The CAAST-Net project will establish a platform to promote improved cooperation in science and technology between Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. To achieve this objective, CAAST-Net will analyse the current European and African S&T cooperation landscape, and undertake S&T policy analyses. Informed by the outcomes of analyses, CAAST-Net will initiate and support European-African S&T policy dialogues to advance cooperation and broker partnerships. CAAST-Net outcomes will include identification of specific research topics for European-African cooperation and their recommendation for inclusion in FP7. CAAST-Net will promote African participation in the FP7 as well as greater synergy between S&T partnerships and development cooperation instruments. Implemented by a consortium of leading European and African agencies mandated by their governments to promote international S&T cooperation, CAAST-Net will be a key instrument to support the implementation of the overall S&T cooperation programmes agreed to by the mandated authorities of the EU and the African Union (AU). CAAST-Net has been developed with the support of the AU and NEPAD. CAAST-Net has 7 Work Packages: WP1 will gather and analyse information on current European-African S&T collaboration and on S&T policies and capacities which determine opportunities for future cooperation. WP2 considers the synergy between S&T partnerships and development cooperation instruments. The S&T policy dialogue platform under WP3 will promote European-African S&T policy discussions on themes identified in WP1 to frame an enabling policy environment for S&T cooperation. WP4 will establish S&T cooperation platforms to actively promote European-African S&T partnerships, especially for SICAs under FP7. WP5 will focus on improving FP7 information and advisory capacities available to African researchers via NCPs. The focus of WP6 is knowledge management and outreach, and WP7 is dedicated to ensuring efficient project management.
Palabras clave
Convocatoria de propuestas
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Régimen de financiación
CSA-CA - Coordination (or networking) actionsCoordinador
WC1H 9HF London
Reino Unido
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Participantes (24)
0001 Brummeria
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51147 Koln
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13572 Marseille
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1249 074 Lisboa
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00200 Nairobi
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N/A Kampala
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0283 Oslo
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40100 Jyvaskyla
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10158 Stockholm
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75016 Paris
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N/A Yaounde
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36005 Dakar
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06100 Ankara
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PMB 5074 Abuja
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11516 Cairo
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28046 Madrid
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