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Contenuto archiviato il 2024-05-28

Efficient exploitation of EU perlite resources for the development of a new generation of innovative and high added value micro-perlite based materials for Chemical, Construction and Manufacturing

Final Report Summary - EXPERL (Efficient exploitation of EU perlite resources for the development of a new generation of innovative and high added value micro-perlite based materials for Chemical, Construction and Manufacturing)

Executive Summary:

Industrial Minerals have played and will continue to play a very significant role in the development of our modern industrialized society as they are essential raw materials for very important EU industrial sectors, including Chemical, Construction, Manufacturing and Automotive sector.
Among the various industrial minerals needed by the EU industry, expanded perlite is highly important, both from technological and economic point of view. Perlite is a naturally occurring siliceous volcanic rock, which can be expanded from 4 to 20 times its original volume when heated at temperatures close to its softening point. The outstanding physical properties (lightweight, thermal and acoustic insulation, whiteness, porosity, etc.) it acquires after the expansion process make perlite suitable for many applications. Although the conventionally expanded perlite has several favorable properties (chemically inert, fire resistant and incombustible, good sound and thermal insulation), it is also characterized by some drawbacks (low compression and attrition resistance, high “open” porosity), which limit the range of its applications and adversely affect the quality of perlite-based end products. These unfavorable features are mainly the result of the applied conventional expansion technology.
In this respect, the aim of ExPerl project is a)the production of micro-sized “closed structure” perlite through the development of breakthrough perlite expansion technologies, and b)the development of a new generation of high added value end-products based on the new CSP micro-particles, including preformed insulating products (panels, boards, bricks) and functional fillers for plasters and coatings with advanced physical, technical and environmental performance characteristics, tailored for the Construction, Manufacturing and Chemical industry. These new end-products aim to replace the currently used imported minerals (e.g. TiO2, diatomite), other inorganic chemicals (e.g. expanded glass) and insulating polymeric materials.
Within the 4 years of its duration, ExPerl achieved to successfully develop a)new perlite processing technologies, b)a series of innovative perlite-based materials (CSP, Phyllomat, perlite micro-Flakes, perlite μ-Spheres), and c)new commercial perlite-based end products (CSP-based insulating plasters, bricks and vacuum panels, insulating paints and coatings, etc.), characterized by high degree of innovation, low energy footprint and high added value for the end-users. Some of them are ready to be introduced in the market place, while the others have reached the pilot scale development.
The new products and technologies will have significant economic and technological impact on: a)the specific Industrial Minerals sub-sector of EU (Perlite and similar minerals), b)Construction (insulating plasters and mortars, insulating bricks), Manufacturing (Vacuum Insulating Panels / VIPs) and Chemical (paints and coatings) sectors. Moreover, the successful completion of the project will have additional environmental, political, economic and social impacts (mineral wastes reduction, replacement of toxic compounds, etc.).
During the implementation of the project twenty nine (29) exploitable results were identified, such as products, processes, materials evaluation methodologies, software, training and educational material. The exploitation of project results was performed by patenting, trademarking and other activities (technical permissions, planned patents and trademarks).

Project Context and Objectives:

Industrial Minerals have played and will continue to play a very significant role in the development of our modern industrialised society as they are essential raw materials for very important industrial sectors, including Chemical, Construction, Manufacturing and Automotive sector. The issue of raw materials production and supply in EU was set as a top priority in the agenda of the Commission and the G8 Summit in June 2007 , . European Industries need predictability in the flow of raw materials and stable prices to secure their smooth operation and competitiveness and in the long term, to ensure healthy growth. It is therefore highly important for the EU to safeguard the uninterrupted supply of the EU industry with industrial minerals in appropriate quantities, qualities and prices.
Among the various industrial minerals needed by the EU industry, perlite is highly important, both from technological and economic point of view. Perlite is a naturally occurring siliceous volcanic rock, which can be expanded from 4 to 20 times its original volume when heated at temperatures close to its softening point. The outstanding physical properties (lightweight, thermal and acoustic insulation, whiteness, porosity, etc.) it acquires during the expansion process make expanded perlite suitable for many applications in the production chain of various ordinary goods and special industrial products.
Conventionally expanded granular perlite is widely used in Construction and Manufacturing industry (these uses of perlite account for at least 70% of global perlite consumption), in the Chemical industry and is also used for Horticultural applications.
