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Content archived on 2024-05-28

Envelope Approach to improve Sustainability and Energy efficiency in Existing multi-storey multi-owner residential buildings

Final Report Summary - EASEE (Envelope Approach to improve Sustainability and Energy efficiency in Existing multi-storey multi-owner residential buildings)

Executive Summary:
The EASEE project was launched in March 2012 responding to the EU measures for the promotion of buildings’ energy efficiency in Europe in order to ensure the achievement of the EU's 202020 ambitious climate and energy targets and to pave the way for further energy efficiency improvements for 2020 and 2050. The concept behind the EASEE project was the development of a toolkit for energy efficient envelope retrofitting of existing multi-storey and multi-owner buildings (particularly the project targets residential buildings with cavity walls built before 70’s) allowing building energy demand reduction.
Indeed, EASEE proposed both innovations on the technological side, developing different types of advanced insulating components and materials for the three envelope parts (namely for the outer façade, for the cavity wall and for the interior) and innovations on the software side, offering a new consulting service tool for building retrofitting (namely the Retrofitting Planner including the Design Tool). These new technologies, processes and softwares developed within the project shall be integrated at constituting a new holistic approach to building retrofitting aimed at reducing time and costs associated to this activity while guaranteeing higher energy efficiency, minor burden to building occupants and façade original aesthetic preservation.
Concerning the exterior retrofitting, an innovative prefabricated panel made of TRM (Textile Reinforced Mortar) with a core made of Polystyrene foam obtained without any further interface material has been designed. These panels have been tested first at material level (optimization of mortar mix, adhesion of material, etc.), at prototype level (mechanical, thermal and hygrothermal behavior) and then at real scale level (SLS tests and displacement controlled tests up to failure) till the final characterization of the panel design. Their unique manufacturing process (a dedicated formwork) has been also tested and optimized. Concerning the cavity wall retrofitting, a hydrophobation process was developed and scaled up for Natural Expanded Perlite (NEP), from 20-60% repellency to 60-90%, or 100% floaters (hydrophobicity) and for the Synthetic Expanded Perlite (ESP), from 40-80% water repellency to 83-91 %, or 100% floaters (hydrophobicity). Moreover, a new Synthetic Perlite was developed, using mainly mineral waste, recycled materials and industrial by-products, fine tuning the recipe in order to meet the various applications’ requirements. Concerning solutions for the interior retrofitting, three different kits (namely perlite board, aerogel wallpaper and flat laminated aerogel board) have been developed for the esthetical and energy efficient renovation.
These solutions have been first installed at test façade level and properly monitored, showing a decrease in U-value of around 65% concerning the exterior envelope, of more than 89% for the cavity wall and from 24% to 44% for inner kits.
Once tested at small scale, the EASEE retrofitting approach has been then implemented at real scale level. Three residential buildings in three different countries (Poland, Spain, Italy) have been selected towards the validation of the external retrofitting solutions, two demo buildings in Greece and Spain validated the performances of advanced hydrophobized perlite in the cavity wall and finally interior retrofitting kits have been tested both in Italy and Poland. Monitoring campaign showed relevant environmental impacts (in terms of energy savings, CO2 reduced emissions and increased indoor comfort), societal impacts (in terms of new job generation, regeneration of urban areas and safety in installation) as well as economic impacts, namely money savings.
Activities at demo buildings allowed the consortium not only to validate the retrofitting approach, in terms of technologies and software developed and implemented but also to think about how to propose the EASEE approach to the market, and thus to real clients through dedicated business models and strategies.

Project Context and Objectives:
The EASEE project has started in March 2012 responding to the measures put in place by the European Commission for the promotion of buildings energy efficiency in Europe towards the achievement of ambitious climate and energy targets and to pave the way for further energy efficiency improvements. Indeed, the EU set itself a 20% energy savings target by 2020 when compared to the projected use of energy in 2020 – roughly equivalent to turning off 400 power stations. At the EU summit in October 2014 EU countries agreed on a new energy efficiency target of 27% or greater by 2030. The European Commission had proposed 30% in its Energy Efficiency Communication ( In this framework, the EU's main legislations when it comes to reducing the energy consumption of buildings were the 2010 Energy Performance of Buildings Directive and the 2012 Energy Efficiency Directive.
