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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Capacity Building for Direct Water Reuse in the Mediterranean Area

Periodic Report Summary - CB-WR-MED (Capacity Building for Direct Water Reuse in the Mediterranean Area)

Project context and objectives:

In the Mediterranean region, the pressure on water resources is high, so there is no water to 'waste'. Treated wastewater is part of the community's water resources and one component of sustainable water management approach which acts at the source at the smallest possible level. In particular in this project, the Centre of Water Research and Technologies (CERTE) is involved in research activities in 'wastewater treatment for elimination of recalcitrant compounds allowing multiuse of the water and direct recycling and avoiding pollution of water system'.

The CB-WR-MED project is aiming at strengthening competencies and capacities of CERTE while realising it as an international centre of excellence, and reinforcing the cooperation capacities and research activities in Tunisia in water management by defining water research priorities to respond to socio-economic needs, facilitating participation in European water research initiatives and inclusion in European Research Area (ERA).

CB-WR-MED specific research and development (R&D) capacity strengthening objectives are:

- to tighten the strategic partnership between EU and MED in order to develop a sustainable common space for research and innovation in the Mediterranean region based on the ERA,
- to improve capacity of self-networking, participation to management, and co-decision in finding solutions for SWM and Mediterranean protection,
- to allow future cooperation with European R&D organisations and universities, including active involvement in R&D-projects in the various EU R&D Framework Programmes,
- to enhance Tunisian-European S&T Partnerships towards bilateral science and technology (S&T) agreement with the EU,
- to improve the capacity to address specific problems that Tunisia faces or that has a global character (contributing towards Millennium Development Goals, water and energy scarcity, etc.),
- to increase CERTE regional coverage and improve its response to socio-economic needs.

CB-WR-MED specific topic objectives are:

- to strengthen CERTE capacities to cope with SWM and water resources protection,
- to expand the knowledge base on sustainable water resources management,
- to enhance technological research capacity in order to maintain and upgrade water quality via adequate treatments and reuse,
- to strengthen CERTE capacities on innovative treatment and sanitation concepts, technology, knowledge and skills; advanced water treatment and re-use,
- to constitute a permanent water alliance that will last after the end of the CB-WR-MED project and will provide and promote opportunity also to other countries to participate in scientific exchanges at an international level.

The project thus addresses current work programme for international cooperation to reinforce the cooperation capacities of research centres located in the ENP countries and contributes to the European international cooperation in S&T strategy implementation, while strengthening the international dimension of the ERA and improving the framework conditions for international S&T cooperation.

The CB-WR-MED consortium brings together the target research centre, CERTE (Tunisian) and four EU organisations (Polito, CNRS, CTM, EFB) representing a well-defined mix of competencies and expertise.

The project started in November 2010.

Project results:

Main results achieved by the project during this period are the identification of TN-EU common R&D priorities linked to sustainable water management and direct water reuse.

Ten common priorities have been identified and the target R&D objectives developed in D2-3. Priorities are:

- R&D for national water data base and indicators development,
- R&D to support IWRM planning: models and decision support system,
- tools to support proactive management of the risks of extreme event (floods, droughts) and scenarios development,
- efficient water use (including wastewater) at agricultural level,
- surface water / ground water management,
- sustainable approaches and technologies for water saving and multi-use,
- cleaner production and service to minimise water footprints, increase water efficiency and decrease environmental impact,
- impacts of climate change on natural resources,
- water in the green economy,
- sustainable desalination.

Four horizontal axes have to be built to support theses common EU (MED)-TN priorities:

1. Capacity building is identified by water experts, in project survey, as priority needs to support water priorities.
2. Water governance is another need identified by experts. The implementation tools and models of participative approach for co-decision and water strategy building should be integrated in capacity building program. Another objective (or consequence) is to raise the awareness in water value.
3. Fostering networking (national and regional levels) as an effective way of forcing synergies among projects and programs with similar, or complementary, objectives to avoid fragmentation and allow concentration of efforts, knowhow exchange, co-action as well as dialogue and mutual understanding
4. Building high quality but diversified consortium (structure type, expertise, …) to promote:

(i) interface interaction between specialties leading to new approaches, tools and innovation;
(ii) the integrated and sustainable aspects;
(ii) collaboration between experienced and new teams for coaching and capacity building in cooperation;
(iii) dissemination and sustainability of obtained results.