Project objectives
Although the conventionally expanded perlite is characterised by a number of favourable properties, as it is chemically inert, fire resistant and incombustible, with good sound and thermal insulating properties, it is also characterised by some unfavourable properties, like low resistance to compression and attrition, lack of durability, unacceptably high “open” porosity and easy disintegration when mixed to produce various composites. These drawbacks limit the range of its applications and adversely affect the quality of perlite based products. These unfavourable properties originate from the irregular, open cellular structure of the bubble-like expanded perlite granules, which is a result of the applied conventional expansion technology. (see attachment SEM_PICTURES.pdf)
In this respect, the concept behind ExPerl project is a. the production of micro-sized closed structure perlite through the development of breakthrough perlite expansion technologies (see attachment SEM_PICTURES.pdf) and b. the development of a new generation of high added value end-products based on the new CSP micro-particles, including preformed insulating products (panels, boards, bricks) and functional fillers with advanced physical, technical and environmental performance characteristics, tailored for the Construction, Manufacturing and Chemical industry. These new end-products aim to replace the currently used imported minerals (TiO2, diatomite, wollastonite) and polymeric materials (polystyrene based products).
The new CSP-based end-products will present a good number of favourable properties that could not be achieved with the use of the conventionally expanded perlite or other similar minerals and chemical products. They will be inorganic, lightweight, inert, non toxic, recyclable, of closed external porosity, durable, with good insulating properties, incombustible, fire-retardant, anti-fungi and unchangeable over time under severe climatic conditions and of low cost. These properties will make them attractive and ideal for the EU industry and the European consumer.
Within this overall framework, the main research areas covered within the project are the following:
1. Development of appropriate raw perlite techniques for the production of various qualities of CSP materials, including an initial stage of mechanical pre-treatment and, then, the expansion stage. Two different innovative expansion techniques were studied: a. indirect heating technology using an electrical vertical furnace; b. microwave technology. The expansion process will be combined with special surface processing of perlite particles, through Surface Vitrification, Hardening and coating techniques (WP2);
2. Development of different end-products for various applications using the developed CSP materials as primary material. More specifically, preformed insulating products, lightweight bricks and fillers for mortars, plasters and concrete mixtures will be developed for the Construction Industry (WP3); vacuum panels with excellent insulating and mechanical properties to be applied in the Manufacturing industry for refrigerators/freezers and cryogenic vessels (WP4); functional fillers to be applied in Chemical industry, for paints, thermal insulating and fire resistant coatings, special sealants and glues (WP5).
3. Assessment of the technical and economic viability of the new expansion processes, the CSP materials and CSP-based products (WP7);
4. Assessment of the environmental impact of the production and application of CSP materials and CSP-based products through a detailed Life-Cycle Analysis (LCA) (WP7);
5. Development of a preliminary Business Plan for the industrial application of the new production processes and a market penetration strategy for the commercialisation of the new end-products (WP8).
Moreover, different demonstration tests (depending on the targeted application area) will be carried out for the evaluation of the new CSP-based products to be applied in the construction, manufacturing and chemical industry (WP6).

Project Results:

Work performed and main results achieved within ExPerl
Based on DoW, the work of the project was structured in 9 WPs, namely: WP1 Materials specifications and characterisation, WP2 Perlite processing, WP3 Development of CSP-based products for the Construction industry, WP4 Development of CSP-based products for the Manufacturing industry, WP5 Development of CSP-based products for the Chemical industry, WP6 Demonstration activities of Construction, Manufacturing and Chemical industry products, WP7 Techno-economic evaluation and LCA of new materials and products, WP8 Business plan and WP9 Project management.
Activities and main achievements per WP
Within this respect the main activities carried out, the main achievements accomplished and the beneficiaries involved in them are the following:
WP1: Materials specifications and characterisation
The objective of this WP was the a. definition of the properties and characteristics that the various types of CSP materials should have for each new CSP-based end product and application; b. identification of the specifications and properties of the new CSP-based end products in order to meet the requirements of the targeted applications; c. identification of the properties and the relevant measurement procedures to be measured for the proper characterisation of raw perlite, CSP-materials and CSP-products for the targeted applications. The work of WP1 was completed on M12. The list of properties required for the characterisation and performance assessment of each product was properly modified, after the development and testing of the various materials and end-products, based on the research results, at the end of the project.
All beneficiaries were involved in these activities, while NTUA collected all the data and prepared the relevant deliverables.
WP2: Perlite processing
The objective of WP2 was the development of appropriate raw perlite techniques for the production of various qualities of CSP materials, including: a. an initial stage of mechanical pre-treatment, b. the expansion stage, two different innovative expansion techniques were studied: indirect heating technology using an electrical vertical furnace and microwave technology; c. special surface processing of perlite particles and coating techniques.
