Within the AQUAREHAB project, different innovative rehabilitation technologies for soil, groundwater and surface water will be developed to cope with a number of hazardous (nitrates, pesticides, chlorinated and aromatic compounds, mixed pollutions,…) within heavily degraded water systems. The technologies are activated riparian zones/wetlands; smart biomass containing carriers for treatment of water in open trenches; in-situ technologies to restore degraded surface water by inhibiting influx of pollutants from groundwater to surface water; multifunctional permeable barriers and injectable Fe-based particles for rehabilitation of groundwater. Methods will be developed to determine the (long-term) impact of the innovative rehabilitation technologies on the reduction of the influx of these priority pollutants towards the receptor. A connection between the innovative technologies and river basin management will be worked out. In a first stage of the project, the technologies and integration of their impact in river basin management will be developed in three different river basins (Denmark, Israel, Belgium). In a second stage, the generic approaches will be extrapolated to one or two more river basins. One of the major outcomes of the project will be a generic river basin management tool that integrates multiple measures with ecological and economic impact assessments of the whole water system. The research in the project is focussed on innovative rehabilitation strategies to reduce priority pollutants in the water system whereas the generic management tool will include other measures related to flood protection, water scarcity and ecosystem health, The project will aid in underpinning river basin management plans being developed in EU Member States, and will demonstrate cost effective technologies that can provide technical options for national and local water managers, planners and other stakeholders (drinking water companies, industry, agriculture,
Champ scientifique (EuroSciVoc)
CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.
CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.
- ingénierie et technologiegénie de l'environnementprocédés de traitement des eauxprocédés de traitement de l’eau potable
- sciences médicales et de la santémédecine cliniquephysiothérapie
- sciences naturellessciences de la Terre et sciences connexes de l'environnementhydrologiebassin hydrologique
- sciences naturellessciences chimiqueschimie organiquecomposé aromatique
- sciences agricolesbiotechnologie agricolebiomasse
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Appel à propositions
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Régime de financement
CP-IP - Large-scale integrating projectCoordinateur
2400 Mol
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Participants (18)
3000 Leuven
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1350 Kobenhavn K
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85764 Neuherberg
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2628 CN Delft
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2560 Nijlen
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D-04103 Leipzig
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70174 Stuttgart
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6708 PB Wageningen
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84105 Beer Sheva
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601 77 Brno
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75007 Paris
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S10 2TN Sheffield
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10129 Torino
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263 83 Hoganas
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1165 Kobenhavn
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60550 Verneuil En Halatte
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972 41 KOS
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