The 2010 Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD: Directive 2010/31/eu of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the Energy Performance of Buildings) introduced the requirement of implementing energy efficiency measures for major renovations in order to encourage more ambitious renovation. The EPBD also asked EU Member States to introduce cost-optimal energy performance requirements that can be used for new buildings as well as for renovation activities. It also encouraged the elimination of market barriers that affect the full cost-effective potential from being achieved and it pushed for economic support instruments to stimulate the renovation of the existing building stock.
The 2012 Energy Efficiency Directive complemented the EPBD by encouraging ambitious renovations through the requirement for Member States to establish strategies for the renovation of national building stocks by April 2014.
By recognizing that the existing building stock (with a particular focus on buildings constructed when there was no consciousness of the importance of energy efficiency (1925-1945)) represents a substantial share in the EU’s total energy consumption (40% Source: International Energy Agency), the EASEE project aimed at finding the proper way to remove barriers and overcome market failures that impede efficiency improvement in the buildings retrofitting.
In this framework, the concept behind the EASEE project was the development of a toolkit for energy efficient envelope retrofitting of existing multi-storey and multi-owner buildings (particularly the project targets residential buildings with cavity walls built before 70’s) allowing building energy demand reduction.
Indeed, EASEE proposed a holistic approach for energy efficient envelope retrofitting which combined novel design and assessment strategies (including softwares like Design Tool and Retrofitting Planner as well as procedures for building energy and geometrical assessment), modular prefabricated elements, advanced insulating materials and new scaffolding-free installation approaches to reduce energy demand, minimizing the impact on occupants while preserving the façade original appearance. Thus, the new range of specific solutions developed within the project could be combined according to the characteristics of the building to be retrofitted as well as other non-technical parameters as for example the cost and location of the building, also within the district.
In order to put in place and widespread the abovementioned retrofitting approach, the work programme was broken down into the following detailed objectives:
• To design and develop different types of advanced insulating components and materials for the three envelope parts; in particular the following innovative components have been developed:
o Pre-fabricated enhanced panels for the building external envelope retrofitting;
o Enhanced perlite for the cavity wall retrofitting;
o Aerogel boards for the building internal envelope retrofitting;
o Perlite boards for the building internal envelope retrofitting;
o Aerogel wallpaper for the building internal envelope retrofitting;
• To develop manufacturing processes for the pre-fabricated enhanced panels based on casting procedure supported by experimental testing on moulds with complex shapes and on adjustable/flexible moulding customizing the process to increase the automation level;
• To develop pre-installed (in the pre-casted panel) and post-installed (drilled in the façade) anchoring systems;
• To develop and improve the technology for the Expanded (Natural and Synthetic) Perlite perfect hydrophobation;
• To define a standard and SME friendly procedure for the assessment of the building to be retrofitted, in terms of envelope structural conditions and energetic performances;
• To develop a planning tool (Retrofitting Planner) to evaluate the energy performance of the building and to simulate its behaviour after retrofitting with different combined solutions developed within the project;
• To develop a tool module (Design Tool) which provides the technical specifications for the customized component fabrication to the manufacturers of the prefabricated elements;
• To develop a building performance remote monitoring platform fully customizable in terms of data acquisition and able to give to the customers the possibility to adjust the product to their needs;
• To develop protocols and guidelines for the components installation.
Additionally, non-technical objectives were proposed for those tasks related to dissemination, consultancy and policies as well as exploitation activities.
The overall EASEE project approach is summarized in Figure 1, showing the links and the workflow of the above mentioned project objectives.

Project Results:
The EASEE approach to envelope retrofitting was based on key technological concepts addressing the outer envelope, the cavity wall and the internal walls of the target buildings as well as on software tools supporting the General Assembly (GA) of these buildings to take informed decisions and facilitate the design process. The target buildings for the project were identified among residential multi-storey multi-owner buildings built between 1925 and 1975 where there was little or no consciousness of the need to design for energy efficient performance. Usually information related to those buildings is often not available or not enough detailed. To overcome this problem, the EASEE holistic approach for building retrofitting foresees as a first step the complete diagnostic of the building through a dedicated methodology developed within the project, based on innovative combinations of state of the art technologies allowing the collection of a complete set of data with standard formats.