Development of appropriate techniques for the mechanical pre-treatment of raw perlite and design of an optimum pre-treatment process for the production of perlite feed material with the proper characteristics for each CSP quality. This task was performed by SandB. Two mechanical treatment “paths” were examined: one for the production of raw perlite “grades” with size: a) between 0.15 mm and 0.6 mm (150-600 μm) and b) between 0.1 mm and 0.3 mm (100-300 μm), and a second one for the production of raw perlite particles with size between 0.01mm and 0.075mm (10-75 μm). The results showed that a. the use of two Jaw Crushers or -alternatively- of a Jaw Crusher and a Roller mill are two good solutions for producing raw graded perlites with size a) between 0.15 mm and 0.6 mm and b) between 0.1 mm and 0.3 mm; b. the best results in terms of LBD and Size distribution for graded perlite with size between 10 and 75 μm (μ-Spheres) are produced by the Ball Mill. However, in this last case a Hammer Mill (like Raymond) could also be an option provided that contamination of the μ-Spheres (by the hammers) is avoided.
Characterisation of raw perlite samples. Four different samples (two perlite types, CHT and TR, at two different granulometries) were fully characterised applying the characterisation methods described in DoW. The beneficiaries involved in this activity are SandB, NTUA, SINTEF and UPVLC.
Distribution of different samples of raw perlite, conventionally expanded perlite and other types of physically or chemically modified -similar to perlites- aluminosilicate materials to the various beneficiaries throughout the duration of the project. This task was undertaken by SandB.
Development of perlite expansion process (lab scale) using the indirect heating technology. The development of this expansion process was the responsibility of NTUA. Both types of raw perlite (CHT and TR) were used. The CSP materials produced have improved properties compared to conventionally expanded perlite and within the main technical specifications set for CSP in the frame of WP1. They have compression strength 70 - 220% higher than that of the conventional of similar LBD, water absorption equal or slightly better (up to 20%) and oil absorption up to 17% better, floaters (percentage by weight) improved by 27%, about 35% lower pore volume and pores of smaller diameter (under 10 µm). The LBD of the optimum CSP materials produced varies between 50-90 kg/m3, depending on the perlite type. The treatment of CSP with the wet siliconisation process developed by SandB results in further reduction of CSP water absorption by 57-75%, leading to CSP materials with water absorption lower than 2 g H2O/g perlite, significantly lower than the set specifications.
Modelling of the electrical expansion furnace. Two models were developed for the new electrical expansion process, aiming: a. to predict the effective thermal and fluid dynamic conditions existing in the furnace at the different used modes in order to finally provide information for the design of an efficient and optimised real scale furnace (this work was carried out by DAPPO); b. modelling of the perlite grain expansion in the heating chamber in order to predict the properties of CSP based on the raw perlite characteristics and the furnace operating parameters (this work was performed by NTUA).
Development of the pilot scale perlite expansion system using the indirect heating technology. The system– which is part of the Pilot Unit – construction has been completed and the first quantities of CSP were produced and sent to the relevant partners. The construction was undertaken by SandB, as the system has been installed in the company premises.
Design, construction and operation of the pilot scale perlite hybrid expansion system. This task was the responsibility of SandB. The plant was installed in the company plant in Ristona and consists of two expansion furnaces: a Natural Gas-type and an Electrical-type. Each furnace can operate either independently or in combination to each other. During this reporting period, this plant was used for the production of large quantities of the optimum type of perlite for each of the end-products developed within ExPerl, as defined by the lab scale experimental work. In detail, five different perlite products were produced: μ-Spheres (expanded micro-perlite), Phyllomat, Expanded Perlite Flakes, CSP and TR500 (conventionally expanded) and distributed to the relevant partners to be used for the production of the required prototypes for their performance evaluation at demo scale. The system was operated by SandB with the assistance of NTUA.
Development of perlite expansion process by using microwave technology. UPVLC, responsible for this task, worked on the development of a proper reactor for perlite expansion by microwave technology. A Microwave-assisted Fluidized Bed Reactor (MFBR) was designed and a continuous pilot-scale prototype was constructed and tested. The optimised system was used for the production of different CSP samples, using as raw material the coarser fraction (-0.6+0.15 mm) of TR and the estimation of the energy consumption of this expansion process. The microwave expanded CSP has in general good properties. It can be considered successful as far as the bulk density (LBD 126.2 kg/m3), water absorption (2.5 g H2O/g perlite) and loss of ignition are concerned. The other parameters (compressive strength [24.7 psi] and oil absorption [3.5 g oil/g perlite]) are comparable to those of the conventionally expanded perlite of similar LBD. The energy consumption of microwave expansion is estimated to be 40% lower compared to the conventional expansion method.
Development of wet siliconisation process for the surface coating of CSP particles, aiming to minimise their water absorption. The method is applied by spraying the silicone solution directly towards the expanded perlite air stream inside the expansion system and after the cyclone. As optimum type of commercial silicone solution was selected Wacker BS 1042, a type of aqueous emulsion of a reactive polydimethylsiloxane. The developed process is successful, as it provides good hydrophobic properties to the expanded perlite materials. The effectiveness of the silicone was evaluated against the chemical resistance of the silicone coating in neutral and alkaline environment, resembling the pH conditions of the hydrophobic material in the targeted applications. The process was developed by SandB.
Development of perlite surface coating technique with multifunctionalised nanoparticles at lab scale. This research work was conducted by SINTEF. Surface modified CSP material was developed for SCHWENK, which wants to use perlite with a modified surface in order to influence the hydration and crystallisation processes of mortar and gypsum formulations during hardening. This could be managed by functionalizing the surface of perlite particles to retard or accelerate their water uptake influencing the hardening process of the whole mortar system. The CSP sample used was CHT-8 (LBD ~ 90 kg/m3) as this has the most promising quality for the relevant application. Two different surface treatment processes were evaluated; the best results were achieved with the use of FunzioNanoTM-10(80): water uptake was reduced up to 85% at natural and alkaline conditions. Mortar formulation based on CSP surface treated with FunzioNanoTM-10(80) show a reduced tendency to keep air bubbles in the bulk during drying and hardening and improved mechanical stability. The overall performance of FunzioNanoTM-10(80) treated CSP CHT-8 based mortar formulation is 30% improved compared to standard formulation. The selective surface processing by FunzioNanoTM-technology will meet the required cost/benefit issues in the industry.
WP3: Development of CSP-based products for the Construction industry
The aim of this WP is the development (at lab and pilot scale) of different CSP-based end-products (insulating panels, mortars, plasters, insulating bricks and light-weight concrete) for various applications in the Construction industry using as raw material the various perlite materials developed in WP2.
Development of light-weight insulating panels: this work was performed by SandB. A pilot scale system was constructed for the production of panel prototypes for the demo scale testing, on the basis of the process identified as optimum at lab scale. For the pilot scale production potassium silicate (waterglass) was used with aluminum phosphate as hardener and perlite, both conventionally expanded (TR-500) and CSP, at LBD varying between 75-85 kg/m3. The final density of the panels was 183 kg/m3 for TR-500 panels and 175-192 kg/m3 for CSP panels. Both panels passed successfully the boiling test, while the thermal conductivity measured for the CSP-panel is t.c.= 57.325 mW/m.K. Moreover, their fire resistance behaviour was better not only than that of commercial XPS panels (as expected), but also than MEYCO© Fireshield 1350, a cementitious based passive fire protection barrier of BASF.
Development of insulating bricks: this work was carried out by SCHLAG. Research included: a. development of new brick bodies using new formulations of ceramics and brick geometries aiming to enhance their thermal resistance. The brick bodies with the optimum geometry show a decrease of the thermal conductivity from 0.24 W/m.K to 0.22 W/m.K which is a very positive result, as it reaches the first goal set by SCHLAG; b. use of perlite to fill the brick cavities: the micro perlite quality TR-500 with an average grain size of 500 µm offers the best thermal conductivity performance of all perlite qualities ever seen at SCHLAG: lamdadesign value of 38 mW/m.K. All experiments with CSP, sent by NTUA, to be used as filling material, lead to no further enhancement of the thermal conductivity performance; c. development of 4 new bricks based on the optimum brick body geometry developed within ExPerl and TR-500 as filling material: POROTON®-T7® for single family homes and the POROTON®-S9® for multi-family houses for new constructions, as well as the façade panels WDF-180 and WDF-120 for refurbishment. Brick prototypes were produced and sent to ACCIONA for the demo scale testing; d. use of CSP samples of high LBD and fine granulometry as light weight aggregates for the brick body: lab scale tests gave promising results towards the reduction of the brick body apparent density.
Development of CSP plasters and mortars: this work was undertaken by SCHWENK, and included: a. the development and characterisation of lightweight mortars and plasters at lab and pilot scale tests using CSP (non siliconised and siliconised) and also conventionally expanded perlite (also, non siliconised and siliconised) for comparison of the results; b. the preparation of the best formulations at industrial scale and real scale application in a new building. The CSP based cement mortars are characterised by higher abrasion resistance, considerably lower water absorption and by 70% increased compressive and flexural strength of the standard cement mortars in the plastering machine. CSP in the cement based plasters reduces the plaster abrasivity by 50%, gives stability during mechanical and pneumatical transport, reduces water absorption by 65%, increases strength by 70% in the application and improves the plaster behaviour in transportation. Use of a mixture of CSP (0-0.6mm) and siliconised expanded perlite (0,5-1,0mm) in the ratio 10% siliconised perlite and 90% CSP is suggested as optimum, as it is expected that the siliconised perlite will protect the CSP grains like an air-bag and will compensate the higher consumption of the mortar observed when using only CSP.
