The RODIN-project, which seamlessly integrates experimental, industrial and theoretical work, is organized around the concept of suspended single-and few-layer graphene nanostructures and annealed diamond-like carbon films. These structures are ideal for accessing and engineering the intrinsic material properties of graphene. In particular we will focus on engineering and measuring the mechanical and electromechanical properties. This will be done through sculpting of the suspended structures to desired shapes as well as using thermal post-processing methods. Initially, the graphene will be obtained using standard prototype techniques such as exfoliation and plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition. The main goal of the project, one that requires going beyond the current state of the art in multiple areas and has rapid and substantial industrial impact, is the fabrication and demonstration of a tunable graphene resonator with electronic readout. The performance of a mechanical resonator depends sensitively on materials quality, which makes it an ideal test application for a materials-oriented project.
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CP-FP - Small or medium-scale focused research projectKoordinator
412 96 Goteborg