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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-18



This project achieved the following:

1) Elucidation of trafficking of RVG pseudotyped lentiviral vectors in motor neurons:

Rabies pseudotyped lentiviral vectors have great potential in gene therapy, not least because of their ability to transduce neurons following their distal axonal application. However, very little is known about the molecular processes that underlie their retrograde transport and cell transduction. Using multiple labeling techniques and confocal microscopy, we demonstrated that pseudotyping with rabies virus envelope glycoprotein (RV-G) enabled the axonal retrograde transport of two distinct subtypes of lentiviral vector in motor neuron (MN) cultures. Analysis of this process revealed that these vectors trafficked through Rab5-positive endosomes and accumulated within a non-acidic Rab7 compartment. RV-G pseudotyped vectors were co-transported with both the tetanus neurotoxin-binding fragment and the membrane proteins thought to mediate rabies virus endocytosis (neural cell adhesion molecule, nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, and p75 neurotrophin receptor), thus demonstrating that pseudotyping with RV-G targets lentiviral vectors for transport along the same pathway exploited by several toxins and viruses. Using motor neurons cultured in compartmentalized chambers, we demonstrated that axonal retrograde transport of these vectors was rapid and efficient; however, it was not able to transduce the targeted neurons efficiently, suggesting that impairment in processes occurring after arrival of the viral vector in the soma is responsible for the low transduction efficiency seen in vivo, which suggests a novel area for improvement of gene therapy vectors.

2) Deriviation of RVG synthetic envelopes with improved function:

We constructed several chimeric RVG/VSVG glycoproteins and found that a construct bearing the external /transmembrane domain of RVG and the cytoplasmic domain of VSVG shows increased incorporation onto HIV-1 lentiviral particles and has increased infectivity in vitro in 293T cells and in differentiated neuronal cell lines of human, rat and murine origin. Stereotactic application of vector pseudotyped with this RVG/VSVG chimera in the rat striatum resulted in efficient gene transfer at the site of injection showing both neuronal and glial tropism. Distal neuronal transduction in the substantia nigra, thalamus and olfactory bulb via retrograde axonal transport also occurs after intrastriatal administration of chimera-pseudotyped vectors at similar levels to that observed with a RVG-pseudotyped vector.
To investigate the potential benefits which may arise from pseudotyping the HIV-1 lentiviral vector with its homologous gp41 envelope glycoprotein (GP) cytoplasmic tail (CT), we created chimeric RVG/HIV-1gp41 GPs composed of the extracellular and transmembrane sequences of RVG and either the full-length gp41 CT or C terminus gp41 truncations sequentially removing existing conserved motifs. Lentiviruses (LVs) pseudotyped with the chimeric GPs were evaluated in terms of particle release (physical titer), biological titers, infectivity, and in vivo central nervous system (CNS) transduction. We report here that LVs carrying shorter CTs expressed higher levels of envelope GP and showed a higher average infectivity than those bearing fulllength GPs. Interestingly, complete removal of GP CT led to vectors with the highest transduction efficiency. Removal of all C terminal gp41 CT conserved motifs, leaving just 17 amino acids (aa), appeared to preserve infectivity and resulted in a significantly increased physical titer. Furthermore, incorporation of these 17 aa in the RVG CT notably enhanced the physical titer. In vivo stereotaxic delivery of LV vectors exhibiting the best in vitro titers into rodent striatum facilitated efficient transduction of the CNS at the site of injection. A particular observation was the improved retrograde transduction of neurons in connected distal sites that resulted from the chimeric envelope R5 which included the “Kennedy” sequence (Ken) and lentivirus lytic peptide 2 (LLP2) conserved motifs in the CT, and although it did not exhibit a comparable high titer upon pseudotyping, it led to a significant increase in distal retrograde transduction of neurons.

3) Deriviation of novel lentiviral vectors targeted to MNs following peripheral nonivasive delivery:
Specifically we generated novel lentiviral vectors with tropism to motor neurons that were made by
co-expressing onto the lentiviral surface a fusogenic glycoprotein (mutated sindbis G) and an antibody against a cell-surface receptor (Thy1.1 p75NTR, or coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor) on the presynaptic terminal of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ). These vectors exhibit binding specificity and efficient transduction of receptor positive cell lines and primary motor neurons in vitro. Targeting of each of these receptors conferred to these vectors the capability of being transported retrogradely from the axonal tip, leading to transduction of motor neurons in vitro in compartmented microfluidic cultures. In vivo delivery of coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor targeted vectors in leg muscles of mice resulted in predicted patterns of motor neuron transduction in lumbar spinal cord. This opens up the clinical potential of these vectors for minimally invasive administration of central nervous system-targeted therapeutics in motor neuron diseases.