Based on this analysis as well as CERTE R&D potentials and programs (D2-2), two workshops (10 participants) and four trainings for young researchers and Phd students were organised in specific topics to fill S&T gaps and to lead to lever effect for scientific career development.

The project was connected to the regional (Med) INCONET (MIRA-WP7) with Memorandum of Understanfing. Most of the identified water common priorities by CB-WR-MED are introduced in the final report related to Mediterranean Sea depollution (H2020) produced by MIRA with the contribution of ERA-WIDE projects. Priorities are also introduced in the input paper of water session of Euro-Mediterranean conference for research and innovation (Barcelona, April 2012). The target research centre, CERTE, is partner of the new INCONET, MED-SPRING, and involved mainly on the water expert.

The objective of boosting EU-TN cooperation and introduction of CERTE to ERA started with the analysis of:

(i) EU programmes and initiatives related to water (D2-1);
(ii) the EU funded projects with TN participation and hampering and enhancing factors to implement this cooperation in water field (D2-2).

Three events titled 'Funding opportunities for Tunisia provided by the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) in water related actions' are organised for researchers and water actors (about 100 participants). Events are followed by coaching sessions for CERTE researchers (total of eight) in order to enhance their participation in FP7 calls. For the same objective, and basing on D2-1 and D2-3, Cooperation-Opportunity Matrix (D2-4) is developed.

For this objective, the project is also strongly connected to the BILAT (ETC) and TN ERAWIDES (BIOPROTECH, INCOMMET, GM NCD INCO) with co-organisation and/or participation to events linked to FP7 projects.

The final conference of CB-WR-MED was organised in project topics targeting sustainable water management and enhancement of EU collaboration in research and innovation (R&DI). A total of 160 participants attended the conference with the opportunity to follow 156 presentations as plenary conferences, key notes, oral communications and posters. The conference allowed also exchange and networking and led to final recommendations.

Finally, the project is including the elaboration of development plan for CERTE (CERTE2020) including a business plan and strategic plan for interfaces development. The plan provides guidance and orientations to policy makers and research teams of CERTE on interface strategies and internal processes that could be enhanced to improve performance.

Potential impact:

The main impact of CB-WR-MED will be an increase in the networking and scientific capacities of CERTE in water management area by means of activities dealing with support of the participation of Tunisia in the FP7, knitting together all relevant support schemes, facilitation of uptake water research areas and the monitoring of the performance and impacts of this cooperation.

The project involved since the beginning (specific session during the kick off meeting (KoM)) water, R&D and regional actors and session achievements have been introduced in the different analysis planned and carried in the frame of the project. This early contact with stakeholders allowed the implementation of the project in its national and regional context for high socio-economic impact. CB-WR-MED also increases its impact by wider participation of TN-researchers / stakeholders to the events organized in the frame of the project.

Another specific session during the KoM led to an agreement between ongoing EU-projects in the field of water labelled 'Engagement Eau-Tunis' which lead to the constitution of 'water cluster alliance' to built synergy and complementarities, concentrate efforts and use resources efficiency as well as ensure sustainability and the socio-economic impact of EU funded projects (D5-4).

With the BILAT ETC and TN ERAWIDES, CB-WR-MED initiated and contributed by setting administrative procedures with concerned institution in order to implement an adapted structure for EC-project management.

The project initiated an IRSES project (WATEREUS-MED) and CERTE is part of the new INCONET (MED-SPRING). High participation of CERTE to key calls is expected based on the conducted capacity building, the water cluster alliance structure and all the networking and dissemination activities developed during the project. A project with partners on water cluster alliance was submitted and positively evaluated (R2I call, FP7).

During the project, key partners are selected at national and Mediterranean level and strategy to build partnerships started using MoU (two national and two regional are signed).

CB-WR-MED is building capacity project. However, planning scientific workshops and trainings on ongoing R&D topics related to national programmes as well as organising scientific conference, led to reinforcement of scientific research conducted by young researchers and development / finalisation of thesis (one) or masters (three). This scientific production and gained expertise are expected to increase career development of young researchers.

The elaborated development plan of CERTE (CERTE2020), represent the main orientations to policy makers and research teams of CERTE. Its appropriation by the staff of CERTE and more adaption to their daily reality, will conduct to high economical and social impact and regional influence.

CB-WR-MED was selected by European Commission (EC) and presented in the document 'Investing in European success, Euro-Mediterranean cooperation in R&I' published by EC in 2012.

Project website: