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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-06-18

Advanced Techniques for Navigation Receivers and Applications

Final Report Summary - ATENEA (Advanced techniques for navigation receivers and applications)

Executive summary:

Urban mapping by Light detection and ranging (LIDAR) images is an active research domain, but nowadays it is only viable by using high-end systems with a cost per unit in the order of EUR 800 000. In addition, LIDAR device geolocation and reference for the scanned observables is provided nowadays by loosely coupled Geographical positioning system / inertial navigation system (GPS/INS) receivers, degrading performance in urban scenarios with poor satellite visibility and harsh multipath conditions.

ATENEA aimed to tackle the most challenging issues of this type of applications, showing how the use of Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) signals, integrated positioning, as well as the observable processing could in one shot increase robustness, continuity, accuracy and drastically reduce the system cost. The ATENEA project developed an advanced concept for seamless navigation at the centimetre level regardless of the environment based on the following technologies:
- Deeply coupled GNSS/INS receiver design: Current state-of-the-art of hybridisation applications are improved with ultra-tight integration of the inertial sensors, navigation processor and signal processing tracking loops, adding additional robustness under high user dynamics and Signal in space (SIS) signal blockages. The test campaign showed that in urban environments there is a clear improvement in the navigation solution for tightly coupled approaches.
- Galileo signal capabilities: Errors in the pseudorange observables are reduced by using dedicated signal processing tecniques taking benefit of the Galileo E1 MBOC and E5 AltBOC signals. The Galileo E5AltBOC signal offered excellent performances in all conditions (open sky, shadowed and multipath). This modulation opened a field for professional GNSS applications with unprecedented accuracy.
- Integrated GNSS/INS/LIDAR navigation filter: Finally, an innovative unique integrated navigation solution for the integration of observables from GNSS, Inertial measurement unit (IMU) and laser sensors was proposed, allowing to reduce the costs of the currently expensive equipment in these applications. The use of LIDAR measurements in the navigation filter resulted in a huge increase of performance in urban environment, especially in the horizontal component.

The proposed algorithms were tested in the ATENEA platform Shortwave (SW) environment, developed upon the GRANADA simulator and the IADIRA test-bench. A field campaign with real data was also carried out. The ATENEA technologies were thus investigated down to a pre-industrialised solution ready to be integrated in professional applications.

The expected impact of the ATENEA technology related with the ability to navigate at a 1-s accuracy level ranging from 0.05 to 0.50 m in urban areas. This capacity was an enabler for numerous outdoor -and even some indoor- applications, and was the result of integrating three different, mutually complementary technology principles: GNSS ranging, inertial sensing and LIDAR ranging.

Amongst other applications, the technology developed under ATENEA was the key for the third generation mapping paradigm, terrestrial mobile mapping: Three-dimensional (3D) Earth surface models that would include 3D urban city models. 3D models of the Earth surface should be elaborated by combining data from aerial/satellite and terrestrial missions. ATENEA was the enabler for the terrestrial geodata acquisition missions.

The project was led by DEIMOS Space. As partners, IG and DME provided their expertise in GNSS/INS hybridisation, while the Politecnico of Torino and GeoNumerics have wide experience in GNSS signal processing and LiDAR, respectively. TopScan provided the user point of view.

Project context and objectives:

The main objectives of the ATENEA project were to:
- develop an advanced technology concept for seamless navigation at the centimetre level regardless of the environment;
- integrate the complementary capabilities of GNSS, inertial navigation and object feature-based navigation from LIDAR sensors
- demonstrate the concept by implementing the developed algorithms in a dedicated SW simulation platform;
- perform a validation campaign focused on urban environment, including both synthetic and real measurements.

In summary, ATENEA develops innovative solutions not available in current receivers: specific exploitation of Galileo signal capabilities; innovative signal processing and interference mitigation techniques; closely, tightly and deeply coupled GNSS/INS receiver design; integrated GNSS/INS/LIDAR navigation filter. ATENEA concept is at the same time innovative and very oriented to actual user needs, providing a unique enabler for user market in professional receiver and integrated systems.

Project results:

The following technologies were developed within the ATENEA project, providing innovative solutions not available in current receivers:
- GNSS phase receiver, exploitation of Galileo signals capabilities;
- innovative signal processing techniques;
- closely, tightly and deeply coupled GNSS/INS receiver design;
- integrated GNSS/INS/LIDAR navigation filter.

In addition, the ATENEA SW test-bench developed in the project for algorithm validation was a valuable asset of the project, providing a development environment for Multisensor navigation systems integrating GNSS and other sensors such as INS or LIDAR.

Potential impact:

The potential impact of the ATENEA technology related with the ability to navigate at a 1-s accuracy level ranging from 0.05 to 0.50 m in urban areas. This capacity was an enabler for numerous outdoor -and even some indoor- applications. This capacity was the result of integrating three different, mutually complementary technology principles: GNSS ranging, inertial sensing and LIDAR ranging. Amongst other applications, the technology to be developed under ATENEA was the key for the third generation mapping paradigm, terrestrial mobile mapping: 3D Earth surface models that would include 3D urban city models. 3D models of the Earth surface should be elaborated by combining data from aerial/satellite and terrestrial missions. ATENEA was the enabler for the terrestrial geodata acquisition missions.

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