WP4: Development of CSP-based products for the Manufacturing industry
The aim of this WP was the development of new insulation panels with advanced properties using CSP under vacuum conditions to be used in the Manufacturing industry, and mainly in refrigerators and freezers and insulating boxes for the transportation of temperature sensitive products. The new insulation panels consist of the “core” material and a gas barrier film as “envelope”. Va-Q-tec was responsible for the development of the panel and HANITA of the “envelope” film.
Development of vacuum insulating panels: Two types of vacuum panels of different thickness were developed using different manufacturing processes: a. a slim panel (up to 20 mm thickness), produced by directly pouring perlite powder into a bag made of high barrier film and evacuating the bag; b. a thick vacuum panel (up to 100 mm thickness) consisting of one or more paper bags, filled with perlite, wrapped by a high barrier film made by HANITA. From the new perlite samples developed by SandB for vacuum panels, F-T1 and F-T2 are the most promising as “core material”, as they have low density (140-160 kg/m3) and quite low thermal conductivity (7.2-8 mW/m.K). These samples were used for the production of the two different types of vacuum panels. The panels development was successful, as their thermal conductivity ranges between 6 and 8 mW/m.K while the density of the powder within the vacuum panel is well below 200 kg/m³. Initial tests of the performance of thin (up to 20 mm) perlite vacuum panels in thermal transport boxes were successful: their service life time can be up to 3 years for use in boxes, which is sufficient for many applications. Perlite vacuum panels of medium thickness can be used for refrigerator/freezer applications. The service life time of thick (100 mm +) perlite vacuum panels has the potential to reach more than 20 years and hence such panels can be used for building insulation. In all cases, triple metallized high barrier films or aluminium foil laminates provided by HANITA, were used to keep the gas pressure below the necessary limits.
Development of “envelope” films: HANITA concentrated its efforts on: a. developing improved “envelope” films consisting of 50μm thick Al-foil laminated with 4 different sealing layers ((HDPE, LDPE, MDPE and sPP), aiming to decrease gas permeation; b. performing long set of evaluation tests on the new laminates using advanced monitoring technologies developed in house at HANITA; c. developing new advanced vacuum deposition technologies. Two new types of Al layers were developed with improved barrier properties. Type2 Al layer was found to have substantially better barrier properties over the new Type1 Al layer, but it is more expensive to produce. Both new types of Al layers are more expensive than the standard Al layers, however with the improved barrier properties the new laminates can be made with only 2 metallized films instead of the standard 3 and by that they can become also very cost effective solutions.
WP5: Development of CSP-based products for the Chemical industry
The aim of WP5 was to evaluate the use of CSP materials as functional fillers in various industrial applications, like paints and thermal insulating coatings.
Two different types of expanded perlite (Phyllomat F and SF and µ-Spheres ST) were used by SESTRIERE for the development of architectural paints, Solvent Borne (SB) coatings and Water Borne (WB) paints both at lab and pilot scale with very successful results. The performance of paints and coatings produced was evaluated throughout the testing period by monitoring their main properties and comparing them to reference paints exposed to the same environmental conditions. Phyllomat F/SF are now important fillers for WB and SB paints and coatings, as they give good hiding power to the paint, enhance the TiO2 performance (as Extender), increase the wet scrub resistance and are suitable for the production of Ecolabel coatings. µ-spheres mixed with Phyllomat F have very high insulation power especially for Natural Anti- Condensate Paints, Roof and Tiles Insulation and Special Elastomeric coatings and New IR reflecting Colours (“Cool Pigments”). µ-spheres are also very useful for plasters and mortars mixed with CSP and Phyllomat F for the substitution of panels for Exterior insulation. Phyllomat F, μ-Spheres and CSP as mixed binders in a special Elastomeric WB and with a Special Working System can produce the new Natural, Sustainable Multifunctional Coatings for Green Buildings.
WP6: Demonstration activities of Construction, Manufacturing and Chemical industry products
ACCIONA was responsible for assessing the technical performance of the new perlite-based products in construction application at demo scale. For this purpose, ACCIONA built two identical demonstration units, one prepared to install the new ExPerl end-products developed within the project (CSP based insulating panels, mortars, plasters and bricks) and a reference one with conventional components. The demonstration units were built at the ACCIONA DEMO PARK in Algete (Madrid). According to the results obtained, CSP materials have shown to be more insulating than the reference materials.
