effects have been highlighted in several international reports.

In addition, more than half EU citizens are exposed to noise and a third live in acoustic grey zones that seriously affect people's well-being18. There is a big concern regarding building sound insulation particularly in the low frequency range (below 125 Hz). This is due to the high exposition of people to low frequency noise sources such as home entertainment systems, aircraft, traffic and construction works.

It is estimated that 3% of deaths from heart attacks in Europe are due to log-term exposure to noise, around 210.000 deaths could be avoid by proper acoustic building insulation. As consequence, the EU's GDP won’t be cut down by an estimated 0.2 to 2 %. Annual follow-up savings are estimated over €12 billion.

1.5. European SMEs Competitiveness in Insulation and Manufacturing Markets

The Insulating Materials Manufacturing market was estimated at €1.84 billion in 2008. There are in the world around 250 insulating material supplier companies, 9 of them accounted in 2008 for more than 55% of the total European production. The European insulating manufacturers comply with the national and international legislations but manufacturing costs are high due to outstanding requirements meaning significant raw material costs. As a consequence, European insulation manufactures are struggling with legislative growing demands and an increasingly competitive market where price is the main buying driver.

Therefore, European insulating manufacturers urgently need to move to higher added-value products to differentiate and increase commercial margin. It is widely recognized by the sector that the future of their competitiveness can only be sustained by investing in technological solutions competing on differentiation and moderate price. The new construction sector recession will certainly aggravate this situation and force insulation manufacturers penetrating into higher added-value materials and rapidly adapt to the new market requests.

1.6. Technological needs for Building Insulation Industry

European Insulation Market in the last five years has focused on walls as 35% of the energy efficiency depends on proper wall insulation and it is relatively straightforward to measure and cost effective to install. European market of wall insulating materials is characterized by the domination of two main groups of products, namely organic foamy materials, like polystyrene, and to a lesser extent polyurethane, and inorganic fibrous materials, like mineral wool. Mineral wool was in the past decades the most commonly used insulation material for walls but foams now account for over 70% of wall insulation. The limited space available for cavity fill insulation is a major driver for product development in this area. The relative ease of installing will support demand of insulating foam materials, especially in the renovation sector, which is expected to be the main driver for growth of this market.

However, organic insulating foams are produced from petroleum. This is a problem since the EU is facing unprecedented fuel-fossil dependency and according to the EC there is a need to develop efficient insulation materials with non-fuel-fossil or low carbon materials at low cost. Moreover, alternative inorganic insulating materials available at the moment in the market require high energy cost for their production. The same fuels are used to make plastic foam than to provide the energy for mining and other resource extraction. As conclusion, the SMEs of the insulation manufacturer sector have an extraordinary opportunity to raise its profile by manufacturing non-fuel fossil dependent, insulating and cost efficient foams.


The objective of the AT-INSULATE project is has been to develop an integrated material formulation necessary for achieving the required insulating properties for building applications. In addition the material has been non-toxic, fire-resistance and acoustically effective at low-frequencies to full-fill also the needs for insulation in the ship construction sector. Therefore, the overall project objective could have been divided in a series of technology development objectives which are described below. However, in order to be able to fulfil these technologies development purposes, preliminary research activities has been needed in order to get the level of scientific understanding required for overcoming the existing technical barriers which prevent this technology being ready without an important R&D effort. S&T specific objectives are described below:


AT-INSULATE project has increased the understanding of the factors governing the formation of gypsum foam by the diffusion of carbon dioxide gas, until now with a lack of knowledge. The influence of the foam pore structure on the thermal and acoustic performances has been studied. The project has also explored how the addition of other minority components on the formulation such as surfactants or inorganic fillers affects the insulating and other key properties (e.g. mechanical strength).

Scientific Objective 1:

To study gypsum as raw-material for the development of an enhanced foam formulation with application as thermal and acoustic insulating material. This objective has been achieved by the following sub-objectives:

• To study the gypsum foaming process with sodium bicarbonate as gas generator.
• To study the effect of surfactants on the pores size and distribution formed during the foaming process.
• To identify potential additional minor components for the foam formulation in order to improve the insulating and physical properties of the material.

The associated milestones of this objective are Milestones 1 (Controlled foaming process of gypsum by CO2 occlusion) and Milestone 4 (Gypsum foam tailored-formulation cavity wall filling and internal wall applications) and they have been achieved successfully.

Scientific Objective 2:

To study and improve the bonding nature in the filler-gypsum matrix and its effect on the foam mechanical and stability strength.

The associated milestone of this objective are Milestone 2 (New process for improving homogeneity of gypsum foams by water-soluble surfactants) and it has been achieved successfully.

Scientific Objective 3:

To identify the compatibility of the developed foam formulations with the application to cavity-fill wall or solid-wall insulation and the physical properties necessary for each of them.

The associated milestone of this objective are Milestones 3 (New process for improving mechanical properties of gypsum foams by addition of modified fillers) and it has been achieved successfully.


The contributions to the technological objectives are the following:

Technological Objective 1:

Novel gypsum foam formulation tailored for different wall applications. The development of AT-INSULATE has contributed to the market of insulating material with a novel gypsum foam formulation prepared by a simple production process. The final material has been fulfilled all the strict EU requirements regarding energy efficiency on buildings. This material has been made with the required properties to fulfil the EU legislative requirements in building construction and the needs for ship-building:
• Thermal conductivity (W/mK) ≤ 0.3
• Sound absorption (at 125 Hz) > 0.15
• Mechanical strength (N/mm2) > 0,5
• Fire-resistance rating (minutes) ≥ 45

The associated milestone of this objective are Milestone 1 (Controlled foaming process of gypsum by CO2 occlusion) and it has been achieved successfully.

Technological Objective 2:

Novel application of surfactants to eliminate thermal and acoustic bridging on inorganic foams.

AT-INSULATE has contributed to the development of more efficient insulating materials by demonstrating the potential use of surfactants to control the homogeneity of inorganic foams. This has been achieved by controlling the surfactant concentration and thus the foam volume expansion ratio that determines the pore size and distribution. It has been done by addition of water-soluble surfactants extructed from plant oils such as sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS).

The associated milestone of this objective are Milestone 2 (New process for improving homogeneity of gypsum foams by water-soluble surfactants) and it has been achieved successfully.

Technological Objective 3:

New sol-gel modified fillers to obtain more mechanically resistant foam.

AT-INSULATE project has developed surface-modified fillers particularly perlite, vermiculite and kaolin by applying a sol-gel method. It is expected that the new formed particle shape or surface structure might promote good bonding between the filler and the gypsum matrix obtaining more mechanically resistant foam.

The associated milestone of this objective are Milestone 3 (New process for improving mechanical properties of gypsum foams by addition of modified fillers) and it has been achieved successfully.

Technological Objective 4:

Tailored formulations for different wall applications. Application demonstrations on four façade systems.

The associated milestone of this objective are Milestone 4 (Gypsum foam tailored-formulation cavity wall filling and internal wall applications) and it has been achieved successfully.


Having established the objectives to be achieved in this project, we proceeded to define the work packages, which were divided into tasks that were performed by different consortium members depending on their skills. The achievement of these goals has been proven through the delivery of reports with the results and the studies involved. These reports had to be deliverable in the deadline established (milestones), noticing that the progress was developed properly and, therefore, the desired objectives for the AT-INSULATE project succeed.

In conclusion, we can confirm that the AT-INSULATE project has met the specified objectives. Except for one propertie, the values we obtained from the tests do not comply with the established limits on the mechanical properties. The use of the surfactants, even in a very small quantity (0.05%), has accelerated and increased the bubbling process with the production of air bubbles with a more uniform size (smaller than those obtained without surfactant) and distribution. At the end of many different test we got to be close Mechanical strength (N/mm2) >0,5 vs 0,351 that we obtained.

The conclusion at the end is that for obtaining these results is necessary to reinforce the AT-INSULATE inorganic foam with some type of fiber (polyester, glass, coal or rock fiber). Another possibility is to use a geotextile type of mesh or of other polymeric nature.

Project Results:
The main scientific and technological results of the different work packages are presented in order to show the advances reached in the project.
1. Work Package 1
The main objective of this work package was to identify and select potential raw materials as components for the final foam formulation. Different inorganic fillers and water-soluble surfactants were selected based on previous studies and on their known potential effect on the final formulation. Preliminary thermal, acoustic and mechanical tests were performed with the best candidates in order to understand the effect of such components in the properties of the gypsum matrix.

The foaming process was also studied focusing on carbon dioxide gas diffusion through the calcium sulphate solid network. The crystalline phases present in the calcium sulphate starting material before and after the hydration reaction were also characterized by Infrared (IR) and X-ray diffraction techniques since their specific shape and way they growth is very important for the expansion rate of the final foam.

Finally, the collapse of the internal crystalline network due to a non-proper diffusion of the carbon dioxide gas generated, destroys part of the small cells obtained, leading to non-homogenous material. To avoid this, the tension active effect of water-soluble surfactants was studied and the developed material was studied by microscopy techniques as Transmission or Scanning electron microscopy (TEM or SME), or by gas diffusion techniques as gas adsorption.

