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ETCS Advanced Testing and Smart Train Positioning System

Final Report Summary - EATS (ETCS Advanced Testing and Smart Train Positioning System)

Executive Summary:
EATS project aimed at progressing on the ETCS on-board equipment laboratory testing and on the use satellite positioning technologies together with other technologies into ERTMS. The main research paths of the EATS project were aligned with the two main objectives. On the one hand it was the improvement of the laboratory testing for the on-board ETCS equipment. The ETCS on-board equipment testing laboratory research path was referred as EATS_LAB. EATS_LAB helped to define the required tools to further test the system focusing on safety and including more realistic tests for the wireless links. On the other hand, there was the definition of the Smart Train Positioning System (STPS) to be integrated into the ETCS on-board equipment. The research path related to Smart Train Positioning System (STPS) was also referred as EATS_STPS. The STPS is based on satellite positioning and wireless technologies employed as Location-Based Services (LBS) that provides a step forward to overcome current limitations of the migration to ETCS level 3. In this context the technical results achieved at the EATS project have covered the objectives set in the project as it can be seen in the following tables and figures
Objectives Main outcomes (see Figure 1)
Advancing in testing for reducing time and effort in the verification and certification process.

1. On-board ERTMS Reference Model for ETCS level 1, 2 & 3.
2. Inclusion of air-gap effects in the test setup to generate a realistic environment.
3. Inclusion of fault injection techniques in test setup to assess safety performance. • ETCS on-board unit virtual laboratory with realistic scenarios
• ETCS on-board unit reference model (BTM, LTM, ODO, KERNEL, ...)
• Wireless Comm. Emulators for BTM and LTM lab. testing
• Saboteur for Fault Injection in ETCS on-board unit interfaces Three levels are foreseen for the exploitation depending on the nature and maturity of the project outcome:
• Standardisation proposals: ETCS reference model, Wireless Comm. Emulators, saboteurs, scenario definition.
• Follow up research projects: Zero on-site testing in the frame of Shift2Rail and national projects.
• Direct or derived products into the market: Balise maintenance and testing
Objectives Main outcomes (see Figure 2)

Enhancing safety and availability of the on-board Smart Train Positioning System (STPS).

1. Define the on-board STPS architecture to determine train integrity and train position.
2. Develop required GNSS and communication wireless technologies algorithms for STPS.
3. Improvement of sensitivity and directivity of the STPS for railway.
4. STPS Safety assessment.
5. Integration of the STPS into ERTMS • STPS architecture definition
• STPS positioning algorithms (multi constellation GNSS, WCT and data fusion)
• STPS testing simulator including rail track, train, GNSS and WCT.
• KPI definition for on-board positioning in rail
• STPS RAMS Analysis
• AoA determination prototype
• Integration of STPS into ETCS on-board unit and laboratory. Three levels are foreseen for the exploitation depending on the nature and maturity of the project outcome:
• Standardisation proposals: KPIs definition, RAMS analysis,
• Follow up research projects: on-board positioning and testing, cybersecurity in railways in the frame of Shift2Rail and national projects.
• Direct or derived products into the market: positioning system including multiconstellation positioning algorithms.
Table 1. EATS Project main outcomes and exploitation

Figure 1. EATS_LAB outcomes

Figure 2. EATS_STPS outcomes
These results have been obtained from both research lines that were connected and also shared the same three phase methodology as follows:
1 – Requirements definition
EATS_LAB was focused on the implementation of the ETCS on-board Reference Model (RM), identification of the wireless communications of the on-board ETCS in order to test the system in a realistic environment, definition of the faults to be injected to the on-board ETCS equipment in order to test its safety level and the development of the testing laboratory model architecture proposal.
EATS_STPS was centred on the requirements definition for STPS, such as functional requirements, RAMS requirements, architecture regarding number of antennas and their location on the train’s roof, test setup requirements and finally identification of the required mechanism for standardisations and certification in the field of GNSS and ETCS.
2 – Implementation
EATS_LAB was focused on the implementation and verification of the proposed laboratory tools for ETCS testing, namely, Wireless Communication Emulators that introduced the realistic effect in the air-gaps, Saboteurs that injected faults to the on-board ETCS equipment in order to test its safety level and the required tools for STPS laboratory testing.
EATS_STPS was centred on the implementation and verification of the key parts of the STPS such as the positioning algorithms based on the multi-constellation GNSS and wireless technologies (UMTS, GRM-R) and the information fusion, the prototype to determine AOA by means of GSM-R, the definition of the integration of the STPS within the on-board ETCS and the creation of the scenarios for the STPS positioning algorithms.
3 – Validation
EATS_LAB was focused on the validation of the tools implemented in the previous phase. For that, first the integration of the tools into the ETCS laboratory model developed was carried out. After that, the validation of the Wireless Communications Emulators and the calibration of the saboteurs were covered. Finally, a proposal to contribute to the standards was done.
EATS_STPS was centred on the validation of the positioning algorithms and the AOA determination prototype, as well as the verification of the RAMS requirements of the STPS. Moreover, an analysis of the STPS integration into the on-board ETCS system was carried out. Further, a proposal to contribute to the standards was done.
Finally, dissemination was also a key objective of the project. Dissemination activities were considered across seven levels: Worldwide level with a web page, dissemination to the main stakeholders in railway, dissemination to the industry, courses for professionals and students, contributions to technical journals and international congresses, contribution to the standards and analysis of the commercial exploitation of the outcomes of the project.

List of Beneficiaries

No Name Short name Country Project entry
month Project exit

Contact details
Dr. Jaizki Mendizabal
Paseo Manuel de Lardizabal, 15
20018 San Sebastian (Spain)
Tel. (+34) 943 21 28 00
Fax: (+34) 943 21 30 76

Project logo and website

Project Context and Objectives:

The EATS project is broken down into eight work packages (WPs) that will lead to the achievement of the ultimate goals of the project. All the tasks for the period from 1st April 2014 to 30th September 2015 described in Annex I (Description of Work) have been completed into the period and the deliverables have been sent as planned. Following, the activities of the WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6, WP7 and WP8 carried out in this period are briefly described.
WP1: Coordination and management
This work package deals with all the management aspects of the project and the monitoring of the progress towards the ultimate objectives, identifying shortcomings and recommending remedial action when necessary. Only CEIT has resources in this first work package that is dedicated to the management activities. Therefore, CEIT, as project coordinator, has the main responsibilities in such matters: administrative, financial, legal and IPR activities. The technical management with tasks review and generic progress review meetings are also CEIT’s responsibilities.
WP2: Requirements and architecture definition of the test setup for the on-board ERTMS/ETCS level 1,2&3
This work package has been completed in the 2nd period with the update of the ETCS on-board model with the baseline 3 ETCS kernel (EVC) based on ESOL’s ERTMS Formal Specs. (EFS) (T2.1). This has been done following the Advisory Board´s proposal. The model has been developed in such way as to manage the information that will send/receive the kernel to/from ODO, RADIO, BTM, LTM, DMI, TIU and JRU. Moreover, the virtual laboratory (EATS_LAB) has been completed and a list of scenarios has been build (T2.4). This will allow to test the model developed and to introduce the tools developed in WP4. Moreover, different scenarios can be simulated in order to see the behaviour of the system.
WP3: Smart train Positioning System (SPTS) requirements, architecture and test requirements definition
The main results of this work package have been the definition of the requirements for STPS. These requirements cover the definition of the STPS functions, the internal architecture of the STPS together with the definition of the interfaces (protocol and messages-packets to be exchanged), the state of the art of RAMS requirements for ETCS and GNSS has been analysed and a list of recommendations set for STPS, a simulator has been developed in order to aid the determination of number and location of the STPS antennas on the roof of the train, the test requirements for STPS leading to a STPS validation simulator have been defined and finally a list of recommendations have been set in order to propose STPS’s standardisation and certification based on the state of the art of the ETCS and GNSS standards.
WP4: Design, implementation and verification of testing tools
In this work package the laboratory tools to test the ETCS/ERTMS on-board equipment have been defined and developed. The wireless communication emulators have been developed in T4.1. For BTM and LTM physical laboratory architecture has been proposed and implemented (physical BTM, physical LTM), on the other hand for STPS, the simulated GNSS and WCT channels have been developed for the simulation platform to be developed in T5.4. In T4.2 the faults to be injected by the saboteurs have been defined and the saboteurs have been developed: DMI – INT, BTM – INT, BTM, LTM – INT, LTM, TIU – INT, ODO – INT. Finally, in T4.3 together with T5.3 a proposal for integrating the STPS into the EATS_GRM and EATS_LAB has been proposed and implemented. Once all the tasks of the work package have been completed the corresponding milestone (MS3) has been reached.
WP5: Design and implementation of the STPS for ETCS level 3
In this work package, the positioning algorithms related to GNSS, WCT (GSM-R and UMTS), STPS Hybrid Algorithm (for each coach of a train) and STPS Core Data Fusion (combination of individual coach hybrid solutions) have been designed and implemented (T5.1). Moreover, the algorithms have been partially validated separately by the design groups. On the other hand the different blocks of the AOA determination prototype have been designed and fabricated (T5.2). Finally, the integration of the STPS into the EATS laboratory defined in T2.4 and the on-board unit reference model developed in T2.1 has been defined and validated (T5.3). Additionally, apart from the STPS integration with the laboratory and the on-board reference model done together with T4.3 RAMS requirements, a high-level RAMS analysis for STPS components has been introduced based on the output from an initial HAZOPS study to inform the development of Fault Trees (T5.3). Finally a simulation platform for the positioning algorithms of the STPS has been developed (T5.4).
WP6: Verification of the STPS for ETCS level 3
In T6.1 the validation of algorithms developed in T5.1 is being done by means of the simulation platform developed in T5.4. The scenarios for the first stage of the validation have been developed and the first tests have been carried out. On the other hand, the validation of the AOA estimation prototype blocks have been carried out and the integration of the blocks has been started in T6.1. The RAMS analysis of the STPS subsystem has been started by means of defining the strategy to be taken and starting some of the activities such as PHA, FTA, Safety Case and FMEA (T6.2). Finally, a strategy for employing the EATS_LAB for the analysis of the integration of STPS into ERTMS on-board unit has been defined in T6.3; this included the generation of common scenarios for STPS and for EATS_LAB.
WP7: Verification, integration and validation of the EATS ETCS laboratory
During the second period the integration of the laboratory tools developed in T4.1 (Wireless Communication Emulators) and T4.2 (Saboteurs) into the laboratory developed in T2.4 and reference model developed in T2.1 has been completed. Moreover, the strategy for the tests employing the Wireless Communication Emulators and Saboteurs foreseen for T7.2 and T7.3 has been defined.
WP8: Dissemination and exploitation
In the first part of the project, most of the 7 activities considered by this WP have been started, with the exception of the contribution to standards and the commercial exploitation analysis, as these require the final outcomes of the project and will be addressed at the end of the project. Some dissemination activities have been carried out individually: Congress and journal papers, courses for professionals, dissemination to the industry and updating of the EATS website. Other activities have been carried out as a consortium, especially those related to Advisory Board meetings and Final Workshops that allow the consortium to check the validity of the outcomes proposed by EATS.