Then, by using a dedicated software tool (namely the Retrofitting Planner), the user is be able to evaluate the energy performance of the building (U-value, energy demand, etc.) and to simulate its behavior after retrofitting with different combined solutions among those developed within the project (or out of the project, such as traditional retrofitting solutions) taking into account surroundings, district aspects, location, and also providing an estimation of costs, service life, return of investments and savings on energy bills. The tool provides the end user with the potential retrofitting solutions alternatives and the building GA can then refer to the product manufacturers.
In the case of exterior retrofitting, dedicated software (namely the Design Tool) provides the designer with the definition of the geometries and sizes of the panels for external envelope retrofitting, together with specifications for their fabrication. The manufacturers could be then able to calibrate the formwork, designed and built within the project, for the different panels’ geometries, while ensuring at the same time a proper aesthetic of the façade.
Last but not least, the anchoring systems are provided according to the structure of the building and to the type of panel. Finally the SME is able to install the panels through the proper installation procedure developed within the project, avoiding the use of scaffoldings and thus minimizing annoyances for the buildings’ occupants.
In the case the exterior retrofitting would not be possible to cover the energy needs, there would be the possibility to combine the exterior retrofitting with the cavity walls retrofitting through high insulating loose filler, also hydrophobized towards the improvement of their durability and performances. Moreover, in the case of heritage buildings, where the façade cannot be modified, the interior retrofitting can ensure, with or without cavity retrofitting, the expected savings, through the combination of specific highly insulating layers (based on aerogel or perlite). Therefore, there are several possible combinations of project solutions that can help and enhance buildings’ performance, taking into account their location and needs.
To put in place the above described approach the following Scientific and Technological objectives were set up and achieved, taking into account the specific technological components and the retrofitting process as a whole. For clarity, Scientific and Technological objectives have been divided into “objectives related to advanced insulating components” and “objectives related to retrofitting process”.
Objectives related to advanced insulating components:
• To design and develop a multi-layer panel made of an insulating material and shells of Textile Reinforced Mortars (TRM) with small (1,2m x 1,2m), medium and big dimensions (maximum 1,2m x 3 m) to adapt to different façade geometries. The objective was to achieve a mortar layer thickness below 2 cm (average weight below 40 kg/m2) with ready-finished surface and shapeable by selecting appropriate TRM mix designs, self-levelling and with low statistical deviation of experimental results, both in fresh and hardened state. The panel shall be safe, fire and impact resistant, according to ETAG 04 norms.
• To develop manufacturing processes for the pre-fabricated panels based on casting procedure supported by experimental testing on moulds with complex shapes and on adjustable/flexible moulding customizing the process to increase the automation level. The process shall start from the 3D CAD of the building envelope and generate the target surface, thus enabling the production of the module. The best trade-off between system’s flexibility (possibility to produce the largest part of shapes) and stress resistance (in order to enable the largest part of forming processes) shall be selected and developed.
• To develop pre-installed (in the pre-casted panel) and post-installed (drilled in the façade) anchoring systems, able to hold a vertical load between 400 and 500 N for each anchoring, which is compatible with an estimated facade weight of about 600-700 N/m2 and made of materials with lowest possible thermal conductivity and highest strength (as for example combined technical polymers and stainless steel) to minimize thermal bridges. Anchors must guarantee a degree of vertical and horizontal adjustability of at least ± 10 mm to compensate on-site tolerances in connections.
• To design and develop cost-effective innovative interface components between walls and glazing/fenestration, able to ensure air-tightness and impermeability along the product lifecycle, easy to install and fault tolerant.
• To develop hydrophobation technology for cavity walls inorganic fillers completely different vs. the existing conventional ones (i.e. spraying of silicone emulsions). This technology is expected to reduce the addition of the hydrophobic agent from 2-4% w/w down to 0,2-0,3% w/w. The final characteristics of the hydrophobic perlite shall be: Thermal conductivity, λ:0,040 W/mK, less than 7% humidity absorption in 90% relative humidity environment, at 70 °C after 24 h, less than 5% shrinkage (sedimentation) in 90% relative humidity environment after 24h.
• To reduce hygroscopicity of Synthetic perlite by replacing raw materials that have been used so far and substitute them with natural mineral which poses similar eutectic properties and most of them are industrial rejects, or by apply the above mentioned new dry hydrophobation technology on Synthetic Perlite particles.
