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Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-18

Demonstration of LIDAR Based Wake Vortex Detection System Incorporating an Atmospheric Hazard Map


Wake vortex and wind shear are major causes of accidents and injury to passenger and crew of all aircraft types. There has been little protection and the main way of mitigating accidents has been to have mandatory separation times that affect the operating performance of airports. The objective of GREEN-WAKE is to develop and validate innovative technologies that will detect the Hazards and thus improve the operating efficiency of an airport and improve passenger safety. GREEN-WAKE will represent a significant step beyond current state-of-the–art as it intends to improve upon: (1) The understanding of wake vortex and wind sheer detection. (2) Current detection methods. Commercially available technologies do not provide a solution and this project seeks to develop a new sensor that is able to provide real-time detection. It will develop new and novel technologies particularly in scanning and detectors that will enable real improvements to be made. Further it will develop a new concept in the 3D visualisation of atmospheric hazards, which is an important first step to developing closed loop-systems. GREEN-WAKE will improve the knowledge and functionality of previous projects. GREEN-Wake meets and will contribute to four objectives of the AAT.2007 call. Many of the concepts and the innovations will have applications in other on-board sensors for monitoring atmospheric hazards, engine emissions, engine heath and air quality. The 3D simulator will take another new step, creating tools that can model instrument performance. The structure of GREEN-WAKE will enable the latest technologies to be individually evaluated and made available to industrial users. Given the high level of innovation that goes beyond just the sensor, this is an important aspect to the exploitation plan. Dissemination will be through a web-site and briefings with key industrial and user groups.

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Contributo UE
€ 462 198,00
old crown house/ market street
Regno Unito

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Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Contatto amministrativo
Stephen Bowater (Mr.)
Costo totale
Nessun dato

Partecipanti (13)