Project Results:
1.3.1 WP2: Requirements and architecture definition of the test setup for the on-board ERTMS/ETCS level, 1, 2 & 3
Table 1. Work Progress and Achievements of Work Package 2 (WP2)
WP number WP2 Start date or starting event: Month m1
WP title Requirements and architecture definition of the test setup for the on-board ERTMS/ETCS level, 1, 2 & 3
Activity type RTD
Participant number 1 2 5 7 8
Person-months per participant 22 5.00 3.00 2.00 7.00

The main objectives of this work package are two:
• Establish the requirements for the ETCS laboratory to test the on-board ERTMS system by means of the creation of the Golden Reference Model, introducing real effects in the wireless communications and defining the safety specification for the subsystem.
• Establish the architecture of the ETCS laboratory to test the on-board ERTMS system that includes a realistic wireless communication effects and safety testing.

Task 2.1: Definition of requirements of the on-board ERTMS system for ETCS level 1, 2, 3 (on-board ERTMS Golden Reference Model implementation (Months 1-10) (Oct 2012-July 2013)
Progress towards objectives
ESOL, PHIDANI and CEIT contributed to the implementation for the EATS ERTMS Golden reference model. Based on their experience, the required modelling languages and model architecture have been set in order to allow each partner develop their corresponding blocks of the model. Every block has been modelled and the integration of all the blocks has been also defined.
Significant achievements
As a result of the model development, the most significant outcomes included in the Deliverable D2.1 can be identified as follows: Two for Broadcasting services problems presented by Y-EMC
• The EATS ERTMS Golden Reference Model architecture based in 2 parts:
• The first part with the EVC-Kernel and all the defined interfaces. This part can also work standalone without the need of the second part of the model.
• A second part with the models of BTM, LTM and STPS that will allow the processing of realistic effects in the wireless communication.
• The EATS ERTMS GRM language employed to exchange the information between the different blocks included along the model.
• The definition of the events to be injected to the model in order to perform a simulation and to allow the model to be executed.
• The definition of all the blocks included in the model: DMI, Euroradio, ODO, JRU, TIU, BTM, LTM and STPS. STM has been the only interface that has not been included.
• The definition of the scenarios based in real tracks in order to verify the correctness of the developed model.
It is worth noting that in order to improve the developed model; a list of future research actions and known issues has been elaborated with the aim of tackling them in future tasks of the project. The main improvement for the model according to the Advisory Board after the meeting held in 2013 is the development and integration of a Baseline 3 model by means of ERTMS Formal Specs. (EFS) kernel instead of a Baseline 2 model that the ERSA’s model defined in the DoW.

Task 2.2.: Air gap communication requirements (Months 1-10) (Oct 2012-July 2013)
Progress towards objectives
INTEGRASYS and CEIT contributed to the collection and identification of Electromagnetic Interferers for BTM, LTM in the railway systems and GNSS and WCT (UMTS, GSM-R) for STPS. The database references all the know-how acquired during recent years (Research projects, European projects, Industrial projects, reports, channel models, etc.) that has been shared and provides the detailed basis for the full range of problems to be included by the new laboratory tools proposed by EATS_LAB.
Significant achievements
The results of this task identify the characteristics of the air-gap channel of the wireless communications of the on-board ERTMS system in order to be included in the laboratory testing. The wireless communication air-gaps studied include the BTM and LTM part of the current ERTMS, and the STPS proposed by EATS project:
• BTM: interferences found in the air-gap have a strong effect on the BTM frequency band. The Damped Interference Signal and a CW noise to be employed in EATS are defined.
• LTM: due to the robust modulation scheme and the lack of reported EMI and noise problems for LTM, there is no problem expected. However five test signals that include the significant air-gap effects have been defined to be employed in EATS
• STPS: the air-gap channel is split into GNSS and WCT due to their different characteristics.
• GNSS: The extensive revision of most relevant models for GNSS channel and interferences shown in this document enables the selection of the channel models to be employed at EATS project.
• WCT: The extensive revision of most relevant models for WCT channel and interferences shown in this document enables the selection of the models to be employed at EATS project.

Task 2.3.: Definition of the requirements of the test setup for the safety assessment of the on-board ERTMS for ETCS level 1, 2 & 3 (Months 1-10) (Oct 2012-July 2013)
Progress towards objectives
CETREN and CEIT contributed to the definition of the requirements for the safety assessment. Taking the current ETCS safety requirements as a basis, the safety requirements affecting to the on-board system have been identified. Based on the safety requirements of the on-board system, test cases, on-board reference test facility and a methodology to define the faults to be injected have been defined.
The results of this task led to the requirements definition of the Saboteurs to be defined in WP4. Test cases for the saboteurs will be defined in T4.2 together with the development of the saboteurs, depending on how the GRM will be defined. Issues related to the faults requiring non-standard interfaces to be injected will be solved in the T4.2.
Significant achievements
The results of this task are the identification of the ERTMS on-board safety requirements and the definition of the required test cases based in Fault-Injection-Techniques (FIT) in order to include them for the safety assessment into the laboratory testing. The main conclusions are listed as follows:
• There is a need for developing the ETCS level 3 safety analysis: even though ETCS level 2 safety requirements might be adopted by ETCS level 3, however additional ones have to be defined regarding the Train integrity.
• When adopting STPS as the integrity monitoring and positioning module for ERTMS, further operational parameters have to be included in the RAMS analysis:
• Average number of GNSS satellites in view regarding rural, sub-urban and urban areas.
• Average number of Base-stations in view for positioning regarding rural, sub-urban and urban areas.
• Probability of having LOS with 1, 2 or 3 GSM-R BTS.
• Mean down time of GNSS receivers due to loss of GNSS satellites coverage
• Mean down time of UMTS receivers due to loss of UMTS coverage
• Mean down time of GSM-R receivers due to loss of UMTS coverage
• ETCS level 1 and level 2 test cases can be applied to ETCS level 3, however, additional ones have to be defined as shown.
• Current test facility has to be modified in order to include safety testing, however the impact in the whole facility can be minimized if additional modules are included in the available interfaces.
• By including the Triple modular redundancy concept to the EATS GRM, the expected safety behaviour can be reproduced.
• In order to define the faults to be injected, a working methodology has been defined. This methodology has been applied to the BTM interface as example.

Task 2.4.: Definition of the architecture of the test setup for the on-board ERTMS/ETCS level 1, 2 & 3 verification and safety assessment (Months 11-26) (Aug 2013-Nov 2014)
Progress towards objectives
ESOL, PHIDANI and CEIT contributed to the definition of the laboratory test setup and the implementation of it. Based in the architecture defined in SUBSET094, the EATS_LAB architecture has been defined and implemented. The completion of this task allows to carry out T4.3 T5.3 T6.3 T7.1 T7.2 T7.3. CETREN was the reviewer.
Significant achievements
The main achievement of this task is the definition and implementation of the architecture of the EATS testing laboratory including:
• EATS_ETH interface that defines the protocol, messages and packets to be exchanged among the laboratory constituents and the EATS ERTMS GRM.
• Main constituents of the laboratory:
• Control&Validation: responsible for setting-up the laboratory, controlling the simulations and determining the correctness of the results.
• Events feeder: responsible for feeding the systems with the required stimuli. The events to be generated are defined in T2.1.
• Gateway: responsible for managing the communication among the constituents of the laboratory and the EATS ERTMS GRM.
1.3.2 WP3: Smart Train Positioning System (STPS) requirements, architecture and test requirements definition
Table 2. Work Progress and Achievements of Work Package 3 (WP3)
WP number WP3 Start date or starting event: Month m1
WP title Smart Train Positioning System (STPS) requirements, architecture and test requirements definition
Activity type RTD
Participant number 1 3 4 5 6 7
Person-months per participant 36.50 4.00 12.00 2.50 16.00 16.00

The main objective of this work package is to define the requirement for the STPS subsystem to be included in the on-board ERTMS system. This objective will be achieved by fulfilling:
• Definition of SPTS functional and RAMS requirements including positioning and train integrity, interface with the Kernel, and GNSS and Wireless Comm. Tech. receivers.
• Definition of the SPTS architecture and SPTS test requirements
• Definition of the ETCS level 3 and GNSS regulatory and certification requirements.

