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Contenu archivé le 2024-06-18

Smart Transport Applications Designed for large events with Impacts on Urban Mobility


STADIUM addresses the task 3.1.7 - Large event mobility management (especially in big cities) of the call FP7 – SST – 2008
The ultimate goal of the project is to improve the performance of transport systems made available to a wide and differentiated range of users in the framework of large events hosted by big cities, through the development of a set of guidelines and tools to implement management support systems (mainly ICT technologies), based upon past experiences of large sport events, demonstrations in South Africa, Delhi and London and best practices of ITS applications in Europe.
Main impacts: Improved performance of transport systems in host cities. Evidence of capabilities to manage high concentrated transport demand through long lasting technological solutions. Promotion of EU know how.
Main outputs: (1) Design of ICT applications compliant with the EU ITS Frame Architecture procedures; (2) Demonstration of viability of European ITS technologies in emerging countries; (3) a Handbook providing guidelines and solutions for selecting, designing and implementing applications for the benefit of potential large events hosting cities.
10 WPs: WP1 Management, WP2 Identification of requirements, WP 3 Handbook, WP4: Demonstrators design, WP 5a: Demonstrators implementation-South Africa; WP 5b: Demonstrators implementation-India, WP 5c: Demonstrators implementation-London, WP 6: Benchmarking and evaluation. WP 7: Dissemination and exploitation; WP 7b: Feasibility studies with Brazilian cities.
Multi-disciplinary team (transport companies, ICT experts, transport policy experts), wide geographical scope (South Africa and India). Includes academic institutions, research and consultancy firms, ITS manufacturers, SMEs and Companies from South Africa and India.
Proven track record of coordinator (ISIS) in leading complex EC projects.
Total effort: 522.38 person.months over 4 years; project value 5,742,833.79 €. Financial contribution requested 3,599,964.00€.

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Contribution de l’UE
€ 425 253,49
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (18)