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Contenido archivado el 2024-06-18

Probabilistic Long-term Assessment of New Energy Technology Scenarios

Periodic Report Summary - PLANETS (Probabilistic Long-term Assessment of New Energy Technology Scenarios)

The deliverables and milestones produced during the second period showed that the project was proceeding as expected, and that all deadlines were met as scheduled. During this period, the core results of the project were produced. This summary briefly describes the main achievements of each activity.

Work package 4 yielded a technology assessment of two mitigation technologies, biomass and carbon capture and storage. This work was used as input by the modelling teams in the simulation of policy scenarios, which was the core of work package 5 and 6.

In particular, work package 5 on 'Developing policy scenarios' developed a set of alternative climate policy scenarios which explored a range of stabilisation targets, with different regional allocations. The deliverable produced during this work package compares the results obtained with the different models from each partner institution.

Work package 6 on 'Running stochastic scenarios' looked at climate policy in the presence of uncertainty. Each modelling team considered different aspects, ranging from technology to policy uncertainty or both.

Work package 7 on 'EU policy recommendations' used the results produced by the modelling teams in the previous work packages to derive selected policy implications and to provide a systematic understanding of the future energy trends, both globally and for the EU. Results and policy implications have been described in a policy brief that was distributed during the final conference and during the IEW 2010 (see below).

During the second project period two workshops have been organised. The first was held in Venice, in parallel to the IEW 2009 (19 June 2009). The second workshop and local stakeholder meeting took place in Genève (15 January 2010).

The final event of the PLANETS project was held at the Bruegel Institute in Brussels (Belgium) on June 8, 2010. The final conference was about 'Energy and climate scenarios to 2050: Policy Insights from the EC sponsored project Planets'. It was meant to disseminate and discuss the main results of the Planets project. Project leaders presented the implications of low-carbon policies on economic competitiveness and technology development at the European and global level. By arranging the final conference in Brussels, it was possible to maximise the impacts on policy makers, the EU commissions, and other researchers. Many representatives of the EU Commission attended the conference. The Director of the DG Climate, Jos Delbeke, accepted the invitation as key note speaker.
Project results have also been presented at the International Energy Workshop in June 2010 in Stockholm:

Four special sessions on 'Modelling uncertainty in climate change analysis' were organised The sessions were opened also to non-project partners. In this way it was possible to ensure a wider dissemination of the results also outside the 'Planets community' and to enrich the discussion. During these sessions, the invitation to submit a paper to the special issue that will be published in journal 'Environmental Modelling and Assessment' was extended to some external presenters.

During the second project period two e-conferences were organised through the website. The second e-conference was about the role of CCS and climate mitigation: opportunities and obstacles (31 March 2009). The third e-conference investigated issues related to climate policy in the EU and the future of carbon capture and storage (8 February 2010). The methodology and the results of all e-conferences have been described in a specific deliverable within the work package on 'Dissemination'.