Task 3.1: Definition of the functional for ETCS level 3 (ETCS, On-board equipment, and performance) (Months 1-10) (Oct 2012-July 2013)
Progress towards objectives
FRAUNHOFER, NSL and CEIT contributed to the definition of the requirements for STPS. Based on the partners’ experience and the state of the art of the different fields covered by the STPS, these requirements cover the definition of the STPS functions, the internal architecture of the STPS together with the definition of the interfaces (protocol and messages-packets to be exchanged).
Significant achievements
The task T3.1 contains several subtasks, being each one quite different in nature. However, the main task has consisted of defining different types of requirements regarding the STPS system. Therefore, the activities that led to the main results are listed as follows:
• An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the ETCS level 3.
• Definition of the functional and non-functional requirements for STPS as a whole. This includes:
• the functions that STPS has to cover
• the internal architecture of the STPS
• the STPS ETCS kernel interface specification (FFFIS).
Moreover, the methodology to obtain these requirements has been defined.
• Definition of the STPS constituents:
• GNSS receivers
• STPS internal interfaces (FIS) between the STPS Core and the GNSS receivers.
• Functional and performance requirements of the GNSS receivers, split into GNSS receivers antennas and front-ends.
• WCT receivers
• STPS internal interfaces (FIS) between the STPS Core and the WCT receivers.
• Functional and performance requirements of the WCT receivers split into GSM-R receivers performance, antenna array, front-ends and beam-forming algorithms for smart antennas; and UMTS receivers performance, antennas and front-ends.
• Positioning algorithms
• Multiconstellation GNSS
• Data fusion
Moreover, an analysis of the state of the art of the following field has been included as a results:
• State of the Art in GNSS receivers.
• State of the Art in Wireless Communication Technologies receivers.
• State of the Art in alternative positioning techniques.
• State of the Art in train integrity monitoring systems.
It is worth noting that several difficulties have been found during the progress of the work in order to complete this tasks:
• Different types of references (absolute vs. relative) are involved in determining the train position.
• Positioning requirements have been defined based on the SoA, and an improvement of the SoA has been proposed. There is a risk in not fulfilling the defined requirements.
• The interfaces have not been fully defined, i.e. some of the configuration parameters of the STPS’s different receivers.
• Safety analysis may affect current definition of the STPS.
• The use of STPS will include an additional functionality for the EVC.
• The integrity issue in freight trains has to be solved with a low cost solution. STPS will determine the integrity of a passenger train by means of either a wired or a wireless solution.

Task 3.2.: Definition of the STPS RAMS requirements (Months 3-10 ) (Dec 2012- July 2013)
Progress towards objectives
UGLA contributed to the analysis for the definition of the RAMS requirements for STPS. The analysis covered the study of the existing ETCS RAMS Objectives, GNSS Risks in Railway Applications, Existing RAMS Requirements for Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Receivers and Wireless Communication Technology (WCT) Receivers. Moreover a list of recommendations has been created including an strategy to develop the EATS STPS Safety Case.
Significant achievements
In the task T3.2 a number of the findings that where identified in order to define the safety strategy to be used at EATS that will allow to determine the safety requirements for the implementation of the Smart Train Positioning System (STPS). The strategy defined requires 4 steps:
• The transference of the existing RAMS Requirements from:
• CENELEC Standards: EN 50126, EN 50128, EN 50129, EN 50159-1, EN 50159-2
• UNISIG Subsystem: UNISIG Subset 091, UNISIG Subset 088, UNISIG Subset 036
• Previous GNSS-based projects: GRAIL, GRAIL-2 and ERTMS Regional Project:
• The introduction of the HAZOPS Technique, based on the GRAIL project’s example of HAZOP on ETCS Components to the EATS Partners in the first STPS HAZOP meeting that took place in San Sebastian 20-21/05/13 during the EATS Advisory Board meeting.
• Once STPS architecture is defined, the EATS HAZOP team will perform a complete HAZOP Study on STPS in order to identify the risks that have to be mitigated.
• The last step will be the development of an STPS Safety Case following the approach used by EUROCONTROL on their Generic Safety Case.
A list of 37 recommendations to apply during all this process has been delivered.
It should also be taken into account that
• Operating environments affect to determine the safety requirements.
• Safety and reliability concerns with the various STPS architectural options.

Task 3.3.: Identification and modelling of the STPS architecture alternatives compliant with ETCS level3 (Months 3-10) (Dec 2012- July 2013) & Task 3.4.: Selection of the STPS architecture and verification of the RAMS requirements regarding ETCS level 3 (Months 7-10) (Apr 2013-July 2013)
Progress towards objectives
NSL and CEIT contributed to the identification, modelling and selection of the STPS architecture alternatives compliant with ETCS level 3. This task included among others the development of a simulation platform with a railway route, the estimation of scenarios according to state of the art of GNSS and WCT, the determination of best architectures, comparison positioning algorithms, etc.
Significant achievements
In the task T3.3 and T3.4 the best STPS architecture regarding the number of antennas and location on the roof has been identified. The identification has been carried out in 5 steps:
• Description of the positioning strategy and methods that will be employed at STPS with the aim of developing the simulation platform accordingly.
• List of possible architectures of the STPS according to the combination of alternatives that STPS might have.
• Description of the simulation platform explaining the inputs that it will include.
• Simulation results for the evaluated STPS architectures and identifies the preferable one.
The main findings of this task are listed as follows:
• The antenna distribution geometry is not a restrictive parameter for the STPS positioning estimator due to the source of information error. However, without considering this error the best antenna distribution is the triangular one.
• The simulation platform allows
• the identification of the best STPS architecture and performance evaluation.
• the evaluation of the performance in different environments (rural, sub-urban and urban; and 1 BTS, 2 BTS and 3 BTS), antenna configurations, and positioning algorithms.
• Employing the antennas independently for positioning offers a worse positioning than employing the antennas for positioning each coach independently and then employing the position of each coach in order to obtain the head coach position.
• The higher the number of coaches that include antennas for positioning the coach, the better the position accuracy of the head coach. However, this accuracy improvement is linked to cost increase and therefore a trade-off is required between required accuracy and cost.
• More than one antenna distribution could be included in a coach in order to increase the position accuracy, however, the errors introduced by the estimation should be lower than the distance between the antennas. Currently due to the expected errors, a multi antenna distribution coach will not offer any improvement.
• Current UMTS and GSM-R positioning performance does not offer positioning accuracy to the level of GNSS, however they aid to the positioning when GNSS is unavailable. Moreover, current UMTS and GSM-R position algorithms have to be improved.
• Weighted positioning algorithm employed in this study is not optimised to the inputs defined. A novel weighted positioning algorithm has to be developed in order to take advantage of the best performance of the GNSS receivers and efficiently combine the position estimation provided by UMTS and GSM-R receivers.
• The conclusions obtained in this document regarding the antenna quantity and distribution will help to demonstrate the fulfillment of the RAMS requirements in the WP7.

Task 3.5.: Definition of the test requirements of STPS (Months 7-10) (Apr 2013-July 2013)
Progress towards objectives
INTEGRASYS contributed to the definition of the test requirements for STPS leading to a STPS validation simulator. This is done by means of the analysis of the requirements for STPS defined in D3.1 the definition of the high-level requirements for the STPS simulator, the description of the implementation of the simulator and the type of simulations that will be carried out, and the description of both the Multi-GNSS part and the WCT GNSS part of the STPS simulator.
Significant achievements
In the task T3.5 the definition for the STPS positioning algorithms validation strategy and the requirements for the validation simulator have been set. A preliminary description of the test suite that will be used is given; this is referred to other EATS tasks: D3.1 for the definition of the functional requirements and D2.2 for the description of the truth and reference models for the simulator. The main outcomes of the research carried out in this tasks are:
• The simulator for STPS will have two different modules for the two main input sources: The Multi-GNSS Module and the WCT Module.
• The approach chosen in order to generate the outputs in the simulator is a Raw Data Generator (RDG). This implementation consists of creating directly the outputs based on truth and estimation models of the simulated system and is much more flexible and customizable than the other possibility that was a Digital Intermediate Frequency (DIF) simulator.
• A thorough testing including the most relevant GNSS and WCT parameters will be performed as there are several possible effects on the quality of the positioning, speed and acceleration data: location, time of the year, environments or hardware characteristics of the transmitters/receiver.
• The STPS requirements will be validated by means of a large set of simulations. The output data from these simulations will be post processed and from there, long-term statistical Key Performance Indicators (KPI) will be obtained. Comparing these processed results with the values given in the definition of the STPS requirements, a detailed validation assessment will be obtained.
It is worth noting that there are still some open issues on specific design questions of the STPS system that are necessary for the test setup. The complete description of the test suite, including all the test cases and validation scenarios will be included in the deliverable D5.4 ‘Report with the STPS scenarios’ corresponding to Task 5.4 ‘STPS Scenarios Implementation’ where the scenarios and tools for validating the STPS positioning will be generated.