1.1. Gypsum foam formation process
Tasks: 1.1 and 1.2
Task leader: FIIDS
Partners involved: NUTEC and QUIMIPUR, GIOR
Duration: month 1 to month 6

At- Insulate is insulating foam, based on a preparation on calcium sulphate and sodium bicarbonate as foaming agent. In this section there were shown the results of the study about the characteristics of the raw materials separately as well as about the foaming process itself, and how the proportion of sodium bicarbonate affected the final foam.
FIIDS studied the gypsum foaming process with the sodium bicarbonate as gas generator by the diffusion of carbon dioxide gas.
Samples were made with the four different gypsums on different component proportions, both bicarbonate and water, always looking for the highest performance of the foam, also with the lowest possible retraction.
All the components used mixed well between themselves, they dissolved them in water and had a fast reaction (agitation and a couple of seconds) and exothermal (reaches 40ºC).
The problem lied in that, even reducing the water and bicarbonate amounts to control the foam formation reaction, managing with the best formulation in all the cases of 97% Gypsum + 3% Bicarbonate to, later on, mixing it with a 50% or 70% in water weight, could not be avoided a foam retraction.
It could not be managed to avoid the retraction even using fast harden gypsum, due to the CO2 leak. The drying on the foam surface was very fast. In a minute it was already dry to the touch.
It was thought that through the use of fillers such as perlite and/or the surfactant it could stabilize this foam, making it retract as less as possible and therefore, imprison the CO2 enough for the foam to be compact enough for not to retract from its own weight.
The machine used is a machine model UTIFORM QUATRO. It is a machine capable of projecting gypsum, used for both, spraying and also injecting.

The remarkable parameters for the machine adjustment are pressure and water flow.

For the execution of these tests we started from the best obtained formulation from the laboratory tests, corresponding to 97% gypsum + 35 bicarbonate for, later on, did the mix between this mixture and water (50% or 70% in water weight).

Several applications were made but it can be observed that they did not work: they fell off the walls and also suffered from retraction. They were made with gypsum 1 mixed with the correspondent proportions of bicarbonate 1, varying the water flow and the out piece position in order to improve the projection. It was also observed a temperature rise, created by the exothermal reaction, reaching 40ºC.

Spraying tests

The environmental conditions:
- Room temperature 30 °C
- Water temp 12 °C
- 65% wet (humidity)

Best conditions for the application were with a 250-300l/h flow, with 2.5-3 bar of pressure and an opening angle of 45°.

Injection tests

The environmental conditions:
- Room temperature 30 °C
- Water temperature 13 °C
- 67% wet (humidity)

Best conditions for the application were with a 400-450l/h flow, with a 4 bar of pressure.

Two moulds were built for test injections with the following dimensions: 1 m x 1.20 m with 5 cm thickness, 2 m x 1.20 m with 5 cm thickness. On the front side we had a glass, and on the backside there was a brick wall.

It was closed on all sides for the foam not to escape after the injection. Thus, it was possible to see the foam formation, as well as the bubble's distribution and imprisonment.

In both parts, application and injection, it was managed to obtain a good component's mixture, as well as a good foam formation from the CO2 reaction.
The problem was that, despite the foam's treat is fast (30s to the touch), the bubble's imprisonment could not be achieved due to the lack of structural stability. This was because of, not the proportions of the different components with water, but because of the impossibility of the foam to retain the CO2 due to its retraction and falling off over it in both cases, injected and projected. While reducing the flow and giving little applications would have been possible to project the gypsum that not happened for a 5cm thickness layer, where 5-6 repetitions were needed.
It was stated that the CO2 bubble's imprisonment were possible through the addition of a filler, perlite in this case, for its structural improvement.
It was employed the appropriate characterization techniques to study the crystalline and microscopically structures such as X-ray, IR, SEM, TEM. It was studied the properties of different sets produced by varying the drying and roasting process.

X-Rays interact with the electrons surrounding the atoms because their wavelength is on the same order of magnitude than the atomic radius. The emerging X-ray beam after this interaction contains information about the type and position of the atoms found on its way. The crystals, because of their periodic structure, disperse elastically the X-ray beams in some directions and amplify them by constructive inference, originating a diffraction pattern.

Infra-red spectroscopy (IR spectroscopy) is the branch of spectroscopy that deals with the infra-red part of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is used to identify a compound and investigate the composition of a sample. Infra-red spectroscopy is based on the fact that molecules have frequencies in which they rotate and vibrate, that is, the rotation and vibration molecular movements have different discrete energy levels (normal vibration modes).

The mineralogical analysis by sweep electronic microscopy (SEM) is an instrument capable of offering a varied range of information coming from the sample's surface. Its functioning is based on sweeping an electron beam over an area of the desired size (magnifications) while on a monitor the information obtained is observed according on the available detectors.

The Transmission Electronic Microscope (TEM) is an instrument that uses the phisic-atomic phenomena produced when an electron beam sufficiently accelerated crashes with a thing sample, conveniently prepared. When the electrons collide with the sample, depending on its thickness and the type of atoms conforming it, part of them are selectively dispersed, this means, there is a gradation between the electrons that go through it cleanly and the ones totally diverted. All of them are lead to and modulated by lenses to form a digital image over a CCD that can have thousands of magnifications with an unreachable definition for any other device. The information obtained is an image with different gray intensities corresponding to the dispersion grade of the penetrating electrons.

The TEM image as has been described offers information on the sample structure, amorphous or crystalline.
The foaming process was studied focusing on carbon dioxide gas diffusion through the calcium sulphate solid network. The crystalline phases presented in the calcium sulphate starting material before and after the hydration reaction were also characterized by Infrared (IR) and X-ray diffraction techniques since their specific shape and way they growth was very important for the expansion rate of the final foam.
Finally, the collapse of the internal crystalline network due to a non-proper diffusion of the carbon dioxide gas generated, destroyed part of the small cells obtained, leading to non-homogenous material. To avoid this, the tension active effect of water-soluble surfactants was studied and the developed material was studied by microscopy techniques as Transmission or Scanning electron microscopy (TEM or SME).
Samples characterized were:
Sample 1- Gypsum 1: CaSO4. ½ H20 (Fast Harden gypsum)
Sample 2- Gypsum 2: CaSO4 . ½ H20 (Controlled Gypsum)
Sample 3- Gypsum 3: CaSO4 dehydrated
The three characterized samples by DRX and infrared of the three commercial gypsums showed the typical structures of a semi-hydrated gypsum for the samples 1 and 2, containing some silica impurities and magnesite. For the sample 3 we had the typical anhydrite structure and its correspondent diffractogram points out those big-sized crystals were formed due to the height and narrowness of its peaks. It was compared them with the diffractograms of the two commercial gypsums and it could be seen that in these ones, peaks have a much lower height.
When we examined the three samples corresponding to the gypsums by TEM and SEM, we observed for the sample 1 corresponding to a fast-hardener gypsum, a gypsum-typical leaf-shape morphology and the formation of small-sized sheets; fact that could be associated with short-hardened time periods. For the sample 2 corresponding to a slow-hardener commercial gypsum we also observed the gypsum's typical leaf-shaped morphology and the formation of bigger size sheets that could be associated with longer harden times. Thus, both, gypsum 1 and gypsum 2 seemed to have more fragmented and loose crystalline formation, therefore spongy and could not almost be recognized any crystalline character, not even recurring to greater magnifications. Gypsum's fragments turned into hemihydrate present an earthy appearance. In general, a greater amount of water provided by the hydrated gypsum allows a slower hardener process and therefore, the formation of bigger-sized crystals, while a lower gypsum contain leads to agglomerates. On the other hand, the harden mechanism had a direct effect both in porosity and on its mechanical and water absorption properties; so that, according with the obtained results, a fast crystallization must be possible for the formation of agglomerates, highly porous but keeping the macroscopic structural mechanical stability. This was, the increase on the harden speed is going to beneficiate on the agglomerate or aggregate formation, which facilitate the appearance of interstitial spaces in which the CO2 bubbles was placed.
Once characterized the correspondent samples to the raw material, gypsum 2 was chosen for the making of the correspondent additive sequence and the characterization of each of the phases because controlled gypsum required less bicarbonate to produce the seam foam. First for the correspondent foam formation sodium bicarbonate was added and we observed how the thenardite structure belonging to Na2SO4 in the diffractogram by DRX is obtained.

1.2. Identification of potential formulation components
Task: 1.3.
Task leader: TUT
Partners involved: FIIDS, GIOR, EUROPERL, UNGER
Duration: month 2 to month 9

The objective was to develop a foamed gypsum/filler material with desired thermal, mechanical and acoustic properties. Additionally the developed material should be based on inorganic materials and be independent of fossil fuels. The thermal conductivity should be less than 0.3 W/mK and sound absorption coefficient less than 0.15 at 125 Hz. Mechanical strength should be over 0.5 MPa. In the case of fire the developed material should have a fire resistance rating of more than 45 minutes.

For thermal insulating purposes the most potential filler material found in this survey was expanded perlite. The thermal conductivity of expanded perlite was 0.045-0.059 W/mK which is the lowest among the filler materials reviewed. Sound absorption properties of gypsum/filler composite materials were not found in this study.
The thermal conductivity of gypsum varied from 0.07-0.2 W/mK when the density (porosity) changed 200-800 kg/m3 respectively (table 2). The desired thermal conductivity in AT insulate project is less than 0.2 W/mK. So in order to meet this goal the density of gypsum matrix material should be less than 800 kg/m.
According to this survey it seemed that the amount of foam and fillers in gypsum matrix must have been optimized in order to reach the desired thermal conductivity and strength values.
Since the thermal conductivity of the most potential filler material, expanded perlite was lower than foamed gypsum the more the filler was added the lower is the thermal conductivity of the formed foamed gypsum/filler composite. On the other hand the strength of the composite decreased when porosity increased respectively. It could be challenging to meet both requirements strength and thermal conductivity for developed composite in AT-insulate project. Rule of mixing was applied when theoretically evaluate the properties of composite material developed.
Increasing the strength of the perlite filler material without losing the thermal insulation properties would benefit the mechanical properties of the developed foamed gypsum/filler composite.
According to the results, the strength of gypsum (density 500 kg/m) was 1 MPa. So if the strength of the perlite filler was above this level and interface between gypsum and filler was not the weakest link the strength of the gypsum/filler composite would be increased.
Sound absorption properties were dependent on the structural configuration of the measured component and it is not a material property such as heat transfer coefficient and strength. However information was found which showed that the denser the gypsum sample the higher the sound absorption coefficient measured at 250 Hz frequency. Therefore it might be beneficial to aim towards as light gypsum/filler material as possible without losing mechanical strength.

