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Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-18

End-user driven DEmo for cbrNe

Periodic Report Summary 1 - EDEN (End-user driven DEmo for cbrNe)

Project Context and Objectives:
The accidental or deliberate release of CBRNE materials are low probability events that can have a significant impact on citizens and society. Whenever and wherever they occur, they usually require a gradual and multi-facetted response as they tend to provoke severe and unexpected physical, psychological, societal, economic and political effects that cross EU borders. Successful CBRNE resilience requires a global System-of-Systems approach.

The EDEN project will work on 10 objectives that will leverage the added-value of tools and systems from previous R&D efforts and improve CBRNE resilience through their adaptation and integration. The concept of the EDEN project is to provide a “toolbox of toolboxes” EDEN Store to give stakeholders access to interoperable capabilities they deem important, or affordable, from a certified set of applications.

EDEN will be validated by three themed end-user demonstrations (Food Industry, Multi Chemical, Radiological) covering multiple hazards (CBRNE), phases of the security cycle, response tiers, and stakeholders. The EDEN consortium includes CBRNE domain end-users, major stakeholders, large system integration and solution providers, including SMEs with innovative solutions, and RTOs.

The impact of EDEN is to provide affordable CBRNE resilience and market sustainability through the better integration of systems in real operations and thus enhancing the safety of citizens.

Objective 1: Develop a "system of systems" namely EDEN Toolbox of Toolboxes (ToT) which will provide EU-tailored solutions able to improve CBRNE resilience and allow enhanced interoperability between CBRNE operators.

Objective 2: Integrate in EDEN ToT as much as possible existing tools relevant to the needs.

Objective 3: Develop, adapt and integrate in the ToT several new tools relevant to the most acute needs of the first responders.

Objective 4: Test and validate the ToT during the 3 field demonstrations: food, multinational C and RN, all 3 covering the various aspects of the overall demand, clearly demonstrate the added value.

Objective 5: Improve standardization and harmonization regarding procedures, technologies, exercises and concepts.

Objective 6: Take a special care of the population, through multiple aspects from societal acceptance to personal citizen protection.

Objective 7 : Make the EDEN ToT concept reliable, affordable and sustainable not only at the end of the EDEN project but as well in the mid- and long term.

Objective 8: Implement a response with respect to the multiplicity in the situations, member state by member state and at the EU Level.

Objective 9: Boost the EU CBRNE market through the inclusion of multi usability of CBRNE capabilities to make them affordable and sustainable.

Objective 10: Take into account as much as possible relevant, existing, past or on-going projects (for example DECOTESSC1 and CBRNEmap).

Project Results:
WP10 Project Management – The activities in the first two years have involved the overall Project co-ordination between consortium members and the End Users, Supplier and SME Platforms, including providing a project interface with the external Ethical and Project Advisory Boards. To ensure that the project remains co-ordinated and the project deliverables are satisfactory a Project Management Plan together with deliverable templates has been circulated to all 37 consortium members. Independent advisory teams for the project have been established with regular interactions to ensure the project is meeting its objectives. The SME Platform has 49 companies with 43 tools on the Tool Template. To date, there are provisionally 7 tools selected for the WP40 food contamination demonstrators, 11 tools for the WP50 chemical incident demonstrators and 9 tools for the WP60 radiological incident demonstrators. From the 22 members of the project’s Supplier Platform, which is gathering innovative solutions from providers not being part of the consortium, ca. 70 tools listed on the EDEN Store are offered to the project’s demonstrations.

WP20 End User needs, gap analysis and scenario development – During the first year of the project end user needs, gaps and requirements from EDEN workshops and results from previous projects have been identified and categorized in the delivered reports. These results were used to conduct a gap analysis of CBRNE events and published in the EDEN gap-analysis report. From both the end-user needs and gap analysis three scenario reports have been generated for the WP40, 50, and 60 demonstrations and reviewed with the EDEN Advisory Board. The last activity in WP20, scientific advice and transfer of results to other work packages will continue through to mid 2016. The main effort of this work is supporting demonstration leaders with scenario implementation and adaption, as well as assuring appropriate gaps from the gap analysis are coupled with selected tools for demonstrations. The final result will be a collection of lessons learnt from the demonstration activities.

WP30 EDEN Store Toolbox of Toolboxes – The work in the second period has released the V1 of the EDEN Store and and interfaces. The EDEN store offers catalogue, expert network, live functionalities. It includes multi-dimensional MTS Taxonomy and a master inventory of existing tools has been created and regularly updated allowing Identification and sorting of tools that are to be used in EDEN. The EDEN Tool template is now online allowing tools suppliers to upload, visualize and modify their tools into the EDEN Store V1. The first tools connection has been tested during demonstrations and table top exercises.

WP40 Food Demonstrations – During the first two years the technological approaches have been gathered that can represent potential solutions for filling the gaps for the surveillance points in the food defence field. Questionnaires have been customized to become a specific mapping instrument to gauge of the WP40 tools readiness level taking into account the particular requirements of the foreseen food scenario and demos. Each WP40 tool provider partner has started the work to review their technological solution in order to define a suitable configuration for their selected tools to be adopted in the food defence field.