WP7: Techno-economic evaluation and LCA of new materials and products
The evaluation of the new CSP production processes (indirect heating perlite expansion process in a vertical electrical furnace, microwave perlite expansion and coating techniques), the CSP materials (CSP, Perlite Flakes, Phyllomat, µ-spheres) and the CSP-based end-products (insulating panels, bricks, vacuum panels, mortars and plasters, paints and coatings) based on technical, economic and environmental criteria took place and was finalised. For this purpose, the results of the laboratory and pilot scale tests and the modelling, the materials and product characterisation (WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5 and WP6), the specifications as set in WP1 and relevant financial data will be used. The techno economic evaluation of the new processes and end-products was performed by the relevant partners responsible for each process and product.
LCA of the new processes, materials and products: The LCA has been undertaken by DAPPO and ACCIONA: DAPPO was in charge of carrying out LCA activities related to Vacuum Insulation Panel (VIP) and Painting products and ACCIONA performed the LCA for the CSP-mortars and bricks. In all cases the LCA results have shown that the production of CSP materials and CSP-based end-products has lower environmental impact than conventionally expanded perlite or SoA products.
WP8: Business plan
The Plan for Use and Dissemination of Foreground (PUDF) has been finalised and signed by all partners.
Within the frame of the project two pamphlets including information on the project achievements and new perlite-based end-products have been published. Moreover, various papers have been published in scientific journals and presented in conferences by SandB, NTUA, UPVLC, SINTEF, DAPPO, SCHLAG, ACCIONA, SESTRIERE. Finally SandB and SESTRIERE organised a workshop in Italy for the presentation of the new products in the industry.
Progress beyond the state of the art since the project beginning
In this paragraph the state of the art up to May 2009 (before the beginning of the project) concerning expanded perlite materials, perlite-based end-products and expansion technologies is summarised and the progress that has been made within ExPerl is highlighted.
Expanded perlite materials:
Until the beginning of ExPerl the only expanded perlite materials available in the market were those produced in the conventional natural gas expansion furnace (Conventionally expanded Perlite: size: 150 -1000 μm, Porous and Soft, semi-spherical bubbles). Five types of expanded perlite materials have been developed at laboratory and pilot scale within ExPerl. Research on these materials has been completed and all of them have been evaluated by ExPerl partners (SESTRIERE, va-Q-tec, SCHLAG, SCHWENK). The materials developed within ExPerl are:
1) Conventionally expanded perlite at very low density (TR-500): LBD: 37-40 kg/m3, size: -1000 + 150 μm, Porous and Soft
2) CSP: Size: 150 -1000 μm, d50: 300-600 µm, Higher strength (c.s. higher than 70 psi), Resistant to attrition, Lower open porosity, More spherical shape, lampda: 0.040-0.043 mW/m.K
3) CSP μ-Spheres®: Size: 10-330 μm, More spherical shape, Higher strength (c.s.: 35-40 psi), Resistance to attrition, Lower open porosity, t.c.: 0.039-0.041 mW/m.K
4) PhyllomatTM: Size: 0.5 - 12 μm, d50<5 μm, Thin platelets (thickness: < 1 μm) with good aspect ratio (10:1), t.c.: 0.056-0.058 mW/m.K
5) Expanded perlite flakes (FT): Size: 5 - 70 μm, d50=30-55 μm, Platelet shape with some curvature, Thickness: 0.5 μm, t.c.: 0.0379-0.0407 mW/m.K
Perlite-based end-products:
The expanded perlite materials, presented in previous paragraph were used during this period as raw materials for the manufacturing and performance assessment of the specified end-products. In general, the evaluation is positive; appropriate expanded perlite types have been developed for CSP-panels, CSP-plasters and -mortars, perlite vacuum panels and fillers for paints/coatings.
The materials developed within ExPerl are:
1) Clay body with t.c.= 0.21 W/mK, TR-500 clay bricks with: t.c.= 0.070 W/m.K compressive strength 6 N/mm2, density 0.6 kg/l and TR-500 clay facades with t.c. = 0.060 – 0.055 W/m.K (the corresponding state of the art products before 1/5/2009 are Clay bricks with conventionally expanded perlite and Clay body with t.c.= 0.24 W/m.K).
2) Perlite insulating panels competitive to EPS, but heavier than XPS panels with excellent fire resistance properties and t.c.: 0.057 W/m.K (there is no corresponding state of the art product).
