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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-05-29

Monitoring the marine environment in Russia, Ukraine and Kasakhstan using satellite synthetic aperture radar


Satellite SAR images from ERS and ENVISAT and RADARSAT will be used to develop and validate retrieval algorithms for ocean and sea ice parameters. The SAR data will be analysed in combination with optical and IR data, met-ocean data from models and in situ platforms. The main tools in the SAR analysis will be the Radar Imaging Model (RIM) and the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) model provided by NIERSC and the SARTool provided by BOOST Technologies. The performance of existing algorithms for retrieval of oil slicks, wind, waves, sea ice parameters will be investigated as part of a benchmarking process. SAR monitoring exercises will be conducted in the three study areas with support from other met-ocean and satellite data. The data analysis will result in geophysical information (wind, waves, currents, fronts, slicks, sea ice parameters). Identified users will receive and assess the information and provide feedback to the service provides. The monitoring exercise will test the functioning of the service chain starting with input data and resulting in products delivered to users. An important element of marine monitoring services is to provide efficient and user friendly access to the products delivered by the service providers. For this purpose, MONRUK will develop and implement a webmap server system which is a web-based, distributed, marine information management system following INSPIRE guidelines. A prototype system, DISPRO, is available at ( By extending DISPRO toin several GMES projects, there will be a significant progress towards implementation of harmonized, pan-European, interoperable systems to provide data and information about the marine environment. Finally, MONRUK will establish a network with other related projects, organizations and agencies which are involved in developing operational oceanography services across Europe.

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