Task 3.6.: Definition of the ETCS level 3 and GNSS regulatory and certification requirements (Months 9-11) (June-Aug 2013)
Progress towards objectives
UGLA, CEIT and INTEGRASYS contributed to the analysis of the state of the art of the ERTMS and GNSS regulatory and certification requirements. Based on that study the required mechanisms for EATS’ STPS standardisation and certification have been defined and a number of recommendations have been set.
Significant achievements
In the task T3.6 the initial proposals for the certification and standardization of ETCS level 3 and GNSS on one hand and the standardisation of the STPS as a module of the on-board ERTMS equipment has been proposed. The development of the final certification process for the EATS project will be performed in tasks T6.4 and T7.4. The task covered the following fields:
• Railway legal framework, standardisation and certification.
• GNSS regulatory and certification requirements
• STPS regulatory and certification requirements related to ETCS level 3.
• STPS validation regulatory and certification.
The mean findings of this tasks are:
• The way the STPS module specification has to be proposed following the ERTMS-CCM has been identified.
• There is no legal framework regarding the use of GNSS in the railway sector at the moment.
• The civil aviation EGNOS certification process approach based on the EGNOS safety case can be adapted for the EATS project. However, the EGNOS safety case will have to be modified according to the railways specifications. For that UIC strategy for the certification of GALILEO in railway applications can be used.
• The approval process and certification timeline that the GRAIL-2 Project proposed could be used as a guide for the certification of STPS.
• A four step strategy for the certification and standardization of GNSS has been defined for EATS.
• The strategy for the standardization of the STPS as an additional module. According to the current ETCS standards and with the aim of following current specifications a structure suited for the STPS specification has been proposed.
• The validation strategy for the STPS system requirements that should be included in the STPS standardization is described. No previous effort of this kind has been done in the railway industry before, in contrast to the aviation sector whose knowledge and approach should serve as a starting point when defining a validation strategy.
• STPS validation strategy will be based on the simulation of the performance of the different parts of the system, the analysis of the results given by the simulator and the calibration of the simulation environment.
Moreover a list of 36 recommendations has been set.

1.3.3 WP4: Design, implementation and verification of testing tools
Table 3. Work Progress and Achievements of Work Package 4 (WP4)
WP number WP4 Start date or starting event: Month m12
WP title Design, implementation and verification of testing tools
Activity type RTD
Participant number 1 2 5 7 8
Person-months per participant 21.00 1.50 1.00 6.00 7.00

The main objective of this work package is to design, implement and verify the ETCS laboratory as defined in the WP2. This objective will be achieved by fulfilling:
• Wireless Communication Emulators (WCE).
• Saboteurs to test the safety requirements.
• STPS interface with the on-board ERTMS kernel.

Task 4.1: Implementation and verification of the Wireless Communication Emulators (WCE) (Months 12-21) (Sept 2013-Jun 2014)
Progress towards objectives
INTEGRASYS and CEIT contributed to the implementation of the Wireless Communication Emulators for BTM, LTM and STPS (GNSS and WCT) wireless communications to be included in EATS_LAB. ESOL was the reviewer.
Significant achievements
During the 1st period of the project, the different alternatives of implementing the wireless communication emulators have been analysed. After having received the feedback about the alternatives with Advisory Board, the implementation phase was carried out in the 2nd period:
• Balise Wireless Communication Emulator laboratory tool.
• Loop Wireless Communication Emulator laboratory tool.
• STPS WCT and GNSS communication channel model for simulation platform for T5.4.

Task 4.2.: Implementation and verification of the saboteurs (Months 12-26 ) (Sept 2013-Nov 2014)
Progress towards objectives
CETREN, PHI and CEIT contributed to identify the faults to be injected and to implement the saboteurs. ESOL was the reviewer.
Significant achievements
During the first period of the project, most of the faults have been defined and the different alternatives of implementing the saboteurs have been analysed. After having received the feedback of the Advisory Board, the implementation of the saboteurs has been carried out:
• Physical saboteurs: BTM (Balise-air-gap) and LTM (Euroloop-air-gap).
• Interface saboteurs: DMI – INT (DMI-EVC), BTM – INT (BTM-EVC), LTM – INT (LTM-EVC), TIU – INT (TIU-EVC) and ODO – INT (ODO-EVC).

Task 4.3.: Implementation and verification of the testing tools for STPS (Month 15-29) (Months Dec 2013-Feb 2015) // Task 5.3.: Integration of the STPS within the on-board ERTMS for ETCS level 3 (Month 15-22) (Dec 2013-July 2014 )
Progress towards objectives
ESOL, PHI, CEIT and UGLA contributed to this task. ESOL was responsible for generating the STPS event containing: STPS-ETCS kernel messages generator and scenarios as route as GPS coordinates and speed at the route positions or a simulation time. CEIT was responsible for implementing and verifying the STPS-EVC interface according to D3.1 including train position and train integrity, creating the absolute position to travelled distance conversion (new task), generating the inputs for the STPS model after Route (GPS) and Speed information (new task). And UGLA was responsible for defining STPS RAMS requirements. This task has been merged with T5.3. CEIT was the reviewer.
Significant achievements
During the first period of the project, the way of including the STPS into the EATS_LAB has been defined. In the second period 1/ the new STPS block was integrated into the existing architecture: the GRM of the ETCS on-board equipment, 2/ the building blocks of the laboratory intended to test that on-board equipment and 3/ the RAMS requirements of the STPS block was defined.
The main conclusions of the research carried out in this document are:
STPS integration with GRM
o The integration has been achieved incorporating two new elements. The “STPS simulator” generates the necessary data in order the STPS to be able to calculate the position of the train accurately along the entire journey. The second element is the “Absolute position to travelled distance converter”, which has been found to be necessary due to the fact that the STPS block (based on GNSS data) provides train’s position based on an absolute coordinate system, and the ETCS EVC receives that information based on the relative distance to the LRBG.
o The incorporation of both these elements has been proved to be necessary and enough to enable ETCS on-board equipment to use train position data based on GNSS positioning systems.
o The integration of the STPS block with the elements that compose the ETCS Testing Laboratory has been achieved by determining which blocks of such laboratory take part in the control and operation of the STPS, and specifying the design and implementation of the interfaces that interconnect those elements with the STPS.
o It has been determined that two interfaces were necessary, interconnecting the STPS with two of the main building blocks of the EATS_LAB: the Laboratory Controller and the EVC.
o It has been proved that the implementation of those two interfaces makes it possible to achieve a full control of the operation of the STPS block by the laboratory operator. Thus, it can be concluded that this approach is the most effective one.
RAMS requirements
o This deliverable has introduced a high-level RAMS analysis for STPS components within the EATS project. The approach built on requirements identified in earlier deliverables – both for the RAMS analysis and also for the STPS kernel architecture and functionality. The overall approach was to use the output from an initial HAZOPS study to inform the development of Fault Trees. These focussed on particular aspects of the STPS architecture and extended those already developed by UNISIG for ETCS levels 1 and 2. It is important to stress that the analysis will have to be updated over time as the rest of the EATS team develop their ideas through continued design and experimentation. It is for this reason that our work retained a relatively high level of abstraction.

1.3.4 WP5: Design and implementation of the STPS for ETCS level 3
Table 4. Work Progress and Achievements of Work Package 5 (WP5)
WP number WP5 Start date or starting event: Month m12
WP title Design and implementation of the STPS for ETCS level 3
Activity type RTD
Participant number 1 3 4 7
Participant short name CEIT FRAUNH NSL INTEGR
Person-months per participant 44.50 21.00 25.00 10.00

The main objective of this work package is to design, implement and verify the STPS as defined in WP3. This objective will be achieved by fulfilling:
• Design, implementation and verification of location algorithms.
• Design, implementation and verification of array antennas, receivers and beam-forming algorithms to achieve required directivity in order to allow GSM-R positioning
• Implementation of the tools and scenarios required for the STPS validation.
• Integration of the STPS into ERTMS, covering the required interface.

Task 5.1: STPS algorithms design, implementation and verification (Months 12-26 ) (Sept 2013-Nov 2014)
Progress towards objectives
NSL and CEIT contributed to the design, implementation and verification of the STPS positioning algorithms. ESOL was the reviewer.
Significant achievements
During the first period of the project a given design and implementation strategy has been defined. During the second period they were implemented and partially verified after having received the Advisory Board feedback.
The STPS positioning modules have been designed, implemented in software and partially verified. This includes the individual GNSS and WCT (GSM-R/UMTS) algorithms and the hybridisation algorithms both at the individual coach level and at the level of a complete train for which consolidated front and rear coach positions are calculated. The positioning modules of the Smart Train Positioning System (STPS) combine GNSS with the positioning capabilities of other wireless systems as a solution to the problem of availability. The STPS modules covered by this report are therefore:
• GNSS Positioning
• WCT (GSM-R and UMTS) Positioning
• Integrated GNSS-WCT Positioning
o STPS Hybrid Algorithm (for each coach of a train)
o STPS Core Data Fusion (combination of individual coach hybrid solutions