3) CSP lightweight mortars with: higher abrasion resistance, lower water absorption, 70% higher compressive and flexural strength and CSP Plasters with: 50% lower abrasivity, higher stability during transportation, 65% lower water absorption, 70% higher strength (the corresponding state of the art products are Lightweight Mortars and Plasters with conventionally expanded perlite).
4) CSP-based light-weight concrete with strength >980 kPa and t.c.<0.12 W/m.K (at dry density of 550 kg/m3) (the corresponding state of the art product is Light-weight concrete with conventionally expanded perlite).
5) Vacuum Insulating Panels with perlite flakes with: t.c.: 0.006 – 0.008 W/m.K service lifetime for thin panels (<20 mm) <3 years (sufficient for insulation boxes), for medium thickness panels (< 100 mm)sufficient for refrigerators/freezers and for thick panels (>100 mm) >20 years (appropriate for buildings). (the corresponding state of the art materials are Vacuum Insulating Panels with Fumed Silica).
6) Phyllomat based paints and coatings with 13% lower production cost and similar or even better performance (the corresponding state of the art products are Paints and coatings with talk and calcined kaolin as functional fillers and TiO2 as pigment).
7) Elimination of dangerous quartz (18%) in the paint formulation by using only 2% μ‐Spheres, WB elastomeric paints with improved t.c. by using μ‐Spheres and Phyllomat, Phyllomat, μ‐Spheres and CSP mixed binder in architectural paints can become the new Natural, Sustainable Multifunctional Coatings for Green Buildings. (the corresponding state of the art material is Architectural paints with fine Quartz as filler).
Technologies for the expansion of perlite through non-conventional ways and for making perlite-based panels have been developed. Based on this concept, a pilot scale system for the production of: a. the appropriate quantities and qualities of expanded perlite has been constructed and is in operation; b. insulating panels prototypes.
The existing and proven technology for perlite expansion before 1/5/2009 is the Natural Gas or LPG conventional vertical expander. Thw new technologies developed within ExPerl are:
1) Natural Gas or LPG non-conventional vertical expander (raw perlite is fed from the bottom in fluid state).
2) Electrical expander (raw perlite is fed from the top and moves downwards) and Hybrid system capable to combine NG and Electrical Furnace along with an innovative coating technique.
3) Prototype fluidised bed microwave perlite expansion system with continuous operation. Proven feasibility of perlite expansion with microwaves.
4) Medium temperature pilot scale system for the manufacture of insulating panels made of expanded perlite and waterglass.

Potential Impact:

ExPerl has successfully resulted in the development of new perlite processing technologies and a series of multi-functional, commercial perlite-based products. The most of them are characterized by high degree of innovation, low energy footprint and high added value for the end-users. As “end-users” should be considered not only the specific beneficiaries of ExPerl but all the industrial sectors which could potentially incorporate the output of this program in its production lines and end-products.
It has become evident that the new products and technologies will have a significant economic and technological impact on a)the specific Industrial Minerals sub-sector of EU (Perlite and similar minerals), as well as on the EU b)Construction (insulating plasters and mortars, insulating bricks), Manufacturing (Vacuum Insulating Panels / VIPs) and Chemical (paints and coatings) sectors. More specifically, the successful completion of the project will have certain significant technological, environmental, political, economic and social impacts. The most prominent ones are the following:
1) Development of innovative perlite-based materials (CSP, Phyllomat, micro-Flakes, perlite μ-Spheres) and end-products (CSP-based insulating mortars, bricks and vacuum panels, insulating paints boosted with new functional fillers, etc.). Some of them are ready to be introduced in the market place while the others have reached the pilot scale development;
2) New expansion technologies (indirect electrical heating up to 1000 degrees C, co-feeding of superfine perlite with Natural Gas from the bottom of the expander and the use of microwaves in special vertical chambers). These techniques will be soon introduced in the perlite industry while some of them could be also applied in other-than-perlite applications in the industrial minerals sector;
3) Reduction of industrial minerals imports to EU, stimulation of EU perlite exports and improvement of EU capability for sustainable mineral supply. Based on the final project results it is expected that: a)imports of expensive industrial minerals from third countries in Eurozone will be decreased by 8-10,000,000 €/a (μ-Spheres, Phyllomat); b) increase of EU exports to N. America by 4-4,500,000 €/a (Phyllomat); c)the dependence of EU on minerals like TiO2, diatomite, and vermiculite, currently used in the construction, manufacturing and chemical industry will decrease;
4) Reduction of energy consumption of the perlite expansion technology by 30-60% (this reduction corresponds to 320-620 GWh/a), with a consequent reduction in energy cost of 32-63 M€/a and in CO2 emissions of 94 -183 kt CO2/a;
