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Contenido archivado el 2024-06-18

Non Perturbative Renormalization Group Theory of Glassy Systems

Final Report Summary - NPRGGLASS (Non Perturbative Renormalization Group Theory of Glassy Systems)

The ERC project was centred on the understanding of the nature of the glass transition, which is the phenomenon leading to the emergence of amorphous solids. We developed a theoretical framework, based on renormalisation group and effective theories, which explains the dramatic increases of relaxation time-scales of super-cooled liquids approaching the glass transition in terms of a critical phenomenon of a new kind.
This corresponds to a phase transition at which a solid state characterised by static amorphous long-range order emerges.
By combing our theoretical results with new experimental techniques and state of the art simulations, we confirmed several of our predictions and obtained new stringest tests for the theory.