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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Cooling, AGN Feedback and Evolution in Groups

Final Report Summary - CAFEGROUPS (Cooling, AGN Feedback and Evolution in Groups)

At the close of the project, CAFEGroups has met the majority of its goals, and has made significant progress during the final reporting period, despite some difficulties. During this 18-month period, the project supported 3 one-month secondments between the partner institutions in the UK, Italy and India. Having largely completed data acquisition for the project, only a limited number of new observations were proposed or carried out during the year, but the team were awarded time on a variety of European and international observatories, including the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT), the 30m telescope and Northern Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA) operated by the Institut de Radioastronomie Millimetrique (IRAM), and the Chandra and XMM-Newton satellite observatories operated by NASA and ESA. Team members had 10 peer-reviewed journal articles published or accepted during the period of report, with 6 more in preparation. Team members have presented results from the project at a wide variety of scientific meetings, including those of the International Astronomical Union and American Astronomical Society, bringing the results of the project to a wider audience. The project has reached seven of the eleven milestones set out in the original work plan, and expects to meet three more in the next twelve months. Unfortunately, a combination of staff changes at host institutions and financial issues (inability to reallocate funds, lack of matching funds for US team members) meant that some secondments were delayed or cancelled, and we were unable to carry out the full range of exchanges originally planned for this period. Nonetheless, we consider the project to have been generally successful and highly scientifically productive.