Task 5.2.: STPS GSM-R positioning prototype design, implementation and verification (Months 12-26) (Sept 2013-Nov 2014)
Progress towards objectives
FRAUNHOFER and CEIT contributed to the design, implementation and verification of the STPS GSM-R positioning prototype blocks and the simulation platform. NSL was the reviewer.
Significant achievements
During the first period of the project a given design and implementation strategy was defined. During the second period, the blocks of the prototype were implemented and fabricated after having received the Advisory Board feedback. In this task a simulator/model and the three blocks of the prototype have been developed.
1. AoA estimation model
1.1. The simulations confirmed the correct choice for the proposed design of the antenna array.
1.2. The angular resolution in the evaluation of the pseudo-spectrum in the MUSIC algorithm is the most limiting factor into what level of AOA estimation error can be achieved.
1.3. It would be advisable to include AGC to compensate for a large dynamic range of the input signal and constant amplitude resolution offered by the ADC.
1.4. The computation of the steering vector vk assumes a planar front end. The closer is the train to a GSM-R mast, the more violated is this assumption. But also the closer is the train to the mast, the smaller is the impact of the AoA estimation error on the computation of the train position because of that proximity.
2. Antenna
2.1. The most appropriate antenna element has been chosen from a number of candidates. Two solutions have been identified: the main solution in the form of a (stacked) patched antenna, and the backup solution in the form of a linearly polarised printed dipole antenna.
2.2. The arrangement of the antennas in the array has been chosen to be a Uniform Circular Array, taking into account that the directions of BTSs are uniformly distributed in the horizontal plane, and the required level of coverage for a successful AoA estimation within a given confidence interval. UCA arrangement offers the additional benefit of low field strength inside the antenna elements due to the backside shielding of the patch antennas.
2.3. It has been seen that even with 20 antennas in an array it is not possible to achieve 90 % coverage with at least 95.5 % confidence interval. To keep the array size practicable it has been decided to build a nine element array, which covers about 70 % of the cases with a confidence interval of about 68.3 %.
2.4. The antenna has been fabricated and will be characterised in WP6.
3. Front-end
3.1. After the definition of the GSM-R requirements, I/O interface requirements and functional requirements of the front end, it has been seen that there is no COTS solution available.
3.2. A custom Front-end has been designed and in order to ensure its required performance its components have been tested individually.
3.3. The Front-end has been fabricated and will be characterised in WP6.
4. AoA estimation signal processing
4.1. The MUSIC algorithm has been implemented using VHDL for real-time execution in an FPGA.
4.2. The design has been implemented using single-precision floating point arithmetic.
4.3. The design has been verified through simulation and will be characterised in WP6.

Task 5.3.: Integration of the STPS within the on-board ERTMS for ETCS level 3 (Month 15-22) (Dec 2013-July 2014 )
Progress towards objectives
See Task 4.3.
Significant achievements
See Task 4.3.

Task 5.4.: STPS scenarios implementation (Month 18-27) (March 2014-Dec 2014)
Progress towards objectives
INTEGRASYS contributed to the implementation of the simulation platform (GNSS+WCT RDG) and the two stage scenarios for the validation of the STPS positioning algorithms.
Significant achievements
During the first period of the project, the different alternatives of implementing the wireless communication emulators have been analysed. After having received the feedback about the alternatives with Advisory Board in the March meeting, the implementation of the platform was carried out in the second period. This included the PVT simulations that have been defined in two stages and the GNSS+WCT RDG. The different simulation cases included in the PVT simulations try to cover the most relevant technologies and parameters of the system while keeping a reasonable trade-off between simulation time and flexibility.
The GNSS+WCT RDG is a tool that has been designed to generate the IF files with the observations required for PVT solutions generation. This tool not only provides the results but also a user-friendly interface and an easy way to visualise the observations results.

1.3.5 WP6: Verification of the STPS for ETCS level 3

Table 5. Work Progress and Achievements of Work Package 6 (WP6)
WP number WP6 Start date or starting event: Month m28
WP title Verification of the STPS for ETCS level 3
Activity type RTD
Participant number 1 3 4 6 7
Participant short name CEIT FRAUNH NSL UGLA INTEGR
Person-months per participant 20.00 3.00 8.50 16.00 10.00

The main objective of this work package is to verify if the STPS implemented in WP5 fulfils the requirements defined in WP3. Both, functional and safety requirements are included. Moreover, the usability, the operational rules and the certification/regulation issues of STPS will be also tackled.

Task 6.1: Verification of the STPS for ETCS level 3 (Months 28-35) (Jan 2015-Aug 2015)
Progress towards objectives
NSL, INTEGRASYS and CEIT contributed to the validation of the STPS positioning algorithms. And FRAUNHOFER and CEIT contributed to the validation of the AoA estimation prototype blocks, their integration and the validation of the prototype. UGLA was the reviewer.
Significant achievements
The validation of the positioning algorithms developed in T5.1 has been completed with the simulation platform developed in T5.4.
The validation of all the blocks of the AoA determination prototype developed in T5.2 has been carried out, this included the Antenna Array, the front-ends and the FPGA MUSIC algorithm implementation. Moreover the integration of the blocks and the validation of the whole prototype has been completed.

Task 6.2.: Verification of the RAMS requirements of the STPS (Months 32-37) (May 2015-Oct 2015)
Progress towards objectives
UGLA contributed to the verification of the RAMS requirements of the STPS. CEIT was the reviewer.
Significant achievements
RAMS analysis of the STPS subsystem has been completed by means of defining the strategy taken and executing some of the activities such as PHA, FTA, Safety Case and FMEA.

Task 6.3.: Analysis of STPS integration into ERTMS on-board equipment and ETCS level 3 (Month 34-39) (July 2015-Dec 2015)
Progress towards objectives
CEIT, PHI, INT and NSL contributed to the analysis of the STPS integration into ERTMS. ESOL will be the reviewer.
Significant achievements
In order to analyse the integration of the STPS into ERTMS, a number of scenarios covering the ETCS events defined in D2.4 and employed by the EATS ETCS laboratory and the input generated by the STPS simulation platform have been created. Following, simulations have been carried out in order to determine the performance of the system, and finally the results allowed the analysis of the integration of STPS into ETCS OBU by comparing the performance of the ODO and STPS in different scenarios.

Task 6.4.: Assessment of ETCS GNSS based STPS solution and certification/regulation requirements (Month 37-42) (Oct 2015-March 2016)
Progress towards objectives
UGLA, CEIT, FhG, NSL, INT contributed towards the identification of the project outcomes that could potentially be standardized. CETREN was the reviewer.
Significant achievements
A list of the outcomes that could be standardised have been defined and distributed among the railway stakeholders.
1.3.6 WP7: Verification, integration and validation of the EATS ETCS laboratory

Table 6. Work Progress and Achievements of Work Package 7 (WP7)
WP number WP7 Start date or starting event: Month m30
WP title Verification, integration and validation of the EATS ETCS laboratory
Activity type RTD
Participant number 1 2 5 7 8
Person-months per participant 20.00 2.00 2.00 7.00 5.00

The main objective of this work package is to integrate the laboratory tools designed in WP4 and validate the laboratory. This objective will be achieved by fulfilling:
• Integration of the ETCS testing tools into the EATS ETCS Laboratory.
• Verification of the EATS ETCS Laboratory level 1, 2 & 3:
• Wireless Communication Emulators
• Saboteurs

Task 7.1.: Integration of the EATS ETCS testing tools into the EATS ETCS laboratory (Months 30-35) (March 2015-Aug 2015)
Progress towards objectives
ESOL, PHI and CEIT contributed to the integration of the testing tools into the EATS ETCS laboratory. CETREN was the reviewer.
Significant achievements
In this tasks the strategy of the integration of the Wireless Communication Emulators and the Saboteurs developed in T4.1 and T4.2 into the EATS ETCS laboratory has been defined. Moreover, the integration of all the tools has been completed. Therefore, the laboratory tools were ready to be employed in T7.2 (WCE) and T7.3 (SAB).

Task 7.2.: Verification of the ETCS level 1, 2 & 3 test setup regarding the introduction of scenarios with dynamic response and EMI in the functions with wireless communication channels (Months 32-39) (May 2015-Dec 2015)
Progress towards objectives
CEIT contributed to the verification of the test setup by means of the use of the Wireless Communication Emulators into the EATS ETCS laboratory over the reference model. CETREN was the reviewer.
Significant achievements
The strategy for testing the ETCS OBU with the effects introduced by the Wireless Communications Emulators in the air-gaps into the EATS ETCS laboratory has been defined based on the scenarios defined in D2.4 and D4.2. Moreover, the Wireless Communication Emulators have been validated and the test plan has been executed, worst case scenarios have been defined and the performance of the ETCS OBU tested has been obtained.

Task 7.3.: Verification of the EATS ETCS level 1,2 & 3 test setup regarding the safety assessment (Months 34-39) (July 2015-Dec 2015)
Progress towards objectives
CEIT and PHI contributed to the verification of the test setup by means of the use of the Saboteurs into the EATS ETCS laboratory over the reference model. CETREN was the reviewer.
Significant achievements
The strategy for testing the ETCS OBU with the effect introduced by the Saboteurs in the defined interfaces into the EATS ETCS laboratory has been defined based on the scenarios defined in D2.4 and D4.2. Moreover, the test plan has been executed, worst case scenarios have been defined and the performance of the ETCS OBU tested has been obtained.

Task 7.4.: Contribution to the ETCS laboratory testing standards (Month 36-42) (Sept 2015-March 2016)
Progress towards objectives
ESOL, CEIT, INT contributed towards the identification of the project outcomes that could potentially be standardized. CETREN was the reviewer.
Significant achievements
A list of the outcomes that could be standardised have been defined and distributed among the railway stakeholders.

1.3.7 WP8: Dissemination and exploitation

Table 7. Work Progress and Achievements of Work Package 8 (WP8)
WP number WP8 Start date or starting event: Month m1
WP title Dissemination and exploitation
Activity type OTHER
Participant number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Person-months per participant 5.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 2.00 3.00 2.00

The main objective of this work package is to disseminate the results of the research in the different segments of the society; railway industry level, scientific level, academic level, standardization bodies level, railway stakeholders level and word-wide level.

