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Content archived on 2024-05-27

DEVelopment Of innovative Tools for understanding marine biodiversity and assessing good Environmental Status

Exploitable results

Result description

Downloadable posters explaining marine monitoring and biodiversity in an easy way.

Result type

* multimedia

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Result description

Ecosystem services maps from the Atlantic Ocean provided by benthic habitats.

Result type

* Scientific Publication

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Galparsoro, I., Borja, A. and M. C. Uyarra (2014) Mapping ecosystem services provided by benthic habitats in the European North Atlantic Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2014.00023; Galparsoro, I., German Rodriguez, J., Menchaca, I., Quincoces, I., Garmenida, J. M. and A. Borja (2015) Benthic habitat mapping on the Basque continental shelf (SE Bay of Biscay) and its application to the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive. J. Sea Res., 100, 70-76.

Result description

Diagrams and evidence on how climate change can affect the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) implementation.

Result type

* Scientific Publication

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Elliot, M., Borja, A., McQuatters-Gollop, A., Mazik, K., Birchenough, S., Andersen, J. H., Painting, S. and Peck, M. (2015) Forxe majeure: Will climate change affect our ability to attain Good Environmental Status for marine biodiversity? Mar. Poll. Bull., 95(1), 7-27.

Result description

Overview of the evolution in EU policy to more holistic directives on marine environmental protection.

Result type

* Scientific Publication

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Boyes, S. J. and M. Elliot (2014) Marine legislation - The ultimate 'horrendogram': International law, European directives and nationla implementation. Mar. Poll. Bull., 86(102), 39-47.

Result description

DEVOTool software contains indicators to assess the status within the Marine Strategy Frameowrk Directive (MSFD), used by Member States and Regional Sea Conventions. Allows selecting indicators and refining them.

Result type

* software/modelling tools

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Result description

The report provides indications and recommendations for the successful implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).

Result type

* Report

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Result description

New and updated indicators to be used in the assessment of the environmental status.

Result type

* Scientific Publication

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Aylagas, E., Borja, A. and N. Rodriguez-Ezpeleta (2014) Environmental Status Assessment using DNA metabarcoding: towards a genetics based marine biotic index (dAMBI). PLOS One, 10.1371/journal.pone.0090529; Krause-Jensen, D., Cartensen, J., Nielsen, S. L, et al., (2015) Sea bottom characteristics affect depth limits of eelgrass Zostera marina. Marine BIology - Progress Series, 425, 91-102, DOI: 10.3354/meps09026; Fu, C., Large, S., Knight, B., et al. (2015) Relationships among fisheries exploitation, environmental conditions, and ecological indicators across a series of marine ecosystems. J. Mar. Sys., 148, 101-111; Shannon, L., Coll, M., Bundy, A., et al. (2014) Trophic level-based indicators to track fishing impacts across marine ecosystems. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 512, 115-140; Engelhard, G. H., Lynam, C. P., Garcia-Carreras, B., Dolder, P. J. and S. Mackinson (2015) Effort reduction and the large fish indicators: spatial trends reveal positive impacts of recent European fleet reduction schemes, Environ. Conserv., 42(3), 227-236; Coll, M., Shannon, L. J., Kleisner, K. M., et al. (2016) Ecological indicators to capture the effects of fishing on biodiversity and conservation status of marine ecosystems. Ecological Indicators, 60, 947-962.

Result description

Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) regional seas maps, different geographical information system (GIS) layers with data from the project.

Result type

* services/tools

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Result description

Non-invasive biosensors as early warning for pollution detection in marine waters.

Result type

* product

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Result description

Marine monitoring networks in Europe aiming to assess the status of marine biodiversity for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).

Result type

* Report

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Result description

Application of signal detection theory (SDT) to evaluate the specificity and sensitivity of the Benthic Quality Index (BQI), its response to the eutrophication pressure, and its performance under the effects of estuarine water outflow. 

Result type

* exploitable scientific result

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Chuseve, R., Nygard, H., Vaiciute, D., Daunys, D. abd Zaiko, A. (2016) Application of signal detection theory approach for setting thresholds in benthic quality assessments. Ecological indicators, 60, 420-427.

Result description

A simple tool for integrated assessment of biodiversity status based on the HELCOM Biodiversity Assessment Tool (BEAT), where interim biodiversity indicators are grouped by themes: broad-scale habitats, communities, and species as well as supporting non-biodiversity indicators

Result type

* services/tools

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Andersen, J.H., Dahl, K., Goke, C., et al. (2014) Integrated assessment of marine biodiversity status using a prototype indicator-based assessment tool. Frontiers in Marine Science, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2014.00055

Result description

The report explores existing conceptual models of pressure-state change and refines these to produce a new model focusing on the way in which state change arises from the individual to the ecosystem leve.