• To develop a multilayered insulating kit for the inner walls able to increase the energy efficiency of the existing envelope by at least 20% if applied alone, reducing installation time by 20% or more, compared with other typical five-ten years inner renovating works (traditional plaster and painting; plasterboard; wallpaper; false ceiling). The proposed system shall guarantee wall transpiration, continuity of insulation around junctions, the possibility of electrical integration and a washable and adapt to finishing surface, ensuring at the same time durability and recyclability of at least 80% of the constituting elements.
• To develop perlite microbubbles which shall have all the known properties of expanded perlite granules but in addition have a size between 30 μm and 200 μ to be used as filler in thin plasters, rendering and coatings. Microbubbles shall be developed based on previous feasibility work, not using common perlite expanders but through a new vertical, narrow tube-expander fed from the bottom. This approach shall be applicable not only for internal wall surfaces but also for any kind of coating for metallic surfaces of the building envelope which create thermal bridges.
Objectives related to retrofitting process:
• To provide a new approach to envelope retrofitting based on a combination of innovative modular elements reproducing 3D elements and finishing of the façade while providing superior insulating characteristics that could be installed without fixed scaffoldings, with an easy and dry procedure, thus minimizing discomforts for the occupants as well as the duration of the intervention. This approach avoided the removal of the whole plaster from the façade, thus reducing noise, dust and construction waste. A strong point of this modular system is that if a problem occurs in a specific point of the façade, only the related panel can be removed and replaced, without larger and more expensive interventions.
• To define a standard and SME friendly procedure for the assessment of the building to be retrofitted, in terms of envelope structural conditions and energetic performances, based on innovative combinations of state of the art technologies (i.e. 3D laser scanning, thermography/spectral imaging), allowing the collection of a complete set of data with standard formats to be used as a starting point for the planning of retrofitting intervention. Particularly:
o To develop a TLS-based (Terrestrial Laser Scanner) facades-survey able to provide a 3D virtual model product for 3D Reverse Engineering purposes for retrofitting solution, allowing the morphologic reconstruction of the external skin by reproducing the same geometric matrix of the façade, overcoming the barriers in the morphologic reconstruction by improving modeling algorithms and tools, in order to support semi-automatic process of modules and elements prototyping.
o To define a method to adjust the required level of detail to the accurate description of the façade, that will be higher in correspondence of complex elements as the windows abutments, moldings, ledges, cornices, architraves with frequent changes of slope and multiple discontinuity edges.
o To reconstruct 1:1 scale of modules prototyping, using Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition algorithms, in order to solve the maximum point of un-distinguished borders along the most important node-edge of the pre-cast mold to be reconstructed.
• To develop a design and planning tool (Retrofitting Planner), starting from different modules already developed by project partner IES, with characteristics of interoperability, ease of use, acceptance of various input file formats, able to evaluate the energy performance of the building (U-Value, energy demand,..) and to simulate its behavior after retrofitting with different combined solutions among those developed within the project taking into account surroundings, district aspects, location, and also providing an estimation of costs, service life, return on investments, and savings on energy bills. The tool shall also define the geometries and size of the panels for external envelope retrofitting, providing specifications for their fabrication. More in detail:
o To implement and validate a method of easily assessing the performance in difference climate regions using Building Energy Index (BEI, patent pending). The BEI could be the basis of an easy to generate comparative scoring system as well as for compliance regulations in the future. This capability will be incorporated into the façade ‘testing’ element to allow quick evaluation of the most appropriate façade option for the climate regions as part of the output data.
o To extend measurement and verification capabilities to support the assessment and verification of the savings the user can get from the implementation of any Energy Conservation Measure. This will be achieved by means of the development of a bespoke Navigator.
o To provide additional methods of creating 3D models into the software e.g. Laser Scanning, 3D models from Photographs and using Goole Earth data.
o To develop at least three new workflow navigators to help users of varying skills and experience to be able to optimize and verify the performance of their façade, starting form patented workflow navigator technology.
• To develop protocols and guidelines for the components installation, comprising procedures to be followed during the retrofitting as well as checklist and detailed troubleshooting tables for the different insulating components and also for anchoring and joints. Visual directives such as pictures and/or video samples will be provided to help the user.