Task 8.1: Web site preparation (Months 1-42) (Oct 2012-March 2016)
Progress towards objectives & Significant achievements
The web site created for the project is found at In this web site the update of the advances done by all the partners of the EATS project can be found. The information is structured in seven different labels. Further details are provided in section 2 of this document:
▪ Summary of the project for a quick overview of the project for the new visitors.
▪ A presentation of the partners with links to our own web pages.
▪ The contact data of the coordinator.
▪ The news which are relevant to the project, like dissemination in generic industrial forum, technical presentation given for commercial software companies or meetings announcements and summaries. 17 pieces of news are found in the label.
▪ The results are presented and separated in Conference papers, Journal Articles, Magazines participation and the public deliverables. 2 journal articles, 8 conference papers and 18 deliverables are the results after the second period of the project.
▪ And a Private label, where the partners have access to the management tool and useful documents for the work.
▪ A label with an open forum where comments and questions to the project can be included by any person interested.

Task 8.2.: Plan for use and dissemination of foreground (Month 3) (Dec 2012)
Progress towards objectives
All the partners contribute to this task under the leadership of NSL. The plan for use and dissemination of foreground has been elaborated. Seven dissemination mechanisms have been identified in order to address different target audiences.
Significant achievements
After the second period the following dissemination activities have been carried out. Further details can be found in section 2.

Potential Impact:
1.4.1 Socio Economic and wider societal impact
The impact of EATS project embraces the improvement of ETCS on-board equipment laboratory testing aiming at accelerating the roll-out of ETCS and the introduction of on-board locations system based on GNSS and other sensors aiming at introducing GNSS into ETCS. Reducing certification time and cost and increasing safety and availability are here linked. From a European point of view, it helps in some step forwards. The laboratory testing and GNSS issues presented by the proposal answering the corresponding FP7 call, that lay the foundation of EATS project, are of major importance into the European Union.
Currently European Train Control System (ETCS) rollout is a major concern for the railway sector. Equipment for ETCS level 1 and 2 typically follows a long process before being put into service due to interpretation variations in the specification and certification procedures requiring long and expensive field-testing. In addition, migration from ETCS level 2 to 3 has not been implemented due to technical challenges in providing adequate location and integrity information from the train. EATS aims to address these two situations through the following mechanisms:
1. EATS proposed innovative laboratory tools providing a model of the on-board ERTMS system: an on-board ERTMS Reference Model (ERTMS-RM) to describe the on-board ERTMS equipment behaviour; this includes the behaviour for ETCS levels 1, 2 and 3 and the modelling of the dynamic behaviour of the air-gap communication and fault injection for safety assessment.
2. These innovations are intended to help certification laboratories and Notified Bodies (NoBo) to assess ERTMS on-board equipment for any scenario and to eliminate interpretation differences which lead to wasted effort. This will lead to reduced laboratory and field-testing certification processing time and cost.
3. EATS proposed a novel positioning system (Smart Train Positioning System - STPS) based on the combination of different techniques which have been shown to provide benefit in other industrial sectors and exploit unique features of the railway and the train. RAMS analysis and laboratory testing have been carried out to verify the proposed technical solution. This is a step forward towards ETCS level 3 that minimizes trackside costs and maximizes track capacity.
ETCS Supply Chain
Among the actors of the supply chain for ETCS equipment, there are certification authorities that might benefit from ERTMS-RM. It is envisioned that the certification laboratories would be the initial users of the ERTMS-RM as this would potentially increase the coverage of the certification process. These laboratories are independent of the Notified Bodies and are independently certified to ISO 17025 for the testing that they provided. The results from these laboratories are then used by the Notified Bodies to assess the conformity of the equipment to the appropriate standards.
Prior to this approvals process, the manufacturer may also need to use a laboratory facility to support its development and check its equipment in-house to identify when it is ready to undergo formal certification. Better laboratory based emulators that include air gaps, communications and controlled fault injection can decrease amount of track testing or reduce the number of issues arising during track testing or in service.
The equipment that would need to be certified as part of the approvals process can be split into on-board and trackside components, however all have their own individual standards that need to be met, in addition to the certification requirements for the desired ETCS application.
• ERTMS/ETCS on-board
• Safety platform on-board
• Odometer
• External STM
• ERTMS/GSM-R on-board
• LTM Trackside:
• Radio Infill unit
• Eurobalise
• Euroloop
• LEU Eurobalise
• LEU Euroloop
• Safety Platform Trackside
Each of the above is considered an IC (Interoperability Constituent).
Table 8. List of ETCS constituents and related equipment that needs to be certified
The ERTMS-RM developed within the EATS project aims to model the kernel of the on-board ERTMS and all its interfaces. All other elements are emulated including the safety platform.
The first step of the certification process is a conformity assessment by a Notified Bodies (NoBo) of an IC. The second step is the verification of a sub-system and where EATS addresses a single IC component only (ETCS on-board unit) but also provides the possibility of verifying any sub-system part of the ETCS on-board unit.
There are expected to be two groups of beneficiaries from the adoption of the EATS ERTMS-RM approach; namely the direct and indirect beneficiaries. These beneficiaries are identified below.
1) Direct beneficiaries
Those who may be direct users of the ERTMS-RM or would benefit from the results of STPS.
• ETCS equipment manufacturers
• Independent ERTMS certification laborato-ries
• Railway enterprises that sometimes require an OBU for bench testing (e.g. INFRABEL) 2) Indirect beneficiaries
Those who may benefit from increased roll-out of ERTMS Levels 2 & 3 (increased capacity, maintaining safety, greater efficiency)
• ETCS equipment manufacturers
• Train Operator
• Railway infrastructure provider/maintainer
• Member State
• EU Citizens
Table 9. Direct and indirect likely beneficiaries of ERTMS-RM
The European Railway Agency, as the designated System Authority for ETCS, publishes the System Requirements Specifications to which the equipment must be certified.

Figure 1. Actors in Certification of ERTMS Equipment
STPS introduction
In the current ETCS specification there is no definition for an STPS interface offering geographical position direct to the ETCS Kernel. Therefore, it was the aim within EATS to show potential benefit of STPS using an existing interface of the ETCS kernel, with a potential view to extending the ETCS interfaces in the future if the benefit is adequately shown. These interface issues need to be fully understood in order to develop a consistent message to industry and to generate an understanding with the potential beneficiaries. With no changes in interface there is currently no incentive for an equipment supplier to develop a positioning solution for ETCS which cannot be used for ERTMS operations. If STPS proves capable of supporting migration to ETCS level 3 through the addition of a future interface this may be given some consideration.
As a first stage in generating industry support for the development of STPS it may be worth demonstrating the generic benefits of hybrid positioning solutions with respect to stand-alone GNSS through promotional materials and demonstration at workshops, conferences and exhibitions. By not initially tying the STPS concept to the ERTMS application any early scepticism may be avoided, helping to foster development of a solution to the interface issue thanks to the proven benefits of STPS.
The improvement of the laboratory tests by means of the tools proposed and the introduction of GNSS based on-board location system aims at improving the railway systems. This influences enormously in the deployment time and cost of the ETCS system. Moreover, it might increase the capacity of the tracks which has a significant impact on the competitiveness of the companies and on the users’ vision of the railway transport system. Specifically for the markets using the communication and signalling systems studied by EATS, both, passenger and freight market could progressively increase the rail transport volume as this kind of project keep on working on advances for signalling and communication systems. But also, the companies will save time and money on the costly measurement campaigns and punctual problems in specific places of the deployed railways.
As initially proposed in the Part B of the DOW document, and updated in the course of the project, the impact of the project offers opportunities on various levels:
Users – Passenger and Freight market.
The users of the railway transport are [EUROSTAT 2008]:
▪ In 2008, 405 billion passenger-kilometres were registered in the European Union (excluding Bulgaria), a 4.2% growth compared to 2007.
▪ The total performance of rail freight transport in the EU-27 was 447 billion tonne kilometres in 2008.
▪ These enormous figures have taken place in the 216.018 of kilometres-length of the lines in the European Union.
The previous data exhibit the impact of the EATS project in terms of the improvements foreseen on the railway availability for users and railway companies. Up to 2008 (last year reported by the Eurostat report at the moment of the writing of the project proposal and which trends have been confirmed by the data in the 2010 Eurostat analysis), both the passenger and the freight market have had a positive growth, and so, this tendency would be accentuated with the higher availability achieved by the fully interoperable on-board systems and trains; Highlighting the words “Punctuality” and “simple logistic”.
Furthermore, in 2008, some 2848 people were victims (seriously injured or killed) of railway accidents in the EU-27. Of the total number, 17,4 % were either train passengers or railway employees. Approximately two thirds (68,6 %) of the lifes lost in rail accidents were from incidents involving rolling stock in motion, with almost all the others (26,6 %) from incidents at level-crossings. That figure could be decreased with the improvement brought by the EATS project in terms realistic laboratory testing, especially for certain critical zones where the signalling is the only protection.
Transport service enterprises and their employees
The last recount done by Eurostat [EUROSTAT 2008], FIF (La Fédération des Industries Ferroviaires) [FIF] and UK Railway Companies [UK RAIL], establishes that there are 453 enterprises in the railway transport service in the EU-27. So, the trains’ higher availability and the foreseeable increase in the railway transports, for all kind of users, would have a clear impact on the service enterprises of the European Union. This is directly scalable to the employment of these principle railway industries: 891.852 people at the end of 2008. This figure would be increased if the railway transport and the investment on that solution for the mass and freight transport have an increase in its use.
Railway enterprises and other stakeholders
The number of enterprises involved in the railway industry is much higher than the figure reported in the last point. Companies such as train manufacturers, railway systems’ integrators, equipment developers, R&D centres and other technology providers are also affected by the impact of the EATS project. For them, this project will have a secondary economic benefit from three points of view. First, the foreseen preservation of the growth of the railway transport for passengers and freight goods will maintain the growth of the railway industry and its associated companies and will benefit the creation of employment. Second, the laboratory testing proposed by EATS, will minimize the expensive measurement campaigns during the design of ETCS equipment for railway applications. And third, the step forwards proposed by EATS towards introducing GNSS based positioning on-board will help to reduce ETCS’ CAPEX and OPEX, increase capacity of the lines together with the migration to ETCS level 3. Obviously, the equipment assigned for on-board communications has to be validated for its use, as the other parts of the complete train and the functions of the control centre. All this would mean a big save in time and money for the designs for the railway industry. That would have an impact not only for these railway enterprises but also for the users, as the technology would have a quicker adoption in the trains.
Standardization bodies
The successful completions of the objectives of EATS will help the European Union with some steps forward in the way to have a more realistic laboratory testing procedure with the aim of reducing field tests and in the way of reducing costs by means of the use of GNSS on-board. The standardization bodies related to this topics are the first receivers of the results from EATS in all the dissemination levels, but the scientific one, more dedicated to specific investigations advances, will also be benefited.
Public administrations
Railway transport is a key area of development from the economical, from the sustainable and from the environmental point of view. Undoubtedly, the steps forwards for the improvement of the laboratory certification, availability and the safety thanks to the EATS project would help in this deployment. But, primarily, the improvement of the laboratory tests making the more realistic and introducing GNSS towards ETCS level 3 improved and helped by the goals of this project proposal is crucial in avoiding some of the obstacles found in the deployment of ETCS.
The next table summarises the potential impact that EATS project results might have.
HLO = High Level Objective
Role Examples Relevance of EATS High Level Objective #1 Relevance of EATS High Level Objective #2
ETCS Equipment Manufacturers
Certify ETCS equipment prior to installation on trains Siemens, Thales, Ansaldo, Alstom Use of ERTMS-RM would provide more comprehensive assessment of on-board ETCS, including interfaces through Lab testing. Reduce development, testing and certification costs. Increasing awareness of the potential performance of alternative positioning solutions may help in development of future offerings.
With no immediate change to the ETCS interface specification, this is unlikely to be of interest to equipment manufacturers in the short term. It is anticipated that this will be verified through a questionnaire.
ERTMS Testing
Labs Test interoperability of on-train and trackside equipment prior to installation CEDEX, DLR, MULTITEL Use of ERTMS-RM could reduce ambiguity in certification process, making it more straightforward to demonstrate requirements are met. Help to complete ETCS specification for fault definition and testing procedures.
Reducing demands for real-life (on train) testing.
Shift of testing from track to lab would benefit labs, any significant simplification in testing regime leading to less lab time overall may ultimately reduce revenues though. Introducing new STPS component and interface to ETCS would lead to further testing procedures and requirements needing verification.
Rolling Stock Manufacturer Supply locomotives, carriages, freight trucks, bogies Siemens, Bombardier, Alstom, CAF ERTMS-RM in-house or in contracted lab could reduce effort in verification and integration of ETCS equipment. Manufacturers need ETCS certified stock for operations on designated ERTMS lines. Future-proofing products for evolutions of positioning solutions could be a value-add for locomotives and carriages.