1.3. Study of water-soluble surfactant effect on the foam homogeneity
Task: 1.4
Task leader: FIIDS
Partners involved: UNGER
Duration: month 5 to month 12

FIIDS analyzed the effect of the provided surfactants, by the direction of the partner UNGER, on the homogeneity, density and mechanical resistance of the foam. The appropriate characterization techniques were employed to study the crystalline structures such as microscopy and X-ray, IR, SEM, TEM. Tastings were being taken to ensure uniformity on the formed foam.

Surfactants are molecules that have a polar part and a non-polar one and therefore, have water affinity. They are active on surface tension and tend to accumulate on the surface or the interphase between the hydrophilic and hydrophobic phases. This placement avoids the "traffic" of molecules from the surface to the inside of the liquid looking for a lower energy state, thus decreasing the surface tension state. For a molecule to be surfactant, its affinity on the inter-phase must be higher than on the liquid's inner part. This means, the number of molecules has to be bigger on the surface than in the dissolution.

In the case, the addition of the surfactant had the aim of homogenizing the sample, because when the bicarbonate was added to the mixture, the foam formation took place and consequently, the loss of homogeneity.

In the report D1 we came to the conclusion that the optimal working formulation is: Gypsum (97) + Sodium bicarbonate (3) + water (0.7)

From here on, laboratory studies were made following the next working sequence:
1- Addition of 5 types of perlite to the foam created with the optimal formulation
Perlite is added to increase the thermal and acoustic insulation power of our material, allowing our sample to change its insulation properties due to, on one hand to the bubble formation, and on the other hand, because of the perlite's refraction power.
2- Preliminary study of the surfactant's effect on themixtures obtained with the different types of perlite

Once made the laboratory tests, we proceeded to characterize the obtained mixtures.

It was made two mixtures with gypsum 2 and the bicarbonate. One of them was mixed with perlite 1 and the other with perlite 2. Both mixtures presented very similar diffractograms and was remarked that the peak 25, common both in commercial gypsums and anhydrite, disappeared.
Finally it was added the surfactant into both, the sample with perlite 1 and the sample with perlite 2. Both mixtures presented very similar diffractograms. If it was compared them with the ones obtained from gypsum + bicarbonate, we could observe how the peak 25 (common among commercial gypsums) also disappeared, as well as the height of the rest of the peaks also decreased. This was due to the surfactant's homogenizing function that benefits the decrease of the crystal size and the formation of homogeneous aggregates.
On the other hand the gypsum 2 additive sequence by TEM and SEM was characterized.
On the formation of the foam when adding bicarbonate, we observed the earthy or fish-pattern aspect of the sample. We speculated with the possibility of the agglomerate to hold the CO2 bubbles.
Once the bicarbonate was added, the foam mixed with both types perlite. By making this addition it was observed in all the images the formation of more agglomerates.
And last, after adding the surfactant it was observed how with perlite 1, the sample homogenized better than with perlite 2. It seemed to be better distributed.
The values we obtained from the tests did not accomplish the established limits on the mechanical properties. The use of the surfactants, even in a very small quantity (0,05%), accelerated and increased the bubbling process with the production of air bubbles with a more uniform size (smaller than those obtained without surfactant) and distribution. This behavior resulted in the production of samples with lower density (down to approx. 300 kg/m3), but with very poor mechanical performances.
The general aspect of the samples, in both, SEM and TEM, were very heterogeneous and tangled, with a big amount of implied phases, with different textures and grain sizes, as well as pores.

1.5. Testing of thermal and acoustic insulating and mechanical properties of the gypsum foam, the potential formulations and the influence of the occluded CO2

Task: 1.5
Task Leader: GIOR
Partners involved: FIIDS, SACS
Duration: month 3 to month 6
Task: 1.6
Task Leader: GIOR.
Partners involved: FIIDS, CMEG
Duration: month 7 to month 9

GIOR did tests to determine and compare the properties of the different samples:

-Mechanical properties (Bending strength, compression strength)
-Thermal conductivity and density
-Vapor permeability
-Acoustic properties (sound absorption, sound insulation)
-Apparent dynamic stiffness
-Airflow resistivity
- Calorific value (gross heat of combustion)

It is attached the document with the tables and results involved.

AT-INSULATE material #1 was sent by FIIDS in a raw form (dry–ready mix).

The sample contains the amount of filler which is the optimal one at this point of tests carried out by FIIDS.

The amount of water to use has been determined on the basis of tests carried out so far by FIIDS.

Regarding the amount of modified perlite filler, the formulation, in %, is:
- Gypsum Foam/Perlite 3:1
- AT-Insulate/water 1:1.2

AT-Insulate material #2 was prepared by FIIDS.

In these samples, the surfactant developed by UNGER was added to the gypsum/perlite composition.

Bending strength

It was necessary a minimum quantity of material (for each formulation): No. 3 samples, dimensions 250 (l) x 50 (w) x 10 (t) mm

Due to the quantity of available material, only four samples made with material #1 (foamed gypsum + perlite) were tested using a three points bending method like that described in the standard EN 12859 "Gypsum blocks: definitions, requirements and test methods"

As expected, the samples failed in a brittle way showing a bending strength similar to that of gypsum product with the same density.

The obtained results were complying with the minimum level of bending strength of 50 kPa (=0.05 N/mm2), requested by clause 4.2.7 of EN 13163 for handling purpose.

Compression strength

Minimum quantity of material (for each formulation): No. 3 samples, dimensions 50 (l) x 50 (w) x 10 (t) mm

Due to the quantity of available material, only six samples made with material #1 (foamed gypsum + perlite) and one sample made with material #2 were tested according to standard EN 826 " Thermal insulating products for building applications: Determination of compression behavior".

- AT-Insulate material #1

The samples with lower density (approx. 340 kg/m3) showed a very low value of compressive strength (0.003 N/mm2), while the higher density samples did not fail under compression because the used test apparatus was equipped with a 500 N load cell.
A very low value of the compressive strength could be a problem during the handling, packaging and carriage of the final product.

- AT-Insulate material #2

In comparison with AT-Insulate material #1, the presence of the surfactant allowed the production of samples with a lower density. Since it is very important to keep under control the density of the material during the preparation to get the best thermal insulating properties, the addition of the surfactant made easier to obtain lower densities in a reproducible way.

However, the compressive strength must be strictly kept under control because a very low value can be a problem during the handling, packaging and carriage of the final product.

Thermal conductivity and density

Thermal conductivity was measured according to standards EN 12664 or EN 12667 (sample size 500 x 500 x 25 mm) or, preliminarily, according to standard ASTM E 1530 “Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Resistance to Thermal Transmission of Materials by the Guarded Heat Flow Meter Technique” (sample size 50 x 50 x 5 mm).

Minimum quantity of material (for each formulation): EN 12664 or EN 12667: No. 2 samples, dimensions 500 (l) x 500 (w) x 25 (t) mm

Minimum quantity of material (for each formulation): ASTM E 1530: No. 1 sample, dimensions 50 (l) x 50 (w) x 5 (t) mm

Both AT-Insulate material #1 and #2 showed better thermal insulating properties than conventional masonry products having the same density.

Compatibly with the required mechanical properties, the reduction of the material density to values lower than 300 kg/m3, was fundamental to get good thermal insulating properties.

Vapor permeability

- Minimum quantity of material (for each formulation): No. 5 cylindrical samples, dimensions 90 (D) x 20 (t) mm

Vapor permeability was measured according to the standard EN ISO 12572 “Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products - Determination of water vapor transmission properties”.

The tested AT-Insulate material (#1) had very high vapor permeability, greater than that of conventional masonry products. This was positive because an insulating layer made by the AT-Insulate material did not reduce the vapor permeability of the masonry (i.e. it does not reduce the transpirability of the wall).

However, in consideration of the masonry stratification (sequence of different layers) it was necessary to carry out a thermo-hygrometric analysis (Grazer’s diagram) to avoid the vapor condensation of the cold side of the insulating panel; if so, it was necessary to put a vapor barrier on the internal side of the insulating panel.

Acoustic properties


In order to evaluate the relationship between type of material, density and thickness on the value of sound absorption coefficient, it was convenient to evaluate it using the impedances tube (in IG we can carry out the test in accordance with standard EN ISO 10534-1:2001).


The sound insulation improvement could not be determined with small quantity of material (more than 10 m2 are necessary). If possible, alternatively, it was interesting to evaluate the elastic properties of the material by determining the apparent dynamic stiffness in accordance with standard ISO 9052-1:1989.

Minimum quantity of material for a specified thickness: No. 1 square sample, dimensions 100 x 100 mm

Since the acoustic properties (sound absorption and sound insulation) could not be determined with small quantity of material (in fact, more than 10 m2 are necessary), the elastic properties of the material were evaluated by determining: the sound absorption coefficient “a”, according to standard EN ISO 10534-1 "Acoustics -Determination of sound absorption coefficient and impedance in impedances tubes - Method using standing wave ratio“, the apparent dynamic stiffness, in accordance with standard EN 29052-1 “Acoustics. Determination of dynamic stiffness. Materials used under floating floors in dwellings”, and the airflow resistance, in accordance with standard EN 29053 “Acoustics. Materials for acoustical applications. Determination of airflow resistance – Method A: direct airflow method”.

Apparent dynamic stiffness

To measure the apparent dynamic stiffness, the sample was put on a steel inertial mass, about 120 kg and, after that, a steel floating mass, 8 kg, was positioned over the specimen. This mass could be put in movement either by:
• A shaker connected to the mass though a cell load and using a sine sweep signal
• An impact hammer

An accelerometer, mounted on the floating mass, measured the resonance frequency of the specimen-mass system that was considered like a spring-mass system. The first method was used when resonance frequency depended upon the amplitude of exciting force.

