NOTOX will develop and establish a spectrum of systems biological tools including experimental and computational methods for i) organotypic human cell cultures suitable for long term toxicity testing and ii) the identification and analysis of pathways of toxicological relevance. NOTOX will initially use available human HepaRG and primary liver cells as well as mouse small intestine cultures in 3D systems to generate own experimental data to develop and validate predictive mathematical and bioinformatic models characterizing long term toxicity responses. Cellular activities will be monitored continuously by comprehensive analysis of released metabolites, peptides and proteins and by estimation of metabolic fluxes using 13C labelling techniques (fluxomics). At selected time points a part of the cells will be removed for in-depth structural (3D-optical and electron microscopy tomography), transcriptomic, epigenomic, metabolomic, proteomic and fluxomic characterizations. When applicable, cells derived from human stem cells (hESC or iPS) and available human organ simulating systems or even a multi-organ platform developed in SCREENTOX and HEMIBIO will be investigated using developed methods. Together with curated literature and genomic data these toxicological data will be organised in a toxicological database (cooperation with DETECTIVE, COSMOS and TOXBANK). Physiological data including metabolism of test compounds will be incorporated into large-scale computer models that are based on material balancing and kinetics. Various “-omics” data and 3D structural information from organotypic cultures will be integrated using correlative bioinformatic tools. These data also serve as a basis for large scale mathematical models. The overall objectives are to identify cellular and molecular signatures allowing prediction of long term toxicity, to design experimental systems for the identification of predictive endpoints and to integrate these into causal computer models.
Champ scientifique (EuroSciVoc)
CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.
CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.
- sciences naturellesinformatique et science de l'informationbases de données
- sciences naturellessciences physiquesoptiquemicroscopieelectron microscopy
- sciences médicales et de la santébiotechnologie médicaletechnologies cellulairescellule souche
- sciences naturellesinformatique et science de l'informationscience informatique
- sciences naturellesmathématiquesmathématiques appliquéesmodèle mathématique
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Régime de financement
CP-IP - Large-scale integrating projectCoordinateur
66123 Saarbrucken