By achieving the above described objectives, the EASEE project provided a holistic retrofitting approach capable of wide replication across Europe, by pursuing partners’ strategic channels to foster the wide diffusion of these components and technologies. Replication potential has been ensured first by the demonstration of the whole process from the manufacturing of single component for exterior, interior and cavity walls retrofitting to the installation, involving the whole value chain. A proof of concept of the EASEE approach has been shown first at small scale mocks up (test façade in Milan) than at larger scale (demo building in Madrid and Gdansk) and then at building scale with the retrofitting of a whole demo building in Milan, aimed at validating the whole approach from design to performance evaluation phase along with a well-developed marketing supply chain network.

Potential Impact:
On the 29th of February 2016, the EASEE project, lasting 4 years since the 1st of March 2012, will be concluded. Starting from R&D activities, technological prototypes became technical products to be validated first at small scale and then at large scale, first in laboratory then applied at test facades and finally installed in real residential buildings (called hereafter demo buildings).
In the following, the potential impacts for the future developments of the EASEE project are assessed on the basis of technical performances measured at the different demo sites for the solutions developed. As such, the impacts the project can deliver is assessed on the basis of the performances demonstrated in the different real dimension installations.
>>Test Facades<<
The first practical implementation of the project results was performed by installing prototypes on a test façade where their performances could have been evaluated in a “controlled” real environment. In particular, prototypes for indoor and cavity wall retrofitting were installed and monitored, while the first trial of external retrofitting consisted in the installation of thirteen panels of different textures and colors produced and installed (with no scaffoldings) on the selected test façade in Milan, and their energy behavior properly monitored.
Concerning the cavity and the inner retrofitting, the improvement due to the developed solutions in thermal conductance and, consecutively, thermal transmittance of the wall has been calculated by both by. Average Method and by dynamic analysis, before and after retrofit. A decrease in U-value of 45% for the advanced perlite boards, 39.40% for the permeable insulating wallpaper and 25% for the flat laminated panel has been obtained with respect to the base wall. For the hydrophobized loose perlite the improvement was more than 85%.
Moreover, from hygro-thermal analysis performed concerning inner retrofitting, it has been also noticed that the kits had a positive effect on indoor climate in winter thanks to an average rise of 1.5°C, while the most interesting result was concerning the relative humidity among the three kits in which a difference of 10% RH at the cold side was visible in winter. During summer the difference was minimum.
Concerning the test facade external retrofitting, the improvement due to the developed solution (prefabricated insulating panels) in terms of thermal transmittance of the wall has been calculated using the Average Method before and after retrofit. It has been noticed from the data and the thermal photos that the prefabricated panels attenuated the heat flux reducing the energy losses and the thermal bridges. In particular, according to the monitoring campaign performed, a decrease in U-value of more than 65% was found.
Moreover, because of the thermal inertia of the panels, the external solution allowed to reduce the internal ambient air temperature during summer. Thus, the test façade was able to slow the rate at which the sun heats the office space.
Activities at test façade level allowed the consortium not only to evaluate the thermal performances and the hygro-thermal behavior of the solutions, but also to investigate on potential improvements on their production/manufacturing process as well as to test and optimize their installation procedures (primarily for what concern the external retrofitting panels).
>>Demo buildings<<
Core part of demonstration activities performed within the project was the validation of the EASEE approach towards energy efficiency at large scale through the retrofitting of existing residential buildings. Indeed, according to the procedure developed for the building structural and energetic diagnostic, the envelope of the selected demo buildings have been assessed, identifying geometrical structure and mapping thermal bridges through thermo-camera. All relevant non-technical parameters and indicators have been also collected. The design of the retrofitting intervention though EASEE solutions have been performed with the support of Retrofitting Planner and Design Tool as well as BIM software as a further validation of the proposed approach. Generally, the owners of the demo buildings have been involved in the retrofitting process design and intervention from the very beginning.
Based on the retrofitting design, the EASEE technical solutions have been manufactured, and all the other materials necessary for the external envelope, cavity and interior insulation have been produced and transported close to the demo sites. Installation of external components, cavity insulation and interior retrofitting on parts of the buildings has been carried out by the partners responsible for each demo, according to the guidelines provided within the project.