Airflow resistivity

Sound attenuation impact noise in floating floors could be estimated from dynamic stiffness but for porous materials apparent dynamic stiffness do not overlap with dynamic stiffness because even the apparent dynamic stiffness of air contained in the pores has an effect. The entity of this effect depended upon airflow resistivity that was measured in accordance with EN 29053. The specimen was mounted in the middle of a PMMA duct.

Air flows through the duct with a very low speed (0.5 mm/s) and a differential pressure was measured before and after the specimen.


Non-combustibility test were carried out according to EN ISO 1182:2010.

Minimum quantity of material: No. 2 cylindrical samples, diameter 44 mm and height 50 mm

The non-combustibility test involved inserting each specimen in a furnace at a temperature of (750 ± 5) °C. During the test the following parameters were recorded:

- The occurrence of any sustained flaming
- Temperature rise in the furnace as recorded by the thermocouples
-The mass loss for each specimen

Test results:
- Average: 1.1 °C
-Average sustained flaming: 0.00 s
- Average mass loss: 19.2 %

Determination of the gross heat of combustion (calorific value)

The determination of the calorific value was done according to EN ISO 1716:2010.

Minimum quantity of material: 50 grams of material are sufficient.

Determination of the gross heat of combustion (calorific value): For the determination of the heat of combustion, 3 test specimens of approximate 0.5 g each were obtained from the finely-ground sample.

The test consisted of placing each specimen on a crucible inside a Mahler bomb-calorimeter that was then hermetically sealed and filled with 3 MPa of Oxygen.

Having stabilized the system temperature inside a water bath, the specimen was burnt by connecting to an electric power source. During the test the following parameters were recorded:
- The mass of the specimen before placing in the calorimeter
- Initial temperature of the bath
- Maximum temperature of the bath

Reaction to fire

The tests were performed according to EN ISO 1716 “Reaction to fire tests for building products. Determination of the heat of combustion” and EN ISO 1182 “Reaction to fire tests for building products. Non combustibility test”.

The samples were conditioned for at least two weeks until a constant mass is achieved at a temperature of (23 ± 2) °C and (50 ± 5) % relative humidity as requested by standard EN 13238.


Classification criteria (according to EN 13501-1): Class A1/A1FL

Homogenous products - the product shall satisfy the following criterion: PCS ≤ 2.0 MJ/kg.

On the basis of these results, the material was classified in A1 Euroclass for reaction to fire. The A1 class is the best class and corresponds to non-combustible materials.


-The AT-Insulate material was extremely fragile (brittle)

- Density depended on the “bubbling” reaction (perhaps, the surfactant reduces this variability)

- A suitable product (release agent) facilitating the extraction of the samples from the moulds was necessary

2. Work Package 2
The objective of this work package was to understand the filler-gypsum interfacial bond and its influence on the mechanical properties of the final material. The inorganic fillers such as perlite were modified by sol-gel or other chemical methods such as precipitation and etching to give different crystalline phases such as mullite or to ensure the chemical bond by surface groups of filler. The particle shape or surface structure of this phase might promote the good bonding between the filler and the gypsum matrix resulting in more mechanically resistant foam.

2.1. Modification methods for enhanced filler-matrix bond
It corresponds to tasks 2.1 2.2 2.3 and 2.4.

Task: 2.1.
Task leader: TUT
Partners involved: FIIDS, QUIMIPUR, UNGER
Duration: month 4 to month 6

Task: 2.2.
Task leader: TUT
Partners involved: FIIDS, EUROPERL
Duration: month 5 to month 11

Task: 2.3.
Task leader: TUT
Partners involved: FIIDS, EUROPERL
Duration: month 9 to month 13

Task: 2.4.
Task leader: FIIDS
Duration: month 11 to month 13

In general, if the strength of perlite is better and thermal conductivity is lower than that of gypsum matrix the properties of developed gypsum/filler composite material is improved assuming ideal locking between filler and matrix. As for mechanical strength the interface must not be the weakest point from where the fracture initiates during loading.

If the surface modification of perlite is performed via “wet” route electrostatic interaction can be utilized. When immersed in water oxide surface becomes charged. Mixing two suspensions containing oxide particles with opposite charges will result in heterocoagulation. Utilizing this method it is possible to coat larger agglomerates with colloidal particles which size is a few tens of nanometers. These particles can act as nucleation sites for gypsum crystal growth. Consequently after heat treatment it can be possible to alter the surface of the larger agglomerate.

Electrostatic interaction between perlite and gypsum can increase the strength of the interface. This yields to better mechanical strength of formed gypsum/filler composite.

Using heterocoagulation to attach nanosized particles to perlite surfaces could improve mechanical locking between foamed gypsum and perlite filler. In this case nanosized particles can be aluminum monohydroxide such as boehmite.

Most of the researchers agree that the hydration of calcium hemihydrate leading to the formation of calcium dihydrate (gypsum) occurs through a solution mechanism. The hemihydrate first dissolves and then the dihydrate precipitates from aqueous solution because it is less soluble than the hemihydrate. When hemihydrate is mixed with water a part of it dissolves and solution is saturated with respect to Ca2+ and SO42- ions. Saturated solution becomes supersaturated with respect to calcium sulphate dihydrate leading to nucleation and crystal growth.5 The crystallization process depends on various factors such as solution saturation/supersaturation, impurities, type of hemihydrate and its surface area, temperature, water/plaster ratio, etc.

Gypsum crystallization can be retarded as well. Adding this kind of components to gypsum paste the setting speed can be slowed down.

One method for increasing interfacial strength between perlite and gypsum could be creation of active gypsum crystal growth sites on perlite surface. If gypsum crystallization starts from perlite surfaces the strength of the interface could be improved.

When designing potential methods for treating perlite surfaces the suitability of perlite with different chemicals should be considered.

Rinsing perlite with acid or alkali followed by drying could create nucleation sites for gypsum crystals and promote crystal growth. This could increase the interfacial strength between perlite and gypsum.

It could be concluded that attached gypsum crystals were observed at the surfaces of both soda lime glass and expanded perlite in all three reference samples. However, there was also observed areas with no gypsum which indicated the need for improving the interfacial strength.

The setting procedure of gypsum was very important in increasing shear strength of fillers in gypsum matrix. When surface treating soda lime glass with calcium acetate and setting for 3 days at 35 ˚C the shear strength doubled compared to reference sample (from 0.3 to 0.6 MPa).
According to SEM micrographs and corresponding EDS analysis there was clear indication of boehmite layer on the surface of expanded perlite.

These results indicated that gypsum crystals were able to grow in the proximity of expanded perlite even without surface treatment and fracture paths proceeded through the whole material. However, improving the strength of composite material was important in increasing the strength of matrix and filler and improving their interfacial bonding.

Laboratory scale surface treatments of expanded perlite all increased bulk density of samples. This could be due to braking up of fragile perlite.

It was managed to improve the interfacial strength between filler and matrix, however, the strengthening of composite required strengthening of gypsum matrix as well.

2.2. Study of the matrix-filler bond
It corresponds to the tasks 2.5 2.6 and 2.7.

Task: 2.5.
Task leader: GIOR
Partners involved: TUT, CMEG
Duration: month 13 to month 15

Task: 2.6.
Task leader: GIOR
Partners involved: TUT
Duration: month 13 to month 15

Task: 2.7.
Task leader: GIOR
Partners involved: TUT, SACS
Duration: month 13 to month 15

The samples studied are in the attached table “samples of WP2”.


The values that were obtained from the tests did not accomplish the established limits on the mechanical properties.

The use of the surfactants, even in a very small quantity (0.05%), accelerated and increased the bubbling process with the production of air bubbles with a more uniform size (smaller than those obtained without surfactant) and distribution. This behavior resulted in the production of samples with lower density (down to approx. 300 kg/m3), but with very poor mechanical performances.


The use of the surfactants, even in a very small quantity (0.05%), accelerated and increased the foaming process with the production of air bubbles with a more uniform size (smaller than those obtained without surfactant) and distribution. This behavior resulted in the production of samples with a lower density (down to approx. 300 kg/m3).

On the contrary, the use of surface-modified perlites (without surfactants) did not affect the foaming process and the obtained density was in the order of about 550 kg/m3.

As expected, the thermal conductivity values were directly linked to the density, therefore the best values were obtained with the surfactant TP1314.


Measurements were directly carried out in octave bands. The obtained results allowed grouping the samples in three categories:

a) Samples 1,3,4,7 and 9: acoustic absorption was mainly due to cavity resonance phenomenon; the pores had approx. the same volume and were connected between them; the material had a behavior like a Helmholtz resonator.

b) Sample 6: the material showed an absorption curve similar to that of fibrous material
c) Sample 10: the pores were only on the surface and they were not connected with internal ones; the acoustic absorption is poor.

To be noted that the acoustic absorption was strongly dependent by the density of the material, mainly at high frequencies.


Elastic characteristics of the material were strongly dependent by the density.


Permeability characteristics were strongly dependent by the density of the material, and therefore by the porosity.

In samples 1, 3 , 4, 6, 7 and 9 the airflow resistivity had a value the needs to be taken into account when determining the dynamic stiffness of the material, however the correction was small.

3. Work Package 3
The main objective of this work package was to define an integrated formulation with the proper composition of modified-filler and water-soluble surfactant in order to achieve the desired physical and chemical effect of on such compositions. The developed formulations will be applied as real samples in order to identify their possible applicability on cavity-wall and solid wall insulation.

3.1. Study of integrated gypsum foam formulations (task 3.1 3.2 and 3.3)
It corresponds to the tasks 3.1 3.2 and 3.3.

Task: 3.1.
Task leader: TUT
Partners involved: EUROPERL, QUIMIPUR
Duration: month 12 to month 18

Task: 3.2.
Task leader: FIIDS
Partners involved: UNGER
Duration: month 10 to month 17

Task: 3.3.
Task leader: FIIDS
Partners involved: NUTEC, CMEG
Duration: month 14 to month 18

The mixing ratio of potential fillers (modified) and gypsum was estimated roughly. The filler load in gypsum and the effect to properties depend much on the filler size and size distribution. The mixing ratio estimation is based on the required insulation, density, chemical reactions on the foaming of gypsum and the rheological properties of the mixture. The limits of the filler concentration will be estimated by the rheology and density measurements and calculations.