WP50 Multi Chemical Demonstrations – During year one a description of the general methodology and demonstration action plan for the multi-C demonstrations was generated and delivered in June 2014. The other sub-workpackage (WP52, 53 and 54) kicked off in August 2014 in preparation for the table-top exercises and full scale demonstrations. During year two, preparation activities of the two table-top exercices (June 2015 in Oslo and October 2015) and the full-scale demonstration in Antwerp for November 2015 were carried out. The EDEN Store was customised for the C and E applications.

WP60 Radiological Demonstration – During the second year of the project most efforts were focused on preparation and conducting of initial RN demonstrations: Simulation for Virtual Facility (VF) – which was created as a series of 3 workshops, Initial Tabletop Exercise (TTX) and Initial Field Exercise (IFE) as well as preparatory work for the most difficult and complex task which will be conducting of 3-component Large Scale Demonstration planned for the third year of the EDEN project (May 2016). Also the preparation of the thematic demonstrations on “smuggling” and “dirty bomb” (both in September 2015 in Frascati, Italy) was accomplished.

WP70 Evaluation and Standards – The first year involved the development of the capability assessment, resilience and maturity tools for the project. An assessment of the maturity of the EDEN tools was completed with delivery of EDEN Store V0. Work in year two has focused on the development of a structured and generic evaluation process, and the creation of a defined set of evaluation aids. The aids cover the evaluation of certification of tools, approval of tools for use in a demo, training, tool ethical issues, usability and perceived usability and exercise strategy. The aids are being introduced in a progressive manner to gain evaluations from demo participants including end users, observers, tool suppliers, and consortium partners. Year two has also seen the creation of D73.3 EDEN Resilience Baseline and Expected Improvements, although delivery of the report has been delayed whilst vital analysis for the large scale Chemical demonstration is completed by specialists at Antwerpen Port. The standardisation related work was started with a review on relevant standards and an established liaison with standardisation committee CEN/TC391.

WP80 Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects – During the first two years the primary focus has been on the establishment of the Virtual Helpdesk, elaboration of the Guidance Documents for partners, and Ethical monitoring of the selected EDEN deliverables.

WP90 Exploitation and Dissemination – Project EDEN was presented on several events and conferences and information about current activities was updated on the external website. Leaflets, posters and other promotional materails were prepared and distributed. Press releases were prepared and translated into several European languages. Information about the project progress was produced and distributed via newsletters. The date and place of EDEN Fair which will be held in Autumn 2016 in Brussels was confirmed and first arrangements were done.

Potential Impact:

EDEN will provide the CBRNE stakeholders with a common framework that allows access to available up to date products and services including an exchange network that will allow users or experts to collaborate securely in real time.

From the EDEN Toolbox of Toolboxes to the 3 demonstrations:

Based on the 36 EDEN consortium partners internal knowledge coupled with extensive End Users feedback on priorities, the EDEN consortium have identified 3 practical demonstrations to demonstrate and evaluate the EDEN Store and its Toolbox of Toolboxes.
• Demo 1 Contamination in the Food Chain (B and C)
• Demo 2 Multi-attacks against chemical sites and multi-C attacks
• Demo 3 Radiological and Nuclear.

EDEN will demonstrate enhanced CBRNE resilience through these three themes which have been defined, and will be assessed by a panel of end users who have extensive experience across all phases of CBRNE from Threat Assessment through to Recovery. To ensure that the spectrum of EU member responses to CBRNE are considered, end users from a number of member states and several non EU countries will be involved with all phases of the demonstrations.

The primary aims of EDEN are:
• Shortening time to response (after an event occurs)
• Improving mass gathering/events security
• Enhancing the protection of sensitive or critical infrastructures
• Achieving a European lead in CBRNE sampling, detection, proficiency testing and forensics
• Boosting the EU civilian CBRNE market
• Reinforcing technological, societal and psychological resilience of the EU society

These aims will be realised with the EDEN Toolbox of Toolboxes approach and checked and improved throughout the demonstrations.

The EDEN Store concept:

The EDEN project will address three main categories of end users: the direct users who are the CBRNE operators across all security phases (threat assessment, prevention, preparedness, response and recovery), the population and the media. The requirements for these three categories are different as well as the “systems” they are using. They need specific methods, tools and systems to prepare and face a CBRNE crisis or an industrial/natural accident that adapts to their way of working, their environment and conditions.

Even at the operators level, the organizations, the operation methods, the constraints are very different and fragmented: the actors are not subordinated to a single supreme authority but refer to several ministries, organisations, etc. in several member states or countries.

The EDEN ToT provides the right level of interface between the various players together with flexibility at this interaction level that can vary according to the circumstances, the sites and the persons involved.

The capability of the ToT will be exercised through the 3 demonstrations to validate its capability of providing the end user community with access to available up to date products and services including an exchange network that will allow users or experts to collaborate in real time on a secure network

List of Websites: