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Contenu archivé le 2024-06-18

Raising citizens awareness and appreciation of EU research on sustainable transport in the urban environment

Final Report Summary - MOVE TOGETHER (Raising citizens awareness and appreciation of EU research on sustainable transport in the urban environment)

MOVE TOGETHER aims to enhance citizens' involvement and direct contribution to urban sustainable mobility by raising their awareness of European targeted research and policies which will help to solve urban mobility problems. In the first year of the project (2008), the MOVE TOGETHER concept and a digest of the results of relevant EU funded research projects on urban sustainable mobility have been presented and discussed with two groups of citizens:
1) an international focus group of 27 citizens randomly selected from each EU country. These citizens have been involved in two workshops, in Brussels and Paris, during the spring 2008, and a MOVE TOGETHER launching conference on 16 June, at the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels;
2) a local group of 24 citizens randomly selected from each district of the Rome metropolitan area, in Italy. These citizens have been involved in two workshops, during the autumn 2008, and a MOVE TOGETHER local conference on 27 November, hosted by the city of Rome.

The EU 27 group of citizens, and the local group, have summarised their deliberations on the topic of urban sustainable research and citizens' involvement producing two 'MOVE TOGETHER citizens declarations', at EU-wide level and at local level in the Rome city area.

In the second year of the project (2009) the MOVE TOGETHER concept and citizens' experience has been disseminated in several cities of Europe by means of the exhibition 'Better mobility - Move together towards a new culture of urban mobility'. The exhibition has been produced in two formats:

1. One physical exhibition which travelled in six locations:
- Wien (Austria) - 9-13 June 2009
- Rome (Italy) - 7-12 September 2009
- St Giljan (Malta) - 16-22 September 2009
- Budapest (Hungary) - October 2009
- Nice (France) - 25-27 November 2009
- Brussels (Belgium) - December 2009.
2. Posters exhibitions available on the MOVE TOGETHER exhibition web-site (see online), which can be downloaded and printed on exhibition supports (roll-on or printed posters), and have been used to organise poster exhibitions held during the European Mobility Week of September 2009 in a number of cities selected through an open call for proposals across Europe: Braganca (Portugal), Madrid, Girona, Almendralejo, Donosta-San Sebastian (Spain), San Giljan (Malta), Corfu (Greece), Plunge, Klapeida (Lithuania), Kaliningrad (Russia).

Finally, the project has organised the European conference 'Move together day', in cooperation with the European Economic and Social Committee. The conference was held in Brussels on 7 December 2009 with the participation of EU level policy makers and stakeholders, representatives of the cities hosting the MOVE TOGETHER exhibitions, and a number of citizens that have been involved in the MOVE TOGETHER panels.

The project deliverables are available on the project web-site and the related exhibition web site

The expected impact of MOVE TOGETHER is now to contribute, by having provided a successful example of citizens' awareness raising activity, to a better appreciation of EU research in the field of urban mobility, and better implementation of research outcomes and innovations at local level.

In particular the MOVE TOGETHER example may trigger more participatory and citizens' inclusive processes across local and regional authorities in Europe, which can work to ensure that people in high places get the message from down in the streets, on matters related to the planning and implementation of urban sustainable transport projects with a great impact on people everyday life.