The target thermal conductivity 0.2 W/mK can be reached with using gypsum with density of 800 kg/m3 as matrix material. Adding 10 vol. % of Technoperl C 1.5 as filler decreased thermal conductivity of composite material to 0.155-0.178 W/mK. By using gypsum matrix of density 200 kg/m3 it was possible to improve insulation properties even further to 0.061-0.066 W/mK. However, mechanical properties such as strength decreased when matrix density decreased. Bonding strength of perlite could be increased by surface treating expanded perlite with calcium acetate which enhanced the gypsum crystal growth at the vicinity of filler particle. Both, application and injection were optimized, taking into account the parameters, as well as the formulation:
- Gypsum: 88 %
- Sodium bicarbonate: 3.26 %
- Calcium acetate modified perlite: 8.7 %
- Surfactant TP1302: 0.04 %
- Water: 700 g for 1000 g of dry components (pre-mix) or 300 l/m (spraying)

3.2. Insulating properties of integrated gypsum foam formulations
It corresponds to the tasks 3.4 3.5 and 3.6.

Task: 3.4.
Task leader: GIOR
Partners involved: NUTEC
Duration: month 16 to month 19

Task: 3.5.
Task leader: GIOR
Partners involved: SACS
Duration: month 16 to month 19

Task: 3.6.
Task leader: GIOR
Partners involved: SACS
Duration: month 16 to month 19

The objective was to test the relevant characteristics (thermal conductivity, acoustic insulation and mechanical strength) of the integrated gypsum foam formulation with the proper composition of modified-filler and water-soluble surfactant developed in the previous tasks.

The testing activities were carried out on large scale samples according to most common standards.


Final material formulation has been tested for measuring the thermal conductivity value (λ) according to standard EN 12664 “Thermal performance of building materials and products. Determination of thermal resistance by means of guarded hot plate and heat flow meter methods. Dry and moist products of medium and low thermal resistance.”

The principle of the test is as follows: the Guarded Hot Plate (GHP) apparatus establishes within specimens a unidirectional uniform density of heat flow rate at steady-state conditions with a temperature controlled guard section. The electrical output of the heat flow transducer is proportional to the heat flow through the specimens. This value, together with the temperature difference between the surfaces of the test stack, gives the thermal resistance by applying the already mentioned relation.

Two specimens of size 500 x 500 mm and a thickness of 50 mm have been used.

Air bubbles, due to the reaction of sodium bicarbonate with water and to the effect of the surfactant, together with the modified perlite dispersed into the foam, resulted in the production of a gypsum based material with a density of about 500 kg/m3 and having a thermal conductivity in the order of 0,13 ÷ 0,14 W/(mK).

Lower thermal conductivity values could be achieved by further reducing the density of the material, but – at the same time – worsening the mechanical properties. Therefore a density ranging from 400 to 500 kg/m3 represented the best compromise between mechanical and insulating performances.


Final material formulation was tested for measuring the acoustic insulation properties, mainly at low frequencies, according to standards EN ISO 10140-2 “Acoustics - Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements - Part 2: Measurement of airborne sound insulation” and EN ISO 717-1 “Acoustics - Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 1: Airborne sound insulation”.

The principle of the test was a heavyweight concrete wall is built between the “source” room and the “receiving” room and its R value is measured. Then a layer of AT-insulate material is applied on one side and the R value is measured again. The sound reduction improvement is given by the following formula:

ΔR = R(with foam) – R(without foam)

The test wall had a size of 3.6 m/3.0 m and the layer, produced by means of a plaster spraying machine, had a thickness of 50 mm.

The AT-Insulate material, when used as a plaster layer on a wall, showed a slight improvement of the acoustic insulation at low frequencies, but a significant worsening at high frequencies, mainly due to “resonance” effects.


Final material formulation were tested for measuring the bending strength using a three points bending method like that described in the standard EN 12859 - "Gypsum blocks: Definitions, requirements and test methods".

The AT-Insulate material, similarly to other gypsum-based materials, has a brittle failure behavior. The reduction of the density emphasizes this effect and therefore, for handling purpose, a minimum density of 400 kg/m3 was necessary. Alternatively a reinforcement of the matrix (e.g. with a fiberglass net) should be used.

4. Work Package 4
4.1. Validation of the integrated gypsum formulation for different wall-applications
This section involves the tasks 4.1 4.2 and 4.3.

Task: 4.1
Task leader: FIIDS
Partners involved: GIOR, TUT, NUTEC, QUIMIPUR
Duration: month 16 to month 19

Task: 4.2
Task leader: GIOR
Partners involved: SACS, UNGER, CMEG, FIIDS
Duration: month 19 to month 21

Task: 4.3
Task leader: GIOR
Partners involved: EUROPERL, CMEG, FIIDS
Duration: month 20 to month 21

The objective is to validate the gypsum foam-based material complying with the restrictive requirements in European building codes for wall insulation:
• Thermal conductivity, U (W/m K) ≤ 0.2
• Sound absorption (at 125 Hz) > 0.15
• Mechanical strength (N/mm2) > 0.5
• Fire-resistance rating (minutes) ≥ 45 (Note: fire resistance is a characteristic dependent on an assembled system)

Different formulations will be also screened in order to obtain the desired density and aging time for:
• Cavity-Wall: 400-700 Kg/m3 and 20 s
• Solid-Wall: 200-400 Kg/m3 and 5 s


We proceeded to perform thermographic tests on the two walls that constitute the exterior façade in two contiguous rooms of 10 m2. The dimensions of these enclosures are: 3 meters long by 2.40 meters tall (7.20 m2). Its orientation is south-east, so the solar incidence is direct, resulting in thermographic tests more accurate when detecting the possible thermal bridges or discontinuities in isolation.

For each of the façades, different constructive solutions were used. The first one is a ceramic double sheet façade with air chamber, commonly used. With this solution the total thickness is 20 centimeters. The second one is a single sheet on which are projected 4 to 5 centimeters of AT-INSULATE. The tests were performed at 17 h, in order to allow the enclosure to acquire the highest temperature due to solar incidence.

The equipment used to perform the tests consists of a non-contact thermometer and a infrared camera.

The application study was done by two methods: double sheet with air chamber and simple sheet with AT-INSULATE.

The surface temperatures of the internal walls of the two solutions are far 2 °C, being the warmest one the facade with ATA. In any case, since the temperature inside the rooms is the same, great thermal insulation occurs, demonstrating its applicability as well as energy rehabilitation in existing buildings. In buildings where possible to execute a second internal layer, as it is in new construction, it would constitute a perfect solution to the problems of thermal insulation in a quickly and efficiently way. So, its homogeneity is demonstrated, even by solving problems such as discontinuities or irregularities in the support material, unifying all facing temperatures.


No. 2 specimens of size 500 x 500 mm have been prepared using the “pre-mix” process.

After curing for a period of 10 days at a temperature of 23 °C and a relative humidity of 50 %, the specimens were extracted from the moulds and suitably grinded.

The test was performed using detailed internal procedure PP002 revision 21 dated 24/02/2014 “Determination of thermal conductivity by the Guarded hot plate apparatus method”.

Air bubbles, due to the reaction of sodium bicarbonate with water and to the effect of the surfactant, together with the modified perlite dispersed into the foam, resulted in the production of a gypsum based material with a density of about 500 kg/m³ and having a thermal conductivity “lambda” in the order of 0.13 ÷ 0.14 W/(m•K).

Lower thermal conductivity values can be achieved by further reducing the density of the material, but – at the same time – worsening the mechanical properties. Therefore a density ranging from 400 to 500 kg/m³ represents the best compromise between mechanical and insulating performances.


The AT-Insulate material demonstrated a good acoustic absorption performance reaching the following values:
- Weighted sound absorption coefficient “alfa*w” (value of the reference curve at 500 Hz) = 0.80
- Sound absorption coefficient “alfa” (at 125 Hz) = 0.24
- Sound absorption class = B


The AT-Insulate material, when used in a partition element with a thickness of 12 cm, contributes to the acoustic insulation with an evaluation index “Rw” of the sound reduction index “R” equal to 29 dB when calculated in accordance with the method specified by standard EN ISO 717-1.


The AT-Insulate material, similarly to other gypsum-based materials, has a brittle failure behavior. The reduction of the density emphasizes this effect and therefore, for handling purpose, a minimum density of 400 kg/m³ is necessary. Alternatively a reinforcement of the matrix (e.g. with a fiberglass net) should be used.

The values we obtained from the tests do not comply with the established limits on the mechanical properties. The use of the surfactants, even in a very small quantity (0.05%), has accelerated and increased the bubbling process with the production of air bubbles with a more uniform size (smaller than those obtained without surfactant) and distribution. This behaviour resulted in the production of samples with lower density (down to approx. 300 kg/m3), but with very poor mechanical performance.

We proposed to perform the tests with different samples applied through a plaster machine with the aim of comparing these results with the ones obtained at laboratory scale. FIIDS supplied Giordano with the samples applied at a real scale corresponding to the formulations 10 and 14, thus we could make up an idea of the variation from application at laboratory scale to application at real scale. In this way, we could see how the mechanical properties changed.

On the other hand, FIIDS, after talking with UNGER, proposed the use of linosulphonate Na dispersant, also, the surfactant was reduced to 0.01% and after, tested with a plaster machine to see how they influence the values obtained at laboratory scale.

To be able to increase the strength and to maintain a certain density, we thought it is important to look at the ready mix and, in particular, the water amount of the mix.