Rail Operator Operating rail services First Group, Virgin Trains, RENFE, DB, SNCF Increased capacity and efficiency of operations through ERTMS adoption. Possible operational benefits through other applications enabled through STPS.
Railway Infrastructure Manager Maintain rail tracks, signalling, bridges, tunnels, level crossings, some stations Network rail, ADIF, RFF, DB Netz Reduced maintenance costs from ERTMS adoption, particularly Level 3, if trackside infrastructure is reduced.
Increased revenues from TOCs if capacity is increased. General trend of moving from positioning based on trackside infrastructure toward greater “intelligence” on train has potential to reduce maintenance costs.
Rolling Stock Operating Company Owns and maintains locomotives and carriages leased to TOCS Angel Trains, Porterbrook, HSBC, Alpha Trains Perhaps not relevant if UK structure is not widely followed – perhaps more “future-proofed” units would increase longevity of stock
Table 10. Rail Industry Actors and Potential Impact of EATS Results
1.4.2 Main Dissemination Activities
a) General dissemination Roadmap
Table 11 presents a brief summary of the dissemination activities performed by the partners of the consortium within the duration of the project.
Table 12. General Dissemination Roadmap
Month Date Activity Partners
M1 Oct. 2012 web site
M1 Oct. 2012 News published in Spanish version in Noticias de Gipuzkoa CEIT
M1 Oct 2012 News published in Spanish version,
M1 Oct 2012 News published in Spanish version in Diario Vasco CEIT
M2 Nov 2013 EATS project was presented on the Railway Telecommunications Congress 2012.
M3 Dec 2012 News published in Ceit website. “Eats Project presented on the Railway Telecommunications Congress 2012” CEIT
M3 Dec 2012 A paper about the capabilities of GNSS for the rail sector was presented at the European Space Solutions Conference.
M6 Mar 2013 EATS project was presented on the 4th Signalling and Train Control Conference.19-21 March 2013 in Vienna (Austria).
M9 Jun 2013 A Workshop was given in Siemens in June 2013: “RAM elicitation/dissemination within the context of the EATS project” UGLA
M9 Jun 2013 EATS project was presented on the XIII National ITS Congress in San Sebastian (Spain). 18th-20th June 2013.
M11 Aug 2013 News published in Spanish version,
M11 Aug 2013 News published in Spanish version, CEIT
M11 Aug 2013 News published in Spanish version, CEIT
M11 Aug 2013 News published in Spanish version, Sinc news CEIT
M11 Aug 2013 News published in Spanish version; NCYT news CEIT
M13 Oct 2013 News published in Spanish version,
M13 Oct 2013 News published in Spanish version,
M13 Oct 2013 Gonzalo Solas, researcher from CEIT, attended the Symposium Test4Rail, 29th and 30th October 2013, DLR Braunschweig, Germany.
M14 Nov 2013 An Industrial Workshop was given in GMV (Madrid, Spain) in November 2013: “Integrating Cyber-security Concerns in RAMS for European Infrastructure Projects from ETCS to SESAR UGLA
M18 March 2014 A Workshop was given in Frequentis (Vienna) in March 2014: “Integrating Cyber-security Concerns in RAMS for European Infrastructure Projects from ETCS to SESAR UGLA
M19 April 2014 S. Arrizabalaga, J. Mendizabal, S. Pinte, J.M. Sánchez, J.M. González, J. Bauer, M. Themistokleous, D. Lowe. Development of an advanced testing System and Smart Train Positioning System for ETCS applications. TRA2014 5th Conference. 14th-17th April. Paris CEIT
M19 April 2014 J. del Portillo, I. Adin, J. Mendizabal, D. Valderas, I. Ortego, G. Solas. Enhancing the rolling stock standards towards a harmonized electromagnetic environment. TRA2014 5th Conference. 14th-17th April. Paris. CEIT
M20 May 2014 The following Industrial Workshop was given by UGLA in Frequentis in May 2014. UGLA
M23 August 2014 C.W. Johnson, Innovation vs Safety: Hazard Analysis Techniques to Avoid Premature Commitment during the Early Stage Development of National Critical Infrastructures. International Systems Safety Conference, St Louis, MO, USA, August 2014. UGLA
M23 August 2014 C.W. Johnson, S. Reinartz, M. Rebetisch, Practical Insights for the Exchange of Lessons Learned in Accident Investigations, International Systems Safety Conference, St Louis, MO, USA, August 2014. UGLA
M24 September 2014 An opening keynote was given by UGLA in the 7th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN 2014) in September 2014. UGLA
M29 February 2015 The session “The CyberSecurity of Safety Related ICS: Who Pays the Costs?” was given by UGLA in the IET Cyber Security for Industrial Control Systems, London, UK in February 2015. UGLA
M33 June 2015 J. Goya, L. Zamora, S. Arrizabalaga, A. Brazález, J. Meléndez, J. Mendizabal. “Advanced Train LocAtion Simulator (ATLAS) for developing, testing and validating on-board railway location systems”. EUROPEAN Transport Research Review. CEIT
M34 July 2015 Javier Añorga, Leonardo Valdivia, Gonzalo Solas, Saioa Arrizabalaga and Jaizki Mendizabal. “Network Connection Fault Injection in Virtual Laboratory”, 9th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers, (CSCC 2015), Zakynthos Island, Greece, July 16-20, 2015. CEIT
M34 July 2015 J. Goya, L. Zamora-Cadenas, S. Arrizabalaga, Gorka de Miguel, I. Adin and J. Mendizabal. “BTS infrastructure impact analysis and design of an advanced BTS filtering for UKF-based positioning algorithm”, 9th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers, (CSCC 2015), Zakynthos Island, Greece, July 16-20, 2015. CEIT
M36 September 2015 G. Solas, L. Valdivia, J. Añorga, A. Podhorski, J. Mendizabal, S. Pinte, L. Marcos. ”Virtual Laboratory for on-board ETCS equipment”, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC 2015), September 15-18, 2015, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. CEIT, ESOL
M36 September 2015 The masterclass in IEC 61508 and ISO 26262 Safety-Critical Software Standards was given by UGLA in the School of Mobile Information Engineering, in Sun YatSen University, Zhuhai, China in September 2015. UGLA
M36 September 2015 The Masterclass in Systems Safety Engineering related was given by UGLA in UGS/SIT, Singapore in September 2015. UGLA
M36 September 2015 A New Article of EATS Published in Mafex Magazine: New platform for simulation and evaluation of board positioning systems in railways.
M37 October 2015 Jaizki Mendizabal, EATS project coordinator, presented EATS project results at the Symposium Test4Rail, 14th and 15th October 2015, DLR Braunschweig, Germany. CEIT
M38 November 2015 Mikel Arenas, Adam Podhorski, Saioa Arrizabalaga, Jon Goya, Beatriz Sedano, Jaizki Mendizabal. “Implementation and validation of an Angle of Arrival (AOA) determination system”, DCIS 2015 XXX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Estoril, Portugal – November 25-27 CEIT
M40 January 2016 EATS_LAB Newsletter CEIT
M40 January 2016 EATS_STPS Newsletter CEIT
M40 January 2016 Adin, I. Mendizabal, J. Arrizabalaga, S. Alvarado, U. Solas, G., Rodriguez, J. “Rolling stock emission testing methodology assessment for Balise Transmission Module system interoperability” Measurement, Elsevier. CEIT
M40 January 2016 Y. Zheng, M. Hutchinson, D. Lowe, Nottingham Scientific Ltd, UK; S. Arrizabalaga, J. Goya, L. Zamora-Cadenas, Ceit and Tecnun, Spain; J. Valera, J. Sanchez, INTEGRASYS, Spain. The Hybrid GNSS/WCT Multi-coach Multi-constellation Train Positioning and Integrity System. ION, International Technical Meeting. January 25-28, 2016. Monterey, California, USA NSL
M41-42 February-March 2016 M. Meyer zu Hörste, L. Asbach, J. Iglesias, J. Mendizabal “Development of Lab Tests towards zero on-site testing”. 12th UIC ERTMS WORLD CONFERENCE, 29th February till 2nd March 2016, Brussels CEIT
M41-42 February-March 2016 J. Mendizabal, I. Adin, G. Solas, L. Valdivia, G. de Miguel. “Evolution of testing: field testing, laboratory testing and virtual testing: BTM case study”. 12TH UIC ERTMS WORLD CONFERENCE, 29th February till 2nd March 2016, Brussels. CEIT
M41-42 February-March 2016 C.J. Johnson, M. Evangelopoulu, J. Mendizabal. “Safety and security considerations for the future on board positioning based on GNSS and for wireless communications”. 12TH UIC ERTMS WORLD CONFERENCE, 29th February till 2nd March 2016, Brussels UGLA
M42 March 2016 Workshop “Towards ETCS OBU Zero onsite testing and the use of GNSS in ETCS OBU” Telecom Master Students Tecnun: J. Mendizabal. 2nd March 2016, San Sebastian, Spain. CEIT
M42 March 2016 Workshop “Antenna Array design Methodology” Telecom Master Students Tecnun: Michael Schlicht, 16th March 2016, San Sebastian, Spain. FHG
M42 March 2016 “EATS FP7” linkedin group for EATS project follow-up. CEIT
M43 April 2016 J. König, C. Steinmetz, J. Bauer, M. Schühler, G. Del Galdo, and M. Landmann, "Efficient Antenna Array Design Methodology for Practical Applications in Complex Propagation Environments", submitted to the 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2016), Davos, Switzerland, Apr. 11-15, 2016. Accepted. FHG
M43 April 2016 Solas, Gonzalo; Mendizabal, Jaizki; Valdivia, Leonardo; Añorga, Javier; Adín, Iñigo; Podhorski, Adam; Pinte, Stanislas; Marcos, Luis Gerardo; González, Jesús Mª; Cosín, Francisco. “Development of an Advanced Laboratory for ETCS applications”. 6th European Transport Research Conference (TRA2016). Narodowy, Warsaw, Poland - 18-21 April 2016. Accepted CEIT
M43 April 2016 Adin, Iñigo; Mendizabal, Jaizki; de Miguel, Gorka; Goya, Jon; Zamora, Leticia; Arrizabalaga, Saioa. “Complementary Positioning System in GNSS-Denied Areas”. 6th European Transport Research Conference (TRA2016). Narodowy, Warsaw, Poland - 18-21 April 2016. Accepted CEIT
M43 April 2016 Arenas, Mikel; Podhorski, Adam; Goya, Jon; Arrizabalaga, Saioa; Zamora, Leticia; Mendizabal, Jaizki. “Implementation and validation of an Angle of Arrival (AoA) determination system for on-board positioning. “ 6th European Transport Research Conference (TRA2016). Narodowy, Warsaw, Poland - 18-21 April 2016. Accepted CEIT
M45 June 2016 M. Arenas, A. Podhorski, J. Goya, B. Sedano, S. Arrizabalaga, J. Mendizabal. “Angle of arrival (AOA) determination system for railway on-board positioning”. 11th World Congress on Railway Research (WCRR 2016). Milan, Italy, 29th May 2nd June 2016. Submitted
M45 June 2016 S. Arrizabalaga, I. Adin, G. de Miguel, J. Goya, L. Zamora, J. Mendizabal. “Complementary Positioning System in GNSS-Denied Areas”. 11TH WORLD CONGRESS ON RAILWAY RESEARCH (WCRR 2016). Milan, Italy, 29th May 2nd June 2016. Submitted
M45 June 2016 Jaizki Mendizabal, Gonzalo Solas, Iñigo Adin, Adam Podhorski, Beatriz Sedano, Saioa Arrizabalaga. “ETCS Eurobalise, AIR-GAP and balise transmision module evaluation tool”. 11th World Congress on Railway Research (WCRR 2016). Milan, Italy, 29th May 2nd June 2016. Submitted
M45 June 2016 Gonzalo Solas, Iñigo Adín, Leonardo Valdivia, Saioa Arrizabalaga and Jaizki Mendizabal. “Wireless Communication Emulator device and methodology for the ETCS BTM subsystem”. 10TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES FOR VEHICLES. NETS4CARS NETS4TRAINS NETS4AIRCRAFT 2016. JUNE 6-7, 2016 DONOSTIA SAN SEBASTIÁN, Spain.
M45 June 2016 Jaizki Mendizabal, Gonzalo Solas, Leonardo Valdivia, Gorka De Miguel, Julen Uranga and Iñigo Adin “ETCS’s Eurobalise-BTM and Euroloop-LTM airgap noise and interferences review”. 10TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES FOR VEHICLES. NETS4CARS NETS4TRAINS NETS4AIRCRAFT 2016. JUNE 6-7, 2016 DONOSTIA SAN SEBASTIÁN, Spain.

