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Contenu archivé le 2024-06-18

Prospecting and promoting scientific cooperation between Europe and China in the field of multiphysics modeling, simulation, experimentation and design methods in aeronautics

Final Report Summary - AEROCHINA2 (Prospecting and promoting scientific cooperation between Europe and China in the field of multiphysics modelling, simulation, experimentation and aeronautic design)

The aim of the AEROCHINA2 Coordination Support Action (CSA) is to foster the cooperation between a number of industry, university and research organisations in the aeronautics sector in Europe and China in the field of multi-physics modelling, computer simulation and code validation, experimental testing and design methods for the solution of multi-physics problems of interest to the aeronautic sector. The spectrum multi-physical disciplines considered in AEROCHINA2 which are of interest of European and Chinese partners are aerodynamics, structures and materials, fluid dynamics, aero-acoustics, active flow control and aero elasticity. The general strategic objectives of the project are three fold:
1) to identify areas of mutual RTD interest and the clarification of the skills, experiences and capabilities of the Chinese partners in the relevant technological areas of multi-physics analysis and design;
2) to develop concepts of collaboration in those areas between the European and Chinese partners in order to ensure a win-win situation;
3) prepare specific RTD activities that are mature for joint proposals for FP7.
These AEROCHINA2 objectives correspond to a more long term preparation necessary for substantial and sustainable win-win cooperation in forthcoming FP7 calls.

The outputs of the AEROCHINA2 project have been disseminated via the web-based AEROCHINA2 communication system and through the following relevant project activities:
- The China-Europe Workshop on Integrated Computational and Experimental Multiphysics for new Challenges in Aeronautics that took place in Nanjing 22-24 October 2007 in connection with the project kick-off meeting.
- The Short Course China-Europe on Multiphysics Modelling, Simulation, Experimentation and Design Methods in Aeronautics that took place in Marseilles 16-18 June 2008.
- The Second China-Europe Workshop on Multi-physics and Meeting on RTD Collaboration in Aeronautics that took place in Harbin 30 March ¿ 2 April 2009.
- The Third AEROCHINA2 Workshop on Multi-physics and Policy Meeting Europe-China on RTD Collaboration in Aeronautics that took place in Brussels 21-23 September 2009.

The main plan for future joint RTD activities between the partners from Europe and China related to the analysis and validation of multidisciplinary problems in aeronautics is related with the following project proposals that have been sent to the different FP7 calls:
- Greener Aeronautics International Networking (GRAIN). This is a Coordination and support action sent to the following work programme: AREA 7.1.7 and AAT.2010.7.-6. The coordinator of the project is CIMNE. GRAIN has been granted by the EC and is under negotiation.
- Manipulation of Reynolds Stress for Separation Control and Drag Reduction (MARS). This is a Collaborative project sent to the following work programme: AREA and AAT.2010.4.2-7. The coordinator of the project is CIMNE. MARS has been granted by the EC and is under negotiation.
- Casting of Large Ti structures (COLTS). This is a Collaborative project sent to the following work programme: AAT.2010.4.1-8. The coordinator of the project is the University of Birmingham.
- Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Innovative Control Technologies to Reduce Aircraft Noise Production (NEXTEP). This is a Collaborative project sent to the following work programme: AAT.2010.1.1-8. The coordinator of the project is the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics.

Here it is very important to emphasise that the selection of topics associated to AAT.2010.4.2-7 AAT.2010.4.1-8 and AAT.2010.1.1-8 was done taking into account the list of candidate topics identified by the AEROCHINA2 working groups

For more information, please refer to the project web page