The AT-INSULATE concept contains four different ingredients that decrease the strength of the mix: water, perlite, sodium bicarbonate and entrained air (surfactant).

The water amount has an influence on the development of the strength. Our surfactant is dependent on water to have an effect, and the water amount influences the development of the air in the mix.

That is why a stabile and similar water addition is very important for the samples. The surfactant has an influence on the workability in the mix, but it does not work as a water reducing agent. The surfactant is an entrained air that contributes to small equal sized pores which is important for the strength.

After testing all the explained bellow, it could be achieved significantly the mechanical resistance from the initial value (0.102 N/mm2) to the final obtained value (0.338 N/mm2), but still it has not been possible to reach the target value (0.5 N/mm2).

Anyway, doing an analysis of the obtained results, we can conclude that we do not have the best thermal nor acoustic insulator, but we have a material with compensated properties that provides us an insulating material that can substantially improve the energy efficiency of the buildings where it is applied.

The conclusion at the end is that for obtaining these results is necessary to reinforce the AT-INSULATE inorganic foam with some type of fiber (polyester, glass, coal or rock fiber). Another possibility is to use a geotextile type of mesh or of other polymeric nature.


The test was performed using detailed internal procedure PP041 revision 2 dated 14/01/2011 “Fire resistance tests for non-loadbearing separating elements - walls - UNI EN 1364-1” and in accordance with the requirements of the following standards:
– UNI EN 1363-1:2012 “Fire resistance tests - Part 1: General requirements”
– UNI EN 1364-1:2002 “Fire resistance tests for non-loadbearing elements - Walls”

The AT-Insulate material demonstrated a very good fire resistance performance, maintaining its integrity and thermal insulation for 108 minutes, thus achieving a classification of EI 90 with a 12 cm thick panel.

5. Work Package 5
To develop exploitation strategy in the form of a plan that complied with the REA contract and the Consortium Agreement signed between the partners to ensure that all SMEs benefit from their participation and contribution in the project. To plan a strategy for a gradual access to the new technology by other SMEs within the sector in Europe towards contributing the overall Community benefits. To coordinate the licensing and royalties management at three main levels: AT-INSULATE members, EU SMEs and non-EU institutions.

5.1. Consortium agreement
Task: 5.1
Task leader: QUIMIPUR
Partners involved: FIIDS, TUT, CMEG, SACS
Duration: month 1 to month 24

This agreement was made on the date of signature of the last of Parties to sign in relating to the Project entitled AT-INSULATE whereas:
a) The Parties, having considerable experience in the field concerned, have submitted or intend to submit a Proposal for a Project entitled AT-INSULATE to the Commission in Framework Programme Seven (FP7).
b) The Parties wish to specify or supplement, between themselves, the provisions of the EC Grant Agreement in line with Article III.3 of the EC Grant Agreement and wish to lay down general rules related to the internal organization of the consortium, management of the Community financial contribution, dissemination and use of the project results and agreements with respect to, including but not limited to, management and ownership of the intellectual property rights and the settlement of disputes.
The Consortium Agreement carried out its tasks with satisfaction.

5.2. Project website
Task: 5.3
Task leader: NUTEC
Partners involved: FIIDS, EUROPERL
Duration: month 1 to month 24

The website’s address is:

The main aim of the creation of the website was to allow consortium members to relay information between partners through a password protected network. The website is secure and represents a vehicle for discussion/interpretation of results, project & consortium management, risk management, maintenance of the project budget and communication between coordinators and the EC. The website is also supposed to enable end users or end user interest groups to ascertain the objectives of AT-INSULATE and provide initial stimulus by a publicly viewable section of the website.

This section contains general information of the project. On the top of this section, the visitor finds an abstract of the project which describes the general context where AT-Insulate is framed in and potential applications of the product.
Next, under the title “AT-INSULATE proposed solution” it is described how and why AT- Insulate is a good solution in comparison with their products of the same nature.
At the end of this section, all the specific objectives are listed. Most of them imply a big step forwards in the building market, particularly in the isolation sector.
This section includes all the relevant publications and press releases of the project.
At the moment of the creation of the website and considering that the project is in an initial phase, this section contains information about the kick-off meeting of the project, which was held in Valencia last October 2012.
The section dedicated to the consortium contains information of all the entities that take part in the project, including the SMEs and the RTDs.
The contained information of each participant is the name, address and website address, and the logotype.
The created intranet is a very useful tool for sharing the information of the project that each participant considers relevant to the others.
There are two different types of information to be provided. On the one hand, the results of the tasks developed by each participant to inform the rest of the consortium and on the other hand information that is used by one or more participants during the execution of an activity that can contribute or make easier the work carried out by other participant.
The contact entity is the coordinator of the project during its execution, NUEVA TECNOLOGIA, REHABILITACION Y REFORMAS, S.L.
The website has been developed properly and it satisfied the expectative.

5.3. Interim plan for the use and dissemination of knowledge
Task: 5.3
Task leader: QUIMIPUR
Partners involved: FIIDS, TUT, CMEG, SACS
Duration: month 1 to month 24

Formal communication way and formats were established in the project to ensure rapid and robust transfer of information, knowledge, results, dialogue, reports, problems and solutions. The management of knowledge was the basis for assuring the appropriated and interchange of knowledge generated during the project.
To reach the above mentioned targets an open information and actives sales policy were necessary.
The dissemination was planning to be expedited by:
-Coordinate information policy of all partners on their home pages and documentations by website
- Use all the customers of the consortium is a multiplying factor
- To inform actives speaker on conferences
- Advertises and exhibitions
- Technical publications
- Electronic newsletters
- Information of newspaper, radio and TV stations of the advantages of this new unburnable insulation system (examples: unburnable, great thermal conductivity)
- Coordination of presents and futures partners in AT-INSULATE ASSOCIATION
- Demonstration of benefit of this unburnable insulation system
- Be active and included in the development of new CEE standard

To conclude, the dissemination various ways were used to ensure the generated knowledge broadcast without compromising the exploitation strategy.
In the final plan for the use and dissemination of knowledge, it was:
- Chairing the dissemination and exploitation board
- Managing IPR protection and planning of the licensing strategy
- The successful and widespread broadcasting of the results of the project

5.4. Final plan for the use and dissemination of the knowledge

Task: 5.3
Task Leader: QUIMIPUR.
Partners involved: FIIDS, TUT, CMEG, SACS.
Duration: month 1 to month 24

In this part, the Consortium made a plan with the aim of the dissemination of the knowledge obtained at the AT-INSULATE project. This is made by means of:
It has been made the patent. The right granted by a patent is not so much to manufacture, market and offering the use of the object of the patent, but above all and singular, "the right to exclude others" from making, using or introducing patented product or process in the trade. The patent may refer to a new process, a new product, a new product or developing or improving them.
The Beneficiaries and the Coordinator shall for the duration of this Consortium Agreement and 5 years thereafter keep secret and confidential all information “marked as confidential” or subsequently notified as confidential, whether of a technical business or commercial nature or otherwise, and whether oral, written or in electronic form ("Confidential Information"), as is disclosed from time to time by any of them to the another in connection.
As AT-INSULATE project is related to construction issues, it is important to consider all legal and standardization requirements that exist at European level but also at national levels.
This reason together with existing monopoly of insulation supplier companies in Europe, there is a need for this project to be performed by a transnational cooperation so the project fulfills the respective national and European needs. The objective is to create a transnational validation capability, which will facilitate the internationalism of AT-INSULATE, being able to commercialize it in global markets.
The capabilities, expertise and excellence of AT-INSULATE Consortium Member and SMEs participants (NUTEC, EUROPERL, QUIMIPUR, CMEG and SACSA) and others (UNGER) demonstrate a high level of expertise within their sectors, having successfully participated in other international and national projects. On the other hand, in order to achieve the degree of expertise needed for successfully addressing the technical issues and risks relevant to the project, interdisciplinary R&D capabilities with high level of excellence are required. European cooperation is essential to reach this goal through the complementarities of RTD performers. On being research organizations at European level, they will allow the new scientific knowledge created to be actively disseminated amongst the academic community for its validation and the construction scene so they take it up.
The Exploitation Plan includes an Exploitation Agreement between the partners, describing what this is intended to achieve and by when and detailing the conditions and process by which the partners will grant further manufacturing and distribution licenses.
CMEG will undertake the role of Dissemination & Exploitation Manager and will be responsible for the generation and management within the project of the Dissemination and Use Plan. This includes coordinating a Consortium Agreement which satisfies the members of the consortium within the scope of the REA contract and formalizing licensing arrangements, protection of IPR and methods of disseminating results Due to the delay of the technical tasks especially on the part of mechanical strength has not been applied for patent.
The intention of all companies in the consortium is to present through Nutec as coordinator a patent in Spain. With this application will request the PCT and it will be activated in those countries that are interesting for commercialization.

The patent will have the latest novelty in product formulation to protect it.

The AT-INSULATE Consortium constitutes a complete supply chain for the production, marketing, sales, distribution and final end users of the developed material. The consortium count with four suppliers/manufacturers (NUTEC, EUROPERL, QUIMIPUR and UNGER) and two end users representatives (CMEG and SACS) apart from the different R&D Organizations involved in the project. This Consortium structure ensured that the material developed at the proposal can be manufactured at industrial scale with the requested specifications, at a price acceptable by the market.
The knowledge of the AT-INSULATE project will be disseminated properly according to the Dissemination and Use Plan.
AT-INSULATE team has developed an exploitation strategy that is complementary with all the partners’ research and/or business activities.