b) Newsletters

1.4.3 Exploitation of Results
EATS project has generated an interesting foreground from the technical point of view, as presented in the “dissemination roadmap” subsection, above and below in the next section “use and dissemination of foreground”. This has been the basis for the contributions of all the deliverables for both the research paths EATS_LAB and EATS_GNSS.
As it is explained in the use and dissemination of foreground section (Section 2), the most of the impact of the results will benefit in the standards, subsets and other regulatory documents related with the signalling and communication systems studied. This could even fit for other applications where the same technologies of communication and signalling are used.
Additionally, the industrial consortium members have plans to further progress the work developed in EATS:
• NSL plan to take the positioning algorithms developed in EATS forward for further development and demonstration within future NSL activities, including within the Shift2Rail programme within which NSL are a member of the SmartRaCon associate member consortium. In the timeframe of the next 6-7 years, Shift2Rail will be the major European programme for advancing the application of GNSS in ERTMS. As well as the ETCS Level 3 application that was focused on in EATS, there are applications of GNSS for ETCS Level 2 including the Virtual Balise concept and the STPS concept could be adapted for this.
• Then INTEGRASYS intends to exploit the RDG developed within the EATS project. The RDG is a tool which is able to model GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) and WCT (Wireless Communications Technologies) systems used in STPS in order to simulate WCT and GNSS receiver observables generation in a set of railway scenarios. Finally it allows visualising and exporting results. The multidisciplinary technologies involved in the tool allow us to explore potential customers from different industries. The main spotlight is obviously on the railway sector. We have identified potential companies that would be interested in the RDG platform, such as CAF (Spain), INECO (Spain), Ansaldo (Italy), Alstom (France), Thales (Canada) or Indra (Spain). In addition, ETCS Certification Laboratories, would also be potential customers, such as Ineco (Spain), Multitel (Canada), RINA Railway Certification Laboratory (Italy), DLR (Germany). The main business line of INTEGRASYS is Telecommunication domain. Given that the RDG platform is also an horizontal technology that can be used in other domains, we aim to exploit it in our customer in the area of Telecommunication field and manufacturers, and strengthen synergies with current ones, as Hispasat, Telefonica, Abertis, Cellnex (Spain), ESA, SES (EU), iDirect, Hughes (US)
• ERTMS Solutions launched a partnership with a french SME, Expandium, to launch together a new product called TestOBU.SIL0 including the ERTMSFormalSpecs kernel. That product shall be targeted at ERTMS pre-testing market. The EATS lab has been heavily used by ERTMS Solutions to demonstrate to TestOBU.SIL0 potential customers that the ERTMSFormalSpecs kernel is capable of communicating with a simulated RBC and a simulated trackside, allowing ERTMS Solutions to raise the interest of these potential customers (among which SNCF, MAV and Thales).

List of Websites:

Contact details
Dr. Jaizki Mendizabal
Paseo Manuel de Lardizabal, 15
20018 San Sebastian (Spain)
Tel. (+34) 943 21 28 00
Fax: (+34) 943 21 30 76

Project website