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Contenu archivé le 2024-06-18

Environment NCPs cooperating to improve their effectiveness

Final Report Summary - ENV-NCP-TOGETHER (Environment NCPs cooperating to improve their effectiveness)

Executive Summary:
National Contact Points (NCPs) are the main partners for communication with the European Commission concerning executive matters and links the scientific communities. Furthermore, NCPs are providing independent assistance to FP 7 project proposers. A good functioning network is vital for having high quality project proposals submitted under future calls. ENV-NCP-TOGETHER is a set of coherent activities and tasks that will gather Environment NCPs from EU Member States and Associated States. The main goal is to improve the services offered to potential proposers and to support the integration of Environment NCPs from International Cooperation Countries. Here the aim is to utilize established NCPs or similar networks for the dissemination of FP7 to maximize their important research potential.
The main aim of this project is to reinforce the cooperation between the people and institutions appointed as national contact points (NCP) for the theme Environment in 7th Framework Programme
(FP 7). The concept of the work plan is to mix training and practical work, carried out side-by-side with experienced NCPs to ensure that services offered by NCPs reach similar qualitative standards across
Project Context and Objectives:
This project has been submitted in response to the call for proposal FP 7-ENV-2007-1, activity 6.5 sub-activity 6.5.1. “transnational co-operation among NCPs”. Even this is not a “classic” research and development project where new knowledge, technologies or services are developed there is an indirect contribution to high quality research by guiding and advising researchers on better presentation of their proposals
The main objectives of this project are to:
1. strengthen the cooperation between NCPs from EU MS, by promoting transnational cooperation;
2. reinforce international cooperation with NCPs from International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC) with high potential of participation to FP 7
3. increase the number and improve the quality of project proposals submitted to FP 7 calls through better NCP services
Project Results:
The main result of this project is the increase the level of services provided by the NCPs from participating countries to the project. Furthermore, the quality of services provided by NCPs increased significantly as they acquired a professional level in a shorter period than typical.
In terms of the quality of project submitted to the EC in response of calls for proposals, it has been also increased as it has been developed a guide for NCPs assisting proposed for "pre-proposal check". ENV-NCP-TOGETHER unified their methods and procedures - combining national / local aspects - and provided NCPs with specific tools that were used to support proposers to draft a project proposal in a better way and to drastically diminish those which are “out of scope of the call”. Project proposals that were screened by NCPs had more chances to be favorably evaluated by the expert evaluation panels set up by the Commission. Tools and methods developed in the framework of this project increased level of confidence of scientific community. As a result, the average level of quality of project proposals is increased. It has to be stressed that these tools will be further used by NCPs as H2020 is not much different than FP 7 (we have to mention that the “check” means an evaluation of non-scientific aspects of the project, excluding any reference to science-related issues).
An important part of this project (one workpackage) was dedicated to enlarge participation to FP 7 from third countries to FP 7 by strengthening relations with European counterparts. It was sought not only to advertise FP 7 by showing posters and distribute leaflets but by promoting establishment of joint consortia (EU with non-EU partners) that will further submit project proposals. Mutual benefit from these partnerships contributed to strengthen the European Research Area and made European Union an attractive place for experienced researchers and young graduates wishing to start a research career. Is has to be stressed that the project consortium acted in both ways: a) to provide presentation and assistance on the spot (e.g. events in Morocco and South Africa) as well as to invite training to our trainings (e.g. training in Bucharest in 2010). It has to be also emphasized that we have created synergies with other projects co-organizing events and share costs and participants. Additionally, within WP 5 (India) several events were organized with many participants from different regions of India (Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai and others), reaching the prestigious R&D institutions very active already in FP 7 as well as “beginners” in terms of European research. The Indian partner was very active also in “widening” the participation to FP 7 by 2 means: a) participation to several other events organized by other projects, and b) to organize person-to-person meetings with potential proposers. We can acknowledge that the “Indian case” was very successful. Asia-Pacific region was less targeted even initially we have had good contacts. However, during the project implementation phase, it has been proven that establishing cooperation with Chinese organization was more difficult than expected. Groups from Australia and New Zealand appeared to be difficult to be reached even via intermediaries like APN. All in all, we consider that ENV-NCP-TOGETHER contributed significantly to spreading data and information on FP 7 and widening the participation to this important EU instrument.

Potential Impact:
National Contact Points (NCPs) hold a key role in communication with the European Commission concerning executive matters and the scientific community. At the beginning of every Framework Programme new people are appointed as NCPs by the relevant national authorities, not only in the “new EU 12” but also in “old EU 15” Members States and associated states. Newcomers needed more than 2 years of individual experience in order to achieve an average level of expertise. Within this period, potential proposers are not benefiting by professional advice from high qualified people.
As estimated at the beginning of the project, newly appointed NCPs acquired a professional level in a much shorter period – less than 1 year – not only by participating to training sessions (WP 2) but also to twinning sessions and Brokerage events (WP 2). Additionally, they gained a significant international experience by participating to several events outside EU as well as inviting non-European NCPs to project events and trainings (WP 1 and WP 4). Furthermore, there is an assessment of Indian research potential mapped (available via project portal) that was very useful not only in the EU-India dedicated call for project proposal but also to identify Indian scientists for other R&D projects. (WP 5). Other significant impact relates to the success stories gathered by the project consortium and posted on the project web-page (WP 6). With support from NCPs, scientists across Europe can now see what a successful project means and can get in contact with coordinators (WP 6). It has also to be emphasized that NCPs have available another tool that should be of higher importance: a report of environmental landscape in Europe, report available also via the project webpage (WP 7).
b) Raising the average quality of submitted proposals
One of the tasks of NCP activity is to support national proposers to submit better project proposals, but in slightly different ways and within different time allocation. ENV-NCP-TOGETHER has unified the methods and procedures - combining national aspects - and provided NCPs with specific tools for project pre-assessment (not on scientific issues) that was used to write a project proposal in a better way and to drastically diminish those which are “out of scope of the call”. This will be particularly beneficial for in-experienced NCPs
Even in EU Members States with very strong expertise within NCP network, not all proposals that are to be submitted in response to FP 7 calls for proposals are pre-screened by NCPs.
c) Participation of organization from third countries
An important part of this project was dedicated to encourage participation of third countries to FP 7 by strengthening relations with European counterparts. It was sought not only to advertise FP 7 by showing posters and distribute leaflets but by promoting establishment of joint consortia (EU with non-EU partners) that will further submit project proposals. Mutual benefit from these partnerships contributed to strengthen the European Research Area and made European Union an attractive place for experienced researchers and young graduates wishing to start a research career.
Asia Pacific Region was targeted as main partners envisaged cooperating with as countries with important potential to participate in FP 7 in particular to Environment (including climate change) as countries in this region are facing important environmental problems either natural or man-made. As a study case, India has been selected to define a specific tool that will support EU researchers to find appropriate partners. It is obvious that the “India tool” could not include all research entities dealing with environmental issues, but included the majority of them.
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