5.5. Training activities delivered during the project duration
Task: 5.4
Task leader: UNGER
Partners involved: FIIDS, TUT, GIOR, NUTEC
Duration: month 1 to month 24

Several training activities were delivered during the project duration.
Specialist meetings were going to ensure the absorption of all project results by the core group of SMEs within the AT-INSULATE consortium.
The purpose was to ensure the SMEs in the consortium understand the technology developed by the RTDs.
The second purpose was to ensure the SMEs in the consortium reach the knowledge level to enable them acting as training providers to others SMEs within non-consortium.
To achieve these objectives, various activities were conducted during the project:
- A training plane realized by UNGER
- Realization of different meeting (every 6 months on average) for RTDs presents their findings to the SMEs
- Creation of a specific demonstration session realization of product developed between RTDs and SMEs of the consortium
- Production of a Handbook, a document summarizing all of the knowledge acquired during the project
The ultimate goal of these training activities is to have the knowledge and tools to sell the know-how acquired during the project.
Following the demonstration, we discussed several topics.
- Formulation and Implementation: The technique of pre-mix proved to be easier to implement. This technique was also easier to sell because the necessary equipment is less important and the knowledge of implementation is easier to understand.
- License: The consortium agreed to sell the know-how acquired during the project.
The consortium has reflected on which are likely to be interested business contacts.
- Handbook: The consortium agreed to make a handbook that will be the summary of the knowledge acquired during the project AT-INSULATE.
6. Work Package 6
To ensure the achievement of the strategic and S&T objectives and the desired impact of the project, within time and budget constraints, by planning, organizing, monitoring and managing the integrated effort of the AT-INSULATE Consortium.

6.1. Financial, legal, contractual and administrative coordination

Task: 6.1
Task leader: NUTEC
Partners involved: EUROERL, CMEG
Duration: month 1 to month 24

The work done in this task focused on the coordination and monitoring of the different activities that are supposed to be carried out over the whole Project. At this point, all financial, legal and contractual issues of the project were supervised. A periodic monitoring was made on:
- The progress of the project activities
- The possible deviations to the initial plan
- The main problems that might appear
- The possible solutions or improvement to implement
- Any suggestions for the benefit of the project

Reports were issued for each task to be used as indicators on the progress of the project.

NUTEC as coordinator has updated the documentation (Consortium Agreement and Commercial Agreement) and has safeguarded the knowledge generated so far. For this, it has been important to watch over a correct information flow between all the consortium members. For its achievement, NUTEC has appointed a responsible for each participant who is in charge of the reception of reports and results and its transmission to the task responsible in their own entity.

Furthermore, a coordinator was appointed in each entity to be in charge of transmitting the information to the different coordinators in the best way, ensuring a correct feedback.

In summary, NUTEC successfully carried out this task including:

- Supervision of the progress relative to the Project set up by common agreement of the Beneficiaries;

- Collection of the Beneficiaries documents and costs and other statements and forwarding thereof to the Commission and the distribution of EC payments to the Beneficiaries in accordance with this Consortium Agreement and the EC Grant Agreement.

- Transmission of any documents connected with the Project between the Beneficiaries and from the Beneficiaries to the Commission and vice versa, including the submission of reports required by the EC Grant Agreement.

6.2. Management of project progress and risk contingency

Task: 6.2
Task leader: NUTEC
Partners involved: GIOR, UNGER
Duration: month 1 to month 24

Project objectives for the task:

The main objective of this task was to manage the project progress and the achievements against scientific and technical objectives ensuring that the project schedule is met. A feedback loop mechanism was used for ensuring the coordination between all the partners.

Economic, industrial and operational objectives were reviewed continually in order to match the potential impact of AT-INSULATE project and to ensure that the SMEs´s needs were covered by the project. Any action from the risk contingency plan was implemented if necessary.

Work progress and achievements during the task:

The information exchange is an important aspect of the project. It was decisive for its success that it was done in the correct way between the different participants. For this, different meetings were called for supervising and coordinating the progress of the project, foresee the next steps to take and set the working conditions needed for each step.

The periodic meetings between the different department and partners were supposed to guarantee accomplishing the deadlines and solving the problems that may appear during the execution of the project.

NUTEC was responsible for organizing and supervising these meetings. Furthermore, NUTEC called a meeting with the area responsible any time it is considered convenient or necessary even if they are not planned for benefit of the project.

Limits and budgets

All meetings and supervision activities were carried out according to the most convenient moment to achieve the objectives of the project. Besides this, consensus between all the partners was always desirable. If necessary the consortium used the services of an external consultant to solve problems.

The meetings and reports carried out are indicators for the development of the proposal. This allows monitoring the progress of the project.

6.3. Communications management

Task: 6.3
Task leader: NUTEC
Partners involved: QUIMIPUR, SACS
Duration: month 1 to month 24

The task related to the communication management was intended to organize a communication structure to facilitate the contact between partners and the EU. Thus, it was necessary to create networked information sharing to minimize travel costs and allow rapid access to collated data.

It was important to select a single point of contact for the EU. The arrangement of meetings in timely fashion, to prepare the agenda and chair discussions, to facilitate travel arrangements, to prepare minutes and to distribute following review meetings are also essential tasks of the management of the project.

The main purpose was to establish a communication structure between the partners to allow a quick access to the shared information and a reduction on the travel costs. In this sense, the information exchange on each task via e-mail was made from the beginning only between the coordinator, the task leader and the involved partners. This action protocol for information sharing entailed some misunderstandings within the consortium. If a partner was not involved in a task from the beginning, it had no access to the information and could not consider this information for benefit of its work.

To get over this problem on the information exchange NUTEC decided to implement a different action protocol in which all the e-mails would be sent to all the partners always. So, all the partners had all the information of the tasks progress regardless if they are directly involved or not.

Besides this, each partner appointed a communication responsible who attends the different meetings and transfers the results and questions at any level and on any issue. The responsible for the project management was in charge of deciding which information had to be transferred to whom in the consortium (to avoid an excessive flow of information that could lead to a situation of disinformation) and which member of the consortium had to provide the information requested by each participant.

It can be said that the community management was achieved in the appropriate way.

Potential Impact:

The project ATA-INSULATE covers social issues from various points of view, which are described below:


Thermal insulation is the reduction of heat transfer (the transfer of thermal energy between objects of differing temperature) between objects in thermal contact or in range of irradiative influence. Thermal insulation can be achieved with specially engineered methods or processes, as well as with suitable object shapes and materials.

Heat flow is an inevitable consequence of contact between objects of differing temperature. Thermal insulation provides a region of insulation in which thermal conduction is reduced or thermal radiation is reflected rather than absorbed by the lower-temperature body.

Thermal insulation in buildings is an important factor to achieving thermal comfort for its occupants. Insulation reduces unwanted heat loss or gain and can decrease the energy demands of heating and cooling systems. It does not necessarily deal with issues of adequate ventilation and may or may not affect the level of sound insulation. In a narrow sense insulation can just refer to the insulation materials employed to slow heat loss, such as: cellulose, glass wool, rock wool, polystyrene, urethane foam, vermiculite, perlite, wood fiber, plant fiber (cannabis, flax, cotton, cork, etc.), recycled cotton denim, plant straw, animal fiber (sheep's wool), cement, and earth or soil, Reflective Insulation (also known as Radiant Barrier) but it can also involve a range of designs and techniques to address the main modes of heat transfer - conduction, radiation and convection materials.

Soundproofing is any means of reducing the sound pressure with respect to a specified sound source and receptor. There are several basic approaches to reducing sound: increasing the distance between source and receiver, using noise barriers to reflect or absorb the energy of the sound waves, using damping structures such as sound baffles, or using active anti-noise sound generators.

Two distinct soundproofing problems may need to be considered when designing acoustic treatments:
- To improve the sound within a room
- To reduce sound leakage to/from adjacent rooms or outdoors.

Acoustic quieting, noise mitigation, and noise control can be used to limit unwanted noise. Soundproofing can suppress unwanted indirect sound waves such as reflections that cause echoes and resonances that cause reverberation. Soundproofing can reduce the transmission of unwanted direct sound waves from the source to an involuntary listener through the use of distance and intervening objects in the sound path.

Noise health effects are the health consequences of elevated sound levels. Elevated workplace or other noise normally heard, as at home, can cause hearing impairment, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, annoyance, and sleep disturbance. Changes in the immune system and birth defects have been attributed to noise exposure.

Although some presbycusis may occur naturally with age, in many developed nations the cumulative impact of noise is sufficient to impair the hearing of a large fraction of the population over the course of a lifetime. Noise exposure also has been known to induce tinnitus, hypertension, vasoconstriction, and other cardiovascular adverse effects.

Beyond these effects, elevated noise levels can create stress, increase workplace accident rates, and stimulate aggression and other anti-social behaviors.

The most significant causes are vehicle and aircraft noise, prolonged exposure to loud music, and industrial noise. In Norway, road traffic has been demonstrated to cause almost 80% of the noise annoyances reported.

There may be psychological definitions of noise as well. Firecrackers may upset domestic and wild animals or noise-traumatized individuals. The most common noise-traumatized persons are those exposed to military conflicts, but often loud groups of people can trigger complaints and other behaviors about noise. Infants are easily startled by noise.

The social costs of traffic noise in EU22 are more than €40 billion per year, and passenger cars and trucks are responsible for bulk of costs. Traffic noise alone is harming the health of almost every third person in the WHO European Region. One in five Europeans is regularly exposed to sound levels at night that could significantly damage health.

It is remarjable that noise is also a threat to terrestrial ecosystems.

In conclusion, doctors and psychologists agree that noise has the ability to raise stress, disrupt sleep and generally reduce your quality of life.

AT-INSULATE covers the requirements of acoustic and thermal isolation, an important factor in houses located in cities. On the one hand, the buzz of urban life, a high noise level, is often perceived as a deafening noise, due to traffic and social activities, for example, makes people feel uncomfortable and creates them problems to fall asleep and stress. On the other hand, thermal isolation is essential in developed countries for the comfort of the citizens.