5) Multiplication of the application areas of perlite based materials in the chemical, construction and manufacturing industry and creation of new market opportunities for the CSP series of products. A preliminary market analysis has shown that the total value of the bulk CSP materials only in Europe is around 248 M€, the market of preformed CSP-based end-products is 565 M€/a, while the expected penetration in USA, Canada and Japan, will create a market for the bulk CSP materials of 115 M€ and a market of preformed CSP-based end-products of 342 M€/a; The financial target for CSP is to reach a sales level of 40,000,000 €/a in 3 to 4 years after the end of ExPerl (substitution of other expensive commercial glass spheres and partial substitution of conventional soft expanded perlite)
6) Engineered Perlite Flakes in new application areas in EU countries. It was proven that this type of flakes can be used as insulating material for the construction and manufacturing industry, where perlite is currently completely absent. The focus is on the introduction of flakes as filing (core) material in vacuum insulating panels (VIP) for refrigerators/freezers and other cryogenic applications. This corresponds to a new perlite market of 5,000,000 €/a combined with simultaneous cost reduction for the VIP manufacturer. The sales of VIP could reach the 20,000,000 €/a within 2 to 5 years. In case that perlite-based VIPs penetrate the Construction sector (building insulation with emphasis on retrofitting) the potential new perlite market is estimated at 12,000,000 €/a sales while the sales of VIPs could reach 45,000,000 €/a. Such an evolution would also have a remarkable social impact because by using cheap VIPs for building insulation (i.e. replacing lower performance products or expensive ones of good performance) the overall cost of the construction of Energy efficient buildings and of upgrading old ones (by renovation) will decrease dramatically;
7) Production of New low cost Quartz-free paints, Insulating Coatings and Cool Paints. Expanded perlite is currently not used in the formulations of paints and coatings due to its low mechanical properties and high oil absorption values. Phyllomat, μ-Spheres and CSP materials are expected to meet the specifications of the fillers-for-coatings market and to a)substitute expensive imported minerals (TiO2, diatomite, etc.) or b)displace carcinogenic ones (quartz flour), and c)substitute other expensive commercial products (glass spheres, cenospheres, etc.). The market potential for such types of coatings in Southern Europe is conservatively estimated at 9-12,000,000 €/a while the environmental and social impact of using non-toxic and high performance coatings in countries suffering by very warm summer seasons is obvious;
8) Combination of CSP and Phyllomat for producing novel Insulating Plasters. Conventionally expanded perlite is already used in this market but only to a limited extend due to its softness. It is considered simple lightweight filler and not a reliable insulating agent (since it is disintegrated during machine application). The CSP has been successfully incorporated in new plaster formulations which are believed to extent the applications of perlite in this area. The production of thermal insulating and good mechanical performance plasters and mortars will gradually displace other very expensive competitive products in central Europe. Targeted sales of such CSP-based plasters is 12-14,000,000 €/a within 3 to 4 years;
9) Reduction of the perlite wastes by using this type of raw material for μ-Spheres, Phyllomat and CSP. It is estimated that ExPerl results could result in 40-50% reduction within 3 to 5 years; nowadays, ca. 200.000 t/a of perlite wastes are generated during its primary crushing, milling and sizing (fine and super-fine by-products of raw perlite mining industry). These wastes are rejected in landfills or even in the sea in some cases, as they cannot be processed with the conventional expansion technology. It is expected that the application of new technologies will enable the use of more than 40% of the above wastes for the production of high added value CSP materials. Processing of rejected perlite wastes is estimated to transform them into marketable expanded and/or further engineered perlite (CSP, Phyllomat, μ-Spheres, Flakes). This will generate sales revenues for the whole EU perlite industry, but it is obvious that there are additional, significant economic, environmental and social benefits for both industry and local communities (e.g. for people living nearby perlite mines and processing plants) originating from the dramatic reduction of the environmental footprint of the mining and mineral processing industry. These benefits become more impressive taking into account that the majority of EU perlite mines and primary processing plants are located in areas of natural beauty (Aegean Islands, Sardinia) with a lot of tourists visiting them during summer period.

The dissemination activities of the project include three (3) publications in scientific journals and ten (10) presentations/publications in Conferences / Workshops. Several other activities including Organization of Conferences, presentation of posters in exhibitions, preparation of brochures e.t.c. as well as planned presentations and publications were performed for the dissemination of products and processes developed within ExPerl.
During the implementation of the project twenty nine (29) exploitable results were identified, such as products, processes, materials evaluation methodologies, software, training and educational material. The exploitation of project results was performed by patenting, trademarking and other activities (technical permissions, planned patents and trademarks).
More information about dissemination activities and exploitation of project results are presented in the next paragraphs of Final Report.

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