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Content archived on 2024-06-18

European Union Contest for Young Scientists 2009

Final Report Summary - EUCYS2009 (European Union contest for young scientists 2009)

The European Union contest for young scientists, within the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), is an European competition for young students initiated by the Directorate General for Research of the EC, under its 'Science in society' programme, aiming to promote the ideals of cooperation and interchange among some of the most promising European young scientists.

The 21st edition of this annual event was held in France, in the science museum Palais de la Découverte in Paris, from 11 to 15 September 2009.

The contest hosts welcomed 129 undergraduates, aged 14 to 20, coming from 32 European and 6 guest countries. Total number of attendees was about 550: jury, national organisers / escorts, officials, journalists.

For the present edition, special efforts were deployed to:

- develop and enhance a strong interest for natural and social sciences among young students Europe-wide;
- stimulate innovative projects realised by young European students;
- encouraging young people to pursue their interest in science and embrace scientific careers;
- through scientific prizes consisting in one-week visits of some of the leading scientific installations in France and in Europe, fostering the interest of young scientists for research in the leading European groups and institutes.
- boost the audience of the French national contest to the level of the leading national contests.

EUYCS2009 project was coordinated by the Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA) and co-organised by the French National Education ministry via 'Sciences à l'École", and by Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Palais de la Découverte, and C. Génial Foundation.

The 85 projects, ranked first in 2009 national contests in their respective countries, covered a wide range of disciplines: biology, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, physics, computer sciences, environmental sciences, medical sciences, earth sciences and social sciences.

On the basis of written and oral description of their works and interviews with jury members during the exhibition, 30 prizes and special awards were attributed to 25 projects, presented by 37 contestants from 19 countries, for their high scientific content and originality. The high quality of the projects in competition convincingly witnessed of the European promising education and training strength in scientific and technical area.