In general, eco-friendly products should be made of materials that are biodegradable, recycled or organic. In this case, this material is inorganic, but it is an alternative to a material derived from fossil sources, in contrast to the rest of the materials currently used in the market. Moreover, as this material is an isolation material contributes to increase the energetic efficiency of the houses and, thereby, decreasing the electricity consumption.
Eco-friendly products are not only safe for the environment, but them also help keeping your family protected from being exposed to any toxic chemicals. Most standard-quality products nowadays contain the use of harmful substances to a certain degree, which may potentially lead to cancer or other serious health problems. Off course, recognizing eco-friendly products that are truly as safe for the environment as they claim to be is not always easy, unless you know exactly what you are looking for.

More and more people these days are looking for eco-friendly products and/or their relevant substitutes for their homes because they want to keep their families safe. Eco-friendly products mean much more than just saving the environment and protecting the planet, they ensure that our future is secure in both the fate of our families and in the health and safety of our children.
Thus, we can conclude that AT-INSULATE satisfies the social expectations.


During the project period (between October 2012 and October 2014), all project partners have reported on the progress of the project and the knowledge gained from research.

We can distinguish two categories:
- Dissemination of the internal knowledge consortium
- Dissemination of knowledge to the public


During the implementation of the research project AT-INSULATE, consortium members have communicated primarily by email. Indeed, the partners are present in different European countries: Spain, Italy, Austria, France, Sweden and Norway.

To facilitate exchanges, an intranet was implemented on the website AT-INSULATE ( image of the website is attached at the end of the document.

Different meetings took place between the partners to breakpoints on the progress of the project.

2.1.1. Kick-off meeting in Valencia (05/11/2012)
The objective of this meeting was to meet all partners of the AT-INSULATE project.
It has been:
- Made a presentation of the project objectives
- Presented actions and deliverables to be performed during the first year
- Described how the funding between the partners and the European Union

2.1.2. Consortium Technical meeting in Valencia (30/07/2013)
All partners of the AT-INSULATE project met to discuss technical issues involved.
The agenda of the meeting was:
-Project review: Technical aspects, deliverables and the end of the first reporting period
- Management issues
- Financial aspects’ review
- Preparation of the review meeting in October
-Planning of the next period of the project: Second reporting period.

2.1.3. Conference Call (29/01/2014)
The agenda for the TC 29th of January- Project AT-INSULATE was:
- Status Work and formulation
- Product properties and performance (what has been done, needs to be done, needs to be prioritized- regards to aims)
- Timeline
- Costs
-Training plan (attached)
- Program/content (where, when and how often, important dates, deadlines reports, costs for one extra travelling to CMEG)
- Approval of suggested/revised training plan by the consortium members
- Others

2.1.4. Training session in Rimini (19/09/2014)
A training session has been realized in Rimini by GIOR (RTD) with all the members of the consortium.
During the training session, we made several insulating samples with formulas developed by RTDs.
All partners were present in order to understand the new product developed.

2.1.5. Consortium Technical meeting in Valencia (1/08/2014
The agenda of the meeting was:
- Project review: Technical aspects and deliverables
- Management issues
- Dissemination activities carried out and planned
- Financial aspects’ review
- Training plan: program, approval of suggested/revised training plan by the consortium members and travel in September


A review meeting has been made in Brussels on 21/10/2013 between consortium and European Commission. On the meeting, the progress of the tasks performed was discussed, as well as the next step to the next period of the project.
To reach a wider audience, all partners have written an article on their website about the AT-INSULATE project.
Various presentations were made to promote the AT-INSULATE project.

2.2.1. Oral presentation to a wider public
The subject was the feedback from CMEG as a partner of a European project. It has been done in the installations of CMEG on 19/11/2013.
It has been made in the regional innovation center in CAEN (FR) with CMEG introduced AT INSULATE project to politicians in the region. The object was to promote European projects for the framework program for research and innovation “HORIZON 2020".

2.2.2. Oral presentation to a wider public
The subject was the energy efficient buildings, thermal and acoustic insulation.
It has been made by FIIDS in the park scientific in Paterna (SP) on 24/04/2014.
In this presentation, there were invited scientists who work in improving the energy efficiency of buildings and construction companies, who could find in this project an investment in their company's development.

2.2.3. Oral presentation to a wider public
It has been made a presentation to its partners in the Tampere University of Technology/ Department of materials science (FI) on 28/05/2014.
TUT performs a presentation to its partners to increase the knowledge of this project among our co-operation partners in Finland. In the presentation TUT highlighted the objectives of the project, the TUT contribution and the partners involved in the project.

2.2.4. Oral presentation to a wider public
It has been the presentation of projects for the SOLAR DECATHLON EUROPE 2014 show.
CMEG presented its innovations in building materials on 09/07/2014. It was focused on the AT-INSULATE project. The presentation was made before national officials SUSTAINABLE BUILDING PLAN initiated by the President of the French Republic. There were 250 guests.

2.2.5. Video application by FIIDS
FIIDS as RTD has made a video about the application of the new insulation on 20/02/2014.
The technique used in this video is the projection. There is possibility of producing insulation pre-mix.
The video shows the application of industrial insulation.
It is attached the VIDEO at the end of this document.

2.2.6. Flyer about AT-INSULATE project
NUTEC as coordinator of the AT-INSULATE project made a flyer on 13/01/2014. The objective was to promote year project distributing flyers to buyers by email or by post.
It is attached the flyer designed at the end of this document.

2.2.7. Press releases
It was published:
- An article in the blog of the Scientific Park of the University of Valencia by FIIDS
- An article in a technological newsletter by Institute GIORDANO “New thermal insulating material performed without the use of fossil fuels”

2.2.8. Articles published in the popular press
It was published an article in the popular press for the civil society by SACSA “SACSA collaborates on the development of a new insulation material” on 28/05/2014.



The Exploitation Plan included an Exploitation Agreement between the partners, describing what this is intended to achieve and by when and detailing the conditions and process by which the partners grant further manufacturing and distribution licenses. The Exploitation Plan is attached at the end of this document.

CMEG undertakes the role of Dissemination & Exploitation Manager and is responsible for the generation and management within the project of the Dissemination and Use Plan. This includes coordinating a Consortium Agreement which satisfies the members of the consortium within the scope of the REA contract and formalizing licensing arrangements, protection of IPR and methods of disseminating results. Due to the delay of the technical tasks especially on the part of mechanical strength has not been applied for patent.

The intention of all companies in the consortium is to present through Nutec as coordinator a patent in Spain. With this application will request the PCT and it will be activated in those countries that are interesting for commercialization.

The patent will have the latest novelty in product formulation to protect it.

The AT-INSULATE Consortium constitutes a complete supply chain for the production, marketing, sales, distribution and final end users of the developed material. The consortium count with four suppliers/manufacturers (NUTEC, EUROPERL, QUIMIPUR and UNGER) and two end users representatives (CMEG and SACS) apart from the different R&D Organizations involved in the project. This Consortium structure ensures that the material developed at the proposal can be manufactured at industrial scale with the requested specifications, at a price acceptable by the market.

AT-INSULATE team has developed an exploitation strategy that is complementary with all the partners’ research and/or business activities.
It is attached the tables of the market research and the exploitation plan.


3.2.1. Dissemination and exploitation of results

The expansion will take place at the national level and in a progressive way it will be done the internationalization.

Basically, the expansion will occur in the European Union and, by proximity and geographical interests, in Portugal and France.

In a second phase, a couple of years later and continuing the expansion in the UE, it will continue the expansion in the United Kingdom, Germany and Italy, but also in Belgium and Holland.

Our project has added value within the European Union, as will involve the use of a technology that until now was not available, as is the creation of a thermal and acoustic insulation foam inorganic origin. This would lead to non-dependence on oil with the use of this product in all matters relating to thermal and acoustic insulation, because now all depends directly or indirectly in this way.

Moreover also help meet the Kyoto protocol, for the use of our thermal insulation saves on the energy bill of a home about 20%.

It is attached the table with the Dissemination Plan.

The exploitation and commercialization of the AT-INSULATE occurs in several distinct phases, commercialization plan, dissemination over Europe and European and global expansion in the future. The exploitation strategy is outlined below and will be revised as the project evolves and at the end of the year.

3.2.2. Dissemination in Portugal and Spain

At the first year, AT-INSULATE will be presented in building construction fairs both in Spain and Portugal, as main objectives and we will start selling in them.

3.2.3. European expansion

During the following three years we will focus over the European market; Italy, France, Germany and Great Britain, considered as ones of the biggest investors in building construction. After the feedback received with the introduction of the AT-INSULTATE in Europe, the possibility of expansion to the North European market like Sweden or Netherlands will be assessed.

Once established the commercial and distribution net, in these countries will proceed to expand into countries further east and north of the UE.

The groups which our new inorganic material thermal insulation ATA is intended are mainly construction and suppliers of this. New construction and rehabilitation of older buildings, likewise we propose to use it in housing and industrial buildings, to isolate the outside with the consequent saving on the energy bills.

Our business strategy contemplates an exit price at the lower of the different solutions that exist in the market today, because the war materials from which our new insulating material are lower than those of current thermal insulation. On the other hand, we will also emphasize ease to project in continuous without requiring labor for installation.

Our marketing strategy is to achieve an implementation of the product in the market through distribution networks and adequate business networks and broadcast market. Giving the product to meet the major buildings and showing its advantages with current products.

In addition, it is also expected a faster dissemination in the UE, finding partners in different countries where required for implantation, through trade networks with local partners of each country.

We expect this trade policy considered obtaining a market share of between 2 and 5%.

3.2.4. Global expansion

Based on the results of the previous years, during the fourth and fifth year the possibility of expansion to the rest of the world will be assessed.

Given that this technology is novel worldwide our project would improve competitiveness in this sector compared to other countries outside the European Union since there is a product with similar characteristics by potential competition, both within Union and outside it.

List of Websites:

Coordinator contact:

C/Colón 70-5 46004 Valencia España
Tfn: 0034963940376
Consuelo Vives Romaní (General Manager)

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