Result type

* Report

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Result description

Report on the key barriers to achieving Good Environmental Status (GES). Part A comprises a comprehensive review of the documented concerns related to the legislative, policy and regulatory barriers to achieving GES; Part B develops and applies a systemic modelling approach to further understand and explore ways of achieving GES.

Result type

* Report

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Result description

Many species of microbes, plankton, meiofauna and macrofauna sequenced and available at BOLD and GeneBank repositories.

Result type

* Scientific Publication

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Gerard, K., Guilloton, E., Arnaud-Haond, S., et al. (2013) PCR survey of 50 introns in animals: cross applification of homologous EPIC loci in eight non-bilaterin, protosome and deuterosome phyla. Mar. Genomics, 12, 1-8; Rene, A., Camp. J and E. Garces (2015) Diversity and phylogeny of Gymnodinaies (Dinophyceae) from the NW Mediterranean Sea reavled by a morphological and molecular approach. Protist, 166(2), 234-263; Zaiko, A., Martinez, J. L., Schmidt-Pedersen, J., Ribicic, D., Samuiloviene, A. and E. Garcia-Vazquez (2015) Metabarcoding approach for the ballast water surveillance - and advantageous solution or an awkward challenge? Mar. Poll. Bull., doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.01.008.

Result description

European Seas Keystone Species Catalogue and the Keystone Review Report (844 entries concerning 210 distinct species and 19 groups classified by major habitats in the Baltic Sea, North East Atlantic, Mediterranean, Black Sea and Norwegian Sea.

Result type

* Report

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Result description

A refined and operational definition of Good Environmental Status (GES) is proposed indicating the data and information are needed for that definition.

Result type

* Scientific Publication

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Borja, A., Elliot, M., Andersen, J. H., et al. (2013) Good Environmental Stuatus of marine ecosystems: What is it and how do we know when we have attained it? Mar. Poll. Bull., 76(1-2), 16-27.

Result description

Benthic habitats on the Basque continental shelf were mapped based on multibeam echosounder surveys, grab sampling, video surveys and oceanographic monitoring.

Result type

* Scientific Publication

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Galparsoro, I., Agrafojo, X., Roche, M. and Degrendele, K. (2014) Comparison of supervised and unsupervised automatic classification methods for sediment types mapping using multibeam echosounder and grab sampling. Italian J. Geosciences, doi: 10.3301/IJG.2014.19

Result description

Validation of Medium Resolution Imaging Spectometer (MERIS) reflectance, the ocean colour sensor launched on the ENVISAT satellite by the European Space Agency, to the monitoring of a Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Descriptor for Good Environmental Status (GES).

Result type

* Scientific Publication

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Cristina, S., Icely, J., Costa Goela, P., DelVallis, T. A. and A. Newton (2015) Using remote sensing as a support to the implemntaton of the European Marine Strategy Framework Driective in SW Portugal. Continental Shelf Research, 108, 169-177; Vitorino Cristina, S. C., Moore, G. F., Costa Goela, P. R. F., Icely, J. D. and A. Newton (2014) In situ validation of MERIS marine refelctance off the southwest Iberian Peninsula: assessment of vicarious adjustment and corrections for near-land adjacnency. Int. J. Remore Sensing, 35(6), 2347-2377.

Result description

It reviews various methods that have been or could be applied to evaluate the uncertainty related to deterministic models' outputs.

Result type

* Scientific Publication

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Uusitalo, L., Lehikoinen, A., Helle, I. and Myrberg, K. (2015) An overview of methods to evaluate uncertainty of determinsitic models in decision support. Environmental Modelling and Software, 63, 24-31.

Result description

Studies to address the potential of ecological models to provide information about indicators outlined inthe Marine Strategy Frameowrk Directive (MSFD), particularly on biodiversity, food webs, non-indigenousspecies and seafloor integrity.

Result type

* Scientific Publication

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Piroddi, C., Teixeira, H., Lynam, C. P., et al. (2015) Using ecological models to assess the ecosystem status in support of the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Ecological Indicators, 58, 175-191; Glaparsoro, I., Borja, A., Kostylev, V. E., Rodriguez, G., Pascual, M. and I. Muxika (2013) A process-driven sedimentary habitat modelling approach, explaining seafloor integrity and biodiversity assessment within the European Marine Startegy Framework Directive. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 131, 194-205.

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