This project intends to engineer transaminase libraries that will be applied as the main enzymatic technology to deliver the amine functionality in the commercially valuable products of both chiral and bulk amine targets. These enzymes will be used in enzymatic cascades where simple starting materials are converted into the required intermediates for transamination or further enzymatic steps will be used to remove products from the transaminase reaction which will add value by extra functionality. This will also be supported by the development of enzymatic cascades to deliver efficient co-factor recycling and achieve the high conversions required for industrial use. A high throughput screening method based on a further enzymatic cascade will be developed. Engineering solutions will be used to overcome obstacles associated with the implementation of this core technology on a larger scale and integrate the use of other enzymes into the synthetic pathway to allow multi-step, multi-enzyme cascades to be used to deliver complex multi-functional amine products and processes. The industrial partner will target the development of enzymes from the project for specific application into their new products range. Life cycle analysis and environmental impact analysis will compare the final methods with conventional chemical synthesis and allow advantages to be objectively defined.
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CP-FP - Small or medium-scale focused research projectKoordinator
M13 9PL Manchester
Vereinigtes Königreich