Periodic Report Summary - INTEG-MICRO (New production technologies of complex 3D Micro-devices through multiprocess integration of ultra precision engineering techniques)
The periodic report summarises the work carried out during the period (M1-18) within:
- WP1, which aims at collecting a comprehensive list of potential user groups of INTEG-MICRO, a description of their specific expectations and requirements, a description of the resulting technical and functional specifications for each INTEG-MICRO platform;
- WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, and WP6, which aim at developing the five platforms;
- WP7, which aims at providing integration methods towards the combined use of the technological platforms in order to realise an INTEG-MICRO factory;
- WP8, which focuses on dissemination and valorisation of project results;
- WP9, dedicated to the management of the internal activities of the whole project.
In consideration of the objectives and the great number of deliverables expected in this period (M1-M18), the project activities are globally on track with respect to the original planning. In particular WP1 has been completed while all other WPs are running in accordance with the timing of the Gantt chart, as it can be seen by the submitted deliverables. No critical issues have been risen till now, nevertheless the consortium is composed by a great number of partners with different backgrounds.