In particular, three residential buildings in three different countries have been selected towards the validation of the whole external retrofitting approach. Forty EASEE panels have been produced and installed at a residential building in Poland (Gdansk) providing a decrease in U-value of more than 75% with respect to the base wall. The rest of the building has been retrofitted through a traditional approach (ETICS) in order to compare not only the energy performances of the two approaches but also the installation procedures. In particular, a reduction of 50% of installation duration of EASEE panels compared to traditional approach has been experienced. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that the EASEE panels enhanced the building indoor comfort in winter, by increasing the indoor temperature of 1°C without altering the heating supply system, also thanks to the solar reflectance of the EASEE panels that improved reflectance of the building itself more than twice with respect to traditional retrofitting (e.g. ETICS).
One of the façade of a residential house in Spain (Madrid) has been retrofitted as well, not only acting on the exterior envelope but also on the cavity wall by injecting advanced Expanded Perlite properly hydrophobized. The Design Tool was used and validated both in Spain and in Poland for the optimization of the panels, minimizing the number of shapes required and highlighting the critical points where specific solutions for the joints have to be adopted, according to the building and manufacturing process requirements.
In this case, a noticeable improvement in the U/value was achieved with the combined solutions installed. In comparison with the initial wall configuration of the building, a reduction of 62% in the U/value of the retrofitted wall through perlite injection was calculated. The external retrofitting reduced the U/value from the same façade of 56,3%. The combination of the two retrofitting solution resulted in a reduction of more than 80% in the U/value from the original brick wall. From simulations carried out according to the new procedure for the energy certification of existing building (published by IDEA) the retrofitting intervention provided satisfactory outcomes in terms of energy efficiency improvements. Primary energy for heating has decreased of 37% (from 159 KWh/m2y to 99 KWh/m2y), providing also a reduction of 38% in heating emissions.
Last but not least, a residential multi-storey building in Italy (Milan) has been entirely retrofitted. The design saw the installation of 186 EASEE panels with different colors and textures (for a total of 28 typologies). Building envelope assessment using 3D laser scanning techniques has been used for acquiring a very detailed model and geometrical relief of the building for anchoring systems installation onsite. The Retrofitting Planner was used in order to evaluate expected cost, performance and return on investment to be validated through sensor data.
In comparison with the initial wall configuration of the building, a reduction of 67% in the U/value of the retrofitted wall has been calculated from the data available during monitoring campaign. This meant reduced energy consumption and higher thermal comfort. Indeed, the monitoring campaign showed an improved thermal internal behavior due to the increased efficiency of the building envelope. The combination between thermal mass and thermal insulation allowed the reduction of the inner temperature variation during the complete cycle of thermal charge and discharge of the envelope.
According to simulations performed through the Retrofitting Planner, the energy performance is expected to be improved of about 15% and the payback time after process optimization (1,5 years from the end of the project) is calculated of 9 years.
Retrofitting of almost 600 square meters lasted less than 3 months, avoiding the scaffolding and thus minimizing the annoyances of building occupants. Indeed, informal interview to building occupants highlighted a very good feedback on the renovation from both thermal comfort and aesthetics point of view.
Concerning the cavity wall retrofitting, two dedicated demo buildings have been built in Greece (Athens) at Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park where Expanded Synthetic Perlite (ESP) and Hydrophobized Natural Expanded Perlite (NEP) have been injected respectively in the East and South wall and performance compared against cavity wall without insulation and wall retrofitted with XPS. Monitoring started in October 2015.
Concerning solutions for the interior retrofitting, two of the advanced indoor insulation solutions were also installed in a room at Politecnico of Milan in order to test the application of the proposed solutions to walls with the same complexity that may be encountered in practice (window openings, corners, shutter boxes, doors, etc.). Installation of the most promising kit for interior retrofitting has been also performed at the Polish demo building (in the attic).
