This project aims at exploring the unique properties of soft matter, inimitable with conventional solid materials, to extend basic knowledge and to trigger novel applications. Three core objectives going far beyond the state of the art are tackled: in conformable electronics stretchable ferroelectrets and rechargeable batteries promise novel electronic items. The groundbreaking approach of this proposal is the development of stand-alone stretchable electronic items including sensing capabilities for touch and other environmental stimuli, information distribution, as well as power generation and distribution. Such devices can be used in soft robots, artificial limbs and morph designs. The second objective on soft machines addresses electromechanical instabilities in soft transducers, leading to giant stroke actuators, enabling programmable Braille readers and tactile feedback in consumer electronics. Stretchable nonlinear optical materials allow for efficient phase-matched operation, opening new research fronts in adaptive photonics. The third objective on renewable energy concerns mechanical energy scavenging from environmental sources. We focus on water as electrode in deformable capacitors and as gap filling dielectric in variable capacitors. Efficient operation cycles maximizing energy of conversion are developed. The wide range of objectives, but also the possible applications require expertise in thermodynamics of soft matter, in electrical and mechanical engineering and in device implementation. The challenge of the overall approach is to base research on materials from renewable sources. We expand knowledge in applying soft materials in conformable electronics, soft machines and energy harvesting and contribute to general challenges in sustainability and energy supply. This creative project establishes new research reflected in publications, patents and devices but will also expand our fundamental understanding in stretching soft matter performance.
Champ scientifique (EuroSciVoc)
CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.
CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.
- ingénierie et technologiegénie de l'environnementénergie et combustiblesénergie renouvelable
- sciences naturellessciences physiquesthermodynamique
- sciences naturellessciences physiquesphysique de la matière condenséephysique de la matière molle
- ingénierie et technologiegénie mécanique
- sciences médicales et de la santémédecine fondamentaleneurologieaccident vasculaire cérébral
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Régime de financement
ERC-AG - ERC Advanced GrantInstitution d’accueil
4040 Linz