>>Dissemination activities<<
At the beginning of the project, with the aim of fostering results visibility, a dedicated dissemination and communication strategy has been set up and properly followed along the project. The idea behind the EASEE dissemination and communication strategy was to maximize the benefits of the project not only to project partners but also to the external entities interested in acquiring a direct access and adopting the specific project results. Therefore, the Plan provided a clear definition of the dissemination tasks and the related responsible actors as well as of the target groups to be reached through appropriate dissemination tools and channels. To ensure a maximum efficiency of the dissemination activities, EASEE focused on the specifically defined target groups. A targeted approach eliminated a wide distribution of general information to an unspecified audience, which might be of little use. To provide added value, information dedicated to each target group will be tailored to their specific interest in the EASEE outcomes. Therefore, EASEE focused on the dissemination tasks, tools and media most suitable to serve the above purpose.
In this context, the EASEE dissemination activities have been implemented at three levels:
• European level: the main dissemination effort have been focused on the European group of stakeholders as well as other beneficiaries e.g. various networks, technology platforms e.g. European Construction Platform and encompassed communicating information acquired from the EASEE Demo buildings as well as issues of European wide interest e.g. impacts of EASEE on policy, transferability/replication of best practices implemented locally/regionally, etc. This dissemination level also includes the European research and academia community towards whom different communication channels and tools have been applied as well as international scientific, professional and non-professional journals.
• National level: the main dissemination effort has been focused on decision makers in the construction industry and national owners associations, national associations of professionals, national technology platforms and clusters. This level included also financial organizations involved in construction or investors operating on national level.
• Regional/local level: the development and deployment of a new approach to envelope retrofitting and the set up a local supply chain of components shall be in principle built upon a local approach involving local stakeholders and end users. Therefore, the dissemination tasks addressed the groups regional/local stakeholders centered on demo buildings for which own local dissemination approach has been developed and implemented by relevant partners benefiting from the available dissemination materials and established contacts with the local stakeholders.
In this framework, dissemination actions undertaken by the Partners have been tracked for monitoring purposes through dedicated Tracking List of Dissemination Actions and Publication Track Record (also updated in this Report).
Among the different single partners’ dissemination activities, three dedicated workshops have been organized close to the demo sites retrofitted within the project, so as to have a showcase of the proposed technical solutions applied in the real cases. Moreover a final seminar has been organized in Bruxelles on both the financial aspects but also the technical aspects and main impacts of the project results installation.
The project website ( has been continuously updated, by publishing various technical documents, reports and news and events session has been regularly tracked. Dissemination documents (brochures, posters and videos) have been revised and widely disseminated among academic institutions, research institutes, international organizations and the industry.
>>Exploitation Activities<<
In parallel with project dissemination activities, exploitation activities have also been carried out along with the results development and finalization. Main output was the Project Exploitation Plan that constituted a “living document” along the project, as the first version was issued at Month 6, and further updated at Month 12, 24, 36 till the final version at the end of the project. Main purposes of this document were:
• To establish and maintain mechanisms for effective exploitation
• To inform stakeholders of the project development and encourage interactions/networking among them
• To coordinate all levels and types of exploitation of the knowledge produced by the project
• To ensure that there is a common understanding and agreement as well as alignment among the partners on the exploitation strategy to be followed, on a timely basis and by the most effective means
As a first step towards exploitation, a definition of Exploitable Results has been provided in order to help the consortium in the clear identification of the EASEE project Exploitable Results (ERs). Exploitable Results have been preliminarily identified and then discussed along the project, according to project activities and results development. Sometimes it was agreed to split one result into more results as well as to merge two results strictly linked together. Once identified, the Exploitable Results have been clustered and properly characterized according to the specific criteria. Then results identified have been properly divided into two main categories (products & processes and Services) and prioritized according to their TRL. The prioritization of ERs allowed to focus on some of them and to evaluate risks associated towards exploitation, external factors hindering their market entrance as well as specific Exploitation and IPR Protection Plan. Once ERs have been clearly defined and prioritized, the expectations of the consortium towards the exploitation of the ERs they were involved in have been evaluated in order set-up proper Exploitation Strategy, taking into account the main business and project perspectives of the single partner. In this framework, the EASEE Industrial Exploitation Strategy has been detailed and refined along the project, taking into account two different perspectives: the commercialization/exploitation of the full EASEE system as well as the commercialization/Exploitation of single project results, in terms of products & processes, services and project. Also academic Exploitation Strategy has been outlined. The potential exploitation strategies described within the project Exploitation Plan kept also into account Business Models activities as well as formal and informal methods for IPR protection.

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